Eazl's Growth Hacking Masterclass 2023 Study Guide Glossary

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

Click Below to Go Directly to Any Section of the Study Guide

● Section 1: Course Introduction

● Section 2: Get Insights from Google Analytics & Apply them to Marketing Funnels

● Section 3: Learn to Develop Personas and User Segments

● Section 4: Learn How to Use Metrics When Managing Growth Operations

● Section 5: Language/Market Fit: Content Creation, Email Marketing, and SEO
● Section 6: Landing Pages and UX: Where should you drive your traffic?
● Section 7: TOFU: Top-of-the-Funnel Marketing

● Section 8: Growth's Financial Equation: LTV, CAC, and Reverse Engineering Marketing


● Section 9: How to Go Viral? Social Media and Public Relations
● Section 10: Growth Hacking Retention: Acquisition is Expensive. Retention is Not.
● Appendix: Example Job Descriptions for Growth Hackers

Quick Links to Key Resources Associated With This Course

● Request Your Growth Hacker Certificate (after Completing 100% of the Course)
● Quick Start Guide to Starting a Growth Team
● Comparison of Email Marketing Tools (Google Sheet)
● Glossary of the Core Google Analytics Terms and Metrics
● Template for Note Taking During Customer Interviews
● Sample Interview Script for Target Market Interviews
● Template to Use in Creating Your Growth Hacking Experiment Management HQ
● Use this Template if You Need to Write a Press Release
● Eazl Guide to Using the LTV and CAC with Your Funnel

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

1: Let's Put You On the
● Resources used in this section:
🚀Rocketship! Welcome to Growth Hacking 7
○ Eazl Quick Start Guide to Starting a Growth Team
○ Check out collections of growth hacking technology stacks in this Google Sheet.
● Opportunities to build your network on LinkedIn®
○ Connect with Davis Jones, your instructor here
○ Connect with Eazl Growth Hacker in Residence, Maja Voje here
● Further study opportunities related to content in this section:
○ Watch the full interview with Sean Ellis
○ Connect with Sean on LinkedIn®
○ Watch an Interview with Stella Korošec on Product Launch Tips Here
○ Connect with Stella Korošec on LinkedIn®

2: How to Get Insights from Analytics and Apply them to Marketing Funnels
● Need help transitioning to or getting started with Google Analytics 4? Here’s our
YouTube playlist to get you started. It’s led by Peter Mesarec. You’re welcome to connect
with him on LinkedIn®.
● Resources used in this section:
○ Get access to the Google Analytics 4 demo account here
○ Refer to the Eazl Growth Hacking Glossary for help with general definitions
○ Read the original AARRR slide deck from Dave McClure here
○ Check out Cookiebot, a GDPR / privacy tool that integrates with Google Tag
○ Learn more about Google’s privacy compliance options here
● Opportunities to build your network on LinkedIn®
○ Connect with Roberto Ortega right here.
○ Connect with Peter Mesarec right here.
○ Connect with Manca Šalehar right here.
○ Connect with Alexander Lodeweyckx right here.
○ Connect with Jure Laharnar right here.
○ Connect with Laura Erdem right here.

3: Accelerate Growth by Developing Personas and Focusing on User Segments

● Special resource section — extra resources to help you with user interviewing and
design thinking:
○ Sample Script for Your Target Market Interviews (via Eazl)
○ Customer Interviewing Script Generator (via Customerdevlabs)
○ Target Market Interviewing Tips (via the Eazl YouTube Channel)
○ The Secret Phrase Top Innovators Use with Customer Research (via HBR)
○ How to Run a Design Thinking Interview (via Matt Cooper-Wright)
○ Importance of How and Why (via Matt Cooper-Wright)
○ Watch an IDEO Team Re-imagine the Shopping Cart

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

○ Here’s an interview with Joey Ayoola who has an alternative way of doing
personas using this free tool.
● Opportunities to build your LinkedIn® network:
○ Connect with Thomas Paris from MAD Kings on LinkedIn® right here.
○ Connect with Alen Faljic on LinkedIn® right here
● You can watch the full interview with Alen Faljic right here
● Further Study Link
○ Work with Maja to Build a Persona in Xtensio (Version 6 Practicum)

