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First Info

Tosca™ 400

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Version: July 2017

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First Info
Tosca™ 400

This document is for your internal, informative use only.

Do not pass to customers or third parties!

Version: July 2017

Document is subject to change.
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Further information
Published and printed by Anton Paar GmbH, Austria
Copyright © 2017 Anton Paar GmbH, Graz, Austria

Address of the instrument producer:

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Date: July 2017

Document number: D53IE001EN-A


This document is strictly CONFIDENTIAL and is intended for INTERNAL USE only!

1. Symbols in the Document ........................................................................................................ 7

1.1 Conventions for the Symbols in the Document ..................................................................... 7
2. About the First Info .................................................................................................................. 8
3. Nano Surface Property – An Overview..................................................................................... 9
3.1 AFM Technology .................................................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Basic of AFM................................................................................................................ 9
3.1.2 Basic Measuring Mode – Contact Mode ..................................................................... 12
3.1.3 Basic Measuring Mode – Tapping Mode .................................................................... 13
3.1.4 Other AFM Modes ...................................................................................................... 14
4. Nano Surface Property – Tosca™ 400................................................................................... 15
4.1 Tosca™ 400 ...................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.1 Design ........................................................................................................................ 15
4.1.2 Hardware ................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.3 Software ..................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.4 Benefits for the customer ........................................................................................... 18
4.2 Tosca™ 400 Measuring Modes ......................................................................................... 19
4.2.1 Contact Mode ............................................................................................................. 19
4.2.2 Tapping Mode ............................................................................................................ 19
4.2.3 Lateral Force Mode (LFM) .......................................................................................... 19
4.2.4 Phase Imaging (PI) .................................................................................................... 20
4.2.5 Force Distance Curve................................................................................................. 21
4.2.6 Force Volume Mode ................................................................................................... 22
4.2.7 Mechanical Modes ..................................................................................................... 23
4.2.8 Electrical Modes ......................................................................................................... 25
4.3 Tosca™ 400 Features........................................................................................................ 27
4.3.1 Key Features .............................................................................................................. 27
4.4 Tosca™ 400 Technical Specifications ................................................................................ 28
5. Nano Surface Property – Applications ................................................................................... 30
5.1 Demand by Market Segment.............................................................................................. 30
5.2 Application Overview.......................................................................................................... 30
5.3 Semiconductors, Data Storage, Microelectronics, Photovoltaic .......................................... 31
5.4 Materials and Nanomaterials Research.............................................................................. 31
5.5 Polymers ............................................................................................................................ 31
5.6 Pharma, Biotechnolgy, Life Science ................................................................................... 31
6. Nano Surface Property – Application Reports ........................................................................ 32
6.1 Polymer Surface Characterization ...................................................................................... 32
6.1.1 Experimental .............................................................................................................. 32
6.1.2 Results ....................................................................................................................... 32
6.2 Polymer Surface Roughness.............................................................................................. 33
6.2.1 Experimental .............................................................................................................. 33
6.2.2 Results ....................................................................................................................... 33
6.3 ZDDP Tribofilms................................................................................................................. 34

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6.3.1 Experimental .............................................................................................................. 34
6.3.2 Results ....................................................................................................................... 34
6.4 Stainless Steel Surface Roughness ................................................................................... 35
6.4.1 Experimental .............................................................................................................. 35
6.4.2 Results ....................................................................................................................... 35
6.5 Nanoindentation ................................................................................................................. 36
6.5.1 Experimental .............................................................................................................. 36
6.5.2 Results ....................................................................................................................... 36
6.6 Surface Characterization of Lithographic Patterns of Aluminum Nanoparticles on ITO
Coated Glass ............................................................................................................................ 37
6.6.1 Experimental .............................................................................................................. 37
6.6.2 Results ....................................................................................................................... 37
7. Nano Surface Property – Competition .................................................................................... 38
7.1 SWOT Analysis of Tosca™ 400 for the AFM market .......................................................... 38
7.2 Global Market Shares ........................................................................................................ 39
7.3 Competitors ....................................................................................................................... 42
7.3.1 Bruker – Dimension Icon ............................................................................................ 42
7.3.2 Oxford Instruments – MFP-3D-Infinity ........................................................................ 44
7.3.3 NT-MDT – Solver NEXT ............................................................................................. 46
7.3.4 Hitachi HiTech – AFM5500M...................................................................................... 48
7.3.5 Park Systems – NX-20 ............................................................................................... 50
7.3.6 Keysight Technologies –5600LS AFM........................................................................ 52
7.3.7 JPK Instruments – Nano Wizard 4 NanoScience AFM ............................................... 54
7.3.8 Nanosurf – Nanite AFM .............................................................................................. 56
7.3.9 Company DME – Navigator 220 ................................................................................. 58
8. Nano Surface Property – Contact & Responsibility ................................................................ 60
8.1 Head of Department & Product Management ..................................................................... 60
8.2 Product Competence ......................................................................................................... 60
8.3 Customer Support .............................................................................................................. 60
9. References, Abbreviations and Links ..................................................................................... 61
9.1 References ........................................................................................................................ 61
9.2 Abbrevation ........................................................................................................................ 61
9.3 Links .................................................................................................................................. 62
9.3.1 AFM: .......................................................................................................................... 62
9.3.2 Competition ................................................................................................................ 62

6/63 D53IE001EN-A
1. Symbols in the Document

1.1 Conventions for the Symbols in the Document

The following conventions for the symbols are used in this document:
Required reading
This sign calls attention to a link to a document, video, etc. that you must read or watch
in order to complete the First Info. Please study the information provided. In text, the
required reading is marked with a grey line on the left and right side. In tables the red
font color is additionally used to mark the required reading rows. The content of these
sections is required to pass the test.

Did you know?

Here you will find some interesting stories behind the topics for your own interest.

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2. About the First Info
When you are just getting started on a topic, you might sometimes be faced with an information
overload. This First Info you are holding in your hands is for you – available from your very first
work day. It is designed to ideally prepare you for subsequent training sessions. It is also meant as
a small reference that contains all the info you need before training – nothing more, nothing less. A
perfect starting point!

On Your Way to Becoming a Sales/Service Expert for Anton Paar Products:

First Info for Sales Qualification Training for Sales People Sales Experts Meeting
& Service People Qualification Training for Service People Service Experts Meeting

Learn the basic Become qualified in selling / servicing Anton Be invited by Anton Paar to
concepts of a Paar products by gaining deeper insight into the Experts Meetings to
product line. application knowledge, market/customer/ exchange knowledge,
competitor information, sales/service experience and new ideas in
strategies, technical/product knowledge. Above terms of product, application,
all, the trainings emphasize laboratory practice. market and sales/service
The autonomous learning process is supported developments on a high level.
by webinars, Anton Paar Knowledge Update A good opportunity to talk
and information on the Anton Paar Extranet. shop without distraction.

What the First Info Can Do for You

The First Info introduces you to a product line and serves as your basic reference book to look
things up. It is self-explanatory, full of interesting background stories and contains topics such as:

 measuring/operating principles and methods

 the instruments, their USPs and the most important applications
 the markets/customers/competitors/references
 contact persons & responsibilities at Anton Paar

The First Info addresses both Sales and Service persons at Anton Paar subsidiaries and
representations. It ensures that everyone enters the Qualification Trainings at the same level.

It’s the First Info – Not the Last Word

The First Info is the essential basis, but it cannot replace an actual Qualification Training with its
wealth of additional detailed information for successful customer contacts. The First Info does not
enable Service engineers to perform a service on Anton Paar instruments, and does not enable
Sales people to win projects against experienced competition.

