Management and Organisational Change Final Assignment

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Management and Organisational Change Part One



MODULE TITLE: Management and Organisational Change


NAME OF MODULE LEADER: Mammed Bagher / Ron Broatch



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Management and Organisational Change Part One

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Concepts of attitude, job satisfaction and commitment 3

Key factors which influences the motivation factor related to case study 4

Theories of Motivation 4

Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation 5

Vroom’s expectancy theory 5

Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation 6

Application of motivational theories for the leaders 6

Evaluating team work and its impact on individual’s performance 6

Conclusion 7

References 8

Management and Organisational Change Part One


In this essay an analysis will be done over the relationship between job satisfaction, attitude
and commitment. The key issues which influence the motivation will be discussed. Theoretical
approaches of motivation will also be discussed. The reason behind employee dissatisfaction will be
analysed. Usefulness of motivational theories for leaders will be highlighted. Evaluation of team
work and its impact over individual performance will be discussed.

Concepts of attitude, job satisfaction and commitment

Attitude is defined as a mental state of a person which specified the mental state of a person
which can be positive or negative. The term job satisfaction is measured by a degree to which
employees of any organisation are satisfied with the job quality. Commitment is also measured by
the degree to which employee are engaged and committed towards achieving the short and long term
goals of the Company (A Isaacs, 2020).

As discussed with the case study, Mr Simon needs a lot of motivation to overcome from the
present position. He should be motivated by giving promotions by changes in the current promotional
policies. Job satisfaction and employee engagement are the integral part of this type of leadership
style that is why the current leader of Mr Simon should deal with him and try to resolve his problems
at an urgent bases (V Yukongdi, 2020).

Positive attitude towards the work is also very essential for boosting the performance of the
employees. Recognition of the hard work of employees, taking feedback from them, considering their
opinion in decision making parts of the organisation and appreciating them is very important to
develop a positive attitude in the employee. Those employees which have positive attitude towards
the work always perform very well for the wellbeing of the organisation. It can be said that positive
attitude helps in achieving better productivity and services for the organisation (T Setiawan, 2020).

Commitment is also very essential elements which can be created in the employees by giving
them sufficient recognitions and appreciation. Positive attitude of the employees will always result
in high level of productivity for the organisation which is beneficial for the future of the organisation
(T Setiawan, 2020).

Management and Organisational Change Part One

Key factors which influences the motivation factor related to case study

According to the case study, Mr. Simon was expecting a promotion on the bases of his
extremely hard work, experience, commitment and dedication towards the work. But the promotional
policies was based on the formal qualification that is why he could not get promotion which leads
towards high level of dissatisfaction inside Mr. Simon and he decided to change the job. Lack of
motivation and poor leadership qualities are adopted by the leaders of Mr. Simon, results in a high
level of dissatisfaction (V Yukongdi, 2020).

It can be easily analysed in the case study that Mr. Simon was not getting proper positive
response from his management and that is why he is planning to leave the present job. The lack of
motivational factors made him dissatisfied and disappointed. He is unwilling to continue the job
because of not getting promoted. It can also be said that motivation is highly required in order to
reduce the attrition rate inside the organisation and boost the confidence and commitment of the
employees (V Yukongdi, 2020).

For providing job satisfaction to the employees, the managers need to adopt positive attitude
towards the employees. The employees should be engaged and valued by the Company that is why
sometimes the leadership theirs are not very much fruitful for the company. The leader has to take
prompt decision by analysing the situation (T Setiawan, 2020).

Theories of Motivation

Many theories of motivation make the people understand about the different concept of
motivation. These theories are very much helpful in understanding the problems of the employees
and provide them in achieving a high level of job satisfaction which returns in good performance of
the employees (SC Ștefan, 2020).

Some of the theories are as follows:

Management and Organisational Change Part One

Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation

Abraham Maslow defines the need hierarchy theory of motivation which represents the five
basic needs of motivation. This theory stated that employees can be motivated by fulfilling their
needs on regular bases (SC Ștefan, 2020).

