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Gunbilig Sukhbaatar

Student ID 100421506

Personal Statement

I am grateful to Langara College for offering entrance awards to international students because,
in the past two years, I have rather been occupied with finding myself in the big wide world than
working or studying diligently. As a result, so I couldn’t save enough to afford living in Canada
on my own. During this journey, I have come to realize that every person is like the characters in
the story of 'The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.' I am both the pig and the wolf,
embodying both good and bad qualities, like the yin and yang. This realization has taught me
the importance of maintaining my own story while appreciating the stories of others, so as not to
lose myself in the influence of powerful narratives.

Through my philosophical adventure, I learned three valuable lessons:

1) Although an effort is a tiny part for a change, it is a change nonetheless.

2) The best organization is organized thoughts. It took me 2 years to get this point on my
own. What a great accomplishment!
3) Best music is being confident among people. Even with the limitless supply of music
today, confidence in public feels more harmonious to me than instrumental music,
especially for me who is an archaic introvert.

One positive aspect about my journey is that, although I have always thought of myself to be a
painter, I found myself being my best at composition. Ever since then, the more I write the
happier I am everyday. However, the disadvantage is that I used up all my time in creative
isolation outside of urban life and I didn’t get to make much money on my own. So I really need
the entrance award so that I can start a financially soft beginning in Canada.

In terms of academic merit, I achieved first place in history in the national university entrance
exam and maintain a GPA of 3.76 out of 4.0, which demonstrates my academic competence.
However, I consider these achievements merely as student scores. True academic merit is
attained by finding a solution to the biggest of world problems and, only then, it may be true
contribution to the learning community. Currently, I have a few unresolved challenges and have
yet to fully complete my quest. Nevertheless, I feel energetically and confidently that in exactly
two years, I will reach my philosophical peak and overcome my first major challenge. When that
time comes, may it be an unprecedented victory in human philosophy and a true contribution to
humanity and the learning community.

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