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scrawny TO

2 The New Biology of Big
4 Six Moves to a Six-Pack
6 Mixed Martial Plan



self-evident: Big lifts produce big gains, greater intensity I L L U S T R AT I O N S B Y R A N D Y LY H U S . / P h o t o g r a p h s b y B e t h B i s c h o f f

fuels greater results, and less rest equals less fat and more
strength. But science is now finding that many of these
hard-and-fast muscle rules are not as immutable as we once

thought. “We’re a lot smarter than we were even 5 years
ago,” says Bill Hartman, C.S.C.S., co-owner of Indianapolis
Fitness and Sports Training. “Researchers and trainers are
all starting to agree on what works and what doesn’t.”
The guessing game, in other words, is finally coming to
5 fitness breakthroughs that will an end. Read on to discover how the nation’s top fitness
turbocharge your workouts and coaches are incorporating lab-tested strength secrets into
their workout plans, and how you can do the same to lift
transform your body more weight, build more muscle, and lose those 10 extra
pounds you’ve been complaining about since college. The
path to the body you’ve always wanted starts here.

Muscle / The New Biology of Big


Stretch for strength Always lift heavy Hoist more weight Watch the clock


Warm up with jumps Go light to grow big Haul more weight Personalize your rest
There’s a reason why sprinters hop “High weight, low reps” is the clas- Most men are accustomed to lift- Trainers know that exercise
a few times before stepping onto sic mantra of men who are trying ing, pushing, and pressing heavy affects everyone differently, and
the starting blocks: Jumping kick- to pack on size and strength. But a loads. But when asked to carry Brazilian researchers recently
starts the central nervous system, new study in the Journal of one—whether it’s a sandbag, ket- confirmed that notion when they
helping to activate more muscle Applied Physiology found that lift- tlebell, or air conditioner—many found that people differ signifi-
fibers. “The name for this neuro- ing lighter weights for more become a stumbling mess after a cantly in their recovery needs.
muscular priming is postactivation reps—3 sets of up to 30—can few paces. That’s because “loaded And without proper recovery, per-
potentiation (PAP),” says Tony boost growth as much as lifting carries” simultaneously test your formance suffers, especially if
Gentilcore, C.S.C.S., co-owner of heavy weights in the 8- to 12-rep stability, mobility, balance, and you’re doing circuits. “Use a heart
Cressey Performance in Hudson, range. “As long as your muscles grip while keeping your muscles rate monitor to customize your
Massachusetts. “And it’s a key to reach fatigue, they’ll grow,” says under constant tension. “They rest,” says Rachel Cosgrove, co-
greater strength both in and out John Romaniello, N.S.C.A.-C.P.T., challenge your entire body, espe- owner of Results Fitness in Cali-
of the gym.” Consider this: Sepa- owner of Roman Fitness Systems. cially your lateral core strength, fornia. “Waiting until your heart
rate studies published in the Jour- “And some muscles, like those in which is critical for everything rate reaches a certain level results
nal of Strength and Conditioning your lower body, respond better from fast cuts to powerful serves,” in true recovery between work
Research show that inducing PAP to high reps.” says Stuart McGill, Ph.D., author of periods, which is particularly ben-
through jumps can help you leap the seminal study on the subject, eficial for losing weight.”
more than 7 percent higher and APPLY IT Do “breathing reps” for published in the Journal of Strength
squat nearly 18 more pounds. several of your lifts: Load a bar and Conditioning Research. APPLY IT Determine your maxi-
with a weight you can squat, mum heart rate: Multiply your age
APPLY IT For an immediate boost press, or lift 12 to 15 times, and do APPLY IT Add the suitcase carry by 0.7 and then subtract that num-
prior to a lower-body exercise, do those reps. Without letting go of to your next workout. Grab a ber from 207. Then strap on a
three quick countermovement the bar, set it down, take two heavy kettlebell or dumbbell (45 heart rate monitor and track your
jumps: Push your hips back, bend breaths, and do 1 or 2 more repe- pounds is a good starting weight) pulse between circuits. When it
your knees, and leap vertically. For titions. Continue the process and walk forward and backward drops to 75 percent of your maxi-
upper-body moves, Gentilcore until you reach 20 reps. That’s for 30 to 75 seconds. “The asym- mum, begin your next one. “Your
recommends a single, extra-heavy 1 set; do 3. “Including both high- metrical load works your rest periods will become longer
rep at the beginning of an exercise. and low-rep sets in your workouts obliques—which are important the farther you get into your
“It fires up your nervous system ensures that you’re hitting both for lateral core strength—as well workout,” says Cosgrove. “But
and makes the subsequent reps your fast- and your slow-twitch as your glutes, which are essential your form—and performance—
feel significantly lighter.” muscle fibers,” says Romaniello. for athletic power,” says McGill. should be better throughout.” !

