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Action Necessary Reflection before

the Action
1. Buying a new cellphone We think what will cellphone do with us, what we
will do with the cellphone, how we will use it in
the future and how it will make us happy.
2. Going to college We think what course we will take on upcoming
college, how does it helps us to grow more in the
future, how it will support the family of our own
and are we happy about it?
3. Entering into a romantic relationship We think what will i benefit on who i will
partnering with, how will i help us with all
expenses and many more, will i be able to make
us happy until death?
4. Visiting a friend We think what we will gonna do, something good
or bad, and how will i make us happy.
5. Joining an organization in school We think what am i capable of, how it will make
changes to an organization when i join, and how it
will make us and them happy.
6. Going to mass/worship/ religious
7. Posting one’s opinions or feelings in the
social media

8. Talking to parents about sexual


9. Helping a beggar

10. Going to bed early

Based on the answers supplied in the matrix above, explain why it is necessary to reflect
before the execution of a corresponding action?(5-10 sentences)
It is necessary to reflect because it is an important cognitive process that encourages better
decision-making, emotional control, alignment with values, and personal development is
reflecting before acting. It enables people to approach their actions with more mindfulness
and intention, which eventually produces better results and fosters greater understanding
of both oneself and the environment in which one lives. It also tells us to be happy with it
and don’t regret decisions on what we have chosen or decided.

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