Supplementary Materials HH and CT Topics 2021 Edition

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A. REALITIES OF SFC- SFC is not dividing the ministry but rather recognizing the vast realities of our
members in the ministry, thus, the need to categorize the members based on age and realities.
The ministry has developed formation materials specific of each reality to provide more
nourishment and support to all our members.



a. All young adults should a. Young adults can a. Household head

Young be grouped together. be household who is working can
Adults heads to the young pastor students or
(18-22) b. Those in school should adults especially to other members who
be grouped together the students are working.
and those who are
working should be b. Young b. Household heads
grouped together. professionals as who are students
household heads to can pastor other
c. Primary consideration the young adults members who are
is their reality - whether also in school but
a student or working. not encouraged to
pastor members
d. Secondary consideration who are working
- age of SFC because their
realities are

Young With other young a. Young professionals

Professionals professionals and/ or adult
(23-34) professionals b. Adult professionals

Adult a. With other adult a. Adult professionals 38 and above will not
Professionals professionals be given any lower
(35-40) b. For 38 and above, household or any
b. The 38 and above HOLD/ SOLD and/ pastoral service so
should be placed in the or SFC Couple there is no attachment
transition household. Coordinator and they can transition
to the next ministry

2021 EDITION 1|Page


2021 EDITION 2|Pag e


Household Topic 1: THE GOOD LIFE

Anchor Verse: “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all
understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

The Grace We Seek:

We seek for the grace to carry an attitude of gratitude and focus on the good things that God has
placed in our daily life.

Gratitude Jar

The gratitude jar is a stunningly simple exercise that can have profound effects on your well-
being and outlook. It only requires a few ingredients: a jar (a box can also work); a ribbon, stickers,
glitter, or whatever else you like to decorate the jar; paper and a pen or pencil for writing your
gratitude notes; and gratitude!

Step 1: Find a jar or box.

Step 2: Decorate the jar however you wish. You can tie a ribbon around the jar’s neck, put
stickers on the sides, use clear glue and glitter to make it sparkle, paint it, keep it simple,
or do whatever else you can think of to make it a pleasing sight.

Step 3: This is the most important step, which will be repeated every day. Think of at least three
things throughout your day that you are grateful for. It can be something as benign as
a coffee at your favorite place, or as grand as the love of your significant other or
dear friend. Do this every day, write down what you are grateful for on little slips of
paper and fill the jar.

Over time, you will find that you have a jar full of infinite reasons to be thankful for and
enjoy the life you are living. It also will cultivate a practice of expressing thanks to the

If you are ever feeling especially down and need a quick pick-me-up, take a few notes
out of the jar to remind yourself of who, and what, is good in your life that the Lord has
given you.

Step 4: Share to the group the three things you are grateful for the day.



In this day and age, with all the disorder and turmoil happening in the world, it can be hard to
see the positive things around us. More so, we find it hard to see the positive in us. As young
adults, we become too preoccupied of the standards of the world that affects our well-being. We
end up losing ourselves. That’s why, it is very important to build our well-being.

According to Tchiki Davis, Ph.D, well-being is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It
includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and ability to
manage stress. Well-being is something sought by just about everyone, because it includes so many
positive things—feeling happy, healthy, socially connected, and purposeful.

In this technology age where we face a lot of challenges, can we really improve our well-being? Yes!
We can actually do. Well-being emerges from our thoughts, actions, and experiences—most of which
we have control over. With this, we can start improving our well-being by thinking positively always!
How? According to Norman Vincent Peale, author of the book The Power of Positive Thinking, there
are 10 rules for overcoming inadequacy attitudes and learning to practice faith:
1. Picture yourself as succeeding.
2. Think a positive thought to drown out a negative thought.
3. Minimize obstacles.
4. Do not attempt to copy others.
5. Repeat “If God be for us, who can be against us?” 10 times every day.
6. Work with a counselor or a mentor.
7. Repeat “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” 10 times every day.
8. Develop a strong self-respect.
9. Affirm that you are in God's hands.
10. Believe that you receive power from God.

In turn, as our psychological well-being improves, it becomes easier to think positively and feel good
overall. Lastly, to keep ourselves in a positive attitude, expressing our gratitude will keep us focused on
all the good things in life. We can even express gratitude on social media, or using apps or a journal to
list down what you’re grateful for. Learning to be grateful in everything we do will become a way of life.
We'll discover we can be thankful for little things, like not being late in school, the beauty of sunset, as
well as the big things like passing on your exam, a new job or a visit from friend. Finding things to be
thankful for everyday is a simple but effective way to boost our psychological well-being.

As we journey with the Lord with a positive mind and thoughts, let us not forget to always offer
our prayers and petition to Him, and surely, we can have that good life the Lord wants us to have.
Let us face the world with an attitude of gratitude and it will make our life more meaningful.

Guide Question:
1. How is God calling you to grow in gratitude in this season of your life?
2. Which among the tips from The Power of Positive Thinking would be difficult for
you to follow, and how you will to try to act upon it?




Anchor Verse: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will
be given you besides.” Matthew 6:33

The Grace We Seek: We seek for the grace to live with integrity and uphold the virtues and
attributes of a follower of Christ.

As young adults we are faced with so much decisions and priorities to make. With the many
overwhelming choices, we have to make, we must set our negotiable and non-negotiable in life
to have an internal structure to make sound judgements and please God.

Our negotiables in life would be flexible decisions we can have in life which do not harm you,
others and God, while our non-negotiables are the things you will not negotiate. They are the
big-time deal breakers. They are pre-set decisions based on values and principles in our life which
shapes us and our being as a Christian.

Examples for negotiables would be our favorite color, favorite food, and clothes we would be
comfortable with, while our non-negotiables in life drives our actions and attitudes in life. Let us
remember that as Christians, our non-negotiable are based and grounded on the teaching of our
Jesus, and are not merely based on what the majority of what others and the world believe.

Setting these negotiables and non-negotiables helps us have sound Christian judgement on our
day-to-day decisions in life. At the end of the day, these decisions that we make should be in
accordance to God’s will, seeking His will and doing it for His glory.

Guide Questions:
1. Have you already set negotiables and non-negotiables in your life?
2. If yes, what are your negotiables and non-negotiables in
a. Your family life
b. Work/school life
c. Relationships
d. Self
And if not, start setting them now.
3. What are the challenges you face in categorizing things as to negotiable or non-



Household Topic 3: POWER OF WORDS

Anchor Verse: “For whoever would love life and see good days must keep the tongue from evil
and the lips from speaking deceit.” 1 Peter 3:10

The Grace We Seek: We ask for the grace to be kind with our words so that we can bless others.

Activity: Think of three (3) positive trait/affirmation for each of your Household Members and
tell that person while tapping his/her shoulders, do it one at a time.

Our words have an impact. People have been hurt a and some even leads to death because of
the power of words. It can be thrown anytime and anywhere causing pain within families,
marriages, communities, relationships, reputations, churches and many others. The power of
words can be compared to a sharpened razor- a small object, but effective and can be difficult to

But God tells us to make our mouths a fountain of life and a source of blessing. In this generation
the normal conversation comes with green jokes, vulgar words and curses. it is challenging to go
against the tide, especially if it has become a normal occurrence for some.
Social media plays a big part in expressing our thoughts. What is texted, Snapchatted, shared on
Facebook, as well as on Instagram Stories, Twitter or anything shared on social media creates an
effect. Without careful screening of every word that will be said and posted, it can be a cause of
miscommunication and misunderstanding with the people around us.

We are being challenged nowadays as God’s young army to use our tongue to bless others by:
• Praying for others instead of cursing
• Cyber honoring instead of cyber bullying
• Witnessing through our life stories instead of gossiping

Guide Questions:
1. In what ways can you use and guard your words?
2. How can you use social media in being a good witness of God’s love and mercy?
3. What are the things you need to remember while talking to others?




Anchor Verse: “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”
Jeremiah 29:12

The Grace We Seek: We ask for the grace to develop and maintain a steady rhythm in our prayer
life that is simple and personal.

1. Have a picture or illustration (a picture of the Blessed Mother, a forest or anything with
lots of details) and a timer ready.
2. Set the timer to 2 minutes to try and copy or draw the illustration in your own way. Next,
with a blank sheet of paper, set it to 5 minutes and try to draw it again. Finally, set it to
15 minutes and do the same.

The more time we spend doing something, the more it becomes easier and better. This is true
for our prayer life too.

At the heart of our relationship with God is prayer. The great thing about prayer is it doesn’t have
to be extravagant or perfect; He just wants us to show up. He wants consistency. Like a slow and
steady sprint, consistency allows us to have a stable prayer pattern.

Occasionally, we find ourselves struggling. The key is learning to step back and try again. Catholic
author and apologist Matt Fradd describe the factors that falter our prayer life.

1. Having high expectations or preconceived notions of how our prayers should be. We
think every moment in prayer should be life-changing or moments of perfect peace and
silence. And when we don’t achieve it, we feel like we’ve failed or disappointed ourselves.
The solution is reminding ourselves the core of what prayer is, which is simply, having a
“vital and personal relationship” with God (CCC 2558). Prayer is also “raising one’s mind
and heart to God” (CCC 2559).
2. The distractions in our hearts and surroundings. The Catechism of the Catholic Church
notes that distraction “reveals to us what we are attached to” (2729). When distractions
rise up, rather than sweep it away, acknowledge it and let whatever is clouding your mind
lead you into prayer.
3. Praying only when we feel like it. We may have the desire to pray all the time, but unless
we set out to be intentional about praying, it won’t happen. It may quickly come to mind,
but if we haven’t deliberately planned it, we’ll just push it away.



Once we’ve come to learn to disregard our preconceived notions to what prayer actually is, we
need to be intentional about it. Here are a few tips to get prayer purposely into your life:

1. Start with a baby step: begin and end your day with a prayer. Start by offering a daily
offering of prayer before your feet hit the floor and if you can, try praying the Holy Rosary
at some point during the day. Then finally, do an examination of conscience at night that
will bring you to reflecting on your day and His presence in it.
2. Find what works for you. Ask yourself the best time for prayer, Mass and other Christian
practices that work best for you. Is it right when you wake up in the morning? Is it while
you commute? Where are the pockets of solitude and free time during your day where
you can bring the Lord in?
3. Commit to it. Make it to a habit by praying at the same time every day. It can be the same
for Mass, Adoration, Confession and other activities too. Once you decide what works for
you, add it to your calendar, or even set an alarm on your phone.

Though there may be times our prayer life isn’t the most ideal one, don’t give up. Start taking
small steps and be patient in slowly and steadily forming your prayer life.

Guide Questions:
1. What is one thing you can start doing to kick start or improve your prayer life?
2. How have you formed a prayer rhythm in your life? How do you plan to maintain that
during busy and difficult seasons?