 Before attending training you have to pass an online test on the contents of the First Info.
To help you prepare for this, the First Info contains study questions which you can use to
check your knowledge.
 Studying the First Info ensures that you get the most out of your training - the trainers at the
Qualification Trainings cannot consider participants who haven’t studied the First Info

Any feedback on the First Info is very welcome – help us to further improve it.

And now, enjoy getting on with your First Info package!

8/63 2. About the First Info D53IE001EN-A

3. Nano Surface Property – An Overview
In 2011, the Center of Analytical Instrumentation was established at Anton Paar for developing
new technologies and products. The department of Nano Surface Property has been built and the
department’s product portfolio is in the area of the determination of surface properties at
nanometer scale. The first product introduced is called Tosca™ 400, an atomic force microscope
(AFM). The aim of the development of an AFM is to extend the product portfolio with the
microscope based technology, a completely new area for Anton Paar. Entering the market of life
science and pharma also aims to create a future market extension for Anton Paar.

3.1 AFM Technology

3.1.1 AFM Basics

AFM technology was invented in 1985 by Binning et. al. at IBM and Standford University. Since
then AFM has become one of the most widely used microscope techniques. AFM utilizes a sharp
probe with the tip radius down to nanometer level to scan along the sample surface to acquire
images. Compared to other microscopes e.g. optical, electron, AFM provides higher resolution not
only in lateral direction but also in vertical direction.

AFM provides real 3D information of the surface topography and works in diverse environments,
open air, vacuum, over pressure, diverse atmospheres (e.g. inert gas surroundings), various
temperatures, humidity and liquid environment. AFM measures not only the surface topography,
but a large amount of surface properties such as friction, phase, electrical conductivity/resistance,
thermal conductivity/resistance, glass transition temperature, melting temperature, stiffness,
modulus, adhesion, surface potential, capacitance, magnetism, electrochemistry and many more.

AFM uses a cantilever with a sharp tip to scan over a sample surface following the surface profile
usually line by line, to record an image of topography. In order to make sure that the tip constantly
follows the surface profile during the scan, a feedback mechanism is applied to monitor and control
the tip and sample interaction.

A laser beam generated from a light source shines on the backside of a cantilever and reflects
back onto a 4 quadrant photodiode. While the cantilever is moving up and down to follow the
sample surface profile, the position of the laser spot on the photodiode changes accordingly. Using
the feedback control, the Z scanner extends or retracts due to the surface profile to maintain the
laser spot at the same position on the photodiode. The reason to apply the feedback control is on
one hand to actively extend the measurement range in Z direction because usually the Z scanner
has a much larger range than a photodiode. Therefore a sample with a deeper hole or a higher
protrusion can possibly be measured as well. On the other hand, with the feedback control on the
interaction between the tip and the sample can be actively manipulated by user, this may avoid
excessive force which may damage the tip, the sample or both.

Based on where the scanner is located, AFM can be classified into different types. For tip
scanning the cantilever moves while the sample is fixed on the sample stage (see Figure 3-1). For
sample scanning the scanner is placed under the sample and the sample moves while the
cantilever is held at a fixed position (se Figure 3-2). With the decoupled XY & Z scanner, the XY

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scanner is placed under the sample while the Z scanner is placed in the head in order to reduce
the cross talk between the scanners (see Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-1: Basic of AFM – Scanning head (scanning tip) Figure 3-2: Basic of AFM - Scanning sample

Figure 3-3: Basic of AFM – Decoupled XY and Z scanners

A commercial AFM usually contains three major blocks, an AFM measurement unit, a controller
and an operation PC. The measurement unit includes all the actuation components such as XYZ
scanners, photodiode, sample stage, etc., the places to load cantilevers and put on samples,

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optical microscope and so on. It is the main interface for the user to operate with the instrument.
The controller includes all controlling electronics, the power supply, etc. The operation PC runs the
controlling software to control the instrument. It is the main interface for the user to run a
measurement and perform an analysis

AFMs are very sensitive to external mechanical vibrations, which generally show up as horizontal
bands in the image (see Figure 3-4). These can be minimized by the use of a vibrational isolation
table, and locating the AFM on a ground floor or below. Acoustic noise such as people talking or
draughts can also cause image artefacts. An acoustic hood can be used to minimize these effects.

Figure 3-4: Acoustic noise

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3.1.2 Basic Measuring Mode – Contact Mode

Figure 3-5: Contact mode

Contact mode operates by scanning a cantilever across the surface with the tip in constant contact
with the sample surface. The feedback mechanism controls the movement of the cantilever in Z
direction with the help of the Z scanner, following the change of the surface profile, to maintain the
laser deflection in photodiode in a set deflection. This is known as the deflection set point. By
maintaining the laser deflection at a set value, the force between the tip and the sample remains

Advantage Disadvantage

Lateral (shear) forces may distort

Contact Mode Fast scan rates
features in the image. The tip may get
blunt very easily and fast

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3.1.3 Basic Measuring Mode – Tapping Mode

Figure 3-6: Tapping mode

Tapping mode has an intermittent contact between the tip and the sample. In tapping mode, the
cantilever oscillates at or near its resonance frequency with an amplitude range typically between
20 to 100 nm. The tip taps the sample surface at each (X, Y) scan point one after another. During
the movement of the XY scanner from one point to the next point, the tip has no contact with the
sample surface. Between the tip and the sample no lateral force can be detected. The feedback
mechanism controls the movement of the cantilever in Z direction by Z scanner to maintain a
constant cantilever oscillation in terms of set amplitude.

In tapping mode the cantilever oscillates at or slightly below its resonant frequency. The resonant
frequency of cantilever is the property of cantilever itself. It can change if e.g. cantilever is broken,
or contaminated. The oscillation is also damped when the tip is closer to the surface. The feedback
circuit adjusts the cantilever height to maintain constant amplitude of oscillation i.e. the amplitude
set point.

Advantage Disadvantage

 No lateral force
 Slower scan speed than in
Tapping Mode  Higher lateral resolution
contact mode
 Lower forces so less damage to
soft samples or tips

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3.1.4 Other AFM Modes

Figure 3-7 : Variety of AFM (Christoph Gerber; copyright Nature Publishing Group)

Did you know?

The AFM (center) has inspired a variety of other scanning probe techniques. Originally
the AFM was used to image the topography of surfaces. Thanks to the continuous
development of technology it is possible to measure other quantities (for example,
electric and magnetic properties, chemical potentials, friction and so on), and also to
perform various types of spectroscopy and analysis.

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4. Nano Surface Property – Tosca™ 400
Tosca™ 400 is an industrial AFM with a significant amount of automation functions. The main
market Tosca™400 aims for is the industrial research & development and quality control.
Tosca™ 400 is a high end measurement instrument. From AFM technology perspective,
Tosca™ 400 is at the entry level with only basic modes. However, this aspect can be largely
compensated by the extensive automation functions available within the instrument and the later
development of add-on advanced modes.

4.1 Tosca™ 400

4.1.1 Design
Tosca™ 400 has a separated scan stage and z piezo stage where the scan stage is placed under
the sample and the z piezo stage is within the AFM head. The type of design minimizes the cross
talk between the scan stage and the z piezo stage.

Figure 4-1: Tosca ™ 400 design principle

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4.1.2 Hardware

Figure 4-2: AFM Unit and Controller

Additional accessories:


Passive vibration isolation table:

Active vibration isolation table:

Acoustic enclosure:

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4.1.3 Software Control

Tosca™ Control is the software used to run AFM measurement on Tosca™ 400. The real-time
control function is only available when the instrument is connected.