Go hard or go home

Do less work
You don’t have to push your body
to the limit to see results, says SPURS MUSCLE ONLY 25 GRAMS OF WORKOUTS CAN IS ESSENTIAL TO
Training for Warriors. “Training THE TRUTH You don’t have THE TRUTH “Your body will THE TRUTH Using your THE TRUTH Be wary of any
eventually becomes less effective to constantly add new slowly digest and absorb all body as your barbell is a advice that promises posi-
as you tire and your form breaks moves and workouts to protein you eat, even if you smart way to vary your rou- tive results from negative
down.” After that threshold, gains your routine to prevent your eat 125 grams in a sitting,” tine and boost overall fit- actions. “If you know your
dwindle and injury risk increases.
The key is to figure out the dose
4 Muscle body from adapting.
Actually, you want adapta-
says Alan Aragon, M.S., the
author of Girth Control: The
ness, but it won’t help you
pack on serious size. “Your
next repetition is going to
be slow and shaky, termi-
that helps you meet your goals
without jeopardizing your health.
Myths tion—this is how muscles
grow. Sustain it with small
Science of Fat Loss &
Muscle Gain. He recom-
body weighs only so much,
so your muscles become
nate the set,” says Jim
Smith, C.S.C.S., owner of

APPLY IT Don’t do more than a

Debunked weekly tweaks: Alter your
grip, pace, or rest. That can
mends consuming 1 gram
of protein a day per pound
of your target body weight.
accustomed to it quickly,
and then your gains stall,”
says Bill Hartman, C.S.C.S.,
Diesel Strength & Con-
ditioning in Elmira, New
York. “You’ll recover faster
Don’t let these help your muscles adapt
total of 22 good sets in a workout common over time, preventing If you weigh 180 pounds co-owner of Indianapolis and reduce your risk of
if you’re looking to bulk up, says misconceptions plateaus, says Nick and are looking to shed 15, Fitness and Sports Training. injury.” Bottom line: Focus
Rooney. Also, limit yourself to sabotage your Tumminello, C.P.T., owner of shoot for 165 a day. “You need sufficient over- on lifting with good form,
4 sets per exercise. Researchers workouts. Performance University in load to spur growth; that’s not lifting to failure.
where weights come in.”
in Australia found that more than Fort Lauderdale.
4 sets offers diminishing returns.


Switch up your SIX MOVES
routine to carve
a core like
this guy’s.

These are the best core

exercises you’ve never done,
and they’ll reveal the abs you
never knew you had.


board stomach. And nothing makes
achieving one harder than doing the
same exercises every week. “Your
body adapts and stops responding to
exercises over time, stalling your
progress,” says Bill Hartman, C.S.C.S.,
co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness
and Sports Training. That’s why it’s
important to regularly hit the refresh
button on your ab routine. “Adding
different exercises to your workouts
gives your muscles a new stimulus
and triggers growth,” says Hartman.
The result: head-turning abs in sig-
nificantly less time.
But attracting more attention at
the beach—and in the bedroom—isn’t
the only reason to pursue a chiseled
midsection. “A strong core helps
you maintain the optimal alignment
of your pelvis and torso in everything
you do, whether you’re going big at
the gym or carrying a cooler across a
campsite,” says Hartman. “If you
can’t maintain that alignment—
characterized by a natural S-curve in
your spine—your joints are thrown
out of whack, increasing your risk of
injury and limiting the amount of
weight you can lift.”
Clive Brunskill/Contour by Getty Images

This summer, take a break from

your usual ab exercises and weave
two of the moves on the following
page into each of your weekly work-
outs. Which two you pick doesn’t
matter as long as you choose a differ-
ent pair each time. Then prepare
yourself for the result: a six-pack that
goes everywhere you do.

