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UNIT 7 TEST: Consolidation


1 Complete the words for things in space. The first letter of each word is given. / 5 marks

0 It’s very dark – I can’t see the Moon tonight.

1 There are eight planets in the s s .
2 Some s are launched into space to send signals back to Earth.
3 How many stars are there in our g ?
4 The a surrounds the Earth and it is composed of several layers of gases.
5 Perhaps the dinosaurs died after a huge a crashed into the Earth.

2 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 It’s a very clear night – look at all those stars / moons!

1 Scientists think that there are millions of galaxies in the solar system / universe.
2 Jupiter is the biggest planet / star in the solar system.
3 The International Space Station has been in orbit / satellite since 1998.
4 The satellite / asteroid took photos of the fires in the Amazon rainforest.
5 The Earth’s asteroid / atmosphere contains mainly nitrogen and oxygen.

3 Match 1–6 with a–f. / 5 marks

1 The 1960s was a very exciting a a decade for pop music.

2 Scientists think there are billions b the twentieth century.
3 The largest elephants weigh c from London to New York.
4 It’s over 5,000 kilometres d over seven tons.
5 I was born at the end of e 57 millimetres long.
6 The smallest birds are only f of stars in the universe.

4 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. / 5 marks

centimetres  century  grams  light years  millennium  trillion

0 A millennium is 1,000 years.

1 Distances in space are measured in .
2 A is 100 years.
3 There are 100 in a metre.
4 There are twelve zeroes in a .
5 1,000 is a kilogram.

Vocabulary total / 20 marks

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UNIT 7 TEST: Consolidation


5 Match 1–6 with a–f. / 5 marks

1 The game of basketball was b a discovered by NASA scientists in 2015.

2 Most penguins are b invented by James Naismith in 1891.
3 A new planet was c made from flour, butter and sugar.
4 The Roman city of Pompeii was d polluted by the waste from the factory.
5 Biscuits are often e found in Antarctica.
6 Unfortunately, the rivers have been f destroyed in AD 79.

6 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. / 5 marks

build  damage  destroy  discover  grow  produce

0 Most of the forest was destroyed by the wildfires.

1 A new monkey has been by scientists in the rainforest.
2 I think the best oranges are by farmers in Spain.
3 The pyramids were by the Ancient Egyptians.
4 These days, most computers are by Chinese companies.
5 The roof of our house has been by the tornado.

7 Put the words in order to make passive sentences. / 5 marks

0 across / to / built / a new bridge / going / is / the River Thames. / be

A new bridge is going to be built across the River Thames.
1 by / twice a year. / checked / your teeth / be / a dentist / should

2 be / Mission: Impossible 7 / on TV? / when / shown / will

3 the film / before / all phones / must / switched off / starts. / be

4 the gym. / outdoor shoes / in / worn / not / must / be

5 repaired / be / your car / today. / won’t

8 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 Your homework will be checked / checking carefully by your teacher.

1 Hotel guests’ passports must to be give / be given to the receptionist.
2 Are three Russian astronauts going to be sent / send to Mars next year?
3 Cars must not be park / parked in front of this gate.
4 I don’t think she’ll be invited / inviting to my cousin’s wedding.
5 Food and drinks shouldn’t take / be taken into the swimming pool.

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UNIT 7 TEST: Consolidation
9 Read the blog. Choose the correct answers. / 10 marks

The Olympic Games are 0considering / considered to be the most important

sports competition in the world. The first modern games 1are / were held in
Athens in 1896. They 2are / were inspired by the ancient Olympic Games held in
Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century BC. The modern
games 3are / have been held every four years since 1896. However, they were
cancelled / cancelling in 1916, 1940 and 1944 because of world wars, and
postponed in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic.

In 1896, only 214 athletes from 14 countries took part in the games, whereas
in 2016 over 11,000 athletes from 207 countries competed in the games
that 5were organized / organized by Brazil. These days, the Olympic Games
are / were watched by millions of people, both by the spectators in the
stadiums and by television audiences all around the world.

Since 1896, over 2,500 medals 7were / have been won by the USA, the highest
number of any country. The athlete that has won the most medals is Michael
Phelps, the American swimmer, who competed in four Olympics and won an
incredible 28 medals!

Athletes often break world records at every Olympic Games. For example, both
the 100 metres and 200 metres world records 8were / have been broken by
Usain Bolt at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. After the Olympic Games in Tokyo,
the next Olympics 9are / will be held in Paris, France and Los Angeles, in the
USA. I’m sure a lot more world records will be 10broke / broken in the future.