Figure 4-3: Tosca™ Control

D53IE001EN-A 4. Nano Surface Property – Tosca™ 400 17/63™ Analysis

Tosca™ Analysis is the software used to analyze the data recorded by Tosca™ 400. It always
requires a dongle to function.

Figure 4-4: Tosca™ Analysis

4.1.4 Benefits for the customer

 Highly automated industrial AFM for industrial R&D and quality control
 Excellent price performance ratio
 AFM technology perspective: entry level with basic modes
 Design perspective: modern, highly automated industrial device
 User experience perspective: easy to use even for inexperienced user

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4.2 Tosca™ 400 Measuring Modes

4.2.1 Contact Mode

For detail information, go to 3.1.2 Basic Measuring Mode – Contact Mode.

4.2.2 Tapping Mode

For detail information, go to 3.1.3 Basic Measuring Mode – Tapping Mode.

4.2.3 Lateral Force Mode (LFM)

LFM is derived from contact mode. The tip maintains the constant contact with the surface while
the cantilever scans cross the sample. Besides measuring the vertical deflection of the cantilever
as in contact mode, the lateral deflection is also measured usually to determine the surface
property of the friction. For this reason, LFM is sometimes also called friction force microscope and
the lateral signal is sometimes referred to as the friction signal, although the lateral signal may be
not only decided by the factor of friction but also topography.

Figure 4-5: LFM mode

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4.2.4 Phase Imaging
Phase imaging is a secondary imaging mode derived from tapping mode. Phase imaging maps the
phase lag between the signal that drives the cantilever oscillation and the output signal of the
cantilever oscillation. The phase shift indicates the variations of the surface properties such as
adhesion, friction, elasticity, etc., which may occur due to the variations of sample surface
composition. Phase imaging provides very valuable information besides topography. It is usually
acquired together with the topography image in tapping mode.

Figure 4-6: Phase imaging

The following modes are not yet

available but are planned already as
add-on modules after the product launch.

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4.2.5 Force Distance Curve
Besides imaging, the other key capability of AFM is to measure the surface mechanical properties
such as stiffness, adhesion, etc. via force distance curves. A typical force distance curve has a full
cycle containing approach curve and retract curve and measures the cantilever deflection versus
the tip sample distance. The cantilever starts from a free level position in ‘A’ and moves towards
the surface. At position ‘B’ the cantilever is attracted to the surface without a real load on it. It is
called ‘snap in’ region. While the cantilever is moving further into the sample, it starts to bend with
an increasing loading force. When cantilever reaches the maximum predefined loading force, the
approach curve ends and the retract curve starts. The cantilever moves a reversed direction to
move away from the sample. Due to the adhesion, the tip may not leave the surface as it is
attracted to the surface at position ‘B’. The cantilever remains in contact with the surface until the
maximum adhesion force is reached and the tip is detached from the sample. With a quantitative
calibration of detector sensitivity (nm/V) and cantilever spring constant k (N/m), using Hooke’s Law
F=-kx (F is the force, k is the spring constant, x is the distance) the measured cantilever deflection
can be converted to force. Therefore a quantitative output of maximum loading force, adhesion
force, snap-in force and stiffness (with further calculation) can be achieved with force distance

Figure 4-7: Force distance curve

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4.2.6 Force Volume Mode
Force volume contains a set of force curves measured in a 2D array. The size of the array and the
number of the force curves in x and y directions can be predefined. With proper calibration, the
acquired quantitative mechanical properties such as stiffness and adhesion can be thereafter
mapped. It could be considered as a simplified version of PFM mode where a force curve is
performed at every single pixel.

Figure 4-8: Force volume mode

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4.2.7 Mechanical Modes Force Mode (PFM)

The PFM electronics introduces a sinusoidal modulation to the z-piezo of the AFM with amplitude
of 10 nm – 500 nm at a user-selectable frequency between 100 Hz and 2 kHz, far below the
resonance frequency of the cantilever. A complete force-distance cycle is carried out at this
repetition rate at every pixel in the image. The PFM allows a quantitative mapping of surface
mechanical properties for adhesion and modulus, simultaneously with the acquisition of the
surface topography in tapping mode. Therefore, the surface mechanical properties can be
immediately and easily correlated to the features on the surface. The PFM can be done at normal
scan rates because the system can work at up to several thousand pixels per second.

Figure 4-9: Pulsed force mode Modulation Mode (FMM)

FMM is an extension of AFM imaging in contact mode. It is used to detect the sample surface
mechanical properties such as adhesion or elasticity in a qualitative way while the tip is in constant
contact with the surface. Meanwhile, a periodic high frequency signal is applied to drive the
cantilever to oscillate on the surface. The phase shift between the detection signal and the driving
signal is the indication of the mechanical properties change.

Figure 4-10: Force modulation mode

D53IE001EN-A 4. Nano Surface Property – Tosca™ 400 23/63 Resonance (CR)

CR-AFM is derived from contact mode. The tip scans along the sample surface to acquire the
surface topography image. While the tip scans the sample in contact mode, the contact resonance
is continuously changing with the sample mechanical properties. In order to measure the contact
resonance, a very low amplitude vertical modulation is introduced by driving either the cantilever or
the sample at a relatively high frequency to avoid the impact on deflection signal used in contact
mode feedback loop. By measuring the changes in frequency and the quality factor (Q), the
sample surface stiffness and viscoelasticity can be quantitatively calculated and mapped. CR-AFM
is often used to characterize stiffer samples with the modulus range from ~1 GPa to over 100 GPa.

Figure 4-11: Contact resonance mode Force Microscope (MFM)

MFM is a two pass imaging technique which measures the magnetic force gradient above the
sample surface. A topography image is acquired in either contact or tapping mode during the first
pass and the magnetic image is recorded during the second pass by maintaining the tip at a
predefined fixed distance above the sample surface. MFM can be used to investigate magnetic
recording materials, superconductors, magnetic nanoparticles, etc.

Figure 4-12: Magnetic force microscope

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4.2.8 Electrical Modes Atomic Force Microscope (C-AFM)

C-AFM is a secondary imaging mode derived from contact mode to measure the surface electrical
conductivity. C-AFM uses a conductive cantilever to scan across the sample surface in contact
mode to acquire the surface topography image. Meanwhile, a bias voltage is applied between the
tip and the sample and the electric current flowing between the tip and the sample is measured
and recorded as a current map simultaneously with topography image. The current measured in C-
AFM can usually be varied significantly from several µA down to a few pA.

Figure 4-13: Conductive atomic force microscope Force Microscope (EFM)

EFM uses a conductive cantilever to measure the electric field gradient distribution with a so-called
two pass technique. The first pass records the surface topography and is done in either contact or
tapping mode. The second pass is done by withdrawing the cantilever to a predefined distance
above the surface to measure the surface electric properties. It is critical to detect the surface
profile first and then maintain the tip in a fixed distance to measure the electric properties. A varied
tip to sample distance can significantly reduce the reliability of the measurement and bringing
artefacts due to the surface topography, since the interaction between the tip and the sample is not
only influenced by sample surface properties but also the distance between the tip and the surface.
EFM is used for electrical failure analysis, detecting trapped charges, mapping electric polarization,
performing electrical read/write, etc.

