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Al Qusour Academy School of Excellence


Name: Date: 27-4-2023

Grade: Third Day: Tuesday.

Worksheet for
"Classroom phrases"

-What page are we on?

-Can I go out?
-Can I answer the question?
-Teacher, please can you repeat again?
-Can I open the widow?
-What is the homework?
-Do we have to write this down?
-I am sorry, I didn’t hear you.
-Can you explain that again?
-Can you help me please?
-Can I open the curtains?
-Can you speak louder, please?
-Is this right?
-Can I come in?
-Where have you been?
-Who is absent today?
-Please clean the board?
-Can I switch off the light?
-Open your books.
-Raise your hand.
-listen and repeat.
-Be quite please.
-Listen to me carefully.
-Can I sharpen my pencil please?

Teacher: Bayan Bataineh Supervisor: Abeer Abuain

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