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Student’s Name : Ma. Cristina G.


Course and Code Name : BSED-ENG (201) Major 6 (Preparation of Language Learning Materials)
Term : First Semester Academic Year 2023-2024
Consultation Time : 6:30- 7:30 1 hour/MWF
Consultation Venue : NB 8

PRELIM Learning Tasks

Learning Task No. 2


A. Use your first name as an acronym. Beside each letter, write a word or phrase describing an
instructional material for language learning.

M- Magnetic Letters
A- Adaptable
C- Comprehensive
R- Relevant
I- Interactive
S- Self-paced
I-Instructional videos
N-Native speaker materials
A-Authentic materials
B. Answer the following questions:

…without instructional materials

_Visualizing a teaching-learning activity without instructional materials can be challenging, but there are some
strategies that can be used to make it effective. Here are some ways to visualize a teaching-learning activity
without instructional materials:

•.Use storytelling: Storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used to create mental images in the minds of
learners. A teacher can use stories to explain concepts and ideas to learners.

•Use real-life examples: Real-life examples can be used to illustrate concepts and ideas. A teacher can use
examples from everyday life to help learners understand complex ideas.

•Use questioning: Asking questions can help learners to think critically and visualize concepts. A teacher can
ask questions that encourage learners to think about the topic being discussed.

•Use group work: Group work can be used to encourage learners to visualize concepts. A teacher can assign
group tasks that require learners to visualize concepts and ideas.

•Use visual aids: Although the question asks for visualizing without instructional materials, visual aids can still be
used. A teacher can use objects, pictures, and diagrams to help learners visualize concepts and ideas.

In summary, visualizing a teaching-learning activity without instructional materials can be challenging, but it is
possible. Teachers can use storytelling, real-life examples, questioning, group work, and visual aids to help
learners visualize concepts and ideas.

…with instructional materials

Visualizing a teaching-learning activity with instructional materials involves using various resources to create a
mental image or representation of how the activity will be conducted. Here are some ways to visualize a
teaching-learning activity with instructional materials:

•Use visual aids: Visual aids such as charts, diagrams, and pictures can be used to help learners visualize
concepts and ideas. These can be created by the teacher or found online.

•Use multimedia resources: Multimedia resources such as videos, animations, and interactive simulations can
be used to help learners visualize complex concepts and ideas.

•Use instructional materials: Instructional materials such as textbooks, workbooks, and handouts can be used to
help learners visualize concepts and ideas. These materials can be created by the teacher or found online.

•Use technology: Technology such as projectors, smartboards, and tablets can be used to display visual aids
and multimedia resources to help learners visualize concepts and ideas.

•Use real-life examples: Real-life examples can be used in conjunction with instructional materials to help
learners visualize concepts and ideas. A teacher can use examples from everyday life to help learners
understand complex ideas.

•In summary, visualizing a teaching-learning activity with instructional materials involves using various resources
such as visual aids, multimedia resources, instructional materials, technology, and real-life examples to help
learners visualize concepts and ideas.

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