Anchor Verse: “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be
complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one
than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I
no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I
have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father, I have made known to
you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear
fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This
is my command: Love each other.” Jn 15:11-17

The Grace We Seek: We seek for the grace to be more empathetic and loving to all our brothers
and sisters, no matter our differences.


1. Play a game of “What Would Jesus Do?”

2. Dynamics: Orient the group to have a disposition of Jesus--what would Jesus do?
3. The household head will make a list of the reality that young professionals face and ask,
“What would you do if you will have a brethren who is…
• a member that is out of school?
• a fresh grad who failed their board exam?
• a member who is struggling to find a job?
• a member who grew up with a broken family?
• a member who strives to change, yet you caught them indulging in their vices?
• a victim of sexual abuse?
• an active member of the community and at the same time, an active member of
the LGBT community?
• a broken-hearted member whose previous partner is a member of the
• a member who is a single mom/dad at an early age?
• a member who became inactive because of a pre-marital pregnancy?

4. Each member would pick a reality and consider what Jesus would do in those moments.
The household head must be aware of different perspective and instill respect to answers.
5. Processing: The activity can be likened to the parable of the Good Samaritan, embodying
how Jesus as a good neighbor.



In this generation, we encounter a lot of young professionals today who face realities like the
ones discussed in the activity. As children of God, we are called to go beyond our limits and
comfort zones to reach out to all our brothers and sisters, and love them as Jesus does. Here are
three easy and simple steps to become the friendly neighbor to our brothers and sisters:

1. Have compassion
When we understand each other’s circumstances, we become compassionate. We ask
the Holy Spirit to have a sense of mercy. With this, we become a person who practices
and responds with mercy. Like Jesus, He showed His mercy to the whole humanity,
despite of the judgement of people against Him, to hang Him on the cross, when in fact
as God; He could easily do so much more. Yet because of Jesus Christ’s great love for us,
He chose to die because He is merciful.
In the same way, we become more like Jesus who is loving and merciful to everyone in
need. When we become compassionate, we lay our lives for other’s sake. We learn to set
aside our own sake for others.

2. Be a good companion
We can aim to be a person who takes time to listen, share similar or relatable experiences,
give advice, or simply be a friend. By being a person who can be trusted with our brother’s
or sister’s struggles, we become a protector of someone’s story. It is also about having a
humble heart to understand someone’s struggle and choosing to understand rather than
judge. Being a good companion allows us to celebrate their wins and joys and journey
with them. Like Jesus who walks and lives in us, He chose to live and to serve even the
worse sinners.

3. Embodying our calling

As we know the significance of becoming a friendly neighbor, we must learn to embody
this as our personal mission. While everyone has their own battle to face, nothing
compares to be able to face life’s difficulties with each other, side by side. Let us not go
to our own battle all alone.

Empowering one another through our sufferings and sharing the light of the Lord that
radiates in us is a passion.

We may have different realities and struggles in our lives. Jesus shows us how it’s possible
to handle it all. Being a friend to our neighbors can be possible, especially when we obey
what Jesus asks of us: to lay our lives for others.

Be a good friend with a compassionate heart; let this be our passion to serve our Lord and
to serve our brothers and sister. We choose to love, because God chose to love us first.
Our simple friendship can become an extraordinary friendship within God’s grace.

Guide questions.
1. What are the hindrances you have in facing realities and crossroads in life?
2. What are the concrete steps I need to do in order to be what God wants me to be?



Household Topic 6: GAIN FROM PAIN

Anchor Verse: “So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice,
and no one will take your joy from you.” – John 16:22

The Grace We Seek: We seek for the grace to accept our personal struggles and pain in life and
see the values and lessons in it.


- Materials: Paper, pen, candle

- Write down the current personal struggles in your life in a paper. After the sharing, burn
your paper completely.

In our everyday life, we face and encounter difficult people, experiences trials in work, in our
families, in our service and in our relationships. Our struggles and pain can make or break us.
These make us experience sadness and pain that may affect us mentally, emotionally and

When we experience these difficulties, God is revealing Himself to us and in a way, we recognize
Him. We can gain learnings, values and the grace to fully understand our situation. For when we
are broken, God wants us to respond to His call and that the values and lessons we learn would
make us more willing to share Him to others.

Guide Questions

1. What are your personal struggles in your family, workplace, service and with other areas
of your life?
2. How did you deal with your personal struggles? What did you do to overcome them?
3. What values and lessons did you learn from your experiences?



2021 EDITION 12 | P a g e


Anchor Verse:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm
you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

1. Differentiate the meaning of worldly trust vs Godly trust.
2. Enumerate ways on how we seek to trust God's process.
3. Encourage people to seek for values and grace in trusting God's process.

Sharer’s Profile:
A brother or a sister, who had an experience of fully trusting the Lord while experiencing a
challenge in life, and with His grace, has successfully won this battle.

People take the word trust as a big word. It is something hard to give and hard to earn. There are
worldly issues that affect people’s view on trust that also lead people to having issues in trusting
God. Knowing the difference between worldly trust and Godly trust would lead people to trust
the Lord first and foremost.

Worldly trust stems out on trusting relationships, people and the world. When we base our trust
on these things, we often get disappointed because they are imperfect, and as such, have the
tendency to fail us. Broken trusts often lead us to having trust issues and a cold heart.

Godly trust is a trust that is based on the promise of God and the faith that it will not be broken. We
believe that the Lord wants only what is good and pleasing for us. And thus, trusting in His will and
plan for us, we are confident that we are in good hands and we should not be afraid nor fearful of
what lies ahead.

Seeking His Will

Acknowledging the issues on trust, we must also be knowledgeable on ways to trust His will.
Seeking for these ways will help us manage and practice fully trusting Him. And to know His will,
we must know Him first.

We have been taught that as Christians we must have a strong relationship with the Lord. How?
Communicate with Him through prayer, know more about Him through scripture readings and
encounter Him through the Sacraments. These will help us seek and hear His will. Our
relationship with Him will help us understand everything that is happening in our life. The
obstacles, challenges, the joys and victories are part of His plan. You will only understand
everything that happens in your life if you allow Him to act on your life and when you surrender
your life to Him.

As we learn to trust the Lord, let us be mindful of the lessons and values that this process may
lead us. In time, we can be more patient and excited for His plan for us.



Teaching Topic 2: FINDING JOY

Anchor Verse:
“As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love… I have told you this so that my
joy might be in you and your joy might be complete.” John 15: 9,11

1. Recognize the struggle of young adults in finding joy in their lives.
2. Let them realize that the Lord loves them and wants them to live a full and joyful life in
Him through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
3. Enumerate ways on how to find joy and accept God’s promise of complete joy.

Sharer’s Profile:
An SFC member or leader who experienced difficulty living a joyful life because of his/her
struggles in life; but was able to recognize the love of God and His promise of joy.

1. In order to set the tone of the session: Share Your ‘Best Possible Future’
2. Ask each person to write his or her Best Possible Future at work, school, vocation, or home
for three years from now. Have them group into 5 to form a small circle and let them
share with their group mates.

(Researchers have found that writing about your goals–and successfully reaching them–can
help you to gain insight into your priorities and emotions, increase feelings of control,
improve performance, and boost happiness.)

Most of us struggle with appreciating and finding joy within ourselves. As young adults, there
are a lot of issues that needs to be recognized in order to address it one step at a time. It is very
difficult to find joy especially if we are not aware where we are at the moment.

Road blocks to Finding Joy

Some would say they don’t like their personalities, bodies and even abilities, and tend to compare
one with others. It is very likely that self-pity will come into picture and flaws will be more
highlighted. Peer and social media pressure are very real nowadays and it can create a bubble
for the young adults. It’s no surprise that we struggle to find joy in our individuality. Life can be
too overwhelming because they are focused on working their jobs, keeping up with their social
life and completing classes at the same time. The social media plays a big part too on how we see
ourselves as a unique individual with promising gifts and talents that needs to be recognized and



Joy as a Gift
Pope Francis shared in his homily that joy is a grace and a gift of the Holy Spirit, not just positive
emotions or feeling cheerful. Joy is “not the consequence of emotions that burst for a wonderful
thing... This joy, this which fills us, is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit, one cannot have
this joy.”
“To be full of joy,” the Pope said, “is the experience of the highest consolation, when the Lord
makes us understand that this is something different from being cheerful, positive, bright...”
Basically, the Lord wants us to ask and receive this gift in order to experience His love in whatever
circumstances we are in.

Find Joy and God’s Promises

It is very important to consider our individuality, our beliefs and standards in finding joy. We
believe that the Lord wants us all to live our lives to the fullest and by that, experience pure joy
in Him. We have our own realities and different ways to cope up with life but we can take few
actions we can focus on and be mindful of in order to find joy within.

Here’s how to find joy:

1. Appreciate the small things and express gratitude.

2. Know who you are. Know that you are a child of God.
3. Surround yourself with people who are life-giving and positive.
4. Focus on your strengths. Have passions.
5. Laugh more. Love more. Pray more.

The Lord wants us to experience joy in this life. Let us believe in His promise.




Anchor Verse: “Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.” Romans 5:20

1. Understand the need to embody chastity in young adults’ relationships.
2. A look at the practical ways on how young adults, especially for those in relationships, can
pursue a Christ-centered relationship.

Sharers’ profiles:
1. A young married couple who can share their experience of pursuing a Christ-centered
relationship prior to marriage, despite obstacles and temptations.
2. An engaged couple who can share their experience of pursuing a Christ-centered
relationship, despite obstacles and temptations.

1. Think of your future spouse.
2. Using post-it notes, write a quality or trait you want/is praying for in your future spouse
(for example: can cook, forgiving, family-oriented, plays video games, etc.). Everyone can
stick it to a spot as a gallery for everyone to see.
3. On your own personal paper/journal, write a letter/prayer for him/her at this season of
your life of how you’re preparing to be the person God intends you to be for your future
spouse. The lesson is for participants to consider how they should be preparing to be the
answered prayer to the person they’re praying for.

We live in a time that celebrates the liberty of choices, and with that, it can bring many
implications to the freedom in romantic relationships and sets aside God’s original design for our
bodies. The reality in today’s culture is that hooking up, one-night stands, ghosting, sexting,
cohabitation and no-label relationships is prevalent, and pre-marital sex is normalized in today’s

As Christians, we are called to bring others to Christ and uphold the dignity and potential of every
human person, especially in regard to our sexuality.

Why chastity is worth pursuing.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines chastity as the successful integration of body and
soul (2337). Our body is following what our soul wants. We all have a deep ache for love that only
God can fulfill. But instead, we fill it instead with selfish emotions, impulses, and pleasures that
are lesser than the real thing.



St. John wrote God is love. He showed us how to love one another: unconditionally and
sacrificially. This is the kind of love that does not depend upon what another does for us, but
learning how to love the other, without expecting anything in return. While pre-marital sex,
pornography, masturbation and succumbing to lust are about attaining pleasure for yourself,
learning to truly love like Jesus does is dying to one’s self. It is sacrificial love that prioritizes
someone else’s soul and integrity over our own selfish desires.

