A Camp Report of Ruchi Final Draft

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A Camp Report on

Study of Kumal Community in Palungtar

A proposed report of community camp in partial fulfillment of requirement for the course
Community Organization (SW-425)

Submitted To

Department of Social Work

Nepal Mega College

Tribhuvan University

Submitted By

Ruchi Adhikari

Symbol No: 602660010

BASW 3rd Year


Table of contents
RECOMMENDATION LETTER.........................................................................................iii
LETTER OF APPROVAL..................................................................................................iii
Chapter 1........................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction.................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2........................................................................................................................... 5
Activities......................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter- 3......................................................................................................................... 7
Principles Applied.......................................................................................................... 7
Chapter-4.......................................................................................................................... 8
Learning......................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter-5........................................................................................................................ 10
Personal Feeling..........................................................................................................10
Chapter 6......................................................................................................................... 11
SWOT of the Trainee...................................................................................................11
Chapter-7........................................................................................................................ 12
Finding, Conclusion and Suggestion............................................................................12
REFERENCE.................................................................................................................. 15
ANNEX............................................................................................................................ 16


This is to certify that this report entitled “Camp Report” is compiled by Ruchi Adhikari
under my guidance and supervision. I hereby recommend it for the final evaluation.


Miss Sunita Bishunki

Field Supervisor

Department of Social Work

Nepal Mega College


This report entitled “Camp Report” compiled by Ruchi Adhikari, a 3rd year student, has

been given approval by the department of social work and external experts of Tribhuvan


Name: Sunita Bishunki

Field work supervisor and lecturer of Community Organization

Social Work Department, Nepal Mega College







Firstly, I would like to express my grateful thanks to Tribhuvan University Board for
providing us such an opportunity where we can understand, explore and learn our
community outside the classroom and help us grasp from new experiences.

I would like to express my special thankfulness to my highly respected supervisor Miss

Sunita Bishunki for her valuable constant supervision, suggestion, guidance,
encouragement for the completion of this camp. She taught us to be learners instead of
performers. Her useful suggestions for this work and cooperative behavior is sincerely

I am bound to the Department of Social Work, Nepal Mega College for stimulating
support. More specially, I am very grateful towards our parents for supporting us by
providing financial support for camp. Finally, I would like to thank my classmate and
other people who directly or indirectly helped me out developing the work.

Ruchi Adhikari

2023, August

Chapter 1


1.1 Definition of social work

Social work is a profession and a social science committed to the pursuit of social
justice, quality of life and to the development of the potential of each individual group or
society. It promotes social change and problem solving in human relationships and the
empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. It is the profession
primarily concerned with the remedy to psychological problems and deficiencies which
exist in the relationship between the individual and his social environment. The primary
goal of social work is to improve a society’s overall well-being, especially for the most
vulnerable populations. Many social workers provide direct services to clients helping
them cope, manage, and overcome problems such as poverty, abuse, addiction, and
mental illness by providing counseling, connecting clients with needed resources, and
empowering clients to create change in their own lives.

Social work is a field of study in social sciences. It is mainly concerned with the
study of social problems and social interventions and also the sets to study individuals,
groups and communities. It can be considered as art or science based art and is a
professional approach to help people for the betterment of social functioning in society. It
uses its own principles, rules to solve the root problem of the people.

1.2 Definition of Community Organization

Community organization refers to the process of bringing people together to work

towards a common goal or address a shared issue within a specific community. It involves
mobilizing resources, coordinating activities, and empowering community members to
create positive change. A community organization, also known as a Community-Based
Organization, is an organization that works to improve the social health, well-being, and
overall functioning of a community. Geographically, psychosocially, culturally,
spiritually, and digitally bounded communities organize themselves. Community work,
community projects, community development, community empowerment, community
building, and community mobilization are all examples of community organization. It is a
popular model for organizing community within community projects, neighborhoods,
organizations, voluntary associations, localities, and social networks, and it can be used to

mobilize people based on geography, shared space, shared experience, interest, need,
and/or concern.

Community organization is all about bringing people together in a community to

make a difference. Community organization is important because it allows people to
come together to solve common problems, build political power and create meaningful
social change. It also helps individuals to develop their own sense of self-efficacy and to
create meaningful connections to their communities. It involves identifying issues or
goals that matter to the community and working together to address them. This can
include organizing events, creating programs, advocating for change, and building
relationships with the community to take action and create positive impact.

