Test English 2 Term 2

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Name: Class: Two Subject: English

2nd Semester 2019 Total Time: T. Marks: Ob.Marks:

Q1. Answer the questions given below /10

i. What did Aqsa’s mother bake for her birthday?

ii. Which gift Aqsa liked the most? Say why.

iii. What happens when plants do not get water?

iv. What do you use to colour with water colours?

v. Where did the fishermen go one day?

Q2. Make sentences using the words given below /5

Words Sentences






Q3. Fill in the blanks. /5

i. Aqsa’s favorite colour was __________________.
ii. The room was decorated with _________________.
iii. We will build a _____________house.
iv. The fisherman said, “I have never ___________ you again.”
v. Better to keep what I have ______________ than hope for more tomorrow.
Q3. Circle the correct answer. /5

i. Jimmy and Bunny want to draw and __________today.

a) play b) colour c) sleep
ii. Why does Jimmy’s colour not work?
a) they are old b) they are bad c) they need water

iii. Aqsa’s parents had made great preparations to celebrate:

a) Christmas day b) Eid day c) Aqsa’s birthday
iv. Aqsa’s grandparents gave her:
a) a story book b) a poem book c) a book of fairy tales
v. Who wished the party would never end?
a) Aqsa b) Aqsa’s mother c) Aqsa’s uncle

Q4. Reading test /5

Q.5 Word/meaning /5
celebrate favourite wide catch hope

Q.6 Write the names who do the following jobs for us. /6

Plumber tailor farmer barber gardener postman

i. He looks after our plants. ________________________

ii. He cuts our hair. ________________________

iii. He repairs our taps. ________________________

iv. He grows crops for us. ________________________

v. He stitches our clothes. ________________________

vi. He delivers our letter. ________________________

Q.7 Fill in the blanks with “ee” or “ea” /7

w__________p r_____________d

l____________f sl____________p

t______________th s____________t


Q.8 Write a story of “Greedy Dog”. /5

Q.9 Memory (Poem) Our House /2

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