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Volume I

soil 100
of t T T Differences in water retention

pf4.2 pF2 pro em of soil

t porosity

PF4.2 pf2 pto

Ah causes for differences

PF4.2 pF2 pto


soil 2

pear pts

III pea

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PF 4.2 permanent wilting point

PF 2 field capacity

PFO total porosity

Soil 1 has higher total porosity and a greater capacity to hold water within its pores than soil 2.

The horizons in soil 2 have lower water volume percentage than soil 1 and therefore lower total

porosity. The horizons in soil 1 have a higher eld capacity pF2 compared to soil 2, meaning that soil

1 would be able to retain more water for vegetation. Soil 2 has lower water volume percent and this

would a ect its ability to provide enough water for plants.

There are many causes for these di erences such as the soil structure, organic matter content, the

drainage and vegetation. Two major causes are the texture of the soil and its structure. Soil 1

probably has more clay or silt as these are soils with smaller particles & a larger surface area,

meaning that the soil can retain more water. Soil 2 probably has a higher sand content as sandy

soils have large particle sizes and more pore space that lls with air. Also, well structured clay soils

with good aggregation and macro pores have higher porosity than badly structured soil.

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