M2, CHP 5 Quiz With MS

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Module 2, Chapter 5 Quiz

1. What shape is a p orbital?

2. How many electrons fit in a p orbital?

3. What is an orbital?

4. How many electrons fit into the d subshell?

5. What is wrong with each representation?

6. Write the electron configuration (sub-shell notation) of an Fe (III) ion.

7. Write the shorthand notation of calcium

8. Explain how solid sodium chloride can conduct when aqueous or molten.

9. What is an ionic bond?

10. What is a dative covalent bond?

Module 2, Chapter 5 Quiz

1. What shape is a p orbital? Dumb-bell

2. How many electrons fit in a p orbital? 2

3. What is an orbital? A region where you are likely to find two electrons, with opposite spins

4. How many electrons fit into the d subshell? 10

5. What is wrong with each representation?

a) Electrons fill energy levels in order

b) Electrons ill orbitals singly first (due to repulsion)

c) Electrons in an orbital have opposite spins

6. Write the electron configuration (sub-shell notation) of an Fe (III) ion.

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5

7. Write the shorthand notation of calcium


8. Explain how solid sodium chloride can conduct when aqueous or molten.

Ions are no longer fixed in place, can carry charge

9. What is an ionic bond? Electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions

10. What is a dative covalent bond? One atom provides bot of the shared electrons in a covalent bond

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