4: Use Data to Learn Strategies and Run Your Growth Team

● Extra resources to help you launch your growth programs:
○ Watch the full interview with Pedro Clivati from GrowthHackers.com on this topic
on the Eazl YouTube channel
○ If you want to setup your own Growth Hacking Experiment Management System
using Google Sheets, here’s a very useful Practicum from an earlier version of the
course. Look for the step by step guide in the video notes.
○ You can use this template for your main experiment HQ sheet. Just make a copy
of it.
○ If you plan to use social media as your primary sales or acquisition channel, you
might want to watch this video from an earlier version of the Growth Hacking
○ Alex’s favorites early-stage go-to-market tools:
■ https://www.lemlist.com/
■ https://meetalfred.com/
● Here are some extra resources related to using Google Data Studio
○ Check out the Google Data Studio gallery
○ Maja recommends this tutorial on building Google Data Studio dashboards
● Opportunities to build your network on LinkedIn®:
○ Connect with Pedro Clivati from GrowthHackers.com on LinkedIn® here
● Additional resources related to Practicum 3
○ View the Idea Generation Backlog and ICE Score Examples (Google Sheet)
○ The Practical Advantages of the ICE Score as a Prioritization Framework (via
○ Watch the Full Brainstorming Session on the Eazl YouTube Channel

5: Language/Market Fit: Content Creation, Email Marketing, and SEO

● Resources for writing a need narrative:
○ Get GrowthMatch’s Need Narrative template here
○ Connect with Shelby Stephens on LinkedIn® here
○ Read Dave Bailey’s original Need Narrative concept in this article
● Email marketing resources:
○ Maja’s Comparison of Email Marketing Tools (Google Sheet)
○ Maja’s overall recommendation is Klayvio

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

● Content Marketing and SEO resources:
○ Connect with Dave Shanley from Content Camel on LinkedIn® here
○ Connect with Matthew Guay on LinkedIn® here
○ Matt Guay’s Content Marketing Basics Guide for Eazl Students
○ Watch the full interview on SEO with Dave here
○ Google Trends (free Keyword Research Tool)
○ Google Keyword Planner (free Keyword Research Tool)
○ Ahrefs.com (Professional-grade Keyword Research Tool)
○ More on working with rich snippets here
● Additional link management and UTM / traffic attribution resources:
○ Here’s a step by step workflow for appending UTM codes to a link
■ 1. Go to https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/campaign-url-builder/ to get
■ 2. Enter your URL, source, and other options
■ 3. Copy and use your generated campaign URL
○ Take advantage of Rebrandly’s offer for Eazl students or their free plan
Note: Eazl does not get a commission when you sign up for the paid plan
○ How to Setup Link Retargeting (via Rebrandly’s Blog)
○ Connect with Katie Espinosa, formerly Head of Operations at Rebrandly here
○ Here’s a spreadsheet for keeping track of Your UTM codes across a campaign
(created by Giovanni Santos in Portuguese). You can also connect with Giovanni
Santos in Brazil on LinkedIn® here.
● Cool additional links related to this section:
○ Ed Schiappa’s Awesome Visual Communication Presentation (via MIT)
○ Glenn Carroll’s Research on Authenticity (via Stanford Business School)

6: Landing Pages and UX: Where should you drive your traffic?
● Additional resources on user experience / UX
○ Connect with Brian Taylor from Amazon.com on LinkedIn® right here
○ Get started with Hotjar here
● Additional resources on A/B testing:
○ Watch the full interview with Brian Taylor on UX and A/B testing right here
○ Watch this video from an earlier version of the Eazl Growth Hacking course on
using manual and automated A/B testing tools.
● Here are some additional resources to help you build landing pages:
○ You can watch the 2018 Eazl Growth Hacking Practicum where Maja builds a
landing page with LeadPages and integrates MailChimp here.
○ You might want to sign up for LeadPages (a company that offers excellent landing
page designs).
○ Here are Some Great Landing Page Design Examples (via HubSpot)
○ Here are Some Landing Page Optimization Tips (via Unbounce)
● Here are some additional resources to help you engineer on-site emotions:
○ Three Examples of Anchors Used in Marketing (via Disenthrall)
○ Here is an Overview of the Principles of Persuasion
This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

7: TOFU: Top-of-the-Funnel Marketing
● TikTok pioneers who contributed to this section for Eazl:
○ Connect with Manca Šalehar right here.
○ Connect with Alexander Lodeweyckx right here.
○ Connect with Jure Laharnar right here.
○ Connect with Laura Erdem right here.
● Opportunities to build your LinkedIn® network:
○ Connect with Jack Paxton, online ads expert, on LinkedIn® here
○ Connect with Gabe Villamizar, B2B and social selling expert, here

