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5.2 The Colored Globe (table activity)

❖ Materials:
1. Sandpaper globe
2. Colored globe

❖ Presentation:
1. Maintain work cycle
2. Invite the child:
1. “Good morning Mary. Remember working with the sandpaper
globe? Today would you like to work with the sandpaper globe and
colored globe?”
2. Once the child shows interest, invite her to come with you
3. “This is the culture shelf, and today we will be working with this
sandpaper globe.”
4. Sow how to carry the globe. Place right hand on top and left hand
at the base; child carries the colored globe and educator the
sandpaper globe to the work table

3. Introduce the material and the activity:

1. Keep the sandpaper globe in front of the child and say” This is the
sandpaper globe and this is the colored globe. Today we are going
to work with them.”
2. “Would you like to feel and show me where is land? Would you like
to feel and show me where is water?” Let the child feel and show

1. Maintain work cycle
2. “See Mary, the sandpaper globe is similar to the colored globe. Let
us see how.” Point at each rough surface/continent and then
coloured continent to show the similarity. Put away the sandpaper
globe towards the right hand side corner
3. “The globe is divided into various colors. Each color represents a
mass of land, which is called a continent. Let us count the number
of continents.” Let the child count
4. “Mary can you point and show me the largest continent (Asia)?”
Let the child show. “Mary can you point and show me the smallest
continent (Australasia)?” Let the child show

5. Reinforce and wind-up:

1. “So Mary, today we have worked with the colored globe and we
have seen that the colored globe is divided into various colors and
each color represents mass of land, which is known as continent;
and altogether there are seven continents. Feel free to do this
activity and if you have any problem come to me. Shall we wind
up? Would you like to keep the colored globe back on the shelf,
while I place the sandpaper globe back?”
❖ Control of error:
1. Cycle should be complete
2. Educator
3. Chromatic
4. Child’s ability to count

❖ Aims:
1. Direct aims: Learning about the continents

2. Indirect aims
1. Vocabulary building
2. Understanding the difference between land and water
2. Development of patience
3. Developing intense concentration
4. Care of the environment and self
5. Independence

❖ Age: 4 years onwards

❖ Points of interest:
1. Revise the globe activity with the sandpaper globe
2. Count the continents

❖ Language: Culture, shelf, globe, continents

❖ Variations: None

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