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How can you weave culture into

coaching and leadership?
Weaving culture into coaching and leadership is crucial, team and organisational development, which in turn
not only because cultural diversity is an integral part contribute to societal progress by promoting unity in
of our reality, but because when coaches and leaders diversity in place of division or uniformity.
tap into people’s intercultural potential they promote
creativity, boost performance and enable unity. This guide also introduces the cultural orientations
framework (COF), which is a roadmap to navigate the
This guide presents ‘coaching across cultures’ and its cultural terrain.
four interconnected levels of applications: individual,
Coaching across cultures: why and what for? Consequently, if you think coaching across cultures is reserved
for those working on international assignments and travelling
Traditional coaching and leadership have assumed a worldview
abroad, or if you view intercultural coaching as a niche market
that is not universal and is increasingly insufficient to help address
that concerns a minority of professionals (despite the rapid
the complex challenges in our turbulent, interconnected and
globalisation of our economies), you might want to reconsider.
global environment. For example, communicating in a direct
manner prevents misunderstandings by favouring clarity, but may
inadvertently offend your coachee. Indirect communication, which A dynamic and inclusive view of culture
values sensitivity and harmony, can enrich your communication.
By combining the two polarities, for example by being clear on ‘A group’s culture is the set of unique characteristics that
the content and sensitive in your manner, you can achieve the distinguishes its members from another group’ (Rosinski, 2003:
best of both forms of communication. Your conception of time 20). Our national cultures, which are still the basis for many
constitutes another example. If you consider that time is scarce, intercultural comparisons, constitute only one of many groups
you are likely to become more productive, but by cramming we belong to, alongside our professional cultures, organisational
activities into your agenda and by speeding up, you risk becoming cultures, generational cultures etc.
overwhelmed without necessarily spending time on what truly
Our multiple cultures refer to our ‘nurture’ (what we have
matters. If you view time as plentiful, you are likely to slow down
learned along the way, in contact with our families, schools and
and regain perspective, and may paradoxically better appreciate
other social groups) and complement our ‘nature’ (what we are
the scarcity of time. Combining both perspectives will allow you
born with).
to be efficient (doing things right) as well as effective (doing the
right things).
Our cultural characteristics are both visible (behaviours, products
and artefacts) and invisible (norms, values and basic assumptions
Coaching across cultures has two objectives:
or fundamental beliefs). They are not cast in stone: we can unlearn
• As you might expect, it does enable more effective work or enrich what we have learned, and develop new characteristics
across cultures (though not only in an international sense) that allow us to more effectively address the challenges we
face. By increasing our cultural flexibility and versatility, we can
• More fundamentally, intercultural coaching is in essence improve our work and relationships with others, as well as our own
a more creative and complete form of coaching (and fulfilment. In sum, coaching across cultures goes hand in hand with
leadership). The approach challenges cultural assumptions a dynamic view of culture.
in all situations. It propels you and those you serve beyond
previous limitations. It offers new options in the form of What is more, coaching across cultures challenges us to think
alternative ways of thinking, communicating, managing time ‘and’ versus ‘or’. Referring to the examples above, the goal is not to
and engaging in your various activities (Rosinski, 2010: 121–2) replace direct communication with indirect communication, and

Figure 1 The Cultural Orientations Framework

Control/Harmony/Humility Monochronic/Polychronic

Being/Doing Universalist/Particularist
Individualistic/Collectivistic Stability/Change

High Context/Low Context
Protective/Sharing Direct/Indirect


Deductive/Inductive Your customised supplemental COF dimensions
scarce time with plentiful time, but to synthesise the polarities.
Coaching across cultures promotes inclusion in the form of
mutual enrichment (true unity) in place of either exclusion or bland
uniformity (in which disparities have been eliminated and which
constitutes an impoverishment).

Intercultural coaching is, in essence, a

more creative and complete form of
coaching and leadership.

A roadmap to navigate the cultural terrain

The COF (see Figure 1) is ‘an integrative framework designed
to assess and compare cultures’ (Rosinski, 2010: 123). It offers
a vocabulary to describe cultural characteristics in the form
of cultural orientations (a cultural orientation is an inclination
to think, feel or act in a way that is culturally determined, or at
least influenced by culture – direct and indirect communications
constitute examples).