1.3 Camp Definition

In social work, camps are specifically designed to serve individuals in rural

communities. These camps aim to address the unique challenges faced by rural
populations, such as limited access to resources, isolation, and lack of opportunities.

In a rural camp setting, social workers can provide support and services that are
tailored to the needs of the community. This may include workshops on topics like
agricultural skills. sustainable development, healthcare, and education. By addressing
these specific needs, social workers can empower individuals in rural areas and help
bridge the gap between urban and rural communities.

Furthermore, Rural camps provide an opportunity for individuals in rural areas to

access services that may not be readily accessible to them. This can include mental health
support, career guidance, financial literacy and more which help improve the overall well
being and quality of life to the people of rural areas.

1.4 Importance of Camp in Social Work

A social work camp is a program where students of social work come together to work,
learn, collaborate and engage in activities related to community service. Camp is a great
way to make a positive impact and contribute to the betterment of society. The camps
have clear goals and objectives, which might include providing emotional support,
enhancing social skills, building self-esteem, fostering community connections, and
addressing specific issues like, addiction, or mental health concerns and so on.

Here are some key reasons why camps are important in the field of social work:

1. Integrated Community: Camp creates an inclusive community where individuals

from diverse backgrounds come together. It promotes social integration, breaks down
barriers, and encourages understanding and acceptance.

2. Skill Development: Camp provides opportunities for individuals to develop various

skills such as communication, problem-solving. leadership, and teamwork. These skills
are crucial in social work, as they help professionals effectively engage with and support
their clients.

3. Relationship Building: Camps provide a space for individuals to build meaningful

relationships with peers.mentors and professionals. These connections can offer ongoing
support. guidance, and networking opportunities in the field of social work.

4. Therapeutic Environment: Camps often offer a therapeutic environment where

individuals can heal, grow, and develop resilience. This is particularly beneficial for
individuals who have experienced trauma or face mental health challenges.

5. Experiential Learning: Camps offer hands-on, experiential learning opportunities that

are not typically found in traditional classroom settings. This allows individuals to gain
practical skills, knowledge, and insights that can be applied in real life social work

6. Self Expression and Empowerment: Camps encourage self expression and empower
individuals to explore their identities, talents, and passions. This can boost self
esteem,confidence, and personal growth, which are essential qualities for effective

social work practice.

7. Advocacy and Social Change: camps often incorporate activities and discussions that
raise awareness about social issues, promote social justice, and inspire individuals to
become advocates for change.

1.5 Introduction of Camp Area

On June 11, 2023 Students from Nepal Mega College Visited Palungtar -04,
Gorkha, to gain insights and knowledge about the challenges faced by the Kumal
community. This visit allowed them to explore and understand the difficulties that the
kumal community encounters. Palungtar is a municipality in Gorkha District in Gandaki
Province, central Nepal. It was established in 2014(2071 BS) as a local government of

Nepal. It is made up of seven former Village Development Committees, Chyangli,

Dhuwakot, Gaikhur, Khoplang, Mirkot and Palumtar. It lies on the bank of Marshyangdi
River. Now, talking about the Kumal Community and Kumals they have been living there
for more than hundred years. They have similar culture like Tharu but they own their own
foods, culture, attire.

Chapter 2


Nepal Mega College conducted a camp for 3rd year bachelor’s students on 11th of
June, 2023 from Kathmandu to Palungtar-7, Gorkha. Various Programs were held during
the camp session. Most of them were completed with good results and cooperation among
teammates. Different programs were held like orientation program, interaction program,
Survey, transect walk, social mapping and so on. The details activities performed in camp
are described below:

Day 1

Orientation Program: The trainees introduced themselves to the residents of Palungtaar

Gorkha and discussed their plans. Trainees were involved in informing about the

Transect Walk: The trainees went on a walk in the neighborhood with the locals to
explore and learn about their surroundings. The community people led the transect walk.
During the transect walk, students learned about the community’s water resources and
facilities, such as transportation, health care, and schools.

Day 2

Survey: The trainees conducted a survey using structured questionnaires that they
prepared by themselves and aimed to learn about their daily lives of local residents and
the difficulties they face.

