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Moral values

Moral values: My moral values developed in different stage of my life. Basically, those
values came from family, society, religion, school, books, teacher and government.
From family:

Honesty is the best policy (Lawton,1689). As we know that, it is universal truth. My family
used to teach me this often in my childhood.

Trust is very important in our life, trust is very important in relationship.

Respect and kindness to older and younger.

My family always teach me how to be patient in difficult situation.

From school:

Discipline is very important in our everyday life. School teach us, how to be punctual.

Team work is very important values I learn from school.

School teach me not engage any anti-social activities.

From religion:

Faith and hope is very important in my religion.

Non-violence emerged from different religions (Long & Long 2021). it is very important value
in my life.
Professional code of ethics:
As a social worker, I will be working with people from different sector in my professional
life; therefore, I must follow certain code of conduct in my professional pathway which are
given below:
1. Social work and ethics: As a social worker, I will be solving personal and
interpersonal problems of my client, help the participants, secure the victim from

2. Core principles: As a social worker, I must follow three core principles such as
respect for client, professional honesty and social equality/justice.

3. Making ethical decision: I will follow the code of ethics while making decision
regarding with clients, group or in a organisation. Try to listen both sides, understand
the situation, identity the problems and justify with ethics.

4. Ethical responsibilities in my workplace: I will always be mindful of cultural

sensitivity of my clients, human rights, professional boundaries and resolving
conflicts when arise; with integrity and honesty, give priority to client’s interest,
inform privacy and confidentiality.

5. Working with co-worker and service providers: I will be respectful to my

colleagues, respect their personal space, work with them disciple and integrity.
Besides, I also look after service provider interest, help to thrive in their goals.

6. Service fee for clients: As a social worker, I will let my clients to know that what
they need to pay for taking services, secure their payment, insurance scheme and
payment plan.
Apart from that, I will make sure that, if conflicts arise where they can filled complain and
get the justice (Pascoe 2023).

Ethical dilemma:
As a social worker, I (shah) might work as marital therapist. For example, one day a couple
came to me and their name Alex and Cristina respectively. Alex is alcoholic and drug
addicted; also, do not go to work regularly; Cristina is disappointed with these situations;
Cristina is trying to conceive a baby, but Alex might be impotent. As a result, shah tried to
understand their situation and ask them to make some test. Few days later when shah received
their result and found that Alex is HIV positive. Here the ethical dilemma starts with shah
and find it very difficult, how to help them without harming anyone. Shah knows that he can
disclose any information of Alex to Cristian, as it will violate the privacy and confidentiality
of Alex. However, if I hide the information of Alex to Cristina, then Cristina might get
positive and her upcoming baby too. In this case I will apply ETHIC model to make
appropriate decision.
Firstly, I will examine the relevant personal and client situation, how might they go in this
situation? If I disclose any information of alex to cristina. Secondly, I will think about what
the Australian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics is tell me about this situation.
How to handle this situation (Congress & McAuliffe 2006). Thirdly, I will try to hypothesis
the possible outcome come from my decision. Fourthly, I will identify who will be most
beneficiary in this case; is it alex or cristina? Lastly, I will consult with my colleagues and
supervisor about the alex and cristina case.
At the end, after discussing with my supervisor; if she/he say that disclose the information of
alex to cristina; I will do it and call them and tell them not to be afraid of HIV disease, alex is
HIV positive. This way I will save cristina and her upcoming baby.

Lawton, C 1689, Honesty is the best policy, London: S.N., viewed 13 August 2023, Early
English Book Online.
Long, J. D. & Long, M. G. 2021, Nonviolence in the World’s Religions: A Concise
Introduction, Milton: Taylor and Francis, London, viewed 13 August 2023, Taylor and
Francis EBA.
Pascoe, M. K 2023, ‘Considerations for integrating technology into social work practice: A
content analysis of nine professional social work associations’ Codes of Ethics’, Sage
Journals, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 298-312.
Congress, E. & McAuliffe, D 2006, ‘Social work ethics: Professional codes in Australia and
the United States’, Sage Journals, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 151-164.
Wilkins, D 2012, ‘Ethical dilemmas in social work practice with disabled people: The use of
physical restraint’, Sage Journals, vol. 16, no.2, pp. 127-133

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