8: Growth's Financial Equation: LTV, CAC, and Reverse Engineering Marketing

● Use this data to complete the LTV, CAC, and Marketing funnel assignment
● Additional resources on the use of LTV and CAC:
○ Eazl Guide to Using the LTV and CAC with Your Funnel
○ Here’s a Link to Eazl’s LTV Worksheet
○ Here’s an example of privacy laws impacting CAC and marketing systems (WSJ
○ Shopify’s Guide to Working with Lifetime Customer Value in eCommerce
○ Intiut’s Quick Guide to Calculating LTV
○ Quick Sheet to Integrate LTV with Your Funnel (via Eazl growth hacker Daniele
Secondi in Italy)

9: How to Go Viral? Social Media and Public Relations

● Here are additional resources related to content virality and the role of public relations:
○ Use Eazl’s Viral Math Sheet to Estimate Your Content's Viral Coefficient
○ 7 Ways to Build Better Relationships With Journalists (via Cision)
○ Access the Eazl Press Alert Template (Go to File --> Make a Copy)
○ Get Yet Another Mail Merge for Google Sheets / Gmail
○ Learn the Basics of Using YAMM
● You can watch the full interview with Joy Schoffler on the Eazl YouTube Channel here
and connect with her on LinkedIn® here.

10: Growth Hacking Retention: Acquisition is Expensive. Retention is Not.

● You can read about Steve’s birthday party here. 🎉
● Watch the Full I Here You can watch the full interview with Simon Belak here and
connect with him on GitHub, LinkedIn®, and Twitter.
● Here are three ways to create retargeting audiences in Facebook for Business:
○ How to Create an Engagement Audience
■ Menu → Assets → Audiences

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

■ Create Audience → Custom Audience → Engagement
■ Choose an Instagram or Facebook Profile → set the number of days
○ How to Build a Retargeting Audience of Cart Abandoners
■ Menu → Assets → Audiences
■ Create Audience → Custom Audience → Website Traffic → People who
visited specific web pages
■ Select ALL of the following criteria
■ Condition 1: Select People who visited specific web pages → In the past
30 days → URL contains [your checkout URL element]
■ Click Exclude
■ Condition 2: People who visited specific web pages → In the past 30 days
→ URL contains [your purchased URL element]
■ Name your Audience
○ How to Build a Retargeting Audience of Highly Engaged Web Traffic
■ Menu → Assets → Audiences
■ Create Audience → Custom Audience → Website Traffic
■ Select Visitors by time spent → Top 5% → Last 30 days
■ Name your Audience
○ Here are some links related to Practicum 9:
■ Read more about Nir Eyal’s “Habit Loop” concept here
■ Check out Ezra Firestone here
■ Learn about using Uxpressia to map customer journeys here
■ Bonus: 3 of Maja’s favorite conversion tools are Drift, Pushcrew, and
Appocalypsis. You can see how she uses them in this Practicum from the
2018 version of the Eazl Growth Hacking course.

11: 3 Growth Hacking Career Paths: Product, Consulting, and CRO

● You’re welcome to connect with the four experts featured in this section:
○ Jeremy Epperson: Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Expert (Linkedin® Profile)
○ Wes Bush: Product-led Growth Expert (LinkedIn® Profile)
○ Chris Out: Personal Branding / Growth Agency Expert (LinkedIn® Profile)
○ Sean Ellis: The Original Growth Hacker (Linkedin® Profile)

Bonus Section: Practicums from Version 5 of the Growth Hacking Course
[Intermediate] Maja’s Practicum: Go Deeper with AARRR Marketing Funnels
[Intermediate] Maja’s Practicum: How to Build a Digital Persona
[Intermediate] Maja’s Practicum: How to Build a Leadpage and Integrate Mailchimp
[Advanced] Maja’s Practicum: How to Setup Google Tag Manager and Hotjar
[Advanced] Maja’s Practicum: How to Track On-page Events in Google Analytics
[Intermediate] Davis Guest Practicum: Use Facebook to Drive Traffic to a Leadpage
This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

