DLP Grade 8 Tolentino, Kathy M

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Villa Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City


Deliver a self-composed
informative speech
Prepared by:
BSED English 4-1 Practice Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:


OIC- School Head

Noted by:
BSEd Sciences 4A Supervisor
Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of
exploring forces that human beings conntend with; various reading styles vis – à-vis purposes of reading;
prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related,
and delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.
Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative
speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective use of parallel
structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
Learners Competencies / Code: Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on global level.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. Define informative speech
B. Identify the main elements in writing an informative speech, the structure and
outline of an informative speech and the five-step method for improving delivery
C. Deliver a self-composed speech.


A. Topic: Deliver a self-composed informative speech
B. Materials:
• Tablet
• Laptop
• Powerpoint Presentation
C. Method Used: Guided Instruction, Activity Method and Inquiry-based method.
D. Values Integration: The students will be able to use the purpose of the informative
speech and this is to provide interesting, useful, and unique information to their
future audience. By dedicating themselves to the goals of providing information
and appealing to their audience, the students can take a positive step toward
succeeding in their efforts as an informative speaker.
E. Reference:
1. Online:
a. Google: Elwood, T. (2021, August 15). 14.1 What is an Informative
Speech? Pressbooks.
b. University of Pittsburgh Communications Services Webteam. (n.d.).
Informative Speaking | Department of Communication | University of
Pittsburgh. Copyright (C) 2015 - University of Pittsburgh.
2. YouTube:
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oenvzsxu08c



1. Preliminary Activities
• Opening Prayer

Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am!

Alright, before we start, I need one volunteer to

lead the prayer.

What about you, ijo?

(Student leads the prayer.)
• Greetings

Amen, alright good morning again!

Are you all wide awake? Yes, ma’am!

Okay, to prove that you are all awake, repeat
after me for a daily affirmation.

Today, I will have a great day! Today, I will have a great day!

I will accomplish all my task and make this day I will accomplish all my task and
productive! make this day productive!

Very good. You may now take your seats.

• Attendance

Ms. Secretary, I hope you have checked the Yes, ma’am, everyone is here
attendance today, is everyone around? today.

• Checking of Assignment

Now, for your home works. Please do take them

out and pass it forward. Who’s the president of (Student’s raises hand)
the class?
Alright, please do collect the assignments of
your classmates and leave them at my desk at Yes, ma’am.
the end of our class.

2. Review


(The teacher will flash 2 pictures and let the

students compare the 2 photos.)

Bring out your english notebooks and tell me

the difference of each photo.



• Give the students some time to

process the photos.
• Ask them about the photos you
• Let them write their answers in their
English Notebook.
Okay, who among here can tell me their thoughts (Student raises hand)
about the two speakers? The man from the 1st photo
seems agitated and nervous.
And why do you say so?
Maybe because he was afraid of
speaking in front of a lot of
That is actually correct. Some people are afraid people?
of speaking in public, can I have hands who feels
the same? (Couple of students raises their
What about for the second picture?
(Student raises hand)
The second photo shows that
speaker number 2 is confident
and knowledgeable of what he is
conveying to his crowd.
That is right. Well then, who do you think is
more effective? Speaker 1 or Speaker 2? Why? I think that Speaker number 2 is
more way effective compared to
Speaker number 1. It’s because
speaker 2 showed confidence
while delivering a speech,
projecting positive gestures that
caught the attention of the
Very good. Now moving on to our lesson today. audience while, speaker 1 was
doubtful and anxious talking in

So, can anyone give me an idea of what is an

informative speech? Anyone? One-word ideas
are accepted.

Raise your hand if you want plus points for your

next quiz!

That can be. Next?

(Students raises their hands)
Yes, correct. Last one?
That is correct. Thank you so much for your
participation. Lectures, ma’am. Like what we
are doing right now.
An informative speech is written to provide Ma’am, all I could think of is
interesting and useful information to increase the demonstration.
knowledge of your audience. This might involve
providing information about a person, an animal
or an object. It might center on information
regarding a process, a how-to speech like how
you usually surf the internet.

Now, for the Main Elements to Writing an

Informative Speech.

I will now be discussing how to deliver a self-

composed informative speech. Can anyone tell
me what is informative?

Yes, to provide useful information. Thank you.

So, the Latin root of informative is the word
‘informare’, which means "to shape, train, (Student raises hand)
instruct, or educate." Something that does those Information is providing useful
things for you is informative. or interesting information.

For a person to compose a self-composed speech

they have to have;

1. Knowledge
With knowledge we can establish credibility by
demonstrating expertise and knowledge of the
subject - conveying information, presenting
ideas, facts and statistics to adequately inform
the audience about the subject.

Is it important to know what message you are

trying to say when speaking in front?

Next is we have;

2. Interest
Conveying the subject with enthusiasm and
including unusual facts or story about the Yes, ma’am.
Of course, as a speaker, we must be interested
with the information that we are trying to

Say for example, I am the owner of

iPhone/Apple. I will be giving a speech about
how to grow a business in a seminar, so how can
I show my audience that I am interested of the
product that I will talk about?
(Student raises hand)
That’s correct and of course it is important that To start talking about what
you are also an apple user. It won’t be interest them as well.
convincing as much if you are the owner of
apple, but you use Samsung, right? Do you
Yes, ma’am.
We now move on to the five steps for improving

I want to see a few hands who are confident in

speaking in public.