According to this theory the most basic need is physiological need which is related to food,
water and comfort of the person. The next need is known as safety need which is related to physical
and financial security of the person. The next need is belongingness need of the person which is
related to socially acceptance by friends and family members (SC Ștefan, 2020).

The next need is related to need of self-esteem which describes about prestige of a person.
The last need is related to self-actualization need which is related to the accomplishment of creativity
of the person. By fulfilling all the needs of the employees the motivational level can be established.
According to this theory every employee works on the bases of satisfaction of his needs. If his needs
will be satisfied then only he will be willing to work for the betterment of the organisation (SC Ștefan,

Vroom’s expectancy theory

This theory stated that there is a positive correlation exists between expectancies and efforts
of the employees. The equation form of the Vroom’s expectancy theory is as follows:

Motivational force = Valence *Expectancy * Instrumentality

In this theory valence refers to the reward or result of the performance, Expectancy is related
to the efforts which are related to the performance of the employees and instrumentality is related to
the outcome of the performance (RP Bagozzi, 2020).

This theory clearly stated that rewards are a key factor of employee motivation. As discussed
with the case study, it has been observed that Mr Simon was not getting rewards against his
performance and that is why it results in high level of dissatisfaction in him (SC Ștefan, 2020).

Management and Organisational Change Part One

Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation

This theory stated that there are always two set of motivation factors present inside the
organisation. Positive factors increase the motivation in the employees like rewards, promotions and
benefits whereas negative factors demotivate the employees like punishments and salary deductions
etc (RP Bagozzi, 2020).

As discussed with the case study, Mr Simon was very demotivated because of improper
promotional policies of the Company and decided to leave the Company (MS Mira, 2020).

Application of motivational theories for the leaders

The motivational theories help the leaders in identifying the correct motivational factor which
should be essential for developing right and positive attitude in the employees. The improvement in
the commitment of the employees will be enhanced by providing them motivation. By having a
proper understandings of the motivational theories, it can be well said that the employees will be
motivated by treating them better and by providing them satisfactory rewards (JA Roberts, 2020).

As discussed with the case, the immediate team leader will talk to Mr Simon for
understanding his problem and should take immediate step for motivating him. He should provide a
proper guidance to Mr. Simon and give him promotion so that he starts to feel being valued and
appreciated by the organisation (F Hassandoust, 2020).

Evaluating team work and its impact on individual’s performance

The evaluation of the team work should be done but measuring the individual’s performance
is also essential. The employees expected the rewards and appreciation in return of their efforts in
order to maintain and develop the positive mind-set of the employees. By providing job satisfaction
in the employees, it is very beneficial to make the employees feel safe and comfortable (A Isaacs,

Management and Organisational Change Part One


On the bases of the analysis of the case study, it can be said that job satisfaction is very important to
boost the performance of the employees. Sometimes the employees feel demotivated because of not
getting sufficient recognition from the management, in that case understanding the problems of the
employees is essential. On the bases of analysis of theories of motivation, it can be said that these
theories are extremely helpful for the leaders of the workforce and they should apply the theories in
their organisation for providing job satisfaction to the employees.

Management and Organisational Change Part One


A Isaacs, A. R. (2020). Job satisfaction of medical interns: a qualitative study using Herzberg's

hygiene motivation theory. P Hawkings.

F Hassandoust, A. T. (2020). Understanding users' information security awareness and intentions:

A full nomology of protection motivation theory. Cyber Influence and Cognitive Threats,


JA Roberts, M. D. (2020). Boss phubbing, trust, job satisfaction and employee performance.

Personality and Individual Differences.

MS Mira, D. C. (2020). The Impact of Human Resource Practices on Employees' Performance

through Job Satisfaction at Saudi Ports Authority based on the Assumption of Maslow

Theory. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation.

RP Bagozzi, W. V. (2020). Genetic and psychological underpinnings of motivation and satisfaction

of industrial salespeople. Industrial Marketing Management, 69-83.

SC Ștefan, Ș. P. (2020). Implications of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory on Healthcare

Employees' Performance. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 124-143.