Muscle / Six Moves to a Six-Pack
Special Report

Kettlebell Pullover Plank Cable Row Kettlebell Rack Carry

HOW TO DO IT Lie on your back and raise your HOW TO DO IT Attach a handle to the low pulley HOW TO DO IT Grab two kettlebells and “rack”
legs. Bend your knees 90 degrees and spread of a cable station and face it in a plank position, them, holding the kettlebells in front of your
them apart while keeping the bottoms of your resting your weight on your forearms. Grab the chest with your elbows tucked, your palms fac-
feet together. Lift a kettlebell straight above handle in your right hand with your arm out- ing in, and the bottom of each bell resting
your head, holding the sides of the handle in stretched. This is the starting position. Pull the between your biceps and forearms. Walk 50 to
both hands. Lower the weight behind you, stop- handle toward your right side, stopping when 75 feet. That’s 1 set. Do 3 or 4, resting 30 to
ping a foot off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, and your elbow touches your ribs. Return to the 45 seconds between them.
lift it back above your head. That’s 1 rep. Do 5. starting position. Do 3 sets of 10 reps per arm. WHY IT WORKS “When you walk with weight in
WHY IT WORKS “Pulling things overhead while WHY IT WORKS “Pulling weight toward you in a the racked position, your core has to work extra
lying on your back is what you did when you plank engages your lats, abs, and obliques,” says hard to keep you steady,” says Zach Even-Esh,
were a baby,” says Hartman. “It’s a natural Tony Gentilcore, C.S.C.S., a trainer at Cressey founder of Underground Strength Gym in
movement that perfectly aligns your extremi- Performance in Massachusetts. “That not only Edison, New Jersey. “That forced stabilization
ties and loads your trunk, activating and rocks your core and boosts torso stability but is one of the most effective methods there is for
strengthening your core.” also helps you build a better-looking back.” developing strong abs and a healthy back.”

Half-Kneeling Vertical Band-Resisted Jackknife Diagonal Wheel Rollouts

Pallof Press
HOW TO DO IT Attach a triceps rope to a cable HOW TO DO IT Secure a looped resistance band HOW TO DO IT Kneel and grasp the handles of an
machine and turn away from it while holding to a pullup bar and suspend your ankles in the ab wheel, holding them directly beneath your
the ends of the rope in your hands on either side end as you assume a pushup position. Without shoulders. Without moving your knees, brace
of your head. Drop into the bottom position of a rounding your back, bend your knees and pull your core and roll the wheel forward and to the
lunge, with your front knee bent 90 degrees and them toward your torso. Pause, and return to right as far as you can without letting your hips
your rear knee touching the floor. Brace your the starting position. Do 3 sets of 8 reps. sag. Pause, and return to the starting position.
core and press the ends of the rope overhead WHY IT WORKS “This exercise forces you to Do 3 sets of 10 reps per side.
until your arms are fully extended. Pause, and move your hips and thighs against resistance WHY IT WORKS The rollout starts with the
lower them. Do 3 sets of 8 reps. while keeping your core stable,” says Mike stretching of your abs and obliques and ends
+ I S M ( i l l u s t r a t i o n s ) , E m m a V i l à H o p k i n s a n d J o h n Te s t a / T h e N o u n P r o j e c t ( i c o n s )
WHY IT WORKS “This move forces your abs to Robertson, C.S.C.S., co-owner of Indianapolis with their forceful contraction. “That leads to a
battle against the backward pull of the weight Fitness and Sports Training. “It’s a jackknife on good muscle-damage response,” says Craig
stack,” says Gentilcore. “That’s a new stimulus steroids, and it builds the type of core strength Ballantyne, C.T.T., creator of Turbulence Train-
for most guys, making it a good core builder you need to maintain stability during big lower- ing. “Your body then repairs the damage by
that also smokes your shoulders.” body exercises, like squats and deadlifts.” packing on muscle, making you stronger.”

If you always stick with the
Cravings are often triggered
Many are nothing more than
“Too much steady-state car-
YOUR ABS same weights, you’re not
maximizing your metabolism,
by boredom, not hunger.
THE FIX Pull out your smart-
dressed-up candy bars, says
Mike Roussell, Ph.D., author of
dio can increase levels of hor-
mones that boost belly fat,”
Ditch these 4 habits to say researchers in Brazil. phone. Keeping your brain The 6 Pillars of Nutrition. says John Romaniello, C.P.T.,
accelerate your gains. THE FIX Use heavier weights. busy can curb the cravings THE FIX Look for high protein of Roman Fitness Systems.
The more muscle you build, that lead to mindless munch- (>20 g), low carbs (<30 g), THE FIX Do intervals, which
the more calories you burn. ing, say Dutch scientists. and a short ingredient list. have the opposite effect.



Build strength and stamina with these MMA-inspired workouts
Mixed martial arts take center stage at MMAthletics, the Los Angeles program Alternate between workouts A and B
for 4 weeks, resting at least a day in
where Jay Glazer of Fox Sports and UFC legend Randy Couture train many of DIRECTIONS
between. Do each pair or group of
the NFL’s elite. But when they’re done on the mat, the athletes hit the weights. exercises back-to-back, moving from
“Compared with what we do here, football is easy,” says Glazer, who created one to the next without rest. Do 12 reps of each (unless other-
the following workouts to match the time and intensity of a 25-minute wise noted) and repeat each group three times before moving
on to the next group. “I usually don’t incorporate rest into my
championship fight and a standard 15-minute fight. “They’ll push your limits,” workouts,” says Glazer. “But if you need it, take a 1-minute
he says, “but they’ll also help you push past the competition.” break every 5 minutes, as you would in the octagon.”


