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Connotations Exercise One (Group work)

Divide the following words into the three groups


interested steadfast conceited

questioning tenacious unique
nosy stubborn different
employ sated peculiar
exploit filled meticulous
thrifty crammed selective
saving courageous picky
stingy confident
old elated happy

Connotation Exercise 2 (In pairs)

Read the sentences below. Can you identify the words that have a
negative connotation?
1. Bedford is a gritty neighborhood, but the rents are low.
2. Every morning my neighbor takes his mutt to the park. It
always barks loudly when leaving the building.
3. You need to be pushy when you are looking for a job.
4. Bob is bullheaded sometimes, but he always gets the job

Connotation Exercise 3
Change the following paragraph into one with a negative mood
James opened the kitchen door. The aroma of stew wafted in the
air. As a curious James peered into the boiling ragout, he could see
the slender carrots he had grown this fall.

Connotation Exercise 1

Which connotation is more positive? Write the answer (the word) in the
1. Our trip to the amusement park was _____.
a) fine
b) wonderful
2. _______ people rode on the roller coaster.
a) Brave
b) Foolhardy
3. We saw _____ animals in the animal house.
a) fascinating
b) weird
4. Some of the monkeys made _____ faces.
a) hilarious
b) amusing
5. Everyone had a _____ on his or her face on the way home.
a) smile
b) smirk
Which connotation is more negative?

6. We bought _____ souvenirs at the amusement park.

a) cheap
b) inexpensive
7. I ate a _____ sandwich.
a) soggy
b) moist
8. Mike _____ us to go to the funny house.
a) nagged
b) reminded
9. I didn't like the _____ on the jester's face.
a) smirk
b) grin
10. It made me feel _____.
a) uneasy
b) frightened
Connotation Exercise 3
Read the following passage and write a paragraph analysing the nature of
the character

He was sliding back into the seat by his beaming mother before he
surreptitiously opened the blue box with “Balfour” printed on it.
The shiny gold medal threw reflected lights into his shining eyes.
For the first time he thought of the ten points it represented. Hello,
beautiful, he greeted it silently. Three weeks later the UDC meeting
was held at the big house. He yielded to his childish urge and crept
on all fours beneath one of the living room windows opening onto
the verandah. He slowly raised his head and peered through a
breeze-floated lace curtain. Miss Beauty Graves sat on the edge of
her seat, teacup gripped in rigidly curved talons, glittering chain to
her pince nez fastened daintily in her jet black hair, her mouth a
scarlet slash in the stark whiteness of her powdered face. “I tell
you, Mrs. Osborne,” she announced—all the hum of ladies
stilled—“that boy of yours is sure to Go Far.”

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