St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us that, “to love is to will the good of the other.” The way to love
someone is to choose what’s best for their soul. This is the decision a person makes to accept
that sex is a sacred physical sign of the vows a husband and wife makes with the Sacrament of
Marriage, and a beautiful means of procreation and intimacy within a marriage. Chastity is not a
no, but a yes to something greater. When you say no to small joys of gratification, you’re saying
yes to something greater. When you’re saying no to sex, you’re giving your yes to your future

We are called to love one another, as Christ loves us. For those who have fallen into the
temptation of pre-marital sex, God in His infinite mercy forgives us. May God grant us the grace
to Trust in the Sacrament of Penance and believe. The focus is living a chaste life moving forward.

Here are a few tips to persevere in chastity and grow in holiness:

1. Pray for your intention to have a Christ-centered relationship

A couple should have a shared goal. It can’t just be one person deciding to be chaste; it
should be both understanding and embracing the purpose. Pray for the grace that your
desires may be purified and transformed in times of temptation. Pray to let God satisfy
that yearning for love, and not use other people for that ache. Acknowledge Jesus’
presence on every date. Though you may be in a relationship right now, help guard each
other’s hearts as the person you’re with right now is not fully yours until your wedding
vows. The question isn’t about how “physically far” you can go, but rather asking, “How
can I get this person closer to heaven? How can I help this person be closer to sainthood?”

2. Know yourself, check yourself

To guard your life against lust, St. Thomas Aquinas advises to flee from external things
that can lead you to occasions of sin, avoid internal reactions and thoughts, and engage
in wholesome activities. Simply put, don’t go and engage in activities where you know
you’ll be tempted. Channel your desires into creative ways of expressing love, and as a
result, your friendship and intimacy would deepen and your relationship becomes
stronger. By persevering in purity, you’re not only glorifying God, you’re increasing your
ability to love.



This can be as simple as:

- Watching a movie with little/no sexual connotations as a group fellowship or with
a couple of friends, instead of watching a movie together with heavy sexual
content with just the two of you in a room.
- Choosing and planning creative dates that promote wholesome activities such as:
a picnic or museum date, cooking lessons, learning or teaching each other
personal finances and stock trading, or board games with each other’s siblings.
- Keeping the lights on in your room and allowing yourself to be interrupted, as well
as giving your dates a curfew when you know your temptation peaks around late
at night.

3. Have the talk

When you’re both on the same page of pursuing chastity in your relationship, though it
may be awkward and difficult at first, it would be easier to talk about your boundaries.
Having self-awareness and the ability to verbalize mistakes early on is important. If both
of you acknowledge and keep in mind your triggers, it plays a vital role.
Affections are healthy ways to show we love someone, but anything preparing the body
for sex is arousal. If it’s anything aimed to sexually arouse the other, then that’s something
to be saved for marriage. Boyfriends or girlfriends do not get husband or wife privileges.

4. Accountability
On this journey, it’s important to have trusted friends who will keep you accountable. Ask
them for help in keeping boundaries of time together. Be transparent and open in your
struggle. Date with family and your community, not just with each other.

It’s definitely not an easy feat and takes work. Chastity is a virtue, and as such, requires
practice. Pray for God’s grace and guidance, be steadfast in prayer and grow together in
your love for God through the Holy Sacraments.



Teaching Topic 4: LIFE TO THE FULLEST

Anchor Verse: “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for
itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Mt 6:34

1. Envision what comes next after their college life.
2. Sustain the needs towards their priorities.
3. The joy of pursuing self-development.

Sharers’ profile:
- A brother/sister who experienced anxiety problem because of fear of all the uncertainties
in his/her life but chose to embrace and rise above it.

Though some college students, fresh graduates and young adults already have something in mind
for what they want to do next, others are afraid to face life’s uncertainties. Here are a few factors
to remember as we go through this stage in our lives:

1. Dreaming big

All of us have the same fear towards uncertainties, but we need to push ourselves to go
beyond this fear. As young as we are, it’s essential to dream. In this way, we create our
own vision for ourselves. Dream for your future, dream for your desired profession,
dream for your best lifestyle. Your dream must be in accordance to the will of God, still
not from our selfish dreams but to always include others in our dreams. So, you will have
a great vision for yourself someday.

2. Having a tour guide

In life, there are ups and downs moments. We need guidance. We’re blessed to have
group of people we can rely to mentor us during this period of life. From our parents to
our friends, our household and finally, from our brothers and sisters in the community.
They are our prayer buddies during this time, let’s not be afraid to ask for help and
guidance during this time.

3. The gift of discernment

Though time may feel fast and overwhelming, it’s important to take a step back to ponder
and reflect to look at the big picture to the state of our life and where our life is headed.



We must pray for the grace to practice discernment intentionally. Through the gift of
discernment, we can find what we consider as important to us. Through discernment, we
will appreciate all the things that are happening in us. Through discernment, we find that
our time has valuable aspect in our lives, and through discernment, we became wiser in
our decision-making.

4. Embrace the #adultlife

At our stage, we have a lot of desires that we want to do, but most of us are still
dependent to our parents, as well as other people to decide for us. But at the same time,
we shouldn’t be hesitant to take the first steps to being responsible for our own actions
and decisions. We must learn to rely on ourselves. Embrace the journey of learning more
for your own personal growth.

While this is an enjoyable stage in our lives, we forget to grow. Though we have failures and
challenges in our lives, let’s enjoy the true happiness of this season of our life and live a life to
the fullest with our God.




Anchor Verse: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." ~ Isaiah 41:10

Objective: To have a mindset to face life’s challenges with a positive outlook.

Sharer’s Profile
- A brother/sister who overcome pain in his/her life and experience God working in his/her

1. Everyone will write a message of inspiration, motivation or prayer in a piece of paper to
someone who is going through a struggle.
2. After writing, the speaker will collect all papers and put it in a container. Then everyone
will pass it and get one.
3. Let everyone read it and reflect on it.

Materials: Paper, pen, container for the papers

As we grow, we face struggles and difficulties in our life. Dealing with difficult people at work,
broken relationships and family problems may be our biggest struggle. It may affect our daily life,
especially if we don’t know how to deal with it. Being able to handle the situation and our
emotions well makes us better Christians.

We remember: A.C.E

A - Acceptance
It’s easy to blame yourself or worry too much because of your current situation.
Questioning yourself and God may lead you far from Him. It will not just destroy your
relationship with Him, but also your relationship with others. Acceptance will help you to
be aware of the reality that you are in pain and struggling. Recognize what you are feeling
and accept that you are weak. Be humble enough to accept that you need God and others
to help you overcome your pain.


C - Change
Through the experiences you are in, you can visually see that there is something that
should be changed. This might be a change in character, attitude, mindset or how to deal
with people. Ask yourself, “What would Jesus do if He is in my situation?” Evaluate
yourself and your situation for you to really recognize what should be changed. Be willing
to change for the better so that the Lord may work in your healing. If others see this
change, they will also mirror it to you. Be a reflection of what a good Christian be should.

E - Embrace
Embrace God’s offer of healing by being more aware of His message to you. Recognize
Him in your struggle. Ask yourself “What does the Lord wants me to do?” for you to really
see Him in your pain. Be hopeful that He will lead to the place where there is total healing
and peace. You have gone so far and you have God by your side. Embrace Him in your life
and see how He is working through your personal struggles.



2021 EDITION 23 | P a g e

Household Topic 1: BE LIKE JOSEPH

Aspect: Relationship

Anchor Verse: “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” Luke 11:28


1. To illustrate Joseph’s values and characters

2. To help young professionals relate to Joseph as a true Christian man
3. To identify ways to live as Joseph’s reflection

We all know Joseph as Mary’s devoted husband, Jesus’ caring corporeal father, and a saint to the
Catholics. We have limited sources or write ups that speak about Joseph. Even the bible has
underwhelming reference to him, some of which are the following:

Matthew 1:18-25 – before the birth of Jesus, an angel of the Lord appeared before Joseph in a
dream, and told him to take Mary as his wife.

Luke 2:16 – Shepherds found Joseph, Mary, and infant Jesus at the manger

Matthew 2:13 – An angel appeared to Joseph through a dream instructing him to bring Jesus and
Mary to Egypt for Herod is looking for the child Jesus to destroy Him.

Matthew 2:19 – an angel of the Lord appeared in Joseph’s dream and led their return to Israel.

And while there are limited facts about Joseph known to man, he is still an endeared biblical
figure that we all venerate and pray for intercessory grace. He is a Christian that we need to look
up, to embrace our true identity as a child of God. His virtues and characters are a great
testament to why he was chosen by God to be in union with Mary in conceiving, giving birth to,
and raising Jesus.

Joseph is an obedient servant of God. He led his family’s way according to God’s will. He might
have been ridiculed or shamed for marrying Mary who was carrying a baby which was not his,
but he was not disheartened. He followed the difficult paths that the angel of the Lord revealed
to him to lead his family. He never questioned God, but was earnest and whole-hearted in doing
his part for God’s plans to happen. He loved Jesus as his own, and was a faithful follower to Jesus
as God’s only begotten son. And while he did not know or understand God’s reasons or ways,
Joseph acted in sheer faith and love.

2021 EDITION 24 | P a g e

In a world full of chaos and moral topsy-turvy, God calls us to be Joseph – one that is faithful to
the Lord, obedient to His words, and loving to others. It doesn’t matter what our status in life is
we can still be like Joseph. Life offers no room for pride, anger, envy, and other sins of the world.
We must live out the Christian characters that Joseph himself embodied for us to truly receive
God’s grace and, consequently, be God’s gift to others. We ought to live a virtuous life – one that
is full of compassion, hope, faith towards our self and others – so that we may live in peace and
happiness, as did Joseph.

Guide Questions:

1. How do you relate to Joseph as a true Christian?

2. What can you do to mold your character as noble and saintly as Joseph’s?

2021 EDITION 25 | P a g e

Household Topic 2: BE LIKE MARY

Aspect: Self

Anchor Verse: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my
savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call
me blessed.” Luke 1: 46-48

The Litany of Humility, a beautiful prayer often attributed to Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val, has
gained popularity over the years because of its simplicity, honesty, and relatability. Whenever I
would use this prayer, I can’t help but think of the Blessed Virgin Mary and how she emulates
every single line of this prayer.

Humility might strike as something unattainable especially in the world today where money
speaks and titles make a difference but one must remember the littleness of this Lady and the
role she played in the story of our salvation.
Mary’s humility has led her to the many “YESes” to God’s will in her life. Her biggest “yes” led to
her greatest role as a mother of God.