Okay, you may put your hands down.

How about the students who are shy to speak in (Student raises hands)
front of the public?

Here are some things that you can practice to

better improve your confidence when it comes to
speaking in public. (Student raises hands)

Step 1: Read aloud your full-sentence outline.

Listen to what you are saying and adjust your
language to achieve a good, clear, simple
sentence structure.

This is a good practice; say you have a book, and

you can read aloud in front of a mirror and check
if your voice is clear.

Here is an example of a sentence and I need a

volunteer to read it loud and clearly.
"It's not about how much we lost. It's about how
much we have left."
(Student raises hands and
Very good, thank you. proceeds to read the sentence in a
loud and clear voice)
Step 2: Practice the speech repeatedly from the
speaking outline. Become comfortable with your
keywords to the point that what you say takes
the form of an easy, natural conversation.

I know a lot of you here have watched English

movies, and I’m sure a lot of you have heard
how the Americans, the British people, the
aussie people speak their English. In this step,
you must practice how to speak without the
fillers of “uhm” “ah” or “you know”, so you can
sound like a natural English speaker. I need
another volunteer, what he/she will do is to
introduce herself and what movie is his/her
favorite and why.’

(Student raises hand)

My name is Maria De Guzman,
my favorite movie is A man
called Otto because Otto was a
grumpy old man and who was
depressed. He went on with
Thank you so much, Maria. That was very well engaging with his community
delivered! Like a natural English speaker. You and assisting others, he found he
may now take your seat. didn't have the time to take his
own life. He was too busy
Step 3: Practice the speech aloud. Rehearse helping others. “Evidence shows
it until you are confident you have that helping others can also
mastered the ideas you want to present. Once benefit our own mental health
you know the content, you will find the way that and wellbeing.
is most comfortable for you.

Why do you think we need to practice our

speech out loud?
Correct! Thank you so much. Step 3 is still (possible answers)
practicing your speech aloud. One tip that I can Practicing out loud also will help
give you my students is to read enough books you identify what is wrong in the
and of course to watch a lot of English movies speech - those parts where even
for you to familiarize yourself with the language. you feel that momentum is being
And of course, find a topic that interest you the lost. Practicing gives an
most. opportunity to re-evaluate those
parts of the speech.
Step 4: Practice in front of mirror, tape record
your voice practice, and/or present your speech
to a friend. You should be looking for feedback
on the rate of delivery, volume, pitch, non-verbal
cues such as gesture, card usage if you have,
and eye contact.

In step 4, we will have an activity later regarding

this step. Everyone is guilty of talking in front of
the mirror, right?

When you speak in front of a mirror you can see

the way your mouth and face move as well as
your other body language. Talking to your
reflection can make you feel like you are having
a conversation and will encourage you to
experiment with expansive vocabulary and new
topics. Yes, ma’am.

Our last step for this day is;

Step 5: Do a dress rehearsal of the speech under
conditions as close as possible to those of the
actual speech.

Some people chose to dress up as part of their

presentation, and this can help set the tone of the
speech or reinforce a specific point. A speaker
may choose to wear a handmade sweater in a
talk about knitting to inspire others to begin the

Do you have any questions?

Alright, now let’s see if you learned from the
discussion. Who can deliver a self-informative
speech about the importance of social media in
our society? It doesn’t have to be long. It has to
be precise and knowledgeable.

None, ma’am.

F. GENERALIZATION (possible answer)

Social media is an important part
One possible realization about writing a self- of today's world. It helps people
composed speech is the importance of stay connected and share ideas,
understanding the audience and tailoring the thoughts, and opinions with
content accordingly. Another realization could be others in a safe and secure
the significance of organizing the speech in a environment. It can also be used
clear and logical manner, ensuring that the main to promote businesses,
points are effectively conveyed. organizations, and causes, as
well as to stay informed about
Bring out your pen and paper and let’s watch this current events and trends.
YouTube video. Take down notes’ children!


Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, wherever you are. Every day, COVID19
seems to reach a new and tragic milestone. More than 210,000 cases have been reported to
WHO, and more than 9,000 people have lost their lives. Every loss of life is tragedy. It’s also a
motivation to double down and do everything we can do to stop transmission and save lives. We
also need to celebrate our successes. Yesterday, Wuhan reported no new cases for the first time
since the outbreak started. Wuhan provides hope for the rest of the world, that even the most
severe situation can be turned around. Of course, we must exercise caution so the situation can
be reversed.

One thing we are learning is that although older people are the hardest hit, younger people
are not spared. Data from many countries clearly show that people under 50 make up a
significant proportion of patients requiring hospitalization. Today I have a message for the young
people: you are not invincible. This virus could put you in hospital for weeks, or even kill you.
Even if you don’t get sick, the choices you make about where you go could be the difference
between life and death for someone else.
I’m grateful that so many people are spreading the word and not virus. As I keep saying
solidarity is the key to defeating COVID-19, not only solidarity between countries, but also
between age groups. Thank you for heeding our call for solidarity.

Answer the following questions and write your answers on the space provided.

1. Based from the statistics given, how many cases of COVID-19 were recorded as of
March 2020?
2. What have you learned about the information of COVID-19 for the younger people?
3. What new information did you acquire after reading the speech?


Directions: Complete your speech entries. Make sure that you have supplied each part with the
message that you truly wish to convey. Any topic will do. 300 words minimum. (30 points)

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