Figure 4-14 Electrostatic force microscope

D53IE001EN-A 4. Nano Surface Property – Tosca™ 400 25/63 probe force microscope (KPFM)

KPFM uses a conductive tip to scan across the surface to record the surface potential. Thus,
sometimes it is also called surface potential microscope. KPFM works in two different ways. The
first traditional way works in the same principle as EFM with a two pass technique. The first pass is
used to measure the surface topography in tapping mode and the second pass to measure the
surface potential by lifting the tip at a fixed distance away, following the surface profile. The
improved way works in a single pass technique, to acquire the topography and the surface
potential simultaneously, to increase the measurement efficiency and accuracy. While the
topography is being mapped in tapping mode, an AC voltage is applied to the tip at a frequency
slightly lower than the cantilever resonance frequency. KPFM is often used to study metallic and
semiconducting nanostructures in a variety of devices from biosensors to solar cells.

Figure 4-15: Kelvin probe force microscope

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4.3 Tosca™ 400 Features

4.3.1 Key Features

 Overview Image:
o Overview of the entire sample carrier
o Quick navigation to region of interest (ROI)
o Highlight of the measurement position
 Auto Laser Alignment
o One click to get the laser aligned automatically
o Auto alignment function works for almost every cantilevers
 Side View Camera
o Live view of the tip/sample distance
o Simplify the movement of the AFM head towards sample before auto engagement
 Easy Cantilever Exchange
o Easy cantilever change by hand using ProbeMaster
o The use of tweezers are limited (only put in and take out from the tool)
 Modern GUI
o Simple and straightforward
o Easy to use for all user level
o Workflow oriented

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4.4 Tosca™ 400 Technical Specifications

X-Y scan range 100 µm x 100 µm
Z scan range 15 µm
X-Y position noise 0.3 nm RMS
Z noise < 0.03 nm RMS

Sample size
Max sample diameter 90 mm
Max sample height 30 mm
Max sample weight 600 g

Motorised stage
X-Y stage > 100 mm travel
Z stage > 30 mm travel
Relocation resolution ~ 1 µm

Video microscope
Camera Colour, 5 megapixel
Field of view 2.3 x 1.73 mm
Spatial resolution ~ 1 µm
Focus motorised focus

Overview camera
Camera Colour, 5 megapixel
Field of view 40 x 40 mm
Spatial resolution 10-20 µm

Side view camera

Side view camera Black and White, range of view ~ 30 mm in height

Standard Modes
Contact mode, tapping mode (including phase image), lateral
force microscopy

AFM Unit
Dimension 410 x 485 x 504 mm
Weight ~ 50 kg

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Computer minimum requirement 8 G ram, 500 GB disk, Win 8 or higher
Monitor recommendation one monitor ≥ 29", resolution ≥ 2560 x 1440

Acoustic and vibration isolation

Vibration isolation External solution
Certification CE

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5. Nano Surface Property – Applications
AFMs are used in many different areas. The three main application segments are materials
science, semiconductors and life science.

5.1 Demand by Market Segment

Figure 5-1: Demand by market segment (Source: Future Markets 2014)

5.2 Application Overview

Figure 5-2: Application overview (Source: SDi, FutureMarkets)

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5.3 Semiconductors, Data Storage, Microelectronics, Photovoltaics
 Semiconductors are one of the main applications of AFM - almost 25 % of AFM’s overall
applications which include wafers, data storage, LEDs, solar cells, MEMS, etc. AFM is
mainly placed in labs, near the production line for new product developments or quality
control. It is used to measure, control or identify surface properties such as surface
roughness, defects, etched or deposited structures, critical dimensions or properties of thin
films and coatings.
 Park Systems seems to have a significant market share in AFM in semiconductors and
data storage; According to the company they dominate the AFM hard disc market with a
90 % market share.

5.4 Materials and Nanomaterials Research

 Materials science is the largest application for AFM, more than 50 % of its overall
applications. It involves various industrial segments including polymer, metal, ceramics,
glass, thin film, chemicals, automobile, aerospace, etc. It is used to record 3 dimensional
topographic images, resolve surface roughness on the nanometer scale and understand
the structure-function relationships and chemical composition down to the atomic level.
 Market segment includes universities, public and private research laboratories but also
customers in a wide range of industries like mining (automated mineralogy),
petrochemicals, metals, automobiles, ceramics, forensics etc. .

5.4.1 Polymers
 In polymer engineering AFMs help to analyze and modify polymers of various kinds. AFMs
reveal surface structures at nanometer scales, map material domains in copolymers and
blends, and identify and characterize crystalline and amorphous regions, all of which help
determine the properties of the polymer.
 Wood pulp fibers primarily consist of two materials, cellulose and lignin. Both are
biopolymers found in the cell walls of plant cells. In wood pulp fibers, AFM can be used
map regions of lignin and regions of cellulose.

5.5 Life Science

 Life science includes biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries. AFMs

investigate/observate biomolecules, biomaterials or cells by measuring the cell’s nano-
mechanical properties, both at the cellular and molecular level.
 Attaching a powder particle to a blank cantilever (creating a "colloid probe") can help
measuring the interactions of the particle with other particles, equipment surfaces, and
membranes (development and manufacture of medicines, tablet compression, interactions
of carrier particle with active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), interaction of excipients
with membranes etc.

D53IE001EN-A 5. Nano Surface Property – Applications 31/63

6. Nano Surface Property – Application Reports
Below you find excerpts of NSP application reports. For further reading as well as more reports,
go to Anton Paar Extranet.

6.1 Polymer Surface Characterization

The surface properties of polymeric materials are central to their behavior in formulation and
manufacturing processes, as well as in their target applications. The atomic force microscope
(AFM) is a powerful tool for characterizing polymer surfaces at the nanoscale. It provides not only
surface morphology, but also phase contrast between different components in polymer blends.

6.1.1 Experimental
Polystyrene (PS), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(styrene-butadiene-styrene) (SBS),
were dissolved in toluene as 10 mg/mL solutions The samples were spin-coated onto silicon
wafers at 100 rps for 5 s. PMMA/SBS and PS/SBS were left to dry under ambient conditions, while
PMMA/PS was annealed at 70°C for 2 h. All AFM measurements were made under ambient
conditions in tapping mode.

Figure 6-1: Surface topography (left) and phase (right)

6.1.2 Results
The surface topography and the corresponding phase images are shown in Fig. 1 for the three
polymer blends. All three are rather flat, with surface roughnesses of 18.7, 16.3, and 4 nm for
PMMA/SBS, PS/SBS and PMMA/SBS, respectively. All three show phase separation, with
PMMA/SBS showing the strongest phase contrast

Did you know?

For detail information about this report, go to “Polymer Surface Characterization by

32/63 6. Nano Surface Property – Application Reports D53IE001EN-A

6.2 Polymer Surface Roughness
Surface roughness has a strong influence on polymer properties, affecting the surface wettability,
friction, and adhesion, as well as optoelectronic properties such as photon absorption, light
reflection. The atomic force microscope (AFM) is a powerful tool for to characterize several
engineering polymers at production stage.

6.2.1 Experimental
Four polymer samples; polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyether ether ketone (PEEK),
polyoxymethylene (POM), and polypropylene (PP) were characterized by using the Tosca™ 400.
Several images were taken at different positions for each sample. All images are 50 x 50 μm,
taken in contact mode under ambient conditions. The average surface roughness was calculated
by using the root mean square of the height, according to ISO 25178, at three different locations
for each sample.