Although Mary was sinless, she was the humblest of all God’s creatures. Never for an instant of
her life did she fail to acknowledge all that she had, she possessed as God’s gift.1

God calls us the same way. He is not after our title or achievements but He is more after our

Let us take inspiration from Mother Mary as we also strive to seek and follow God’s will in our

A famous quote from St. Teresa of Calcutta says “Humility is not learned from the books, humility
is learned from humiliations received”. We pray for the grace to be humble just like our Blessed
Virgin Mary and bear humiliations with a deeper trust in God’s will.

Humility is strength – the strength of the divine in a human heart free of pride. Humility is the
truth – enabling us to see ourselves as we are. Humility gives us a sense of value—keeping us in
our rightful place as creatures. Humility is wisdom and its practice brings a rich reward.2

Guide Question:

1. Do you think humility is attainable in your life?

2. What do you think makes a person humble?

2021 EDITION 26 | P a g e

1 Meditations on Mary by Cardinal Terence Cooke pg. 33
2 Ibid., page 34

Suggested Addition to Closing Prayer:

Litany of Humility
O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being honored, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being praised, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being preferred to others, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being consulted, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being approved, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being humiliated, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being despised, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of suffering rebukes, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being calumniated, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being forgotten, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being ridiculed, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being wronged, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being suspected, Deliver me, O Jesus.

That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be chosen and I set aside, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be praised and I go unnoticed, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be preferred to me in everything, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

Source: EWTN Website

2021 EDITION 27 | P a g e

Household Topic 3: PRAY WELL. WORK WELL.

Aspect: Work

Anchor Verse: “Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” - Proverbs 16:3


1. To appreciate practicing Christian values in workplace.

2. To face the challenges while being a Christian in your workplace
3. To see the opportunities while practicing Christian values in workplace.

Work! Work! Work! Work! One of the usual routines we do everyday; doing a task assigned,
generating reports, multiple meetings and other office stuffs. So, what is your current work

Are you the type of employee who is easily overcome by stress? The happy go lucky one? The
one who is easily influenced by your workmates? The one who always complains before a doing
task? The one who crams in beating some deadline? Or are you the one who lives a double
standard life?

If you are one of these, can you pause for a while? Ask yourself, did I pray before going to work?
Did I thank God that I arrived safe in my workplace? Did I pray before I start my work and lift and
commit all my tasks for today? Did I ever thank Him after a day of working?

How hard is it for you to pray? What makes it hard? If you have time to complain, then you should
have time to pray.

Can you add prayer in your current work lifestyle? Praying is the simplest Christian value that we
can do even in our workplace. Prayers can help us to appreciate not just the value of being a
Christian also everything we have today. When we commit our works to the Lord, these will
succeed. How? By God’s grace, He helps us to face the challenges and obstacles while working
and also helps to balance our priorities.

2021 EDITION 28 | P a g e

When are the best opportunities to pray?

1. Pray when you feel exhausted or disappointed.

2. Pray when you receive a blessing from your work, (Ex: received a bonus, or got being
3. Pray when you will make a decision.
4. Pray when an officemate asked you to pray for him or her.

Before you start to pray, pause for a while and allow yourself to be freed from anything that
bothers you. Practicing Christian values in workplace helps us to make the right decision because
we allow God to work through us. Also, by means of prayer, we allow ourselves to be used for

Practicing Christian values in the workplace gives us the opportunity to be God’s witness to our
workmates, so that we can evangelize them by this simple practice and at the same time glorify
God in your workplace.

Let us reflect on our verse from Proverbs 16:3, “Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans
will succeed” and pray for it.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the challenges and obstacles you face in practicing your Christian values in your
2. How do prayers help you in your current work lifestyle?

2021 EDITION 29 | P a g e

Household Topic 4: REST AND RECOVER

Aspect: Self

Anchor Verse: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” -
Matthew 11:28


1. To understand and acknowledge the feeling of being burned out

2. To seek God in times of weakness
3. Learn how rest in God’s presence and to recover from being burned out.

Serving in the community, in the church or in the workplace can lead to exhaustion. Sometimes,
workloads and your other responsibilities overwhelm you. Certain goals when not met can be
frustrating and lead to burning out especially when you give your best effort on it. You then feel
unmotivated, uninterested and just want the day to pass by. You are not just tired; you are
burned out. It is okay to get tired and exhausted.

When you are burned out, it is time to rest. Rest can help you to recover physically, emotionally
and spiritually. There is life to enjoy. Do not dwell on the miseries. Your worry for tomorrow will
take away your joy for today. Do other things that will make you happy. Also, resting in the Lord’s
presence can help a lot. How? Acknowledge Him, pray even in the times that it is difficult to pray;
read the bible; go to a mass; have a consultation with a priest or a nun; or talk to someone.

Always remember God is just beside us. “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
– Exodus 33:144

There is no such thing as burned-out if everything is rooted in the Lord.

Guide Questions:

1. When was the last time you experienced feeling burned-out and how did you cope up
with it?
2. As you recall that experience of burn-out how did God helped you?

2021 EDITION 30 | P a g e


Aspect: Work

Anchor Verse: “Not only that, but we even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction
produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope
does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the
Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5


1. To define what fortitude is as a moral virtue and its importance to our Christian life
2. To help young professionals reflect on what true success and failure mean
3. To identify how to best cope with various realities in life as a true Christian

The corporate world has never been as dynamic as it is now. Millennials have started to dominate
the workforce and have since stirred questions on their longevity as professionals. Vibrant, lively,
forward-thinking, passionate – these are just some of the characteristics describing young
professionals in the workplace, which may or may not translate to commitment, loyalty, and
professionalism. When the going gets tough, do the youngsters have the mental tenacity and
spiritual indomitableness to see things through, forge ahead in their chosen fields, and triumph?
Or will vulnerability, fickle-mindedness, and unquenchable thirst for gratification get in the way
of success?

We live in a time where success is measured by quantitative possession, social status, and
everything superficial. Simply put, safety needs trump all other levels in Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs. The shift in people’s mindset can be attributed to a lot of factors – technology, social
media, socio-political standards, and yes, even spiritual life. These overwhelming realities have
greatly affected the single most important aspect of our journey – relationship with God. We are

not necessarily in a darker path, but we tread in a crossroads that drift us from God and our moral
compass. One can easily succumb to social pressure, finding fun and physical gratification short-
term cure for ridicule, stress, and acceptance. Moreover, we find it difficult to endure trials and
challenges, and, once we get to our emotional limit, we disengage, let go, and forget to look for
the wisdom that life presents us. In most cases, as life hits us hard, we fall down to the ground
feeling crushed or defeated. As Catholics and as SFC servant-leaders, God calls us to exude

2021 EDITION 31 | P a g e

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines fortitude as the moral virtue that ensures firmness
in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good. It strengthens the resolve to resist
temptations and to overcome obstacles in the moral life. The virtue of fortitude enables one to
conquer fear, even fear of death, and to face trials and persecutions. It disposes one even to
renounce and sacrifice his life in defense of a just cause. (CCC 1808)

Fortitude goes beyond courage and endurance. It is spiritual stamina and faithfulness combined.
It is the ability to see God and His love in every situation, and the power to keep the focus on Him
no matter how stressed, tempted, or pressured we are in our physical being. We, sure, do feel
fear, doubt, uncertainty at times, if not most of the time; but we resolve to overcome feelings
and dig deep to find that inner strength and courage to resist the worldly deeds and keep us in
the right path – our moral compass. Our life, including relationships, work, service, is a day-in-
day-out battlefield, and fortitude is God’s gift to lead us into spiritual victory and true joy and

Guide Questions:

1. What is the defining moment of your career? What led you to that experience?
2. As you look into the ups and downs in your career and the choices you have made, what
are your realizations as a young professional?

2021 EDITION 32 | P a g e

Household Topic 6: UNBREAKABLE

Aspect: Self

Anchor Verse: Who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage
those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged
by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4


1. To help brothers or sisters in overcoming their brokenness of body or spirit amidst their
life being a young professional.
2. To understand God’s promises for us that he will take care of our needs, always ready to
help, hears our prayers and gives strength and joy to us.

All of us have witnessed instances when a friend or loved one has made bad choices or because
of absolutely no choice of their own have simply been confronted with a tough set of

The message from 2 Corinthians 1:3-6 is that there is hope for the broken. No life is filled with so
much pain or such a state of disarray that the God of all comfort, cannot reach down with a
healing touch. Whether you are in need of personal touch from God in your own life or are
walking beside someone else who is broken, here are some words of encouragement:

• God never forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5): Even if our brokenness is of our own making, God
is still kind and merciful, and always on our side. He is present in the midst of our
• God can turn tragedy into triumph (Psalm 30:11): Even in our darkest moments, God
provides a supernatural comfort and perspective that allows us to experience and exhibits
God’s love and power. Martyrs have died with joy. The terminally ill have led others to
experience God’s love.
• God sends helpers (Galatians 6:10): Even through God is all-powerful and can intervene
directly in healing, more often he sends human helpers, including doctors, to work on his
behalf, your friends and family. It is no lack of faith to turn to others for help.
• God heals all infirmities in eternity (1 Corinthians 15:42-43): God miraculously heals
people today- but not in all cases. Paul gives the eternal perspective when he reminds us:
“The sufferings we have now are nothing compared to the great glory that will be shown
to us” (Romans 8:18). One day we will all exchange imperfect bodies for immortal bodies
(Philippians 3:21). Heaven is a place where there are no more tears. (Revelation 21:4).

2021 EDITION 33 | P a g e

No human words or thought can explain or provide comfort for certain kinds of suffering and
pain. Maybe God doesn’t want us to be able to do so. But his ultimate expression of comfort is
the gift of salvation and eternal life through the death of His Son Jesus Christ.

“God wants us to feel that our way through life is rough and perplexing, so that we may learn
thankfully to lean on him. Therefore, He takes steps to drive us out of self-confidence to trust in
Him, for the secret of the godly life is to wait on the Lord. “– J.I. Packer., thus, God can work in
our lives in the midst of even the most difficult circumstances.


1. Was there are time you went through a crisis e.g., illness, broken relationship or death of
a loved one? How were you able to overcome the pain brought by that crisis?
2. Has a close friend or family member experienced a brokenness of body or spirit? How did
you help?

2021 EDITION 34 | P a g e

2021 EDITION 35 | P a g e

Chapter Teaching Topic 1: HONING MATURY

Anchor Verse: “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your
mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.”


1. How to deal with our day-to-day life maturely

2. Develop a sense of purpose and proper posture in facing life’s challenges as well as

I. Time

Time is the most precious thing anyone can give you. It is the most precious thing that any
of us have. Use it wisely. Spend it doing things that will help you get closer to your dreams
and to God’s dream for you. Furthermore, time is also very essential in honing maturity in
our lives.

As a young professional, we are most likely coming into an industry filled with veterans and
experts. Pressures to make decision every now and then is inevitable. Oftentimes, we also
take on new challenges and responsibilities that will force us out of our comfort zone. Given
these situations, we sometimes fail in trying to do all these.