1 2

a Dumbbell Split Squat a Dumbbell Bench Press

Assume a staggered stance with your left foot forward, holding a pair of Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them above your chest on a flat bench
dumbbells next to your sides, palms in. Slowly lower your body as far as so they’re nearly touching. Your palms should face forward but be turned
you can. Pause, and then push yourself back up. Do 12 reps, switch legs, slightly inward. Without changing the angle of your hands, lower the

a n d b a c k o f p o s t e r ) , g r o o m i n g : S c o t t M c M a h a n / R e d k e n M e n /A g e n t O l i v e r ; p r o p s t y l i n g ( f r o n t o f p o s t e r ) : L a u r i e R a a b /A p o s t r o p h e
and repeat. dumbbells to the sides of your chest. Pause, and then push them back up
as quickly as you can.

b Cable Row b Swiss Ball Hip Raise and Leg Curl

Attach a straight bar to the low pulley of a cable station and position yourself Lie on your back with your lower legs and heels on a Swiss ball. This is the
with your feet braced. Grab the bar using an overhand grip that’s just beyond starting position. Raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line
shoulder width. Without moving your torso, pull the bar to your upper abs. from your shoulders to your knees. Pull your heels toward you and roll the
Pause, and slowly return to the starting position. ball as close as possible to your butt. Pause, and then reverse the move to
return to the starting position.

3 4

a Lat Pulldown a Dumbbell Squat

Sit in a lat pulldown station and grab the bar with an overhand grip that’s just Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length next to your sides with palms in
beyond shoulder width. Without moving your torso, pull the bar down to and feet shoulder-width apart. Brace your abs and lower your body as far as
your chest as you squeeze your shoulder blades. Pause, and slowly return to you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. The top of your
the starting position. thighs should be at least parallel to the floor. Pause, and slowly push
yourself back up.
B E T H B I S C H O F F (exercises

b Dumbbell Incline Bench Press b Medicine Ball Russian Twist

Lie on your back on an adjustable bench set at a low to moderate incline Sit on the floor holding a medicine ball in front of your chest, arms straight,
and hold a pair of dumbbells above your shoulders with your arms with your knees bent and your feet flat. Lean back 45 degrees. Brace your
straight. Lower the dumbbells to your chest. Pause, and press the weights core and rotate to the right. Pause, and then reverse the move, this time
back up. rotating to your left. That’s 1 rep. Continue alternating for 25 reps.

Muscle / Mixed Martial Plan

1 2

a Dumbbell Shoulder Press a Lateral Raise

Stand holding a pair of dumbbells just outside your shoulders with your Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang at arm’s length next to your
arms bent and palms facing in. Set your feet shoulder-width apart and bend sides, palms forward. Bend your elbows slightly and stand with your feet
your knees slightly. This is the starting position. Press the weights up until shoulder-width apart. Without changing the bend in your elbows, raise
your arms are straight. Slowly lower them to return to the starting position. your arms straight out to your sides until they’re at shoulder level. Pause,
and then slowly lower the weights.

b Dumbbell Curl b Dumbbell Front Raise

Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang at arm’s length next to your sides, Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang at arm’s length next to your
palms forward, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Without moving your sides, palms in, with your feet shoulder-width apart. This is the starting
upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as close to your position. Raise your arms straight in front of you until they’re parallel to
shoulders as you can. Pause, and then slowly lower the weights back down. the floor and perpendicular to your torso. Pause, and then slowly lower
them back to the starting position.

a Kettlebell Swing c Dumbbell Shrug

Stand with your feet slightly beyond shoulder width and hold a kettlebell Grab a pair of heavy dumbbells and let them hang at arm’s length next to your
with both hands in front of you. Swing it between your legs and behind sides, palms in, your feet shoulder-width apart. Shrug your shoulders as
your hips. Thrust your hips forward and swing the kettlebell up to chest high as you can. Pause, and lower the weights.
level. Continue without stopping. (See the other side of this poster for
more on how to master this move.)
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Lie on your back with your legs and arms extended straight. This is the
starting position. In one movement, simultaneously lift your torso and 1SFNJVNFEJUPS,SJTTB:4USBVTT…1SPKFDUNBOBHFS%BOJFMMF7FMP[B
legs as if you were trying to touch your toes. Lower your body back to the
starting position. Do 15 reps.
01NR/MH SirAd/2024061/AR4MH

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