T Setiawan, Y. A. (2020). The Influences of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and

Motivation on Employee Performances at PT Sumatera system Integrasi. International

Journal of Multicultural and Multireligeous understandings, 25-36.

V Yukongdi, P. S. (2020). The Influence of Affective Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Job Stress

on Turnover Intention: A Study of Nepalese Bank Employees. Review of Integrative

Business and Economic Research, 88-98.

Management and Organisational Change Part Two

Table of Contents

Introduction 10

Organisational Change 10

Role of leadership in directing organisational change 10

Suitable leadership styles and their impact on organisation change management 11

Leadership styles 11

Different types of leadership styles 11

Autocratic leadership style 11

Laissez-faire style of leadership 12

Democratic style of leadership 12

Transformational leadership style 13

Transactional leadership style 14

Limitations of leadership theories 14

Conclusion 16

References 17

Management and Organisational Change Part Two


In this essay, an analysis will be done over organisation change. The role of leadership in
executing organisation change will be described. The various leadership styles will be analysed and their
impact over organisational change will also be scrutinized. Comparison of various leadership theories
with respect to organisational change will be done. Evaluation of limitation of leadership theories will
be explained.

Organisational Change

Organisation change refers to the process of change in the organisation which leads towards the
transformation inside the organisation for its better future. Organisation change is a complex and step by
step process. Changes may be take place with different aspects of the business like products, services,
strategies, objectives, entry into the mew market, pricing and marketing policies and many other fields
of business. It refers to modifications in the structure of organisation (L Braben, 2020).

For example: For increasing the sales of a Company’s product, the Company is required to hire
new members of their sales team and decided to follow a complete different sales policies for the
betterment of the future of the business of the Company (Todnem, 2005).

Role of leadership in directing organisational change

The success and failure of organisational change depends upon the leadership quality of a person.
An effective leader always helps the process of organisation change by directing the other staff members
of the Company. Many organisational changes could not get successful because of incapability of their
leaders in executing the operations. Only highly skilled leadership with a very good command over the
execution process will help the Companies easily adopt the process of organisational change. Effective
leader can easily communicate the goals and plans related to organisational change so that all the staff
members of the organisation can easily understand the vision and help the Company in coping up the
with challenges of change process by their efforts (UzmaRasool Khan, 2016).

Management and Organisational Change Part Two

Suitable leadership styles and their impact on organisation change management

Leadership styles

Leadership style is a kind of technique or method to provide directions to the workforce of the
Company and it motivate the subordinates of the Company in achieving the short and long term
objectives of the Company. Various traits and skills present inside the leader helps in motivating the
group of employees so that they put their all efforts in order to make the organisation change successful.
By receiving the guidance of an effective leader, the workforce works in a correct and fruitful direction
which results in enhancement in productivity for the Company (A Asgari, 2020).

Different types of leadership styles

Many leadership styles exist for providing guidance and directions to the employees of the
Company. Some of the major leadership styles are as follows:

Autocratic leadership style

It is also known as Authoritarian Style of leadership. In this leadership style, the person take no
or a very little consideration of the members of his workforce and make the decisions by their own
efforts. A very little amount of consideration of the opinion of the employee makes this style an
unattractive and less effective but in some cases; it has been proved highly beneficial for the future
growth of the company (UzmaRasool Khan, 2016).

For example: Some organisations like manufacturing units of cement and other manufacturing
units needs a very strict guidelines regarding any change in their organisation because sometimes it is
essential to adopt strict guidelines to make the changes effective. In these types of cases, Autocratic style
of leadership becomes effective and can execute the changes in a positive and successful direction
(UzmaRasool Khan, 2016).

As discussed with this case, Mr. Simon deserves a promotion but due to policies of the Company
he was not able to promote and now he wants to move on. In this case, the organisation need a change
in its promotional policies and should promote Mr. Simon on the bases of his experience and qualities.
Autocratic leadership style helps in achieving the

Management and Organisational Change Part Two

promotions on the bases of experience of the employees without following the current
promotional policies for the betterment of the organisation (UzmaRasool Khan, 2016).

