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Pre Test

* Indicates required question

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2. Name *

Choose the correct answer!

3. the picture is called as... * 10 points

Mark only one oval.





4. what is the purpose of the text? * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

to persuade the reader to buy pizza

to explain why pizza is expensive

to inform that pizza is delicious

to explain about how to make pizza

5. The correct ingredients, except... * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

red onion, tomato sauce

bell pepper, mushroom

cheddar cheese and cabbage

spinach and garlic

6. the most important ingredient is... * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

red and green pepper

electric skillet

pizza dough

red sauce

7. What is the first step making pizza? * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

spread the topping

cook pizza 12-15 minutes

place lid on electric skillet

spread pizza dough on bottom of skillet

8. What happen if we do not spray the skillet with non-sticky spray? * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

the skillet will be broken

the dough will stick on the skillet

pizza will not be so delicious

the topping will not cook evenly

9. Which one is the imperative sentence of the text above?  * 10 points

Mark only one oval.





10. The word spread means... * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

to open

to separate

to set in

to cover

11. What happen if we do not follow the instruction of making pizza?  * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

the taste of pizza will be so delicious

the result of pizza is appropriate

the pizza dough does not rise

the topping is well cooked

12. Can the dough is changed by spring roll skin? * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

Yes, it can

Yes, you can

No, it can not

No, it is not

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