The COF assessment is a measurement tool that ‘facilitates the

2. Team
understanding of salient cultural characteristics for individuals,
teams and organizations’ ( The tool Cultural diversity is a double-edged sword. Poorly handled, it
‘lets users view group cultural profiles in multiple, customizable becomes a source of polarisation, which drives team performance
ways (e.g., team, organization as well as profiles per categories/ down. Effectively exploited, it boosts creativity, facilitates
fields predefined by users, such as division, nationality, synergies, and increases performance and satisfaction (see
management level, merging entities, etc.) and allows them to add Rosinski, 2019: 132–4). Coaching across cultures allows leverage
their own customized cultural dimensions to the 17 standard COF of cultural diversity in practice: the intercultural team coaching
dimensions’. Note that ‘intercultural coaching assumes a “multiple process as well as case studies are described in Rosinski, 2010:
realities” view of the world. Culture, from this perspective, is 134–41 and Rosinski, 2019: 128–59.
highly contextual, dynamic and fluid. Capturing data through the
COF assessment in a particular moment is useful for generating 3. Organisation
conversations and making sense of change processes, but not so ‘Organizations rely on three mechanisms to
helpful in seeking definitive truths about individuals, groups, or
achieve growth: organic growth, alliances,
societies’ (Rosinski, 2010: 129).
and mergers and acquisitions (M&As).
Unfortunately, a high percentage of both
Four interconnected levels of application alliances and M&As break down prematurely,
failing to deliver the expected strategic
Intercultural coaching in general and the COF assessment in
particular can be applied at four interconnected levels:
benefits and inflicting financial damage on
both partners. The main reason for failure
1. Individual is the human factor in general and culture in
If we want to have the expertise and the credibility to help particular’
others on their developmental journeys, we need to be prepared (Rosinski, 2010: 141).
to work on ourselves first. The following questions can apply
Coaching across cultures allows transformation of the problem
for self-coaching (intrapersonal) as well as one-to-one
into an opportunity. When those in charge are ready to champion
coaching (interpersonal):
the process, synergies can be deployed as exemplified in Rosinski,
2010: 141–7. The COF assessment can be used as a cultural audit
• What are your cultural orientations?
tool to compare the cultures at play. Cultural gaps, having been
• How do these orientations possibly vary depending on identified, can be systematically bridged. Cultural similarities
the context? are examined as well to ensure that the alternative polarities,
potentially beneficial, are not missed.
• How do your cultural orientations impact the way you
4. Society
• What cultural orientations do you tend to overuse/underuse?
By promoting unity in diversity, coaching across cultures
• What are your developmental opportunities? contributes to much-needed societal progress.
Henley Centre for Coaching The Henley coaching team consists of leading practitioners and
academics who have shaped the coaching profession since the
The Henley Centre for Coaching is a global leader in coaching
late 1990s. They have written many of the most popular coaching
research and coach training. We are the only triple-accredited
books and they continue to publish in leading management
coaching provider in the world offering both postgraduate
journals and to contribute at conferences worldwide. Their writing,
university qualifications in coaching and accreditation from the
thinking and research informs our teaching and ensures our
Association for Coaching (AC), the International Coach Federation
programmes are at the cutting edge of coaching practice.
(ICF) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).
The Centre offers annual membership to all professional coaches,
The Centre provides formal accredited coach training through
providing a virtual-learning environment where the members
our Professional Certificate in Coaching and MSc in Coaching and
shape research and practice in coaching. Check out our website
Behavioural Change, and accredited supervision training through
for details on how we can help you and your business come to life.
our Professional Certificate in Supervision. These programmes
are delivered in the UK at our Greenlands campus, and at venues
across the world.

The Centre provides continuous professional development Philippe Rosinski

for coaching professionals through masterclasses, webinars,
conferences, and via online access to journals, ebooks and Philippe is an author, consultant and visiting
coaching research. These are all delivered through our online fellow at the Henley Centre for Coaching.
learning platform, meaning coaches can connect from anywhere
in the world to engage in professional development.

Rosinski, P (2003) Coaching Across Cultures. London and Yarmouth, ME: Rosinski, P (2019) Delivering value through cross-cultural team coaching. In:
Nicholas Brealey Publishing J Passmore, B Underhill & M Goldsmith (eds) Mastering Executive Coaching.
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp130–59.
Rosinski, P (2010) Global Coaching. London and Boston: Nicholas
Brealey Publishing

Henley Business School

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