Laissez-faire style of leadership

This style of leadership is almost opposite to Autocratic leadership style, it delegates the
responsibility of different tasks to various executives and many team members. It rarely requires any
supervision by the top management authorities. Most of the team members are free to take their own
decisions (Vasilescu, 2019).

For example: If any service industry want to go for organisational change by changing the
strategies of their service providing facilities, most of the decisions related to organisation change is
executed by the team members itself. The higher management rarely creates any interference in the
decisions taken by the team members. Free decisions sometimes help the organisation in coping up with
the process of change (V Ratten, 2020).

According to the case, Mr Simon needs to provide participation in the current promotional
policies which is a special feature of Laissez-faire leadership style. By providing their concern in the
major policies of the organisation, employee feels motivated and enthusiastic. They feel more valued
and special and as a result of this the attrition rate of the employees will be reduced (V Deshwal, 2020).

Democratic style of leadership

This style is a mixture of Laissez-fair leadership style and Autocratic leadership style. Usually
democratic leaders ask for input and efforts from their team members and discuss about the output of
any plan or action. Proper discussion and participation are the major part of this style that is why this
type of leadership style is the most suitable for the every type of industries in executing the organisational
change (A Asgari, 2020).

This style contributes in high level of employee engagement which results in a high level of
motivation in the employees. Employee motivation helps in achieving the goals of the organisation by
creating and executing changes of the organisation. In this type of leadership style, employees are free
to give their opinion in any matter of the organisation which is very helpful in dealing with the negative
side of changes in the organisation (H Blake, 2020).

Management and Organisational Change Part Two

For example: In a banking industry, the managers and other staff members consult a little bit
about the changes which they are going to adopt for the organisation and execute most of the decisions
independently which helps the organisation in adapting changes which contributes in the success of the
organisation (Kibbe, 2019).

As discussed with the case, the problems and doubts of Mr Simon should be consulted with the
management so that he can develop a positive perception for the management of the company and would
like to continue with the Company. Consultation and participation of employee in the major decisions
of the Company are the special part of this leadership style (H Blake, 2020).

Transformational leadership style

It is such a type of leadership theory in which a leader works with his team members in order to
identify the need of changes inside the organisation which is extremely urgent and important for the
future growth of the organisation (S Cleveland, 2020).

In transformational leadership style, a leader creates and develops a vision to guide his
subordinate to follow the guidelines for making effective changes for betterment of the Company. In
most of the cases, transformational leaders are energetic and enthusiastic towards the changes and that
is why they create a positive environment of work. These leaders always help each and every member
of their workforce so that they can achieve success in the process of organisational change (S Cleveland,

For example: In any service industry, transformational leader can identify and process the
changes required for future growth of the Company. Transformational leader can create a lot of
motivation to its subordinates in order to achieve their goals. By creating positive changes, the
transformational leader can develop the future vision for the Company and helps the company by
providing a lot of job satisfaction and employee engagement (UzmaRasool Khan, 2016).

As discussed with the case study, Mr. Simon needs a lot of motivation to overcome from the
present position. He should be motivated by giving promotions by changes in the current promotional
policies. Job satisfaction and employee engagement are the integral part of this type

Management and Organisational Change Part Two

of leadership style that is why the current leader of Mr. Simon should deal with him and try to
resolve his problems at an urgent bases (UzmaRasool Khan, 2016).

Transactional leadership style

These types of leaders only focused over the output which they will be received after providing
their inputs. The regular supervision is a part of this leadership style. Rewards and punishment are the
basic parts of this leadership style which directly linked with the performance of the employees (SNSM
Adnan, 2019).

By improving the performance of the employees, a leader can ensure about the right execution
of the various steps of change process. The short term performance of the employees are very seriously
monitored and assessed by using suitable tools. On the bases of performance analysis promotions,
rewards and punishment are decided by the leader (SNSM Adnan, 2019).