II. Fail Fast. Learn Faster.

Failure is an ugly word. No one is exempted from it.

Why do we experience failure? There are countless of reasons but sometimes it is due to
mismanaging our priorities; our motivation becomes selfish; Christ is no longer the center
of our lives. Many times, God uses these failures to get our attention, to humble us, to
discipline, and to bring us back to Him. Sometimes God uses a painful failure to express His
fatherly love towards us.

The key to failure isn’t to get caught up on the act but instead to get caught up in the lesson.
When you do this, you are able to learn in your failing. Looking at the failure as a lesson.
A study of Bible characters reveals that most of those who made history were men who
failed at some point in their lives.

2021 EDITION 36 | P a g e

1. King David - beloved character who’s spoken so highly of in more than half of the
Bible’s books would also be guilty of breaking half of God’s commandments. David
coveted Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11:2-3), committed adultery with her (2
Sam. 11:4) effectively stealing her from Uriah (2 Sam. 12:9), lying to him (2 Sam.
11:12–13), and eventually having him murdered (2 Sam. 12:9).

2. Paul- a terror to the early church. Made it his business to destroy the church, going
door to door in Jerusalem looking for people who followed Jesus so that he could
throw them in prison.

3. Peter’s denial - that very night after Jesus is arrested, someone confronts Peter in
the courtyard of the Sanhedrin and accuses him of being a follower of Christ. And,
just as Jesus predicted, Peter denies him three times—the third time cursing his
accusers. Mk. 14:66-72

God does not delight in our failures. In your defeat, He sows seeds of your future success.
Successful people are those who learn from their failures. They extract God’s very own
message for them in their failures. With this, every failure can be a stepping-stone to
maturity and success.

III. The Challenges we Face

There are times we do not like to talk about our own failures or admit that we failed. But
we are called to be humble and teachable at the same time knowing that God’s grace is
more than enough to carry us through.

1. Staying Relevant: the challenge of developing the relevant skills — such as time-
management, prioritization, strategic thinking, decision-making, and getting up to
speed with the job — to be more effective and creative at work.
2. Inspiring Others: the challenge of inspiring or motivating others to ensure they’re
enthusiastic about their job, their life, or their family, passionate about what they
do and grateful for every day. The challenge of developing others, including
mentoring and helping others become better versions of themselves.
4. Leading a Team: the challenge of team-building, team development, and team
management. Specific leadership challenges include how to provide support, how
to be a team player not a lone survivor.
5. Agile Learner: the challenge of managing, mobilizing, understanding, and leading
change. Guiding change includes knowing how to moderate consequences,
overcome resistance to positive change, and deal with negative reactions to change.
6. Stress and keeping up with priorities: the challenge of knowing how to prioritize
things in one’s personal life which could lead to stress.

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IV. Responding to challenges (The three’s)

1. Spend a special moment with God daily

A time with God restores you back to your full potential with a hope that all will be
well because, as always, God is with you in whatever situation you are in and He
never fails anyone who trust Him with his/her life.

2. Set goals.
Be proactive in setting goals, as well as establishing your timelines. This is necessary
to keep yourself and your team on track. The distractions that you face can make it
easy to lose sight of long-term and even short-term goals. Goal setting provides a
map that you can return to time and again to refocus on your top priorities while
handling other challenges.

3. Self-Check

Evaluate yourself. At the end of the day ask yourself “What have I accomplished
today?”, “Have I done what I ought to do?”, “How do I feel today?”

IV. Conclusion

Sometimes God must engineer failure in us before He can bring about success with us. Our
failures are often rungs on the ladder of growth—if we will learn from our mistakes rather
than grovel in the dirt.

“Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.”

The mature Christian is one who has learned to apply God’s grace remedy for failure. This
does not mean that a person must fail before they can be successful, but our failures,
whether in the form of rebellion or just foolish blunders, can become tools of learning and
steppingstones to success.

2021 EDITION 38 | P a g e


Anchor Verse: “Whatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others, knowing
that you will receive from the Lord the due payment of the inheritance; be slaves of the Lord
Christ.” Colossians 3: 23-14

• To give suggestions on how one can cope up and combat spiritual laziness.

Key Points:

1. All of us goes through highs and lows in our spiritual life, this includes spiritual laziness.
2. It is important that we know what leads to spiritual laziness so we can do a regular
spiritual self-check in our lives.
3. Spiritual laziness can be overcome by knowing the right things to do and focusing your
goal on the prize—a life with Jesus Christ.

I. Introduction

Spiritual laziness is something that we all experience at one point in our lives. Almost all the
people who have decided to follow Jesus had experienced this and many had come out
victorious in this battle.

There will be days when we are such in a “spiritual high” especially after attending a
conference or retreat that we really felt close to Jesus but once that “spiritual high” is gone
we find ourselves in a “spiritual rut” instead. There are days when we feel as if we are
floating in the air in our prayers and there are days when we actually don’t feel like praying
at all. This is where spiritual laziness creeps in to our hearts. The God who we feel so
intimately close to us and seems to become distant to us. Our prayer life suffers; we no
longer put an effort to pray. Since this is quite common to all, it is best to get to know more
why we go through this so we can face this struggle head on.

II. Why We Don’t Want to Pray

a. Shame of Sin - do you often find yourself not wanting to pray after you know you
did something wrong. The shame of sin often hold us back in prayer. The result of
our sins bring us shame and we think we cannot simply approach God in prayer
because of something we did.

2021 EDITION 39 | P a g e

b. Afraid of Suffering – sometimes we tend to avoid deep conversations with God

because we fear that He might ask for more than we can give. Fear of suffering
paralyzes us and makes us flee in our relationship with God. It’s either we are not
ready to hear God’s answer or we are afraid that God’s plan is different from ours.

c. Lack of Trust – shame of sin and fear of suffering stems from the lack of trust in God.
When we fail to know Jesus personally and intimately, we also fail to know, see and
witness his faithfulness hence it results to lack of trust.

III. Overcoming Spiritual Laziness

There is no rocket science when it comes to overcoming spiritual laziness, only a heart
willing to surrender to God.

Here are some practical tips/suggestions in overcoming spiritual laziness:

a. The Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confession – When we begin to deny our sins, we

begin to live a lie1. When we begin to live a lie we would be convinced that it’s okay
not to put effort in our spiritual life. Confession is our reset button in our spiritual
life. Confession gives us the grace and the strength to start all over again.

b. Intentionality – an athlete, even if he doesn’t feel like it, goes to training religiously
not because he wants to but because he needs to. Build those “spiritual muscles”
by praying with intentionality. Set a prayer time, find an accountability partner and
be present in prayer.

c. Find your group - It’s been said that we become like the five (5) people we hang-out
with, choose wisely. Surround yourself with people who walks the same journey
with you. Our spiritual journey is hard, but know what you are not alone. While we
welcome all people in our lives, be picky who you allow to influence you.

2021 EDITION 40 | P a g e

IV. Conclusion

Spiritual laziness is common and what’s also common is the fact that it can be overcome.
Be aware of the reasons why you fall in spiritual laziness so that you can avoid them. Learn
to surrender to the will of God—it might be scary but remember Jesus’ promise “his yoke
is easy and his burden is light”. Believe, always believe that God is good and he wants to be
our friend. A true friend would only want the best for his friend.

Run to Jesus, and while you’re at it, run with friends.

Guide Questions:

1. When did I experienced spiritual laziness in my life? What do I think is causing it to

2. Knowing that there’s something I can do to combat this spiritual laziness, what specific
actions should I take when it happens?

Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession by Scott Hann pg. 10

Other Sources:
Ascension Presents YT Channel

Suggested Further Readings for the Speaker:

Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession by Scott Hann, published by St. Paul’s

2021 EDITION 41 | P a g e


Anchor Verse: “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest
to send out laborers for his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 (NABRE)

Speaker’s Profile: An SFC leader who has pioneered or initiated various evangelization efforts in
his/her area and is an advocate of technology as an effective platform in transforming SFC into a
relatable Catholic ministry and in bringing the community closer to the younger generation.


1. To identify the present realities in the society, particularly the mindset, interests, and
needs of younger generations.
2. To appreciate the role of technology and various digital platforms in responding to the
call for “new generation evangelization”.
3. To identify various initiatives that will make SFC relatable and will bring the ministry closer
to the younger generation.

Key Messages:

1. Evangelization is the very core of our mission as SFC servant-leaders. No matter what the
social realities are, we are expected to adopt to the ever-changing world in order to fulfill
our mission. It is our duty to bring the ministry closer to the people so that, they, too,
experience Christ.
2. Technology is a gift. God’s gift of wisdom allows us to realize how to best utilize
technology as a critical evangelization tool today and optimize various digital platforms in
spreading God’s message and transforming faith.
3. The only thing constant is change. Our call is to adapt to the varying needs and realities
in the world, while staying true to Catholic evangelism. With the challenges posed by
technology, we are called to transform these challenges as unlimited opportunities for

2021 EDITION 42 | P a g e

I. Introduction

The dawn of the new millennium saw an unexpected surge in technological advancements.
In 1999, the whole world was distraught by the threats of the Y2K bug, when people feared
that all computing equipment were going to shut down by midnight of January 1, 2000
because computer systems were not coded to work at the turn of the new year. Twenty
years later, the Y2K bug was nothing but a memory, and technology has been growing and
innovating exponentially. Our generation is the DIGITAL AGE – the prevalence of digital
technology for the free and rapid conveyance of information.

To put things into perspective:

Last of the 90s The New Millennium

Beepers, monotone and polytone
Android and iOS mobile phones
cellular phones
Bulky desktop computers Compact/mini desktop and laptop computers
Dial-up connection WIFI and high-bandwidth cellular service
Casette tape and CDs DVDs and streaming media (Youtube, Netflix)
Social Media platforms (Friendster,
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and Instant
Snail mail to electronic mail
Messaging apps (Viber, Line, WhatsApp, FB
Books, magazines and newspapers e-Books, blogs, vlogs

Simply put, a lot have changed in our culture – our ways of life as human beings. But the
reality is, such changes do not transcend across various generations; hence, generation gap.
We have seen differences in outlook, perspective, and even opinion between or among
people of distinct generations. And the same is very similar in the community of Singles for
Christ. Our ministry’s membership spans three generations – Generation X, those born until
1980; Millennials, those born between 1981 to 1996; and Generation Z or Gen Z, those born
starting 19971.

Gen Zs came to young adulthood with digital technology as the primary aspect that shapes
their being. Social interactions are uniquely digital with the use of social media platforms
and instant messaging applications that keep on evolving to build relationships and bridge
communication. Knowledge and information sources are viral online, with the likes of
Youtube, Netflix, HBO, BBC Earth, Discovery Channel, electronic media pages, and other on-
demand entertainment keeping most people glued onto their seats like couch potato.
The most interesting fact is that even our catechetical life has slowly been adopting to

2021 EDITION 43 | P a g e

digitalization, i.e., e-bible and e-prayer booklet/s, mass on live TV, digitized praise and
worship songs, and inspirational videos. Technological environment, and the focus therein,
is our NOW – our present-day REALITY. The fact is that the dramatic shifts in behaviors,
lifestyles, attitudes – our CULTURE – is contributed mainly to these technologies.