Figure 6-2: Surface topography images of four polymer samples; (a) PTFE, (b) PEEK, (c) POM, and (d) PP

6.2.2 Results
The four polymer samples show diverse surface morphology. Contact mode was used for imaging
due to the strong interaction between the tip and the polymer surface after the polymer surface had
been treated with plasma. The average surface roughness for PTFE, PEEK, POM and PP was
175 nm, 423 nm, 29 nm and 75 nm.

Did you know?

For detail information about this report, go to “Measuring Surface Roughness of Polymers
by AFM”.

D53IE001EN-A 6. Nano Surface Property – Application Reports 33/63

6.3 ZDDP Tribofilms
Engine technology for vehicles is constantly developing to minimize fuel consumption. The main
issue is that certain engine parts have metal to metal contact, leading to extensive friction and
wear, lowering the engine efficiency and increasing the fuel consumption. By reducing the friction,
the energy loss can be reduced by up to 30 %. A widely used approach to reducing friction and
preventing wear is to use lubricants with additives such as zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP).
ZDDP breaks down under wear conditions to form a thin layer (100 to 200 nm) of amorphous
polyphosphate, which protects the metal components by maintaining a so-called tribofilm, a
physical barrier that is softer and more flexible than the substrates.

6.3.1 Experimental
Two tribofilms were prepared on stainless steel 1.6582 using two different counter-sliding parts
made of Al and CuSn. AFM measurements were performed in tapping mode under ambient room
conditions. The average surface roughness was calculated by using the root mean square of the
height, according to ISO 25178, at three different locations for each sample. AFM measurements
were performed in tapping mode under ambient room conditions.

Figure 6-3: Surface morphology and horizontal line profiles through the lowest point, with (a) Al and (b) CuSn as counter-sliding parts.

6.3.2 Results
The line profiles clearly show that tribofilm (a) generated using Al as counterpart has a much
smoother surface profile than film (b) using CuSn. The surface roughness is 27 ± 5 nm for tribofilm
(a) and 255 ± 189 nm for tribofilm (b). Film (a) has a much lower surface roughness as well as a
more homogeneous surface with a much smaller deviation from area to area than film (b).

Did you know?

For detail information about this report, go to “Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP)
Tribofilm Microstructure”.

34/63 6. Nano Surface Property – Application Reports D53IE001EN-A

6.4 Stainless Steel Surface Roughness
Surface roughness is a key factor for corrosion resistance in stainless steel, and products must
conform to the European standard. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a convenient way to analyze
stainless steel surfaces and characterize the surface roughness according to ISO 25178.

6.4.1 Experimental

Three stainless steel 1.6582 samples polished to different roughness levels were imaged using
Tosca™ 400 in tapping mode at ambient conditions. Several positions were measured for each
sample to calculate an average surface roughness by using the root mean square of the height,
according to ISO 25178. All acquired images are 30 x 30 μm.

Figure 6-4: Surface topography of 3 stainless-steel samples polished to different roughness levels (a) 15 nm, (b) 84 nm and (c) 381 nm

6.4.2 Results
Sample (a) has the lowest roughness (15 nm), as can be seen, where dense linear polishing
grooves can be clearly observed. Sample (c) has the highest roughness (381 nm). Linear polishing
grooves are also seen but are much deeper and wider than those in sample (a). Sample (b) has a
roughness of 84 nm. It shows linear polishing grooves but with some defects which need to be
further investigated.

Did you know?

For detail information about this report, go to “Stainless Steel Surface Roughness by

D53IE001EN-A 6. Nano Surface Property – Application Reports 35/63

6.5 Nanoindentation
Nanoindentation is a technique for measuring the mechanical properties of materials. It utilizes an
indenter or a probe with a defined shape and under a defined load to make an indent into the
surface to be measured. It is widely used for measuring the hardness and elastic modulus of bulk
materials or coatings at the nanoscale, especially for crystalline metallic materials.

6.5.1 Experimental

Indentation of a crystalline copper sample was performed on copper using a diamond indenter.
Images of indents were then acquired by using the Tosca™ 400 in tapping mode.

Figure 6-5.1: AFM image of the nanoindentation Figure 6-6.2: 3D image of the indentation

6.5.2 Results

An AFM image acquired in tapping mode of the indented copper sample is shown in Fig. 5-6.1. A
3D view of the indentation is shown in Fig. 2, allowing the geometry of the indent and the pile-ups
to be visualized. The analysis shows it has a surface area of 18.4 μm 2, a volume of 1.66 μm3 and
a maximum height of 0.09 μm. Nanoindentation on a crystalline copper sheet has been
characterized by Tosca™ 400, providing a 3D visualization as well as a quantitative analysis of the
nanoindentation and the pile-up geometries, including surface area, volume and depth/height.

Did you know?

For detail information about this report, go to “Characterization of Nanoindentation on
Copper using Atomic Force Microscopy”.

36/63 6. Nano Surface Property – Application Reports D53IE001EN-A

6.6 Surface Characterization of Lithographic Patterns of Aluminum
Nanoparticles on ITO Coated Glass
Nanolithography is a precise patterning technology used to fabricate functional nanostructures for
applications in biosensors, advanced materials and extensively in semiconductor segment for solar
cells, printed electronics, LED, MEMS, etc.

6.6.1 Experimental

Two different aluminum nanoparticle patterns were deposited on ITO coated glass using the lift-off
based vapor deposition with electron beam lithography. The nanoparticle patterns were then
imaged by using Tosca™ 400 in tapping mode.

Figure 6-6 Three dimensional images of the two Al nanoparticle

6.6.2 Results

Aluminum nanoparticle patterns fabricated by the lift-off based vapor deposition with electron beam
lithography have been characterized by using Tosca™ 400, the new AFM from Anton Paar.

Did you know?

For detail information about this report, go to “Surface characterization of lithographic
patterns of aluminum nanoparticles on ITO coated glass”.

D53IE001EN-A 6. Nano Surface Property – Application Reports 37/63

7. Nano Surface Property – Competition
More than 40 companies active, the top six however, account for 2/3 of the market. Bruker is
number one with approx. 28 % market share (> 75 Mio € revenue in this segment), followed by
Oxford Instruments and NT-MDT.

7.1 Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis for

Tosca™ 400’s AFM market

Figure 7-1: SWOT analysis for AFM market

38/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A

7.2 Global Market Shares

Figure 7-2: Global market shares (*Jeol is inactive for several years)

Figure 7-3: AFM Market

D53IE001EN-A 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition 39/63

Table 7.1: Top 6 (Part 1) = 2/3 of the market


Website https://www.oxford-


Parent Public company Public company Priv.; pricipal owner V. Bykov
Revenue 1.529 MEUR (2016) 467 MEUR (2015) 19 MEUR (2014)
Bruker Nano 500 MEUR (2015) NanoTech.Tools 240 MEUR (FY16)
AFM ~75 MEUR (2017) AFM ~29 MEUR (2017) AFM ~21 MEUR (2017)
Est. Market Share AFM 29 % 11 % 8%
EBIT 168 MEUR (2016) 33 MEUR (2015) 3 MEUR (2014)
Assets 1.720 MEUR (2016) 577 MEUR (2015) 19 MEUR (2014)
Employees 6.000 (2015) 2.077 (2015) 250 (2014)
Competition for Anton Paar in… AFM, AFM AFM
Tribology, Indentation/ Scratch

40/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A

Table 7.2: Top 6 (Part 2) = 2/3 of the market


Website 1678601/afm-atomic-force-
=sms2&md=sms2-3 microscope?nid=-
Parent Hitachi Ltd.: Rev. 78 BEUR (2015) Public (Main: Sang Il Park) Public company
Revenue 4.905 MEUR (2016) 16 MEUR (2015) 2.666 MEUR (2016)

