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UNIT – 2

Q.1. Explain Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Q.2. Differentiate between ‘Software Design’ & ‘Coding’.
Q.3. Write short notes on:
a. Concurrent Development Model
b. WIN – WIN Spiral Model.

Q.3. Compute the function–point value for a project with the following information domain
Number of user inputs 32
Number of user outputs 60
Number of user inquiries 24
Number of files 08
Number of external interfaces 02

Assume that all complexity adjustment values are average. Assume that 14 algorithms
have been counted. Compute the feature point value under the same conditions.
Q.5. Write short notes on:
a. Software Project Scheduling
b. Software Engineering Tools
c. Risk Analysis
d. COCOMO Estimation Model

Q..6. Describe LOC & FP Estimation techniques for Software Project Estimation.

Q.7.Study of requirements specification for ABC project has produced the following results:
Need for 7 inputs, 10 outputs, 6 inquiries, 17 files & 4 external interfaces.
Input & external interfaces function point attributes are of average complexity & all other function
point attributes are of low complexity.
Q.9 Write equations to compute effort applied in person – month & development time for 3
software development modes: organic, semi-detached & embedded. (COCOMO)

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