II. Our Present Realities

Our community boasts of various efforts and initiatives that make evangelization and
spiritual growth holistic, transformative, and continuous for every single man and woman
all over the world. First, the Christian Life Program is designed in such a way that our journey
to experiencing Christ has individual and group approach, but both focused on deepening
our appreciation of God and His love, our faith, our self, our family and relationships, and
our Catholic ministry. Second weekend retreats and teaching materials are in place to
strengthen our communion with the Lord and drive us to fulfill our covenant with Him.
Third, local and internal conferences are conducted to build and strengthen relationships
among members and for the membership to be in unison in sharing and proclaiming our
faith. The list can go on with all other efforts of the ministry, with each item serving its
divine purpose of transforming lives and strengthening faith.

One can argue that tides have changed, and the ministry needs to evolve in order to touch
and inspire the generation that seems preoccupied in their digital world – Gen Z. Cases in

- Decreasing number of CLP participants

- Decreasing number of participants in teachings and other routine activities
- Increasing demand for something new and innovative
- Need for initiatives that keep them “focused” and interested
- Keeping the materials concise, relatable, and “fun”

As missionaries, our primary responsibility in the SFC ministry is to evangelize every single
man and woman all over the world so they, too, may experience Christ. Moreover,
evangelization is not a linear process that is given at the start of one’s membership; rather,
it is a cycle that is present all throughout one’s SFC life cycle. How, then, do we innovate
our approach while preserving the essence of our evangelization and staying true to our
covenant as missionaries?

2021 EDITION 44 | P a g e

1. Digital Communications

Advertising our initiatives is one thing; communicating to our target audience is

another. An important aspect of modern-day evangelization is not optimizing
multimedia platforms, but also sending the message across in the most stylish and
catchy manner. Social media influencers and junkies are awed by creative contents
that are both inspiring and fascinating. Hence, we may need to re-think of our
ministry’s online brand and communication style in order to captivate the interest of
the younger generation. Think about these:

1.1. A Facebook page that posts 2Cs – Creative Catechism. Imagine sharing
Christ’s life in a collage of photos with one-word descriptions, or even the
evolution of an SFC member with a meaningful catchphrase.

1.2. An Instagram photo of the bible verse of the day. Reading the bible is a
challenge to every Catholic. It’s one task that some of us struggle every day.
Posting a catchy bible verse, coupled with a link to a personal and relatable
reflection sharing will make us appreciate God’s message even more.

1.3. A Twitter hashtag that is simple but memorable. Hashtags are for
Twitterverse, and daily trend is one thing people are curious about. Creative
hashtags make people “twit” and crave for more. Transform your #s to
words that draw curiosity from the rest.

1.4. An instant messaging group (FB/Viber) that admires and inspires. One
important aspect of communication is making the receiver feel that the
message is personal and directed to them. In a crazy world full of issues,
concerns, difficulties, and uncertainties, a group chat, or GC, that highlights
connections and pastoral care, admiration for a job well done, and
encouragement to realize potentials is one important act to maintain
positive vibe every day. It takes one virtual hug to make one feel happy and

In the words of Bob Parsons, an American philanthropist, “The internet has changed
everything. We expect to know everything instantly. If you do not understand digital
communication, you’re at a disadvantage.”

2021 EDITION 45 | P a g e

2. Go Live! Be Alive!

Pope Paul VI said in his Evangelii Nuntiandi (Evangelization in the Modern World), “the
person who has been evangelized goes on to evangelize others. Here lies the test of
truth, the touchstone of evangelization: it is unthinkable that a person should accept
the Word and give himself to the kingdom without becoming a person who bears
witness to it and proclaims it in his turn” (EN 24). In a separate quote, Pope Paul
reiterated, “modern man listens more willingly to witnesses that to teachers, and if
he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses”.

As SFC servant-leaders, we are in a significant role that aids the Catholic Church is
spreading God’s words and inspire people to follow Him. And as His living witnesses,
we can go over and beyond proclaiming faith. How about we get our mobile phones
ready and start our FB live to share what life has been as an SFC missionary? Or a
Youtube channel to introduce the SFC life to a wider audience? Or an Instagram live
of our activities with QnA interaction? Personal testimonials are a great deal of life
lessons about journeying with and to Christ, which are affective in nature and can
touch lives because it is, first and foremost, a sharing of “personal experience”.

3. Teaching Series Goes Online

Scholastic institutions and learning and development groups have long used the
internet in various academic learning sessions. And while the SFC ministry prefers in-
person gathering for assemblies and teachings, going online is still great an option for
the members. Our new normal have greatly shifted to digitization, and pushing for
online teaching series or household prayer meetings from time-to-time is a strategic
action to better manage our busy schedules. With online platforms popping here and
there, all things for the Lord are now possible.

III. The Divine Challenge

The new evangelization is a call to change and adapt oneself to the varying needs and
realities in the world, while staying true to the very purpose of Catholic evangelism –
strengthening faith, encountering Christ, renewal of our commitment/covenant with the
Lord. As Christ’s modern-day missionaries, we shall not be afraid to fulfill our mission in an
evolving environment; rather, we must be inspired to make Jesus and His gospel known to
the world through all available ways and means. Pope Francis, in his message to catechists
during the First International Symposium on Catechesis stressed that the catechist is
creative; they search for different means and forms of announcing Christ. A lot more can

2021 EDITION 46 | P a g e

be added to these evangelistic communications in the digital realm. Possibilities are infinite,
especially when the goal is to bring Christ closer to every person we know.

Singles for Christ, as a ministry of Couples for Christ, offers pastoral care that is relevant to
the past, present, and future generations. Our programs and advocacies support various
realities in the Christian environment and aim to proliferate renewal in all aspects of one’s
being, particularly our interpersonal and spiritual relationships. The Lord calls us to take on
the challenges posed by technology and transform these challenges as unlimited
opportunities for evangelization.

IV. Conclusion

1. Modern-day technology is a gift. While it poses threats in keeping our focus to what
is essential in our lives and distract us from our daily spiritual journey, we must find
ways to translate these threats into creative undertakings that will draw interest
from our current and prospective members, particularly the younger generation.

2. SFC is a ministry for all seasons and generations. Evangelization is our indelible mark
that makes us ever relevant and essential in building a Christ-centered society.

3. As SFCs, our life revolves around our mission for and covenant with the Lord. He has
laid down His plans, and our role is to fulfill His plans with faith, love, and fortitude.
Remember God’s message: “Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, Do not be silent.”
(Acts 18:9). In the words of St. Pope John Paul II, in his Redemtoris Missio, “no
believer in Christ, no institution of Christ can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim
Christ to all peoples”.

1 Dimock, M. (2019, January 17). Defining generations: Where Millennials end and Generation Z

begins. Retrieved from


2021 EDITION 47 | P a g e

2021 EDITION 48 | P a g e


Aspect: Self

Anchor Verse: “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted, saves those whose spirit is crushed.”
Psalm 34:19

The Grace We Seek: We ask for the grace to trust in the promises of God and remain steadfast
in His love.

The deep pain of loss, hurtful words from someone close to us, or rejection from someone we
love, are some of the things that break a heart. If you’ve ever had a broken heart, you recognize
the hurt it inflicts. You feel like your heart is falling into pieces. Perhaps you put on a happy face
and try to move on. But when the night comes, you find yourself lying in bed, tears rolling down
your face and the weight of the world crushing on you. You wonder if you’ll ever make it through
the pain and worst, you feel utterly alone.

Jesus understands this feeling. When he was betrayed by someone He loved, abandoned, beaten,
spat on, and then hanged on the cross, He felt very alone. He cried out “My God, my God, why
have you forsaken me?” We can seek the wisdom and strength we need through the Lord.

Hurtful situations may be hard but we can find comfort in His Words. He never promised us a life
without heartaches, but He promised to never leave us. All His promises are true. He is close to
the brokenhearted and He saves them. When we are weeping, God is weeping, too. When we
are happy, He is rejoicing too. His desire is for us to get close to Him.

Here are some of His assurances that we can hold on to:

1. God never leaves us: “..and behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Mt. 28:20
2. God comforts us: “Our hope for you is firm, for we know that as you share in the
sufferings, you also share in the encouragement.” 2 Cor. 1:7
3. God strengthens us: “He gives power to the faint, abundant strength to the weak.” Is 40:29
4. God has a plan for each of us: “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the
Lord—plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.” Jer. 29:11

No matter what we are going through, God hears our call and He can heal our broken hearts.

Guide Questions:

1. Share your experience(s) of a broken heart.

2. How did you encounter God’s love, comfort, and strength?



Household Topic 2: HOW ARE YOU?


Aspect: Community

Anchor Verse: “Let love be sincere; hate what is evil, hold on to what is good; love one another
with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor” Romans 12: 9-10

The Grace We Seek: We ask for the grace to be sincere, open and honest in our relationships.

When was the last time you truly and sincerely asked someone, “how are you?”. Sometimes
those three words come out of our mouths as if it was just an ordinary greeting, nothing special,
something we just blurt out when we have nothing better to say. Sometimes, after asking the
person how are they, we don’t really put the effort in hearing their answer.
Year 2020 is the year when a pandemic named Co-Vid 19 has brought many people’s lives to a
standstill. Countries around the world almost at the same time ordered a community quarantine.
At the onset, the quarantine may seem to make people even more distant to one another (thanks
to social distancing!) but a lot found it as a time to reach out to their friends –some they haven’t
even spoken to in years. The phrase “How are you?” becomes more than just an empty question
but had become a deeper way to connect with others especially those whom we haven’t spoken
to for a while.

In his book, author Ed O. Villacorte wrote “We must remember love begets love. In the same
way, hate begets hate. To attract love, one must be loveable.1” When we give our sincerest love
to our brethren we also receive their sincerest love. Be generous in loving.
Challenge yourself, the next time you ask someone, “how are you?” be intentional in hearing out
their answer, give follow up questions to keep the conversation going. When you are asked the
same question, give your most sincere answer.
We may sometimes find it a waste of time to ask people how they are doing but we must always
remember there is no time wasted in love.

Guide Questions:
1) Can you recall who was the last person you asked, “How are you?” with sincerity and
taking the effort to listen to their answer? What did you feel when you were listening to
that person’s answer?
2) What do you feel when someone asks you “How are you?” with all sincerity?

I Want to Believe, Heal My Unbelief, Ed O. Villacorte, page 134.



Household Topic 3: OVERCOME REGRETS

Aspect: Self

Anchor Verse: “But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies
ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:13).