[Advanced] Maja’s Practicum: Experiment Analysis with FB, GA, and Hotjar
[Intermediate] Maja’s Practicum: Install 3 of Maja’s Favorite Conversion Tools
[Intermediate] Davis Practicum: Build an Awesome Experiment Management System


Eazl Growth Hacking Glossary

● A/B Test: measuring the impact of modifying a single variable (like an image, layout, or
string of text) in a digital environment.
● Acquisition (in Pirate Metrics): when a user has given you some way to identify them
(e.g. an email address or customer profile).
● Acquisition Channel: the pathway(s) through which potential customers discover and
interact with your products, services, or brand.
● Acquisition Content: the combination of headlines, sentences, calls-to-action, and
visuals that are used in tactics designed to start relationships with a new users.
● Activation (in Pirate Metrics): when a user has experienced using some version of your
product or service.
● Anchors (in Consumer Behavior): the common human tendency to rely on the first
piece of information offered (the "anchor") when making decisions.
● Ad (in Online Advertising): one unique combination of content components (e.g. URL,
headline, sentences, visual elements, and calls to action) distributed to an ad group.
● Ad Group (in Online Advertising): how the group of potential recipients of your ads are
defined within the ad system.
● Authentic: worthy of belief.
● Awareness (in Pirate Metrics): when a user visits a digital property for the first time.
● Bundling (in Product Management): customizing unique combinations of products,
services, and features to appeal to the needs of a specific persona.
● Buying Center: the group of people and factors that determine whether or not a
purchase is made.
● Campaign: a coordinated series of events carried out over a period of time in order to
achieve something.
● Campaign (in Online Advertising): where an online advertising effort’s budget and
method of distribution are set.
● Cohort (in Growth Hacking): a group of users usually bound together by their behavior
within a funnel.
● Content (in Analytics): your title for a unique combination of words and/or visual
elements used to attract users to a URL.
● Conversion Point: Where a user can decide to take some action that transitions them to
a lower stage of a marketing funnel.
● Cost per Click: the money spent paying for the distribution of an ad divided by the
number of unique clicks on the ad.

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

© Meg Media Incorporated. All rights reserved.

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

● Customer Acquisition Cost (or CAC): the sum of the costs associated with attracting a
new paying customer.
● Down-funnel Keywords: search queries which contain elements that reveal a relatively
high level of user intention.
● Dynamic Creative: Facebook’s process of creating different combinations of each
creative element of your ad and showing you what works best.
● Engaged Session: User spends 10+ secs on site, visits 2+ pages, or makes a
● Engagement Rate (formerly “Bounce Rate”): Percentage of sessions with an
engagement event.
● Events (in Analytics): an instance of a user taking an on-page (e.g. clicking something) or
page-load (e.g. visiting a page) action.
● Facebook Pixel: a way of connecting an app or website with Facebook for Business so
that you can track the interactions of Facebook family of users and your digital
● Facilitator Trigger: a mechanism designed to help a user access something when they
want it.
● Falloff Point: the stage in a marketing funnel where a user decides to exit the funnel.
● First Click Attribution: Where the user came from first gets credited with the sale.
● Free Line (in Growth Hacking): the practice of segmenting the availability of products,
services, and features based on the position of a user in your marketing funnel.
● Friction (in Growth Hacking): sub-optimal communication or usability issues that result
in lowered conversion or retention rates.
● Goal (in Google Analytics): an event that can be defined in Google Analytics (e.g.
loading “/thankyou.html”) and used to tabulate successful conversions, analyze digital
behavior, and more.
● ICE System: a method of ranking experiment ideas based on their potential impact, how
confident you are that it would be successful, and how easy it is to launch it.
● Influencers: individuals or organizations with access to large (usually 10,000+) or
strategic audiences.
● Intention Marketing: delivering pathways to products or a services based on
information that has been revealed by a customer’s behavior.
● Key Performance Indicator (or “KPI”): A measurable value that signifies the degree to
which an objective is being achieved.
● Lagging Variable: a measurable output of a system.
● Landing Page: the webpage (or app state) where a user is sent via a link delivered
through your promotional communications.
● Language / Market Fit: how well the language you use to describe and market your
product resonates with your persona(s).
● Last Click Attribution: a web analytics model in which a sale or conversion is attributed
only to the user's most recent source.
● Lead Magnet (in Digital Marketing): something of value offered in exchange for
information that can be used to identify and communicate with a user.
● Leading Variable: a measurable input into a system.
This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