Social Mapping: The trainees collaborated with residents to create a map of the area that
depicted major landmarks and features. Social mapping involves creating a visual
representation of the social and geographical aspects of the camp. Residents help to
identify key locations, resources, and relationships within the community.

Focused Group Discussion with Farmers Group: The trainees interviewed a group of
farmers, asking them about their life and the obstacles they face. Students participated in
group discussions with farmer groups to better understand agriculture patterns and crop
sequencing. Furthermore, it attempted to investigate the farmers' difficulties,

Visit to Health Post: The trainees went to the local health post to learn about the
healthcare services available in the area. By interacting with the staff and understanding
the services they offer, trainees gained valuable insights into the healthcare needs and

resources of the community.

Day 3

Awareness Program: On the third day of the camp, the trainee organized a meaningful
discussion on three important topics: menstruation hygiene, sexual and reproductive
health rights, and gender-based violence. Trainees raised awareness about these subjects
and provide knowledge on staying clean during periods,

understanding healths, and relationship rights, preventing gender-based violence, and

practicing proper restroom hygiene and sanitation which empower individuals and
contribute to a safer and healthier community.

Panel Discussion

A panel discussion was organized in front of the community members, involving elderly
citizens,ward leaders, women's group representatives,and youngsters. The purpose of
panel discussion was to gain a deeper understanding of the Kumal community’s cultural
norms, beliefs,and traditions. Additionally, another panel discussion was scheduled to
explore the primary concerns faced by the Kumal community and why they are
underrepresented compared to other communities. These discussions provide a platform
to address important issues and work towards a more inclusive and empowered

Chapter- 3

Principles Applied

During the rural camp in Palungtar, Gorkha, trainees applied the following

1. Principle of Planning:

The trainees did planning for the camp by outlining the objectives, activities, and
necessary materials. This thorough preparation ensured that the camp was well-organized
and focused on its purpose from start to finish.

2. Principle of People Participation:

The principle of people participation was embraced during the camp planning.
The trainees actively engaged with local citizens, encouraging them to voice their needs,
expectations, and concerns. This inclusive approach fostered a sense of ownership and
collaboration within the community, ensuring that the camp truly reflected their values
and aspirations.

3. Principle of Communication:

The principle of communication was integral to the trainees' approach. They

established open channels for dialogue with the local community, engaging in
conversations and debates to gain insights into their unique challenges and strengths. By
actively listening and communicating, the trainees were able to personalize their plans
effectively and ensure that they aligned with the community's needs.

4. Principle of Acceptance:

The trainees embraced the principle of acceptance by approaching the local

behaviors and customs with respect and cultural sensitivity. This open-mindedness and
acceptance fostered trust and rapport within the community, laying the foundation for
meaningful relationships to develop. The trainees recognize and value the importance of
accepting and embracing different cultural practices.

5. Principle of Resource Utilization:

The trainees completed social mapping activities well by using the community's existing
resources. Trainees utilized the different resources available in the community to make
the camp cost effective and easy which were mostly used in the social mapping.



4.1. Personal Learning

Here are the some personal learning obtained by trainee during the rural camp :

1. Recognizing the value of community participation and actively engaging with locals to
foster collaboration and ownership.

2. Building open channels of communication with the local community to gain insights
and personalize plans effectively.

3. Embracing an attitude of acceptance towards local behaviors and customs to develop

trust and meaningful relationships.

4. Utilizing existing community resources to make projects cost-effective and efficient.

Valuing cultural sensitivity and respect when working with diverse communities.

These learnings can help Trainees Trainee in future effort by promoting inclusivity,
effective communication, and resourcefulness.

4.2. Professional Learnings

Some of the professional learning gained by trainee during rural camp are as

1. Recognizing the importance of open communication channels with the community to

gain valuable insights and personalize plans effectively.

2. Developing cultural sensitivity and respect to build trust and meaningful relationships
with diverse communities.

3. Embracing an inclusive approach that values community participation and

collaboration in project planning.

4. Demonstrating resourcefulness by utilizing existing community resources to achieve

cost-effective and efficient outcomes.

5. Understanding the significance of actively listening and engaging in conversations and

debates to address community-specific difficulties and capabilities.

These professional learnings can enhance future projects by promoting effective


communication, cultural competence, and community engagement.



Personal Feeling

I had an incredible experience during the rural camp. Learning about the culture,
way of life, and challenges faced by the community must have been eye-opening.