AFM ~17 MEUR (2017) AFM ~16 MEUR (2017) AFM ~15 MEUR (2017)
Est. Market Share AFM 6% 6% 6%
EBIT 352 MEUR (2016) 2 MEUR (2015) 371 MEUR (2016)
Assets 4.141 MEUR (2016) 20 MEUR (2015) 3.468 MEUR (2016)
Employees 9.902 (2016) 120 (FutureMarkets, 2014) 10.250 (2015)
Competition for Anton Paar in… AFM AFM AFM
Thermal Analysis (Rheo) Nanoindentation

D53IE001EN-A 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition 41/63

7.3 Competitors

7.3.1 Bruker – Dimension Icon

Bruker was founded in 1960 in Germany which is

now headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts in
Overview USA. Bruker entered AFM/SPM market in 2010 by
acquiring the AFM and optical industrial metrology
business from Veeco, the market leader by then.
Offices Worldwide
Distribution partners Worldwide network
11 x AFM: Dimension Fastscan, Multimode 8,
Dimension Icon, Resolve, Dimension Fastscan Bio,
Inspire, Innova-IRIS, Dimension Icon-Raman,
AFM/SPM product portfolio Dimension Edge, Innova, Dimension Edge PSS

3 x Inline AFM: InSight-450 3DAFM, InSight 3DAFM,

Dimension AFP
World top 10 analytical instrument manufacturer with
good reputation
Strong presence all over the world with worldwide
sales network
A very wide range of product portfolio facilitates the
cross selling
Current AFM market leader Technology leadership in
AFM with a large number of patents worldwide
Weakness Poor service quality has been constantly criticized

Instrument Dimension Icon


Scan Range
XY - range 90 μm x 90 μm typical, 85 μm minimum
10 μm typical in imaging and force curve modes,
Z - range
9.5 μm minimum

42/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A

Instrument Dimension Icon
210 mm vacuum chuck for samples ≤ 210 mm in
Sample size/holder
diameter, ≤ 15 mm thick
Instrument (cont.) Dimension Icon
Execute temperature control and thermal analysis on
samples from – 35 °C to 250 °C while scanning in
various AFM modes. Alternately, perform sub-100 nm
local heating to 400 °C using a thermal probe.
Heating/Cooling stage (– 35 °C to 100 °C
RT to 250 °C )
dia: 6.3 mm
dia: 12 mm or 15 mm with cover
Contact Mode, Lateral Force Microscopy,
PhaseImaging, Lift Mode, MFM, Force Spectroscopy,
Force Volume, EFM, Surface Potential,
Piezoresponse Microscopy, Force Spectroscopy
AFM Modes
PeakForce QNM, PeakForce Tuna, HarmoniX,
Nanoindentation, Nanomanipulation, Nanolithograpy,
Force Modulation (air/fluid), TappingMode (fluid),
Torsional Resonance Mode, Dark Lift, STM, SCM, C-
Weight 125 kg
Dimension 60 x 64 x 41 cm

• Large sample platform

Strength • Auto scan parameter adjustment
• Batch measurement

• Manual laser alignment

Weakness • Difficult cantilever change
• Tricky engagement process

D53IE001EN-A 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition 43/63

7.3.2 Oxford Instruments – MFP-3D-Infinity

Oxford Instrument was founded in 1959 in UK. In 2012, they

acquired Asylum Research which was founded in 1999 in the US
and had $19.6 million revenue in 2011.

Offices 9x US, 8x Asia, 13x EU

Distribution partners Worldwide network
8 x AFM (from Asylum Research): Cypher VRS, Cypher S, Cypher
ES Environmental AFM, Cypher ES Polymer Edition, MFP-3D
AFM/SPM product portfolio
origin, MFP-3D classic, MFP-3D infinity and MFP-3D BIO.

• World top 30 analytical instrument manufacturer

• Worldwide sales network
• A wide range of product portfolio
• Great experience on AFM applications for materials and
• Best warranty in AFM industry
• Limited experience in AFM
• Limited experience in bio-nano market



Scan Range
XY - range 90 µm
Z - range > 15 μm (> 40 μm option)
Sample size
up to 80 mm diameter
Sample size/holder
Sample thickness
up to 10 mm (up to 27 mm option)
PolyHeater (polymer, thin film)
Heats from ambient to 300 °C (400 °C for PolyHeater+)
0.2 °C precision and 0.5 °C accuracy with < 0.2 °C overshoot
Heating/Cooling stage Samples up to 20 mm diameter (12 mm recommended)
and 2 mm thickness
Supports up to 10 mm coarse sample translation
Standard cantilever holder for heating up to 250 °C, between
44/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A
250 °C and 300 °C a high temperature cantilever holder
Probably no active cooling
Included Operating Modes
Contact mode; lateral force mode; tapping mode (AC mode);
phase imaging; loss tangent imaging; AC mode with
Q control; Dual AC™, Dual AC Resonance Tracking (DART);
MicroAngelo (nanolithography / nanomanipulation); electric
force microscopy (EFM); Kelvin probe force microscopy
(KPFM); magnetic force microscopy (MFM); piezoresponse
force microscopy (PFM); DART PFM; vector PFM; switching
spectroscopy PFM; force curve mode; ramp mode; force
mapping mode (force volume)
AFM Modes Optional Operating Modes
AM-FM Viscoelastic Mapping Mode; Contact Resonance
Viscoelastic Mapping Mode; Fast Force Mapping Mode;
instrumented nanoindentation; force modulation; Scanning
Thermal Microscopy (SThM); Ztherm Modulated Thermal
Analysis; Conductive AFM (CAFM) with ORCA™ and
Eclipse™ mode; current mapping with Fast Force Mapping;
Nanoscale Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown (nanoTDDB);
high voltage PFM; Band Excitation; Electrochemical Strain
Microscopy (ESM); iDrive (magnetically actuated AC mode
in liquid); Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
Weight 20 kg to 25 kg
Dimension 35 cm x 28 cm x 27 cm

• All advanced modes

• Automatically configures the software for the selected
• One click to calibrate the cantilever sensitivity and spring
• Automatically sets imaging parameters
• Predictive algorithm
• External Modules available (Polyheater, CoolHeater,
Humidity Cell, controlled gas or liquid environments)
• 2 years warranty

• Manual laser alignment

• Manual stage manipulation
• Requires acoustic enclosure
• Enhances Space Requirements

D53IE001EN-A 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition 45/63

7.3.3 NT-MDT – Solver NEXT

NT-MDT was founded in 1989 in Russia. It has 550 employees

(over 250 in headquarter in Russia) and over 2,000 installations all
over the world. It is one of the oldest AFM companies which remain
active in AFM business till today
NT-MDT has representative offices in Russia, Ireland, Netherland,
China and USA. By 2011 it has 46 distribution partners worldwide
within which 16 from Europe, 16 from Asia, 3 from North America,
1 from South America and 1 from Australia.

Offices RU, IR, NL, CN, US

16 x Europe, 16 x Asia, 3 x NAM, 1 x SAM, 1 x AUS; 46 in total
Distribution partners
worldwide (2011)
Spectra II, NTEGRA Prima, NTEGRA Aura, NEXT, OPEN,
AFM/SPM product portfolio
SOLVER Nano, Nanoeducator II.

