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Cyber security has played a very important role in recent time in businesses
and organization as they are using Technologies for conducting various
operations. The cyber security must use various evolving technologies and
they are widely using artificial technology which we will be exploring more on
the benefits and the challenges of it. Moreover the benefits of artificial
intelligence cyber security is that it's very helpful as it consume very less time
and it can automatically update systems as the cybersecurity operations can
be focused up on more integral tasks. However certain challenges are being
found out in cybersecurity when artificial intelligence has been employed as
there can be potential hackers which can use the artificial intelligence for
developing more sophisticated cyber attacks and that can be used for
generating radius malware or creating the fake videos. It has also been found
out that the malicious code creation is also a possible threat when artificial
intelligence is used in cybersecurity.


The uses of Artificial intelligence in cyber security It can be initially given as

it's very good for detecting and responding to various cyber attacks or threats.
As the artificial intelligence can detect the vulnerabilities in various networks
and by analyzing the patterns they are able to identify the possible threats
which can be found in the cybersecurity operations.
Statement of the research problem

Is AI secure in the implementation of cyber security

, the aims of thepaper

To know regarding the trustworthiness of AI?

Security of AI

 and the significance of the research

improves the way security experts analyze, study, and understand cybercrime. It improves the
technologies that companies use to combat cybercriminals and helps organizations keep
customer data safe.

Explanation of scope of the study.

• Use of a research methodology appropriate to the task.
• A discerning selection of the relevant, current andseminal law (legislation, cases, main 
texts and journal articles)
Analysis and Argumentation
• Analysis of the research sources used to address theresearch problem.
• Discussion of implications of the analysis and itsrelationship to the research problem.
• Use of logical argument.
• Suggestions for law reform, directions of futureresearch or other avenues to promote
resolution of the issues (as appropriate to the specific task).
Structure and Writing
• Articulation and progression of major components orsections of the project.
• Maintenance of overall theme or point that gives theproject coherence and significan
• Clarity, precision and economy of writing.
• Accurate use of academic language and writingconventions appropriate for the specifi
c task.
Presentation and Referencing
• Good overall presentation of paper as appropriate to thetask.
• Appropriate pagination, layout, margins, typographicalaccuracy, consistent and appro
priate citation style, use of headings, etc.
• Correct attribution of sources through citations.
• References listed in bibliography.

In today’s digital landscape, cyber security has become increasingly

important. As more and more businesses and organisations rely on
technology to conduct their operations, they also become more vulnerable to
cyber attacks.

Cyber security professionals must continually adapt to new and evolving

threats, and one tool that is increasingly being used is artificial intelligence
(AI). In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of AI in cyber security, its potential
benefits, and the challenges associated with its use.

The Benefits of Cyber Security and AI

AI and machine learning are increasingly used in cyber security to detect and
respond to cyber threats. One way in which AI is used is to detect
vulnerabilities in network traffic. By analysing patterns in network traffic data,
AI systems can identify potential threats and alert cyber security professiona

AI can also be used to analyse a large amount of data for potential threats.
This can be particularly useful in identifying threats that might not be
immediately obvious to human analysts.
Another way in which AI is used in cyber security is by automating routine
tasks to make them less time consuming. For example, AI systems can be
used to automatically patch and update systems, freeing up cyber security
professionals to focus on more complex tasks.

AI can also be used to generate reports and alerts, providing valuable

information to help inform cyber security decisions.

The potential benefits of AI in cyber security are significant. By improving the

speed and accuracy of threat detection and response, AI can help to reduce
the impact of cyber attacks. AI can also help to improve the efficiency of cyber
security operations, freeing up valuable time and resources for other tasks.

The Challenges of Cyber Security and AI

Despite the potential benefits of using AI in cyber security, there are also
several challenges and risks associated with its use. Since the public launch
of ChatGPT on the GPT-3 natural language large language model (LLM) in
November last year, researchers have been actively investigating the
potentially negative aspects of generative AI.

One of the biggest challenges is the potential for hackers to use AI to develop
more sophisticated cyber threats. For example, AI can be used to generate
realistic phishing emails, deploy malwareor to create convincing deepfake
videos. Researchshows just how easy it is to automate the creation of
credible yet malicious code at incredible speed.

As AI becomes more advanced, it is likely that hackers will find new and
creative ways to use it to their advantage. In this case, CISOs need to prepare
for the next wave of AI driven attacks.

Another challenge associated with using AI in cyber security is the potential

for bias. AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on, and if
that data is biased or incomplete, the AI system will produce biased results.
This can be particularly problematic in areas such as facial recognition, where
bias can lead to false identifications and discriminatory outcomes.
Another concern with AI in cyber security is the potential for AI systems to
make decisions without human oversight. While automation can be useful in
some areas, it is important to ensure that humans are still involved in the
decision-making process. This is particularly important when it comes to high-
stakes decisions, such as whether to launch a cyber attack in response to a
perceived threat.

The Role of AI in Cyber Security

AI is becoming an increasingly important tool in the fight against cyber
attacks. By improving the speed and accuracy of threat detection and incident
response, using AI can help to reduce the impact of cyber attacks and
malicious activities and improve the efficiency of cyber security operations.

However, there are also several challenges and risks associated with the use
of AI in cyber security. As cybercriminals refine their AI based cyber attack
techniques, it may result in an “arms race” between cybersecurity
professionals and cybercriminals.

It is important to ensure that AI systems are developed and used in a

responsible and ethical manner, with appropriate oversight and human
intelligence in the decision-making process.

To ensure the responsible and effective use of AI in cyber security, businesses

and organisations should work with cyber security professionals who have
experience working with AI systems.

They should also ensure that they have robust policies and procedures in
place to govern the use of AI in cyber security. This might include guidelines
and policies on how AI powered systems are trained, how decisions are made,
and how bias is avoided.

Finally, businesses and organisations should stay up to date with the latest
developments in AI and cyber security. As AI technology continues to evolve,
so too will the threats it poses and the opportunities it presents. By remaining
informed and adaptive, businesses and organisations can leverage the
benefits and stay ahead of the curve to protect themselves

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