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LESSON 6 HUMAN FLOURISHING INTRODUCTION Happiness can be perceived as an effect and condition of living right. It relates to human fulfilment and human flourishing being so attainable nowadays with the aid of Science. Since then, science is applied as a useful fool in order to attain and prove people's notions and beliefs. With its help, everything is almost explainable and possi ble in terms of achieving human flourishing and self- actualization, ‘As a college student, appreciating the journey of science emphasizing human flourishing that leads to human achievement is something to cherish with It provides us a glimpse of yesterday and reflects us the meaning of good life to this modern era of science, In this module you will lean about: 1. Human Flourishing 2. Scientific Method mene) At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: + define human flourishing * appreciate the importance of using the scientific method in solving problem; and + name the different branches of science. 74 COT re & COURSEIYEAR: SCORE: & IPRE-ASSESSMENT ) Let's Refresh Your Mind Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the best answer. 1.The deductive way of reasoning means from ‘8. general to specific ‘©. conclusion to verification specific to general <. hypothesis to verification 2.The inductive way of reasoning means from 28. general to specific ‘conclusion to verification b. specific to general 4. hypothesis to verification 3.What the first step in scientific method? 2. observe: «formulate hypothesis b. determine the problem d. conduct experiment 4, What is the last step in scientific method? 2 formulate conclusion _c. Gather and analyze b verification <. conduct experiment 5.Below is a term used in modern science to predict unforeseen events and disasters 2. broadcasting relaying b. reporting 4d. forecasting 6. tis the term used for the study of weather 2, volcanology ‘c. meteorology b. seismology d. astrology 7. The acronym STEM means {8 Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics b. Science, Technics, Engineering, Mathematics Science, Technology, Entertainment, Mathematics 4. Science, Technology, Engineering, Matter 8. It refers to aggregate of people living in a particular community ‘2 sociology . socialization b. society 4. social studies 841tis proposition of ideas explaining an event based on one’s general principle ‘a. theory principle baw 4. belief 410. He proposes the “Theory of Social History” ‘a Sigmund Freud ‘c. Hebert Spencer b. Karl Manx 4. August Comte 7 CS NAME: COURSE/YEAR: DATE: ‘SCORE: ete The Transformation Directions: Study the selection below and answer the following activity Mark isa freshman college student. He is currently living in @ flood prone subdivision in Kapalong. He wants fo conduct a situational research on why is itthat their area is very prone to foging especially in heavy rain seasons. One factor that he considered was the poor drainage system in their place as the primary cause of the flooding, Following the scientifc method of solving problem, what should be the proper steps in his research? r Image source: htps://newsine pin-pletures/2017/01/24/kopoiong town proper/ Following the steps of scientific method in solving problem, how should Mark order his research? 76 (ESET nk NAME: COURSE/YEAR: Dati ‘SCORE: I }G2% Together We Stand, Divided We Fall te ft Direction: Write six (6) branches of science that operate in their own respective

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