• Extensive experience in SPM with long active history for over

Strength 20 years
• Support by Russian government
• No AFM related patents are granted outside Russia
Weakness • The number of branch offices are limited, only exist in a few

Solver NEXT


Scan Range
100 x 100 x 10 µm (with feedback sensors);
XY - range
3 x 3 x 2 µm in the high resolution mode
10 µm (with feedback sensors);
Z - range
2 µm (high resolution).
20 mm diameter
Sample size/holder
10 mm height

46/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A

Heating/Cooling stage RT to 150 °C
AFM, STM, nanosclerometry in air environment AFM in liquid
Ambient modes: STM/ AFM (contact + semicontact + non-contact)/
Lateral Force Microscopy/ Phase Imaging/
Force Modulation/Force Spectroscopy/Adhesion Force Imaging,
MFM/ EFM/ SCM / Kelvin Probe Microscopy/
AFM Modes
Spreading Resistance Imaging/Nanoindentation/Lithography: AFM
(Voltage + Force)
Ambient and liquid modes: AFM (contact + semicontact + non-
contact) / Lateral Force Microscopy/ Phase Imaging/
Force Modulation/ Adhesion Force Imaging/ Force Spectroscopy
Lithography: AFM (Force)
Weight 25 kg
Dimension 21 cm x 26 cm x 47 cm

• Auto laser alignment

Strength • Overview image
• Overlay of AFM and Video microscope image

• Small and light sample

Weakness • Difficult cantilever change
• Poor cantilever and sample accessibility

D53IE001EN-A 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition 47/63

7.3.4 Hitachi HiTech – AFM5500M

Hitachi High-Tech was founded in 1947 in JapanHitachi High-Tech

has a well-established global sales network with direct offices 5 in
Overview America, 9 in Europe and 12 in Asia plus numerous distribution

Offices 5 x AM, 9 x EU, 12 x Asia

Distribution partners Worldwide sales network
4 x AFM: AFM5000II, AFM5100N, AFM5300E, AFM5500M 1 x
AFM/SPM product portfolio inline AFM: WA3300

• Hitachi is a well-known brand in many industry segments

besides analytical instrument industry
• World top 20 analytical instrument manufacturer
• A wide range of product portfolio
• Technique know-how with a significant number of patents in
Weakness • Main focus in Japan and East Asia



Scan Range
XY - range 200 µm x 200 µm
Z - range 15 µm
100 mm diameter
Sample size/holder
20 mm thickness
Heating/Cooling stage -
AFM(contact mode),
DFM (tapping mode),
AFM Modes PM,

48/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A

Weight approximately 34 kg
Dimension 340 mm(W) x 503 mm(D) x 550 mm(H), (Controller)

• Ease of use
Strength • Automation
• Accuracy

• Heavy
• Large footprint
• Poor sample visibility
• Limited cantilever option

D53IE001EN-A 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition 49/63

7.3.5 Park Systems – NX-20

Park Systems was founded in 1988 in US originally with the name

Park Scientific Instrument. In 2007 it relocated its headquarter to
South Korea and changed the corporation name to Park Systems.

Offices SK, US, JP, SG

Distribution partners 1 x NAM, 2 x SAM, 12 x Asia, 11 x EU, 1 x AUS
5 x AFM: NX20, NX10, NX-Hivac, XE15, XE7
AFM/SPM product portfolio
4 x industrial AFM: XE-3DM, HDM, PTR and Wafer series

• Good experience and technology know-how in AFM with

Strength activities in the market for more than 20 years
• Lead player in some industry segment e.g. Disc storage market
• Limited number of branches and sales partners
Weakness • A large product portfolio to maintain considering the company



Scan Range
100 μm × 100 μm
XY - range 50 x 50 µm
25 x 25 µm
Z - range 15 μm or 30 µm
Sample size/holder Up to 150 mm (200 mm optional)
Stage 1: 0-180 °C with 0.1 °C resolution, active cooling (polymers
and ceramics)
Coolant circulation: Vibration-free water circulation
Heating/Cooling stage
Sample size: 15 mm × 15 mm x 15mm
Stage 2: RT-250 °C with 0.1 °C resolution, passive cooling,
Sample size: 15 mm × 15 mm x 15 mm

50/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A

Stage 3: RT-600 °C with 0.1 °C resolution, passive cooling,
Sample size: 8 mm × 8 mm / 3 mm in thickness
True Non-Contact AFM
Basic Contact AFM and DFM
Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)
Phase Imaging
Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)
Conductive AFM
Electric Force Microscopy (EFM)
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM)
AFM Modes Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy (SKPM)
Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM)
F-D Spectroscopy
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
Force Modulation Microscopy (FMM)
Weight -
Dimension 80 cm x 110 cm x 130 cm

• Easy to be used
• Easy cantilever exchange
• Fast approach within 10 s
• Real time feedback parameter adjustment
• True Non-contact mode, extended tip life
• Decoupled XY and Z scanner
Strength • Accurate imaging by reducing X, Y, Z scanners' crosstalk
• Low noise Z scanner
• Minimal thermal drift and hysteresis
• Programmable automated scan in multiple regions
• Many modules available (Liquid cells, Heater (Cooler),
Performance improvements...)
• Basic and advanced modes

• Expensive with built-in acoustic chamber

• Large footprint and operational space
• No sample visibility during measurement
• Preconfigured Cantilevers required

D53IE001EN-A 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition 51/63

7.3.6 Keysight Technologies –5600LS AFM

Agilent Technologies was founded in 1999 as a spin-off from HP in

US. In 2014 Agilent Technologies split into two public traded
companies. One retains Agilent name focusing on life science,
diagnostics and applied market, and the other is named Keysight
Technologies containing all products previously belonged to
electronic measurement division where AFM is also listed.
Offices Worldwide
Distribution partners Worldwide network
AFM/SPM product portfolio 6 x AFM: 5500, 5500ILM, 5600LS, 7500, 7500ILM, 9500
• World 2nd largest analytical instrument manufacturer with good
• A very wide range of product portfolio
• Strong presence in all main nations with branches and service
• Strong know-how in electronic measurement
• High quality products
• High customer loyalty
Weakness • AFM is only a tiny business within the whole company

Instrument 5600 LS AFM


Scan Range
Large multi-purpose scanner:
90 μm x 90 μm
XY - range
Small scanner:
9 μm x 9 μm
Large multi-purpose scanner:
8 μm
Z - range
Small scanner:
2 μm

52/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A

Instrument 5600 LS AFM

Up to 200 mm x 200 mm;

Sample thickness 30 mm
Sample size/holder 300 mm x 300 mm and multi sample two-inch-wafer stages
either a single sample up to 200 mm in diameter and 30 mm tall or
as many as nine small samples with the 200 mm vacuum chuck
Temperature Control
The 5600LS is compatible with Agilent’s industry-leading
temperature control options. A patented thermal insulation and
compensation design enables precise temperature control with
excellent stability (± 0.1 °C or ± 0.025 °C; from 4 °C to 250 °C) for
Heating/Cooling stage
high-resolution AFM imaging.
The temperature controller’s design isolates the sample plate from
the rest of the AFM/SPM system; an insulated ceramic fixture
protects the surrounding apparatus from the effects of heating or
Contact mode, acoustic AC mode,
AFM Modes phase imaging, STM, LFM, EFM, MFM,
force modulation, current sensing, MAC Mode III
Weight -
Dimension -

• Multiple sample platforms

Strength • Batch measurement
• Accurate location mapping

• Manual laser alignment

• Difficult cantilever change
• Poor optical view
• Poor wiring

D53IE001EN-A 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition 53/63

7.3.7 JPK Instruments – Nano Wizard 4 NanoScience AFM

JPK was founded in 1999 in Germany. It has 70 employees. In

2011 it has € 12 million revenue. It has positive financial results
since 2004.
JPK has offices in Germany, France, Japan, Singapore, UK, US
and China and distribution partners 1 in Australia, 9 in Europe, 1 in
South America, 2 in North America and 7 in Asia

Offices DE, FR, JP, SG, UK, US, CN

Distribution partners 1 x AUS, 9 x EU, 1 x SAM, 2 x NAM, 7 x Asia
5 x AFM: NanoWizard ULTRA Speed, NanoWizard, NanoOptics
AFM system, NanoWizard 4 NanoScience AFM, NanoWizard 4
AFM/SPM product portfolio
BioScience AFM, BioMAT Workstation.