● Lifetime Customer Value (or LTV): the total amount of revenue earned from a customer
over the life of the business relationship with them.
● Linear Attribution: All user touchpoints during the purchase journey are credited
● Marketing Funnel: An illustration of a theoretical journey that your customers take
towards the purchase, repurchase, and advocacy of your product or service.
● Medium (in Analytics): the type of path (e.g. email, online ad, social media post, etc.)
taken to bring a user from a source to your URL.
● Minimum Gross Margin: the amount of money that a business must retain after
subtracting cost of acquiring customers (CAC) in order to run the business.
● Open-ended Question: a deliberately non-specific question designed to see how
someone thinks and prefers to direct a conversation.
● Page-level Keywords: words or phrases used on a webpage that are designed to enable
page-level discovery.
● Persona: A semi-fictional representation of a type of customer based on market
● Position-based Attribution: 40% credit attributed to first click, 40% to last click, and
20% for all in between.
● Referral (in Pirate Metrics): when a user makes someone else aware of your brand.
● Remarketing: defining the audience who will receive online ads based on their
previously-observed online behavior.
● Retention (in Pirate Metrics): the practice of re-engaging users of your product or
● Search Advertising: paying for an ad to appear in a user’s search results.
● Segment: users who are grouped together on the basis of a shared characteristic like
their place in a marketing funnel, the number of times they’ve opened your emails, or
other metrics.
● Signal Triggers: a mechanism designed to tell a user that they're on the right path.
● Site-level Keywords: words or phrases used on webpages that are designed to enable
site-level discovery.
● Social Media Ads: paying for an ad to appear in a user’s experience using a social media
● Social Proof: qualitative (e.g. associated recognized brands) and quantitative (e.g.
follower numbers) measures used by individuals to predict the trustworthiness of
● Source (in Analytics): the digital location where traffic came from prior to your URL.
● Spark Triggers: a mechanism that tries to convince a user to take an action.
● Statistical Significance: The probability that the result of a given experiment or study
could have occurred purely by chance.
● Tactic: a method used to achieve what you want in a particular situation.
● Tagging (in Social Media): mechanisms employed by social media platforms to link
content to other parts of the network and make it more searchable.
● Time Decay Attribution: The sale is attributed to the most recent touchpoints.

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

● Triggers (in Growth Hacking): when an event causes some digital action to be
automatically performed.
● Trust: belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
● User Experience: the combination of emotions and outcomes that result from a person
engaging with a particular product, system or service.
● Virality: the chances that something published on the web will get re-shared and reach
new users.

Additional Eazl Community Resources
Private Facebook Group
Student Center
Subscribe on YouTube

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

Helpful Step-by-Step Guide: Define a Google Analytics Goal
● 1: Install the Google Analytics Tracking Code on Your Web Property
○ Go to analytics.google.com and login
○ Go to Admin → Property → Create New Property
○ Copy the code in the “Global Site Tag” area and paste that into your website
● 2: Create a Custom View
○ Back to Admin → View → Create New View
● 3: Define a Goal
○ Go Back to Admin → Goals → Create New Goal
○ Select “Make a Payment” as the template
○ Name it “Subscription” or whatever is relevant to you
○ Stick with “Destination” as the trigger for the goal
○ Select “Equals to” and paste the URL that signifies success (e.g. /thankyou.html)
● Some additional helpful links:
○ Google's Help Installing Your Analytics Code
○ Enable Demographics / Interest Tracking (Recommended)
○ How to Add Collaborators to Your Account
○ The Difference Between Micro and Macro Goals

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

Job Descriptions for Growth Hackers
Click below to take you to the job description (they’re in this guide on the following pages)

1. SEM Specialist - Paid Search Shopping Display

2. Web Marketing Manager

3. Digital Marketing Manager (Remote Position)
4. Digital Marketing Strategist (SEO)

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

SEM Specialist - Paid Search Shopping Display
ROI Swift - Austin, TX
$8,000 - $10,000 a month

ROI Swift is a fast growing digital marketing agency in East Downtown Austin. We work with
some of the best consumer brands in Austin and the nation to grow their businesses profitably
through Amazon, Facebook, Instagram and Google. This role is specific to Paid Search for
Google, Bing and Yahoo and reports to the CEO.