The Grace We Seek: We ask for the grace to live in the present and be sensitive to the many blessings
the Lord is giving us.

I came home one December for Christmas vacation. It was my first time seeing my niece who is
almost 2 years old at that time. This adorable and intense little girl has just learned to walk and
is all over the place. She doesn't speak much yet but always shows her big smile. Walking
everywhere and touching everything she comes in contact with, this precious child of God is filled
with so much wonder and curiosity.

Oh, how much we take for granted our carefree innocence and our youth.

I sometimes miss the simplicity of things in my childhood. My parents looked after me and
provided everything. I didn't have to worry about a job, deadlines, going to the groceries, or
paying the bills. Life then seemed to move at a very slow pace.

You may have been reminiscing about your childhood and often wonder why life goes by at the
speed of light. Where did all the treasured memories and time go? How we wish we can go back
in time and become an innocent kid all over again. What would I do differently? What realizations
can I apply to live better?

Maybe I would have taken Engineering or played basketball. Maybe I'd be active in the
community or serve more in the parish. Maybe I'd pray more and learned to love and value life
as it unfolds.

Of course, we all experience regrets and wish we could turn back the hands of time. Rephrase
the hateful words we let loose. Treat our siblings with love and respect. Work hard in school.
However, we cannot live in the past yearning for a different outcome. All we can do is live life in
the present, recognizing the magnificent blessings of God in our lives every single day. If we’re
crushed by regret, we can’t see the wonders unfolding around us. We are blinded to the
opportunity to become a new creation in Christ.
We can not undo our past, but God can heal it if only we’ll let Him.

Guide Questions:
1. Do you sometimes find yourself overwhelmed with regrets? Commit to living your life in
the present and decide to make it better.
2. How can you be more focused on the blessings God is pouring you each day?



2021 EDITION 52 | P a g e

Chapter Teaching Topic 1: C. A. S. T. YOUR BURDENS

Anchor Verse: ““Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest
for yourselves.” Matthew 11:28-29


1. To define what spiritual tiredness and its causes.

2. To encourage everyone to take a rest as often as they can in the presence of God.
3. To enumerate the ways to overcome spiritual tiredness.

Speaker’s Profile:

• An SFC leader or Couple Coordinator who has experienced spiritual weariness in his/her
life, but was able to overcome it through constant communication to God filling him/her
with love and strength.

I. Introduction:

Spiritual weariness is something every person working for the Lord may experience. It is a
symptom of a deeper reality.

We stay spiritually tired when we fail to rest in God through prayer, always working. It’s like
Martha distracted by all the preparations she had to do for a big feast for Jesus when one
thing is needed - to be in the presence of God. Luke 10:38-42

We grow spiritually tired when we think that we need to work hard to earn the merits of
God. That is exhausting. Grace is not our own doing; it is a gift of God, not a result of works.

Finally, sin contributes to spiritual tiredness. It puts a lot of weight on our hearts. Rest
cannot be found in sinful means only guilt. We need to unload it in the Sacrament of
Reconciliation regularly.



II. Come to the Lord

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke
upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for
yourselves.” Matthew 11:28-29

There’s a famous song from Basil Valdez entitled “Lift Up Your Hands,” that is based on the
verse mentioned above. Let us focus on the lines:

“CAST your burdens upon those who are heavily laden. Come to me all of you who are tired
and carrying heavy loads.

God did not promise us a life of hardships. He did promise us to renew our strength every
time we approach Him. Let us yoke ourselves with Him and we can be able to carry
whatever responsibilities given to us.

III. 4 Principles to Empower Us

1. Celebrate God’s Presence (Joshua 7:1-8)

Gideon 300

The Lord commanded Gideon to cut down the size of his army. Then Gideon asked
his men those who are afraid to leave, twenty-two thousands of his army left, ten
thousand people remained. However, God said the numbers were still too many, so
he told Gideon to go down to a river and see how the men drink. God then instructed
Gideon to only keep the people who drank like a dog. God brought victory to Israel
with only 300 men.

It’s not in the number of people that strength is measured. It’s when we are with
the Lord. I and Him, that’s a Majority. We are not alone. Whenever we spend our
moments with God, there is fullness of Joy. With God on our side, we are strong.

2. Anticipate God’s Blessings

We become tired even more because we expect ugly things. We worry about a lot
of things in which 80% won’t happen.



The Fall of Jericho

“Now Jericho was in a state of siege because of the presence of the Israelites. No one
left or entered. And to Joshua the LORD said: I have delivered Jericho, its king, and its
warriors into your power. Have all the soldiers circle the city, marching once around
it. Do this for six days, with seven priests carrying ram’s horns ahead of the ark. On
the seventh day march around the city seven times, and have the priests blow the
horns. When they give a long blast on the ram’s horns and you hear the sound of the
horn, all the people shall shout aloud. The wall of the city will collapse, and the
people shall attack straight ahead.” Joshua 6:1-5

In Medieval times, the trumpeters are summoned when there is victory. In fact, they
blow their trumpets to welcome the victors - the army of soldiers triumphant in
victory. Joshua, already anticipated the victory that the first thing they did to
conquer the city was to blow the trumpets.

If God is with us and for us, we will always be victorious. Let’s anticipate the victory.

3. Seek the Lord AT ALL TIMES

We must be in in the presence of the Lord at all times. Seek Him the moment we
open our eyes. Consistently, find that connection with Him. Seek him not only when
times are bad. Seek Him even in times of abundance. We spend more time,
especially that we are given more opportunity to listen to Him.

4. Take Up Your Cross Daily

God gives us a lot of opportunities to grow. He allows circumstances to happen

including bad things not only to make us grow but also to draw us closer to Him.
God is a refiner. He continues to purify us. He makes us strong by carrying our

True rest is not a life devoid of problems. True rest is in the presence of God.

V. Conclusion

We are made for what only God can give us and only He knows how much we can carry. We are
also called to do what we can only do but we can accomplish them excellently if we seek His
grace. Let’s resolve today by admitting that we are like a sheep without a shepherd, exhausted
and lost, and our only hope is to allow the Lord to find us and refresh us. We must also be
desperate for Him.




CFC Singles For Christ is truly a gift from God that is instrumental in transforming the lives
of many single men and women around the world. For the past 25 years, SFC journeyed
with the SINGLE and UNMARRIED people and has inspired its members to pursue a life
that is holy and pleasing to God.

As we begin the next 25 years of our ministry, we are led to revisit and draw our
inspiration once again from our SFC Vision, ‘Every Single Man and Woman All Over the
World Experiencing Christ’.

With a fresh spirit and renewed passion for God’s work, Singles For Christ will take on a
renewed mission of welcoming and embracing all types and forms of singles in our society
today. Our Catholic Church calls us to reach out to the least, last, and lost and to
ACCOMPANY them in their faith journey.


1. Single and Unmarried They comprise the general membership of the ministry. SFC will
continue to journey with these single and unmarried men and
women, from 21 to 40 years of age.

The following singles will now be embraced, welcomed, and accompanied by SFC in its renewed
2. Young Widows and Young men and women, 21-40 y/o, who are now widows and
Widowers widowers.

3. Young, Unmarried Young single parents, 21-40 y/o, who are unmarried and with no
Single Parents marital relationships or impediments whatsoever. We will not
cater to the husbands and wives of overseas workers and those
single parents who are married, whether civil or church, but are
living separately from their spouses.
4. Young, Single people Young, unmarried men and women, 21-40 y/o, who struggle with
with Same-Sex same-sex attraction (SSA).

5. Young Church Young men and women, 21-40 y/o, who have gone through the
Annulled process of church annulment. We will not cater to those who are
still undergoing the process of separation.

2021 EDITION 56 | P a g e

Below are some pastoral considerations:

1. SFC will collaborate and will continue to collaborate with other ministries such as HOLD,
SOLD and CFC in developing formation materials, trainings, and other necessary tools
to equip the ministry in its renewed mission. Such collaboration will include HOLD and
SOLD to train our couple coordinators. HOLD and SOLD can also be considered pastoral
heads to the widow/ widower, single parents, and church annulled members of SFC who
are due for transition.

2. For young widows / widowers, single parents, and church annulled who are already in
HOLD and SOLD and are actively serving, we will not encourage them to go back to SFC.
The ministry will accompany these young challenged individuals and ultimately
transition them to either HOLD or SOLD. These individuals, while in SFC, can attend
formation retreats in HOLD and SOLD that addresses their current circumstance.

3. SFC will continue to collaborate with other religious groups such as COURAGE (a
Catholic apostolate for people with same-sex attraction) to develop pastoral formation
materials for our members.

4. SFC couple coordinators will have the primary responsibility of pastoring and
accompanying the other singles in society.

5. Pastoral groupings based on the realities of our members in the ministry:


With other single a. Single and
Single Unmarried unmarried unmarried

b. Couple
Coordinators (for
the overly mature
singles or SFCs in

2021 EDITION 57 | P a g e

a. With other a. Couple Coordinators If with a child/children,

Young widows/ widowers should be grouped
widow/ b. Young widow/ with the single parents
widower b. Can be with single widower - the area under the pastoral care
unmarried can train widow/ of couple coordinators
(adult professionals widower members
or singles in to be pastoral
transition - 38-40) heads of other
widows/ widowers
c. Separate
household for c. HOLD/ SOLD as
brothers and sisters pastoral heads
during transition
a. With other single a. Couple Coordinators a. If there is one (1)
Young, parents single parent in the
unmarried b. Separate b. Single parents - the chapter, they will be
single parents household for area can train under the direct
brothers and sisters single parent pastoral care of the
members to be chapter couple
pastoral heads of coordinator. They
other single cannot be mixed with
parents the single unmarried
because their reality
c. HOLD/ SOLD as and needs are
pastoral heads different. It will be an
extra mile service for
during transition
the couple

b. He/ she can also be

grouped with other

single parents from

other chapters and
can be under the
pastoral care of the
(cluster or chapter).

2021 EDITION 58 | P a g e

a. With other a. Single and If with a child/children,

Young, unmarried singles unmarried SFCs should be grouped
unmarried with the single parents
men and b. Will need to be b. SFC Couple under the pastoral care
women with grouped with other Coordinator - if of couple coordinators
same-sex brothers and there are
attraction sisters and not Transgender, they
(SSA) create a separate should be placed
household directly under the
exclusive for them. pastoral care of the
a. With other church a. Couple Coordinators a. This includes those
Young annulled singles who are married
Church b. Young church civilly and are now
Annulled b. Can be with single annulled civilly annulled
unmarried - the area can train
(adult professionals church annulled b. If with a
or singles in members to be child/children,
transition - 38-40) pastoral heads of should be grouped
other church with the single
c. Separate annulled parents under the
household for pastoral care of
brothers and sisters c. HOLD/ SOLD as couple coordinators
pastoral heads
during transition

NOTE: These are initial plans. The SFC ICORE will continue to come up with guidelines
concerning pastoral groupings in SFC given our renewed mission.

