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4.) Exaggerated Claims

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1.) The main idea of this advertisement is to warn and inform people that bullying is not just being provoked physically but also mentally. People has the ability
to understand things or words that are being said to them by someone too and throwing hurtful words can ruin anyone’s mental health. Even if we don’t
intentionally harm them in a physical manner, the brain's pain matrix also gets activated by pain-related words. We must be cautious to the things we say when
we are communicating to someone and we must not make them feel bad on their own selves because it can affect anything that they do for their other stuffs.

2.) The techniques used are; ‘MAKE IT PERSONAL’ technique: “Be careful of what you say to others” (getting the reader involved by using ‘You’, making them feel
part of something); ‘ALLITERATION’ technique: “Think before you speak” (words beginning with the same sound); and ‘SHORT POWERFUL SENTENCES’
technique: “Words can hurt too” (The sentence having real impact-even single word sentences/paragraphs that are effective).

3.) The techniques used are effective because it can draw readers’ attention and feelings conveniently to not hurt any people even through words. These short
sentences are easy to understand and it strongly persuades others by including “you” pronouns to directly involve them and educate them too about bullying.
Including words having same sound on a sentence also gives emphasis on the poster’s message to the readers, thus it is convincing for others to agree with their
point of view or follow a course of action to prevent these bad situations to happen on someone.

4.) Poster:

Do you think you are not bullying anyone because you know you haven’t hurt them in any physical action? How about through words? Are you careful on
communicating to other people without hurting their feelings?

One out of every five (20.2%) students report being bullied. (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019)

There are still unreported people who are in pain not physically, but mentally. Bullying isn’t just about physical actions, words are powerful that can tear
someone down too.

Psychologists found memories of painful emotional experiences linger far longer than those involving physical pain.

Are your words making someone feel great? If not, then don't say them.

It isn’t big to make others feel small, stop the bullying!


- The curriculum is designed by an established school.

- Need wide variety of resources to accommodate all learners.

- Students interact with content.

- Both need immediate feedback.

- Teachers are monitoring and asses the requirements.


Home-based learning

- Home-based learning is the education of children at home or in a variety of places other than school.

- Skilled and qualified teachers or parents act as instructors.

- Maybe asynchronous since there is a flexible schedule and pace.

- Activities are online or modular depending on the student’s preference.

- Students are comfortable with the people around them.

Classroom setting

- Students are inside the school.

- Pace dictated by the teacher.

- Synchronous since it requires regular classroom attendance in a physical location on a fixed schedule.

- Communication and collaboration typically happens in person.

- Communication is primarily verbal with other people.

1.) I prefer modular distance learning because at home I can freely do what I want at a specific time while studying whenever I have something to do at home.
The classroom is just right in my bedroom, the study material is on my desk and the e-material on my computer. I can also learn at my own pace in modular
distance learning environment wherever and whenever I want in my room and I can spend as much time as I want in thinking and honing my own ideas. This
leads me to greater confidence to more elegant discussions. Even I don’t have an enough time to finish a task in a day, I can still manage to finish it with the rest
of my time the other day as long as I won’t overlap with the given deadline. In a classroom, when everyone is being taught together, it is often difficult to be with
other students on the same page. Since all modules are given beforehand in distance learning, I can study as much or as little as I want every day in a preferred
way, as long as I complete my study material within the stipulated time and understand them well. If I have doubts or queries, there are discussion forums, chat
facilities with faculty and complete support from the distance education provider that makes it easy to catch up into something I don’t understand in school.

2.) I always update myself on the things happening in our school and follow teacher’s instructions for the given module since it’s now distance learning and it’s
now hard to catch up when you’re left behind in this situation. Whenever internet connection is not stable, I always approach my teacher/president right away
so that they will understand why I’m not on the class. Staying social with friends and classmates is one of the stress management technique I also incorporate
into my day so that I won’t feel alone when studying. They boost my confidence and determination in finishing school works thus making me more productive
even at this difficult situation. I also get enough sleep to keep my stress levels manageable for about 7-9 hours a day. I keep my things well-organized on my desk
and my time-table/schedule right because I have academic and everyday commitments too. By that, it won’t be hard for me to cope up with something in class.
To overcome difficulties is to experience the full delight of existence, and coping up within this situation is the key.

3.) “The more obstacles come, the stronger I become” –Gracie Alvarez

In embracing this new normal situation, I advise students like me who are having a hard time to just keep approaching anyone in school when you feel you don’t
understand something and try to update yourself as much as you can. Being left behind from the topics taught by the teacher must be given an immediate
attention because once you ignore any single topic from a subject, it will also affect your whole understanding for any future lessons in class. Aside from being
updated and socialized, you must also get enough sleep, exercise and eat nutritious food because it’s good for the body, mind and it helps to improve mood as
you face challenges in distance learning. Time management is also crucial in organizing the tasks you must do in a day so that you won’t encounter difficulties in
choosing what you must do first from all the assignments/quizzes you have. In addition, it’s important to take a break as well from time to time to avoid from
experiencing too much tiredness and stress from all the works you have finished. Even in this pandemic, we must not give up on our dreams just because we are
apart from each other and blocked with these obstacles in life, let’s make these as stepping stones to reach our goals.


BENEFITS: Homeschooling (also referred to as home based

learning), is an educational process where
parents or tutors teach children at home,
instead of having them formally educated in a
public or provided school setting.

Strengths-based learning, rather than

concentrating on shortcomings in a way that can
cause a child to lose trust, is an advantage of
-Achieve student’s academic flexibility. homeschooling. Homeschooling allows parents
to incorporate inquiry-based learning into their
-Parent choice of pace and approach that is easy for daily routines, which helps children develop
critical thinking skills.
-Can prioritize a child’s mental, emotional, behavioral,
and physical health.
-Warm family environment.
-Generous time for service, community activities, YES! WE
volunteering, and entrepreneurship. CAN DO
-Efficient learning at home with the people whom you are THIS!
closed with.
-Homeschooling works well for military families, families
who travel, and families contending with illness and
challenging work schedules!

Visit: “Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way.”
#099535387764 -George Evans-

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