Context Clues

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Context Clues

Vocabulary Worksheet

Select the correct meaning of each word in bold.

Circle the words in the sentence which give clues to that word’s meaning.
The cubs nestled together to keep warm during the cold weather.

to lay closely or next to

an animal’s shelter made of twigs and leaves

Even though she is feeble, the old lady still walks a mile every day.

to be hungry
without strength or weak
After my leg injury, I had to get a massage to reduce muscle tension.

to be lost
physical, emotion, or mental strain or hurt
I had to thread the sharp needle so I could use it to sew the button back on my shirt.

a thin tool with a hole at one end and a point at the other that is used for sewing
a thin piece of dough that has been dried so it can be eaten later
The gigantic tree gave us a lot of shade to keep cool on the hot day.

The driver could barely see because of the glare of the sun.

to feel sad or overwhelmed

a light so strong it hurts the eyes, making it difficult to see
The ice cold drink satisfied my thirst on the hot day.

a frown of disapproval

to give what is wanted or needed

My mom’s smile vanished when she heard the bad news.

to stop existing

to continue

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Context Clues
Vocabulary Worksheet


The cubs nestled together to keep warm during the cold weather.

to lay closely or next to

an animal’s shelter made of twigs and leaves

Even though she is feeble, the old lady still walks a mile every day.

to be hungry
without strength or weak
After my leg injury, I had to get a massage to reduce muscle tension.

to be lost
physical, emotion, or mental strain or hurt
I had to thread the sharp needle so I could use it to sew the button back on my shirt.

a thin tool with a hole at one end and a point at the other that is used for sewing
a thin piece of dough that has been dried so it can be eaten later
The gigantic tree gave us a lot of shade to keep cool on the hot day.

The driver could barely see because of the glare of the sun.

to feel sad or overwhelmed

a light so strong it hurts the eyes, making it difficult to see
The ice cold drink satisfied my thirst on the hot day.

a frown of disapproval

to give what is wanted or needed

My mom’s smile vanished when she heard the bad news.

to stop existing

to continue

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Context Clues
Vocabulary Worksheet

Select the correct meaning of each word in bold.

Circle the words in the sentence which give clues to that word’s meaning.
We went on a peaceful hike in the wilderness and saw many tall trees and wild animals.

an area of land in its natural state

to be under control and tame

The immense wave pulled the boat under water.

very large
The fish had colorful scales that covered its body.

small, hard, thin plates that cover certain animals

a piano tune
When the fog lifted, the boat reappeared as it approached the dock.

to suddenly disappear
to come into view again
My grandpa is full of vigor, even though he is ninety years old.

weak and timid

enthusiasm; mental or physical energy
Her negative comments about the show made the actors upset.

not helpful; critical

to be happy and healthy
I turned off the machine using the manual switch.

to press hard with purpose

worked by hand
I measured the length of the couch to make sure it will fit in the room.

the distance from one end of something to the other

the part of the body that helps you walk

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Context Clues
Vocabulary Worksheet


We went on a peaceful hike in the wilderness and saw many tall trees and wild animals.

an area of land in its natural state

to be under control and tame

The immense wave pulled the boat under water.

very large
The fish had colorful scales that covered its body.

small, hard, thin plates that cover certain animals

a piano tune
When the fog lifted, the boat reappeared as it approached the dock.

to suddenly disappear
to come into view again
My grandpa is full of vigor, even though he is ninety years old.

weak and timid

enthusiasm; mental or physical energy
Her negative comments about the show made the actors upset.

not helpful; critical

to be happy and healthy
I turned off the machine using the manual switch.

to press hard with purpose

worked by hand
I measured the length of the couch to make sure it will fit in the room.

the distance from one end of something to the other

the part of the body that helps you walk

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Context Clues
Vocabulary Worksheet

Select the correct meaning of each word in bold.

Circle the words in the sentence which give clues to that word’s meaning.
When I used the telescope, it helped to magnify the stars in the sky that I could not see before.

to make more colorful

to cause to appear bigger

We could hear the loud boom of the space shuttle being launched into the sky.

to come to a sudden stop

to send into the air with great force
My friend and I wore identical dresses to school, making us look like twins.

alike is almost every way; similar

to measure the length of something

The magnificent castle was so beautiful and grand!

very large in size, noble, impressive

average and modest
I paid the cashier $20 for the groceries.

to save money
to have given money to
I was asked to move five paces forward in line.

steps or strides

an agreement or contract
The rain was unexpected, so I did not bring my umbrella.

to be sure of
not foreseen; surprising
The careless driver caused a car wreck.

to be put back together

an action that results in great destruction

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Context Clues
Vocabulary Worksheet


When I used the telescope, it helped to magnify the stars in the sky that I could not see before.

to make more colorful

to cause to appear bigger

We could hear the loud boom of the space shuttle being launched into the sky.

to come to a sudden stop

to send into the air with great force
My friend and I wore identical dresses to school, making us look like twins.

alike is almost every way; similar

to measure the length of something

The magnificent castle was so beautiful and grand!

very large in size, noble, impressive

average and modest
I paid the cashier $20 for the groceries.

to save money
to have given money to
I was asked to move five paces forward in line.

steps or strides

an agreement or contract
The rain was unexpected, so I did not bring my umbrella.

to be sure of
not foreseen; surprising
The careless driver caused a car wreck.

to be put back together

an action that results in great destruction

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Context Clues
Vocabulary Worksheet

Select the correct meaning of each word in bold.

Circle the words in the sentence which give clues to that word’s meaning.
Her homework was incomplete, so she had to finish it the next day.

not finished

full; satisfied
The hurricane tore through the town and caused a lot of flooding and other damage.

hot and humid weather

a powerful storm with heavy rain and wind
The weather report forecasts it will be hot this afternoon.

to predict

a guarantee
I am very grateful for my friend’s help when I moved into my new home.

feelings of defeat or sadness

feeling thankful
The townspeople were protected by the fortress they built on the hilltop.

a large, fortified building

a beautiful castle
We will meet you at the entrance of the building so we can go in together.

a doorway or place through which you enter

the place where you buy supplies

During the storm, we took shelter in a little shack near the road.

a place that gives you protection against weather or danger

to buy hardware to build something
We offered our guest a drink as he walked into our house.

a person who works on a farm

a person who is visiting

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Context Clues
Vocabulary Worksheet


Her homework was incomplete, so she had to finish it the next day.

not finished

full; satisfied
The hurricane tore through the town and caused a lot of flooding and other damage.

hot and humid weather

a powerful storm with heavy rain and wind
The weather report forecasts it will be hot this afternoon.

to predict

a guarantee
I am very grateful for my friend’s help when I moved into my new home.

feelings of defeat or sadness

feeling thankful
The townspeople were protected by the fortress they built on the hilltop.

a large, fortified building

a beautiful castle
We will meet you at the entrance of the building so we can go in together.

a doorway or place through which you enter

the place where you buy supplies

During the storm, we took shelter in a little shack near the road.

a place that gives you protection against weather or danger

to buy hardware to build something
We offered our guest a drink as he walked into our house.

a person who works on a farm

a person who is visiting

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

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