For example: In a manufacturing industry of products, transformational leadership style helps

in boosting the performance of the employees. Motivated employees always perform best for their
organisation and helps in achieving success in the process of organisation change (A Asgari, 2020).

According to the case study, Mr. Simon is dissatisfied by the current promotional policies of the
Company because he is not getting reward according to his performance. The team leader has to motivate
Mr. Simon by giving him sufficient reward for his extraordinary performance (L Braben, 2020).

Limitations of leadership theories

All leadership theories are not suitable for each and every situation of the business. It is very
important to select suitable leadership style for the different scenario of the company by the leaders and
managers of the Company (UzmaRasool Khan, 2016).

For identifying the change inside the Company is not an easy task for the managers. A lot of
observations and research are required for the managers of the Company. Sometimes the adopted
leadership theories are not very much beneficial for the Company that is why timely observations are
required for the proper development of the organisation (V Deshwal, 2020).

Management and Organisational Change Part Two

However, leadership theories are useful for the team leaders and managers to understand the
present scenario of the Company so that they can identify and adopt the suitable process of

the change. But in many cases, the current situation has to be handled with a lot of care and
understandings so that the employees of the Company may not get demotivated (V Deshwal, 2020).

For providing job satisfaction to the employees, the managers need to adopt positive attitude
towards the employees. The employees should be engaged and valued by the Company that is why
sometimes the leadership theirs are not very much fruitful for the company. The leader has to take prompt
decision by analysing the situation (SNSM Adnan, 2019).

As discussed with the case study, it was found that the present leadership theory was not very
much favourable to Mr. Simon. He was not getting promoted because of the current leadership theories
in spite of having a lot of hard work. He was continuously performing very well but could not get
promoted from last three years because of the current promotional policies which are not based on work
experience. It can be said that a lot of improvement and change was needed to provide job satisfaction
and employee engagement to the workforce of the Company (Todnem, 2005).

Management and Organisational Change Part Two


On the bases of the above analysis, it can be said that organisation change is a key to success of
the organisation but it depends upon the correct execution of the change process of the organisation.
Organisation changer is really helpful in the growth and future development of the Company, if it
executed with a lot of care and alertness. Sometimes due to improper leadership strategies the employees
may get demotivated. On the bases of the analysis of different theories of leadership, it can be said that
leadership theories are very beneficial for understanding the problems of employees as well as
organisations. But sometimes using wrong leadership theories may hinder the growth of organisation.

The leader of the Company has to adopt the suitable leadership policies to manage the changes
required for the growth of the Company. However, it was found that some leadership theories are very
much beneficial whereas there is always a limitation exist for the leadership theories in some of the
crucial situation of the organisation.

Management and Organisational Change Part Two


A Asgari, S. M. (2020). The role of leadership styles in organizational citizenship behavior through
mediation of perceived organizational support and job satisfaction. Innovar, 30(75), 87-98.

H Blake, S. L. (2020). Influencing organisational change in the NHS: lessons learned from workplace
wellness initiatives in practice.

Kibbe, M. (2019). Leadership theories and styles. Leadership in Surgery, 27-36.

L Braben, N. M. (2020). Organisational change--learning from experience. Loss Prevention Bulletin, 1-


S Cleveland, M. C. (2020). Leadership Competencies for Sustained Project Success. Journal of Applied
Management Theory , 2(1), 35-47.

SNSM Adnan, R. V. (2019). Communicating shared vision & leadership styles towards enhancing
performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Todnem, R. (2005). Organisational change management: A critical review. Journal of change

management, 5(4), 369-380.

UzmaRasool Khan, F. A. (2016). The Role of Leadership on Organizational Change. International

Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 5(11), 2226-8235.

V Deshwal, M. A. (2020). A Systematic Review of Various Leadership Theories. Journal of Commerce,

8(1), 38-43.

V Ratten, P. U. (2020). Entrepreneurship and Organizational Change: Managing Innovation and Creative
Capabilities. Entrepreneurship and Organizational Change, 1-6.

Vasilescu, M. (2019). Leadership Styles And Theories In An Effective Management Activity. Annals-
Economy Series, 47-52.


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