Grammar total / 30 marks

TOTAL / 50 marks

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UNIT 7 TEST: Extension


1 Complete the words for things in space. / 5 marks

0 It’s very dark – I can’t see the Moon tonight.

1 There are eight planets in the .
2 Some are launched into space to send signals back to Earth.
3 How many stars are there in our ?
4 The surrounds the Earth and it is composed of several layers of gases.
5 Perhaps the dinosaurs died after a huge crashed into the Earth.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. There are three words that you
don’t need. / 5 marks

asteroid  atmosphere  moon  orbit  planet  satellite  solar system  stars  universe

0 It’s a very clear night – look at all those stars !

1 Scientists think that there are millions of galaxies in the .
2 Jupiter is the biggest in the solar system.
3 The International Space Station has been in since 1998.
4 The took photos of the fires in the Amazon rainforest.
5 The Earth’s contains mainly nitrogen and oxygen.

3 Choose the correct answers, a, b or c. / 5 marks

0 The 1960s was a very exciting for pop music.

a millennium   b decade   c century
1 Scientists think there are of stars in the universe.
hundreds  b thousands  c billions
2 The largest elephants weigh over seven .
tons  b 
kilograms  c 
3 It’s over 5,000 from London to New York.
centimetres  b 
metres  c 
4 I was born at the end of the twentieth .
year  b century  c 
5 The smallest birds in the world are only 57 long.
millimetres  b 
centimetres  c 

4 Complete the definitions. / 5 marks

0 A millennium is 1,000 years.

1 Distances in space are measured in .
2 A is 100 years.
3 There are 100 in a metre.
4 There are twelve zeroes in a .
5 1,000 is a kilogram.

Vocabulary total / 20 marks

Keep it Real! B1+ © Richmond/Santillana Global S.L., 2021 1
UNIT 7 TEST: Extension


5 Complete the sentences. Use the correct passive form of the verbs in the box. / 5 marks

discover  destroy  find  invent  make  pollute

0 The game of basketball was invented by James Naismith in 1891.

1 Most penguins in Antarctica.
2 A new planet by NASA scientists in 2015.
3 The Roman city of Pompeii in AD 79.
4 Biscuits from flour, butter and sugar.
5 Unfortunately, the rivers by the waste from the factory.

6 Rewrite the sentences using the passive form. / 5 marks

0 The wildfires destroyed most of the forest.

Most of the forest was destroyed by the wildfires.
1 Scientists have discovered a new monkey in the rainforest.

2 I think farmers in Spain grow the best oranges.

3 The Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.

4 These days, Chinese companies produce most computers.

5 The tornado damaged the roof of our house.

7 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. / 5 marks

build  check  not repair  not wear  show  switch off

0 A new bridge is going to be built across the River Thames.

1 Your teeth should by a dentist twice a year.
2 When will Mission: Impossible 7 on TV?
3 All phones must before the film starts.
4 Outdoor shoes must in the gym.
5 Your car won’t today.

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UNIT 7 TEST: Extension
8 Correct the error in each sentence. / 5 marks

0 Your homework will be check carefully by your teacher. checked

1 Hotel guests’ passports must be gave to the receptionist.
2 Three Russian astronauts are going to send to Mars next year.
3 Cars must not to be parking in front of this gate.
4 I don’t think she’ll invite to my cousin’s wedding.
5 Food and drinks shouldn’t be took into the swimming pool.

9 Complete the text. Use the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. / 10 marks

The Olympic Games are 0 considered (consider) to be the

most important sports competition in the world. The first modern games
(hold) in Athens in 1896. They
(inspire) by the ancient Olympic Games held
in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century BC. The
modern games 3 (hold) every four years since
1896. However, they 4
(cancel) in 1916, 1940
and 1944 because of world wars, and postponed in 2020 because of the
coronavirus pandemic.

In 1896, only 214 athletes from 14 countries took part in the games,
whereas in 2016 over 11,000 athletes from 207 countries competed in the
games that 5 (organize) by Brazil. These days,
the Olympic Games 6
(watch) by millions of
people, both by the spectators in the stadiums and by television
audiences all around the world.

Since 1896, over 2,500 medals 7 (win) by the

USA, the highest number of any country. The athlete that has won the
most medals is Michael Phelps, the American swimmer, who competed in
four Olympics and won an incredible 28 medals!

Athletes often break world records at every Olympic Games. For example,
both the 100 metres and 200 metres world records
(break) by Usain Bolt at the Beijing Olympics
in 2008. After the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the next Olympics
(hold) in Paris, France and Los Angeles, in the
USA. I’m sure a lot more world records 10 (break)
in the future.

Grammar total / 30 marks

TOTAL / 50 marks

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