6. In our evangelization efforts, we will evangelize all single men and women regardless
of their realities. We are not classifying or dividing SFC, but rather, defining those who
we will embrace and accompany in our ministry.

7. When inviting singles to our CLPs, we should not enumerate in our flyers the above
realities as this might discourage people from joining but rather, we should mention
that our Christian Life Program is open to all single and unmarried men and women.

The ministry recognizes the great challenge as we embrace this mission, but we also take
confidence and we put our complete trust in our God who CALLS us, EQUIPS us, and
EMPOWERS us to do His work.

2021 EDITION 59 | P a g e

2021 EDITION 60 | P a g e

Household Topic 1: BROKEN AND LOVED

Anchor Verse: “More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces
endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does
not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit
who has been given to us. Romans 5:3-5


• To help accompany the emotionally injured to a journey to discover his/her strength in


Mechanics: Ask the group about their past relationship. How long did the relationship last?
(They don't need to elaborate their answers.)

Our hurts and difficulties help us to focus on self-discovery on which character help us in moving
on. Think of all the things you wanted to do, count your blessings every single day. Consider how
your experiences helped you stay motivated and move forward. God’s love is everywhere and
present in our everyday life.


Our hurts from our past relationships help us shape our character to be better parent to our child.
We need to remember significant lessons about our experience:

1. You need to forgive the person that broke your heart.

2. Forgive yourself.
3. In every breaking, there really is a blessing.

We need to accept and learn from whatever God does or allows. Whatever the lesson may be,
every experience is an opportunity for us to grow in faith and holiness.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the things that hurt you in your past relationship?
2. Give 3 things that motivated you to move on from the hurt?


• Have a notebook where you will write down every day 3 things that made you laugh.
Share this in your next Household.



Household Topic 2: LIKE TO KNOW

Anchor Verse: “A wise man will hear and increase in learning and a man of understanding will
acquire wise counsel.” Proverbs 1:5


• To give time in asking and listening to a Single Parent story.

Mechanics: Ask the group to draw something that describes their self.

Talking and Listening to someone help ease each heart. There’s a saying that goes “No man is an
Island”, a better way to relieve our thoughts and stress is to share this to someone. Each of us
has a story to tell, some are sad, some are scary, and some are funny and happy as well. These
stories and experiences that we have contribute on our growth as person. It motivates us to
ponder and recognize that each day was God’s gift to us. It helps us grow and discover things
about ourselves.

The Lord reveals himself to us not in an extraordinary way, but in our everyday life – we learn to
pause and recognize that our life experiences are His blessings to us.


Our feelings and actions are often reflections of what we‘ve experienced and learned. To be
honest in the presence of Jesus and to share our story opens us to receive healing and peace. Let
us continue to trust the process that the Lord has prepared for us.

Guide Question:

• Ask the group to share about the happiest moment that they have experienced as a Single

Challenge: Compliment someone every day and share to them God’s love



Household Topic 3: BEST TIME, THIS TIME

Anchor Verse: “Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead! 1 Peter 1:6


• To remind them to give time for themselves

Mechanics: Prepare something sweet (candies, chocolates or cakes)

Parenting is challenging enough as well as raising a child as a single parent. However, we need to
take a break sometimes. Keep your balance be open to the fact that you need to relax and take
a break. Just what the verse says “Come to me, all you who are weary and I will give you rest” for
us to be refreshed and regain from our stress we can take a break for a while.


Going out with someone can give you time to relax and take a break from a hectic schedule.
There is something to be reminded bout doing what’s enjoyable for the sake of joy; about letting
loose, being swept up in the moment. Seek the thing that last forever love, God’s Love.

Guide Questions:

• When was the last time you dated?

• Where was that place?

Challenge: Compliment someone every day and share to them God’s love



2021 EDITION 64 | P a g e

Chapter Teaching Topic: BROKEN AND LOVED

Anchor Verse: “More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces
endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not
put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who
has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5)

• To help accompany the emotionally injured on a journey to discover his/her strength in

Speaker’s Profile:
• The speaker (SFC Couple Coordinator, Handmaid of the Lord/Servants of the Lord) who
has experienced brokenness in his/her life, but was able to conquer his situation because
he/she feels loved.

Sharer’s Profile:
• For sharer Single Parent who may be struggling hopelessness, but anchors to his/her faith
in God and hope to his/her child.

Mechanics: Ask the group about their past relationship. How long did the relationship last?
(They don't need to elaborate their answers.)

I. Introduction

Life has its own season of twists and turns. We encounter events that make us happy,
sometimes sad. We stumble upon different sets of experiences that encourage growth, but
oftentimes, we overlook its meaning. As a result, we tend to focus more on our hurts, our
pains, and our struggles making us forget and lose ourselves in the process.

AS SFCs, let us be reminded that our hurts and difficulties help us to focus on self-discovery
in which character we need to work on. Now is the time to regain the right perception we
have on ourselves regardless of our circumstances. We need to think of all the things we
want to do, and count our blessings every single day. Consider how each of our experiences
helped us stay motivated to move forward. God’s love is everywhere and He is present in
our everyday life. We cannot see and embrace God’s love if we do not acknowledge that
we need Him the most in the darkest corner of our brokenness.




We experience a lot of brokenness inside and outside of us. Pain is inevitable, and we aren’t
spared from feeling hurt, pained, betrayed, angered and all those emotions life might bring
us. These feelings though can either make or break us, depending on how we deal with each
of them.

(Note: The speaker should look for a Single Parent sharer)

A. Brokenness of Self

This is often caused by our personal decisions as an individual. When we can no

longer control the things we like to happen, we lose our way and treat ourselves as
a failure. We think we are incapable and don’t deserve it anyway. Our brokenness
may sometimes be self-inflicted, and as a result, we feel hopeless and undeserving
of love.

B. Brokenness in the Family

We experience brokenness in the family that allows us to think of ourselves as a

failure. Sometimes, we could not help but resent our parents and/or siblings for the
things they have or haven’t done for our family. We blame our parents for the things
we couldn’t get right today, thinking we are a reflection of them being a failure in
the family.

C. Brokenness in Relationships

We experience brokenness when we think our relationships define our worth.

Relationships should only serve as an inspiration for us to dream more, to connect
with others, to give, and to serve. Yet, when our relationships fail, we begin also to
doubt and question our worth, forgetting our real worth in the eyes of God.


We are created by God and for God. And because God loves us very much, we should also
love ourselves, our neighbors, honoring and loving God in the process. As Pope Francis said,
“The human heart desires joy. We all desire joy, every family, every people aspires
happiness.” There's no shame in being broken, you just pick up the pieces and start



A. Love of Self

“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces
endurance.” Romans 5:3

We all want to be happy. Happiness is at the root of every decision we make and
every action we perform. The first two-level of happiness come from our simple
pleasures and achievements which is short-lived. We need to know and embrace
ourselves for who we are. Loving oneself self means helping ourselves to overcome
our issues, in order to grow and become a better individual and a parent.

B. Love for Others

“…and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.” Romans 5:4
The third level of happiness does not think only of oneself, but the common good.
This level of happiness is based on the human desire for connection, goodness
meaning, compassion, friendship, and unity and provides a deeper feeling of
meaning to an individual than pleasures and achievements. When we overcome a
certain problem, it is innate in us to have the desire of helping another as well. Our
happiness too can be achieved when we give ourselves away. Only then, we will
realize we are not alone in this journey, because we are loved.

C. Loved by God

“…and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our
hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:5
The life with which we are given is a great gift that comes from God. The
manifestation of His great love for us is when He sent His Son Jesus on the cross to
die for us. He knew exactly how it means to be hurt, to suffer, and to die. Therefore,
we could hold on to the reality that even though we feel broken and incapable as
an individual and as a parent, God’s love is always there, ready to embrace us again.

Our hurts from our past relationships help us shape our character to be a better parent to
our child. We need to remember significant lessons about our experience:

1) You need to forgive the person that broke your heart.

2) Forgive yourself.
3) In every breaking, there is a blessing.



We need to accept and learn from whatever God does or allows. Whatever the lesson may
be, every experience is an opportunity for us to grow in faith and holiness.

IV. Conclusion

Jesus’ resurrection is an embodiment that we can also be raised to life. God’s great mercy
has given us hope that even though we may not be spared from getting hurt, they would
help us build our characters and enhance our growth.

As SFCs, we need to realize that our brokenness and failures do not define us. We are always
worthy in the eyes of God and we only need to ask Him to help us see ourselves the way He
sees us. And because we are made in His image and likeness, we are worthy to be pursued,
loved, and cherished.

God’s love is always constant. He never fails. And because we are loved by a loving God,
our call also is to share the love we have received with everyone we come across with.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the things that hurt you in your past relationship?
2. Give 3 things that motivated you to move on from the broken relationship?



Chapter Teaching Topic 2: TIRED AND OVERWHELMED

Anchor Verse: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest
for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” Matthew 11:28-30

1. To help them go back to the true source which is God
2. To help them to find steps when everything seems to be lost and unorganized

Speakers Profile:

• The speaker (SFC Couple Coordinator, Handmaid of the Lord/Servants of the Lord) who
has experienced brokenness in his/her life, but was able to conquer his situation because
he/she feels loved.

I. Introduction:

If we imagined that Jesus, being God could have chosen to be more relaxed and worked
hard as He did while on earth, we could have been more wrong! In three years of ministry,
Jesus preached taught, made disciples, and more. He was a preacher, an evangelist, a
brother, a missionary, a speaker, motivator, mentor, and teacher. He did all these without
any technology, gadgets, and even an office, yet he enjoyed doing all these things. He never
wasted a time and was never in a rush, Jesus is always aware of the right time, knowing
whether or not the time has come. What was his secret? The bible gives us some clue:

a. Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he
prayed. Mark 1:35
b. After doing so, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When it was evening,
he was there alone. Matthew 14:23
c. In those days he departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer
to God. Luke 6:12

Jesus starts his day very early by praying, by himself, solitary, and ends His night in prayer.
These characterized the life of Jesus.

a. Hardworking yet calm

b. Silence and Solitude



II. Tips on Restful Lifestyle

1. Set aside a quiet space and enjoy a quiet time each day to listen to God.
2. Set boundaries. Find out what gives you joy and set it as the comfort place that will
give you something to breathe.
3. Fast from Social Media and Internet instead give time to read, pray and meditate on
God’s word through the bible.
4. Prioritize the things you are doing every day make a checklist of the things you want
to accomplish.

II. Conclusion:

There so many things that we wanted to do in life at some point or another we get tired
and give up. However, the life of Jesus is reminding us to take it one step at a time start
early, and focus on the necessary. When we learn to prioritize and focus on our goal, we
can fully live our daily life in an organized manner.

Guide Question:

1. Share an unexpected experience in your life that added to your tiredness, how did you
2. What are the effective ways that helped you cope in a tiring day?


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