We love to get results, we are a team-oriented company, like to help each other out and don't
punch a clock. We go above and beyond and that's fueling our growth. If you like to punch a
clock and merely get a paycheck, you won't be happy here. If you like always learning new
things, doing better than last week or last month and like to work in a casual, fun environment,
this is the place for you.

Manage Google, Bing and Yahoo Paid Search and Display

● Review and perform daily management activities associated with Google AdWords,
Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines for clients. More than 80% of the role is within
Google AdWords.
● Maintain and monitor keyword bids, keyword negation, daily and monthly budgets per
account, impression share, quality score, and other important account metrics
● Report findings and propose changes to account managers and clients
● Generate and assess weekly and monthly reporting of established metrics in all paid
campaigns inclusive of, but not limited to, goal and revenue tracking. Metrics will differ
between, and be specific per client
● Research and establish detailed keyword lists and experience with A/B testing of landing
pages, copy, ad creatives.
● Recommend and implement creative copy suggestions and graphics
● Handle display network placement lists and target audiences on Google Ads
● Recommend and implement strategies for keyword opportunities and campaign
structuring targeting AdWords search and display networks
● Research, strategize, and implement search campaigns, ad groups, and accounts for new
clients and initiatives
● Keep up to date with search engine and PPC industry trends and developments
● Ongoing communication with, and updates to, management and internal teams to keep
abreast of progress as well as with clients.
● Communicate with management on project development, timelines, and results; and
work closely with the other team members to meet client goals including new prospect
meetings and business development team training.


This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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● 3-5 years of experience in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Paid Search (PPC) with a
passion for Search and internet marketing managing budgets of at least $8-$10k a
● Deep experience with Google Search, Shopping including Smart Shopping and Display
● Proven results and improvement since taking over paid search.
● Outstanding ability to think creatively, and identify and resolve problems
● Attention to detail and the ability to work autonomously
● Quickly learn new techniques and the latest Google, Bing and Yahoo features and
● Excellent analytical, organizational, project management and time management skills
● Proficiency working with popular PPC ad platforms such as AdWords and Bing
● Highly skilled with Google Data Studio, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and
Search Console
● Familiarity with 3rd party research tools such as Moz, SEMRush, SpyFu
● Competent in Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.
● Experience with website analysis using a variety of analytics tools including Google
Analytics as well as internal reporting tools.
● Proficiency in managing multiple (double-digit) large scale PPC accounts in a variety of
different business while meeting the requirements outlined above.
● Strong team player, outstanding work ethic and thirst for constant improvement.
● AdWords certification a plus.
● Graphic preparation capabilities a plus.


● Google AdWords: 2-3 years (Required Search, Shopping, Smart Shopping, Display)
● Google Analytics: 2 years (Required)
● Adwords Editor: 1-2 years (Preferred)
● Yahoo and Bing Paid Search: 1-2 years (Preferred)
● SEM (Google Search and Shopping): 2 years (Required)

Application Question:

● When are you available for an interview or phone screen? Please list 2-3 dates and times
or ranges of times.Have you ever demonstrated values similar to ours in your career?
We’d love to hear about it. Please tell us your example in word document or pdf and
attach it to your application.

Additional Compensation:

● Bonuses

Work Location:

● One location

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀


● Health insurance
● Dental insurance
● Vision insurance
● Paid time off

Typical start and end time:

● 9AM - 5PM

This Company Describes Its Culture as:

● Detail-oriented -- quality and precision-focused

● Outcome-oriented -- results-focused with strong performance culture
● Team-oriented -- cooperative and collaborative


● Monday to Friday

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

© Meg Media Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Eazl Student Center |What is Eazl?

[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

Web Marketing Manager
PerimeterX - San Mateo, CA 94401 (North Central area)

We’re looking for a Web Marketing Manager to help transform our website into an elegant,
functional and effective experience for target audiences. In this position you will ensure that the
website is best in class by analyzing, creating, measuring and optimizing experiences based on
user needs, while accelerating the buyer’s journey. You will be responsible for growing high
value traffic to the site and improving conversion rates by continuously identifying new
opportunities to acquire and reengage target web users.

In this role, you will drive all strategic web initiatives on the roadmap and own the day-to-day
management and execution of web content and architecture. You will work with stakeholders to
create and optimize content and enhancement projects driving to deliver a superior visitor
experience as well as measurable business results. You will also own the web editorial calendar,
content creation processes and guidelines, and coordinate localization efforts with the regions.