• Very close collaboration with scientific world, especially in

Strength bioscience area
• Good service for customer
• Limited number of branches and sales partners
• Limited application focus, mainly in life science

Nano Wizrad 4 NanoScience AFM



Scan Range
XY - range 100 x 100 x 15 µm³
Z - range 15 µm
Sample size/holder Ø 140 x 18 mm³ free sample volume.
High temperature heating stage: ambient – 300 °C in air and
ambient to 80 °C in fluid with 0.1 °C precision (polymers and stable
long time temperature studies of single molecules or nanoparticles)
Heating/Cooling stage Heating cooling module: - 30 °C – 120 °C in air and ~ 0 – 80 °C in
fluid with 0.1 °C precision
Heating cooling stage: 0 °C – 100 °C in air or liquid with 0.1 °C

54/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A

Standard operating modes:
Imaging modes (air or liquid)
Contact mode with Lateral Force (LF)
AC modes with Q-control
Phase detection
Force spectroscopy (in air or liquid)
Static and dynamic spectroscopy
Force clamp & ramp
Fast Force Mapping
Optional modes:
Conductive AFM
Piezo response microscopy
Advanced AC modes with PLL
AFM Modes Higher harmonics imaging
Electrical spectroscopy modes
Piezo-Response Force Microscopy
Electrochemistry with temperature control and optics
NanoLithography and NanoManipulation
Scanning Thermal AFM
Environmental control
DirectOverlay™ for combined AFM and optics
Additional XY or Z stages available with CellHesion® or TAO™
Weight -
Dimension -

• Fast scan rate

Strength • Direct overlay for AFM and video microscope corelation
• Measurement workflow design

• Manual laser alignment

Weakness • Manual optical microscope adjustment
• Limited sample size

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7.3.8 Nanosurf – Nanite AFM

Nanosurf was founded in 1997 in Switzerland. It has 30 employees

Overview and over 1,000 installations all over the world.

Offices CH, DE, US, CN

Distribution partners 2 x AUS, 20 x EU, 1 x SAM, 3 x NAM, 14 x Asia, 1 x Africa
10 x AFM: Flex-FPM, Flex-Axiom, Flex-ANA, Flex-Bio NaniteAFM,
AFM/SPM product portfolio LensAFM, NaioAFM, NaioSTM, CoreAFM, AFSEM

• Relatively low price

Strength • Versatile products can be adapted in other instruments
• Multiple sales format based on product versatility
• Limited number of branches and sales partners
• Performance issue on some products

Nanite AFM


Scan Range
110 µm x 110 µm
XY - range Drive resolution XY: 1.7 nm;
Drive resolution Z: 0.34 nm
Z - range 22 µm
Sample size/holder 160 x 160 mm
RT – 80 °C
Heating/Cooling stage
sample size: dia. 26 mm
Static Force, Dynamic Force, Phase Contrast, Force
AFM Modes Modulation, Magnetic Force, and Spreading Resistance
Modes; User ADC Input Signal in all modes
Weight 0.31 kg/ 47,5 kg
4.5 x 6.1 x 8.6 cm
510 × 450 × 250 + 120 mm

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• Automatic selfadjustment laser
• Hardware X/Y-slope compensation
• Auto Calibration by resonance frequency search, phase
calibration, dissipation calibration
• Batch measurement Experiment Planner
• Side view camera

• Weak cabling
• Workstation not included
Weakness • Special tool required for cantilever exchange
• Customer maintenance required every three months
• Weak video microscope optics/resolution

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7.3.9 Company DME – Navigator 220

DME was founded in 1979 in Denmark. It is active in SPM industry

since 1989. There are 10 employees with the overall assets of
710k US$. In 2015, DME was acquired by Semilab.

Semilab was founded in 1989 in Hungary as the spin-off from

Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences. It has US$ 26m revenue in 2014. The
products include: metrology for semiconductor industry, metrology
for photovoltaic industry and metrology for research &
development. Semilab has presence in Hungary, US, China, South
Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and UK.

DME has offices in Denmark and Germany.

Offices DK, DE
5 x AFM: Compact granite, ProberStation 150, Navigator 220,
AFM/SPM product portfolio Igloo, AFM Objective for optical microscopes.

Strength • Low price instrument

• Limited company awareness to the public
• Limited number of branches and sales partners

Navigator 220


Scan Range
50 µm x 50 µm
XY - range
200 µm x 200 µm
5 µm
Z - range
15 µm
Sample size: 150 mm
Sample size/holder
Height: 60 mm
Heating/Cooling stage Optional, the temperature range is not known
AFM Modes Tapping
Weight -

58/63 7. Nano Surface Property – Competition D53IE001EN-A

Dimension -

• Large sample size

• Plug and play cantilever exchange
• All modes available
• Automated find and re-find routine (250nm presision,
Batch Measurements)
• Fully automated measurement
• Selfadjusting laser detector path
• Different optical microscope options
• Signal access module included
• Piezo Motor surface approach

• Poor wiring might influence performance

• No vibration and acoustic isolation
• No integrated Video Microscope, time loss during

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8. Nano Surface Property – Contact &
Anton Paar’s team from Nano Surface Properties is happy to support you, do not hesitate to
contact us.

8.1 Head of Department & Product Management

Keyvan Ghanaviztchi

Phone :+43 316 257 – 7017


8.2 Product Competence

Ming Wu

Phone :+43 316 257 – 7047


8.3 Customer Support

Christian Kügele

Phone :+43 316 257 – 7090


60/63 8. Nano Surface Property – Contact & Responsibility D53IE001EN-A

9. References, Abbreviations and Links

9.1 References

 Websites of Competitors
 One Source/Avention
 Orbis/BvD
 SDi
 FutureMarket

9.2 Abbrevation

Abbrevation Description

AFM Atomic force microscope

API Active pharmaceutical ingredient
C-AFM Conductive atomic force mode
CR Contact resonance
EFM Electrostatic force mode
FMM Force modulation mode
ITO Indium tin oxide
KPFM Kelvin probe force microscope
LFM Lateral force mode
MFM Magnetic force mode
PEEK Polyether ether ketone
PFM Pulsed force mode
PMMA Poly(methyl methacrylate)
POM Polyoxymethylene
PP Polypropylene
PS Polystyrene
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
ROI Region of Interest
SBS Poly(styrene-block-butadiene-block-styrene)
SEM Scanning electron microscope
An acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis is a
SWOT structured planning method that evaluates those four elements of the project or
business venture
ZDDP Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates

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9.3 Links

9.3.1 AFM:

Mode Link

Contact mode
Tapping Mode
Phase imaging

9.3.2 Competition

Competitor Link
Bruker microscopes/innova-iris/applications.html
Oxford MFP3D
Agilent 5600LS
Park Systems
Nanosurf Nanite

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DME Navigator
Oxford Cypher
NTMDT Titanium

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