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Obligation : perintah/kewajiban

modal verbs are used: Must, have to

The difference between must and have to :

must Have to
What somebody in authority/expert has said what is
necessary to do/ the school rules and
personal opinion about what is necessary to regulation/regulation and rules made by institution
do example:
example: corona pandemic era. and government says:
You have been sick for 4 days, your mom says You have to stay at home
You must see the doctor right away. you have to stay 2 metres apart from other people
Spoken and informal situation
Everyone has to wear mask properly
if it’s said, we use have to/has to but if it’s written. it turns
Written and formal situation to
The passengers must fasten their seatbelt Everyone must wear mask properly

Obligation : larangan
modal verbs are used: must not, don’t have to/doesn’t have to

The difference between must not and don’t

have to :
must not = tidak boleh don’t have to = tidak harus
You have no choice, you can’t do that.
example: There is no obligation, but you can do it.
You must not go to school if you are having example:
typhus You don’t have to wear faceshield
another sentence example: another sentence example
muslim and muslimah must not shake hands You don’t have to continue jogging if you are tired now

Perintah lebih keras : have to

Larangan lebih keras : must not

sebenarnya don’t have to bisa kita sebut lack of obligation (kurangnya kewajiban)

Suggestion : Saran
modal verbs are used: should, ought to (sebaiknya)
Tidak ada perbedaan dalam pemakaian should dan ought to

Modal verb + Verb1

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