Sharing information and experiences with the community and other trainees
sounds like it was beneficial for everyone involved. It's great to hear that this unique
experience provided a different perspective, with its own ups and downs. It's fantastic that
the experience was fulfilling and helped expand my understanding, empathy, and
flexibility. The memories and teachings from this experience will undoubtedly be

Overall, I experienced active listening, engaging in conversations and embracing

different things likely brought a deep sense of satisfaction and joy. It's wonderful to see
how this experience has had such a positive impact on my personal growth.

Chapter 6

SWOT of the Trainee


1. Teamwork

2. Communication

3. Positivity

4. Empathy

5. Cultural understanding


1. Decision Making

2. Conflict Management


1. Village insights

2. Leadership Development

3. Local Products


1. Limited resources

2. Living in different climate



Finding, Conclusion and Suggestion

7.1. Major Finding

The major findings from rural camp experience, It's clear that the trainees'
understanding of the community's challenges highlighted the problem. The two critical
findings you mentioned are:

1. Drinking Water Problems: The community's struggle to access clean drinking water
is a significant challenge. The long journey of 30-40 minutes to reach water sources not
only affects their time but also their overall quality of life.

2. Lack of Health Facilities: The absence of nearby health facilities poses a very difficult
situation for the community, especially during serious health crises. Having to travel
considerable distances for medical attention puts lives at risk and worsens health concerns.
These findings shed light on the pressing issues faced by the community and provide
valuable insights for potential solutions and interventions. It's commendable that you
were able to uncover these challenges and contribute to a better understanding of the
community's needs.

3. Cultural Extinction among Kumal People: An alarming discovery was the fading
practice of culture and tradition among the Kumal people in the area. The Erosion of their
own cultural heritage raises concerns about preserving their identity and

maintaining a sense of belonging.

4. Limited Market Access for Farmers: Local farmers encounter difficulties in

marketing their produce due to the absence of proper marketplaces. This issue hampers
their economic prospects and contributes to income instability.

5. Migration for Education and Employment: The survey revealed a trend of

community members migrating to urban centers or abroad in pursuit of education and
better economic opportunities. This poses challenges to the community's sustainability
and development.



The camp was a huge learning experience. The food, weather and surroundings
were different and trainees interacted extremely well with the local community as well as
adjusted admirably to the rural settings. The camp experience helped us understand the
community's challenges and motivated us to take action. To address the issues we
discover, it's important to have sustainable solutions, and focus on specific initiatives. By
raising awareness, showing empathy, and planning effectively, we aim to make a positive
difference in the community situation and help them overcome the challenges. Reflecting
on the rural camp at Palungtar, Gorkha, the trainee is deeply affected. The camp
highlighted important challenges ranging from the difficult travel for clean water to the
disappearing cultural customs. The increased empathy, communication skills, and cultural
awareness contributed to a strong desire to contribute to good change. The trainee is
determined to solve these difficulties and contribute to long-term community
development in collaboration with fellow trainees and residents.

The rural camp was a very good occasion for all the trainees to exercise the social
work principles and skills and the trainees benefited immensely by the experience.

7.3. Suggestion

7.3.1. To College

1. Provide more practical experiences like rural camps.

2. Organize workshops for cultural understanding and effective communication. 3.

Encourage collaboration between students from different disciplines.

4. Arrange structured sessions for reflecting on and learning from experiences. 3.2. To

1. Preserve and celebrate your unique cultural traditions. 2. Explore options to improve
access to clean water sources. 3. Advocate for better healthcare facilities or mobile
clinics. 4. Collaborate to establish local markets for farmers' produce. 5. Set good
examples of unity in a group.

3.2. To Community

1. Preserve and celebrate your unique cultural traditions.

2. Explore options to improve access to clean water sources.


3. Advocate for better healthcare facilities or mobile clinics.

4. Collaborate to establish local markets for farmers' produce.

5. Set good examples of unity in a group.

7.3.3 To Newcomers

1. Listen attentively to community members' stories and concerns.

2. Actively engage with both community members and fellow

trainees. 3. Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek understanding.

4. Offer your skills and ideas to benefit the community.

5. Be ready to adapt to new situations and challenges. 6. Collaborate and work together
with mates for effective outcomes.



Figure: health post visit


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