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Name: Class: Three Subject: Computer

3rd Semester 2019

Test 1
Total Time: T. Marks:20 Ob.Marks:
1. Circle the correct option for the following sentences (5)

i. MS Word is a ________________________________ program

Spreadsheet word processing presentation database

ii. ______________________ allows you to increase or decrease the size of a document.

title bar status bar zoom slider scrollbar

iii. In MS Word to change the text into Italic click on

B U I both i and b

iv. status bar is at the ____________________ of the word window

Front top bottom right side

v. to exit from MS Word, click on:

close button minimize button maximize button save button

2. State whether the following is true or false (5)

i. MS Word is a presentation program.

ii. Status bar is at the bottom of the word window.

iii. The ribbon has commands for working with the document

iv. We do not have to select the text to change its font

v. To choose a file, select close from the file tab

3. Answer the following questions carefully (2+2+2+2+2=10)

i. What is word processing?

ii. How can we start MS Word?

iii. What is the quick access toolbar?

iv. Write the steps for creating a new file in MS Word.

v. How can we change the font size of a text?

Name: Class: Three Subject: Computer
3rd Semester 2019
Test 2
Total Time: T. Marks:35 Ob.Marks:
1. Fill in the blanks of the following sentences (5)

i. WordPad is a__________________________ program.

ii. Tab stops specify the amount of __________________________ that is applied each time.
iii. When you open WordPad, ______________________ is always active.
iv. We can also draw 3D ________________________in many different ways.
v. Stickers are like pieces of ___________________________.
2. Circle the correct option for the following sentences (3)
i. Paint 3D is a_______________________ program.

Word processing drawing presentation Spreadsheet

ii. There are________________________ types of 3D shapes in Paint 3D.

3 4 5 6

iii. We can draw 3D Doodle through:

3D shapes tool curve tool 3D library 3D model

3. State whether the following is true or false (7)

i. Strike through draw a line through the text

ii. The text smaller and higher than regular text
iii. Indentation option is present in view tab
iv. Copy and cut options are present in the clipboard group
v. Paint 3D is a drawing program
vi. Sharp edge is an option of 3D model
vii. We can apply stickers and texture to a model in Paint 3D
4. Answer the following questions carefully (20)

i. Define WordPad
ii. Write the steps to open WordPad
iii. What is the difference between copy and cut?
iv. How many ways can text be aligned? list them
v. Write the steps to copy and paste text.
vi. What do you know about paint 3D?
vii. What are the types of 3D shapes in Paint 3D?
viii. Write down the steps to insert the sticker in a 3D model.
ix. Write down the steps to draw 3D Doodle in Paint 3D.
Name: Class: Three Subject: Computer
3rd Semester 2019
Terminal Paper
Total Time: T. Marks:40 Ob.Marks:
1. Circle the correct option for the following sentences (7)

i. MS Word is a ________________________________ program

Spreadsheet word processing presentation database

ii. ______________________ allows you to increase or decrease the size of a document.

title bar status bar zoom slider scrollbar

iii. In MS Word to change the text into Italic click on

B U I both i and b

iv. status bar is at the ____________________ of the word window

Front top bottom right side

v. to exit from MS Word, click on:

close button minimize button maximize button save button

vi. Paint 3D is a_______________________- program.

Word processing drawing presentation Spreadsheet

vii. There are________________________ types of 3D shapes in Paint 3D.

3 4 5 6

viii. We can draw 3D Doodle through

3D shapes tool curve tool 3D library 3D model

2. State whether the following is true or false (10)

i. MS Word is a presentation program.

ii. Status bar is at the bottom of the word window.

iii. The ribbon has commands for working with the document.

iv. We do not have to select the text to change its font.

v. To choose a file, select close from the file tab.

vi. Strike through draw a line through the text.

vii. The text smaller and higher than regular text.

viii. Indentation option is present in view tab.

ix. Sharp edge is an option of 3D model.

x. We can apply stickers and texture to a model in Paint 3D.

3. Fill in the blanks of the following sentences (5)

i. WordPad is a__________________________ program.

ii. Tab stops specify the amount of __________________________ that is applied each time.

iii. When you open WordPad, ______________________ is always active.

iv. We can also draw 3D ________________________in many different ways

v. Stickers are like pieces of ___________________________.

4. Answer the following questions carefully (18)

I. What is word processing?

II. How can we start MS Word?

III. What is the quick access toolbar?

IV. Write the steps for creating a new file in MS Word.

V. How can we change the font size of a text?

VI. How many ways can text are aligned? list them

VII. Write the steps to copy and paste text.

VIII. What do you know about paint 3D?

IX. What are the types of 3D shapes in Paint 3D?

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