Badachi Informative Speech

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Informative Speech

Topic: Lymphoma Cancer

General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform the audience of one of the most common cancers.

Thesis: There are two types of lymphoma cancers, but today I will be discussing
Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

I. Introduction
a. Attention Getter: Did you know that Hodgkin’s lymphoma only makes up 1% of
all cancers and is also one of the most curable cancers?
b. Reason to Listen: Lymphoma is most common in the ages between 15-30 and
after the age of 55 years old. Therefore, all of us in this room should listen to what
this cancer is because who knows what the future holds for us?
c. Thesis: There are two types of lymphoma cancers but today I will be discussing
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
d. Credibility Statement:
i. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2023 that I heard about lymphoma. My
brother was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma in January, and this cancer
has become a part of our lives ever since.
ii. I have been around a lymphoma specialist as well as a patient for the past
2 months, which I believe makes me credible as to what I’m about to
e. Preview of main points:
i. First, I will discuss the history of lymphoma.
ii. Second, I will discuss the symptoms of lymphoma and who gets it.
iii. Third I will discuss how lymphoma is treated and the survival rates.
II. Lymphoma was first discovered by Thomas Hodgkin in 1832, which is how it got its
a. Hodgkin’s first described lymphoma as abnormalities in the lymphatic system.
The lymphatic system is part of our immune system, producing lymph and white
blood cells.
i. According to Dr. Anaya Mandal Hodgkin was the first to write about and
later in 1856 Samuel Wilks also reported the same disease naming it
Hodgkin’s disease.
b. By 1872, Carl Sternberg and Dorothy Reed analyze the characteristic of the
cancerous cells which are now known as Reed- Sternberg.
i. These Reed Sternberg cells are what define the difference between the
two lymphoma cancers.
ii. Reed Sternberg cells are rare large lymphocytes, which are a type of white
blood cell.
c. According to Dr. Anaya Mandal, in the years 1894 and 1992 treatments were
being created to treat lymphoma.
i. It started with arsenic medicine in 1894, and later in 1932 radiation
therapy was discovered.
ii. By 1992 there was a total of 7 chemotherapy agents discovered to treat
lymphoma cancer.
d. Transition: Now that we have discussed the history of Lymphoma I will discuss
the symptoms and who may get it.
III. The thing about lymphoma cancer is that in the beginning there are no symptoms.
a. But when there are symptoms, they don’t go away as easily. This is your body
telling you there’s something wrong.
i. It may start off as bone pain, cough, fevers, and feeling fatigued. Sounds
like a cold, doesn’t it?
ii. There are also more symptoms such as night sweats, unexplained weight
loss, itching, shortness of breath, tiredness, and pressure on the chest.
b. Lymphoma is most common amongst teenagers and young adults between the
ages 15- 39 as well as older adults ages 75 and up.
i. Men in these age groups tend to develop lymphoma more than women.
c. Another reason someone may get this cancer, is due to their immune system white
blood cells not functioning normally.
d. But there isn’t necessarily one exact thing that causes lymphoma or who may get
it because it all depends on the person’s immune system and how their lymphatic
system produces white blood cells. ( Dr. Stephen Ansell)
IV. Now that I have discussed the symptoms and risk factors I will discuss the treatment
plans used to treat lymphoma.
i. For a doctor to produce a treatment plan they have to evaluate the disease.
1. Meaning depending on the person’s age, stage, and health the
doctors will produce a plan.
ii. One of the most common treatments for Hodgkin's lymphoma is
1. Chemotherapy is used to shrink and stop cancerous cells from
growing and spreading. But, during the process chemotherapy also
get some of the healthy cells.
a. This causes patients to feel fatigued, nauseous, and tired.
Not only that but patients may lose hair throughout their
2. Radiation therapy is used to kill cancerous cells with light. This is
mainly used in the early stages.
a. It may cause loss of appetite, dry mouth, nausea, and hair
3. Proton therapy is also used which is direct radiation on the tumor.
This way there isn’t as much damage done to the healthy cells.
a. This may cause fatigue, digestion problems and hair loss.
4. There is also immunotherapy and radioimmunotherapy which
attack the tumors in the immune system. Radioimmunotherapy
uses radiation too to target the cells.
V. Conclusion:
a. Review main points:
i. Today I discussed the history of lymphoma.
ii. Secondly, I discussed the symptoms and risk factors of lymphoma.
iii. Lastly, I discussed the treatments for lymphoma.
b. Restate thesis: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are amongst
the most common cancers in the US.
c. Closing Statement: In conclusion, don’t ignore the small things going on in your
body. Even if it may seem silly make a doctor’s appointment.
Ansell, Stephen. “Lymphoma.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and
Research, 14 Dec. 2022,

Banner MD Anderson.” Information & Care | Banner MD Anderson,

“Lymphoma - Non-Hodgkin - Stages.” Cancer.Net, 26 Aug. 2022,

Mandal, Dr. Ananya. “Hodgkin's Lymphoma History.” News, 27 Feb. 2019,

“Symptoms of Lymphoma.” Lymphoma Action,


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