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MR No 211227-113741597 Age / Gender 31Y - 7M - 15D/Male Section No MOL2300031571

Lab No 8013860638 Sample Date 11-Aug-2023 Invoice No 1113860638

Name MATI ULLAH Refered by SELF


Sample: Blood

HBV DNA Detected in the sample.
Viral Load 64,348 IU/ml.

Test Principle:
This assay exploits the principle of real time fluorescence PCR. The increase in fluorescence is directly
proportional to specific target amplification.

1. A Detected or positive result indicates the presence of HBV DNA and is Consistent with
active infection (Acute or Chronic).
2. Due to differences in sensitivity and specificity of methods used in the lab, it is advisable
not to compare the results of HBV DNA testing with other labs.
3. A single HBV DNA test should not be considered enough to rule out HBV infection
since intermittent level of HBV DNA in serum may be due to fluctuation of viral load
titers in blood.
4. Quality of the test is measured on six sigma rated assay.
5. The lower quantification limit of this assay is 10 IU/ml.

Electronically verified on 15-Aug-2023 03:29 PM No Signature required.

Printed By: Zubair Printed On: 05-Sep-2023 10:49 AM Page 1 of 1

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