What you will be doing at PerimeterX...

● Set the web marketing strategy and drive execution as measured by website traffic,
contact and lead acquisition goals
● Define and implement plans for major web initiatives, including website redesign,
globalization, user communities, personalization and microsites
● Own and optimize the user experience for effective and unobstructed user journeys
● Establish KPIs, execute an optimization plan to increase net new leads and MQLs, and
ensure reliable lead flow
● Drive organic SEO strategy across onsite content, backlinks and technical
● Establish and manage a conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategy and calendar,
including A/B testing calls to action, content placement, and self-serve paths
● Manage project lifecycle, including prioritization, requirements definition, resource
planning, timelines, communication, user testing, implementation and reporting
● Manage web analytic reporting using Google Analytics and site tagging to create
analytics reports that drive insights, identify opportunities and measure success
● Input assets into the CMS and lead CMS functionality roadmap
● Manage all web tools and create web policies, processes and best practices

What we are looking for from you...

● 5+ years running web projects, preferably at a high-growth technology company
● Basic JavaScript, CSS and HTML
● Experience with content management systems, Marketo and Salesforce

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

© Meg Media Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Eazl Student Center |What is Eazl?

[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

● Experience with performance optimization and analysis tools, such as Google Analytics,
Google Tag Manager, Optimizely, Moz and HotJar
● Understanding of SEO and content strategies
● Bachelor’s degree required
● Sense of humor

Why you should join the PerimeterX team...

● A platform to learn about Cyber Security while working with industry-leading technology
● A chance to work with some of the most well-known brands in e-commerce, travel,
hospitality, retail, and enterprise SaaS
● Catered lunch and dinners every day
● Plenty of yummy snacks and drinks
● Lots of coffee (or Red Bull) to keep you going all day
● In/Out of Office happy hours
● Quarterly out of the office events
● Automatic cell phone allowance
● Spacious and freshly remodeled office in San Mateo
● Standup desks
● Fresh PerimeterX SWAG

PerimeterX is the leading provider of application security solutions that keep your web business
safe in the complex digital world. Delivered as a service, the company’s Bot Defender, Code
Defender, and Page Defender solutions detect risks to your web applications and proactively
manage them, freeing you to focus on growth and innovation. Bringing together an elite
engineering team, security research to continually update its solutions with current intelligence,
and best-in-class customer enablement and support, the world’s largest and most reputable
websites and mobile applications count on PerimeterX to safeguard their consumers’ digital
experience. PerimeterX has offices in San Mateo, California, Miami, Florida and Tel Aviv, Israel.
You can also find us on the web at www.perimeterx.com.

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

© Meg Media Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Eazl Student Center |What is Eazl?

[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

Digital Marketing Manager (Remote Position)
Austin, TX
$45,000 - $60,000 a year

Creative QT has amazing products, loyal and adoring fans, and an enormous untapped future
customer base (you can find us at creativeqt.com). We have excellent digital content that has
had viral traction with millions of views which is being underutilized, great products in the
pipeline, and a message that easily resonates with parents across the country. What’s missing?
You! We want you to develop a marketing strategy and bring it to life through leading a strong,
remote team.

Built by parents for parents, Creative QT creates practical yet inspired toys to declutter homes,
inspire creative play, and help families Make Time Together. All of our products are first to
market and are fun and interesting, giving them built-in share-ability. We truly believe the
company has amazing potential but we need the right marketing partner to help us to develop
our next level of growth. We have a strong content, PR, and communications team but need
expert help with higher level strategy, acquisition, and CRO experience.

Creative QT is seeking a remote, full-time Marketing Director to spearhead the company's

marketing efforts and manage a growing team. The Marketing Director will work to manage
vision and strategy for e-commerce marketing, sales analytics, listing strategy, as well as work
alongside communications team for branding, customer service and new product development.

● Manage a comprehensive online/digital strategy to drive product sales, website traffic,
website conversion, UX, SEM/SEO, marketing ROI and customer satisfaction and
retention. Monitor website performance, ensure operational functionality of site, and
analyze key business metrics and report to senior management;
● Manage strategy/execution for utilizing creative content in email marketing and seasonal
marketing efforts (ie: Black Friday, Cyber Monday, seasonal blog/social media content,
● Manage a growing marketing and communications team, including curating
vision/strategy for marketing efforts year-round, budgeting, website management and
e-commerce (Amazon) platform management;
● Oversee digital advertising (specifically social media) campaigns and strategy;
● Orchestrate marketing plans, alongside cross-functional teams, to drive and execute
successful new product launches; and
● Closely monitor and partner with Operations Manager to ensure package fulfillment
meets well defined SLA.
This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

© Meg Media Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Eazl Student Center |What is Eazl?

[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

● Proven track record of a minimum five years in e-commerce marketing management;
● Experience working with startups in the non-consumable physical products space;
● Talent Management experience is required, this position will have several direct reports;
● Exceptional organizational, planning and communication skills as well as a passion for
talent management, vision casting and team-building;
● Experience working developing online UX/UI
● In-depth knowledge of digital advertising, including ROI and campaign management, as
well as e-commerce (specifically Amazon) marketing best practices;
● Must stay on top of digital trends, competitors, and industry best-practices; and
● A passion for small business and families who Make more Time Together!

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

© Meg Media Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Eazl Student Center |What is Eazl?

[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

Digital Marketing Strategist - SEO
Whole Foods Market

The Digital Channel Marketer, SEO is responsible for helping to develop and execute a
comprehensive organic search optimization strategy across Whole Foods Market’s website
(including mobile web), and developing partnerships to further organic search with other
marketing channels including social media and paid/partnerships. The Digital Channel Marketer,
SEO acts as a search optimization evangelist with internal and external stakeholders, and
ensures consistent application of best practices. This role will also aid in informing seasonal and
campaign content development and local store information discoverability. The ideal candidate
will know how strike an appropriate balance between SEO tactics and big-picture brand and
editorial storytelling.

Must Have/Be:
● 4-6 years of experience in digital marketing, with a significant focus on SEO, including
experience managing organic search for high-traffic and high-domain authority sites
● Deep understanding of organic search, including SEO trends and best practices, as well
as pitfalls and obstacles that can hinder SEO efforts
● Expertise Experience in on-page and off-page SEO approaches, including both
editorial-content marketing- and e-commerce-specific tactics
● Experience with the core aspects of local search and GMB Google listings, including
management tools like Brandify or Splash
● Expertise inUnderstanding of technical aspects of SEO; with a working knowledge of how
HTML, Javascript, CSS, schema, and site architecture impact search rankings
● Experience using enterprise SEO tools/platforms (BrightEdge, Rio SEO, or similar)
● Adaptable, experienced and knowledgeable enough help inform all areas of digital
marketing, both from an SEO standpoint and beyond.
● Understanding of content and asset development; ability to strike a balance between
SEO tactics and brand voice/editorial nuance
● Adaptable, experienced and knowledgeable enough help inform all areas of web
marketing, both from an SEO standpoint and beyond.
● Dedication to a high-level operational execution; track record of producing excellent
● Affinity for data, analysis and measurement
● Ability to juggle multiple projects and priorities in a fast-paced, results oriented
environment. Flexibility to work in a decentralized structure.
● Ability to advocate for best practices in a diplomatic way; able to articulate data-driven
This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

© Meg Media Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Eazl Student Center |What is Eazl?

[2023] Welcome to the Growth Hacking 7.5 Study Guide 🚀

● Proactive, can-do approach to problem-solving
● Passion for the Whole Foods Market mission and values

Primary Responsibilities:
● Works with a broad cross-functional team (Digital Product, Technology, Integrated
Marketing, and Content/Editorial, etc) to establish and implement an integrated
multi-channel SEO program
● Supports SEO/content optimization across all channels in collaboration with
content/editorial team, social media team and media/partnerships team
● Performs keyword research and analysis to support and inform new program activations,
content development and marketing campaigns
● Conducts audits and leads optimization of existing content and partners with content
team to improve natural search ranking
● Collaborates with digital designers and managing content editors to optimize new page
design to meet SEO needs establish content architecture; helps to balance customer
experience with business/communication needs
● Collaborates with media/partnerships team and content/editorial team to ensure create
complementary SEO/SEM alignment executions
● Partners with digital marketing analytics team to track and analyze traffic and user
behavior on an ongoing basis to measure success
● Maintains up-to-date knowledge of SEO best practices; acts as an evangelist and trainer
for internal stakeholders on SEO trends, tools and tactics

This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass and the original version can be found here.
Eazl: Blog | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

© Meg Media Incorporated. All rights reserved.

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