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CAT – 2

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Experiment No 1:

ANOVA Single Factor:

Questions Regarding Role Description of Employees:

Inferential Analysis:

i. Test whether there is a significant difference among Age group with regard to Factors
of Role Description.



If P value Notation Level of Significance Results

0.000 – 0.010 ** Highly significant Reject the Null Hypothesis at 1% level

0.011 – 0.050 * Significant Reject the Null Hypothesis at 5% level

0.051 - 1 - Not significant Accept the Null Hypothesis at 5% level

NOTE: 0.000 is denoted as <0.001**


 Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference among Age group with
respect to Factors of Role Description of Employees.

 Alternate Hypothesis (Ha): There is significant difference among Age group with
respect to Factors of Role Description of Employees.
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Table 1: 1-way ANOVA

Role Description
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 4.171683 3 1.390561 0.323974 0.808025 2.666574
Enablers for IT
Within Groups 626.6616 146 4.292203

Total 630.8333 149

Between Groups 34.23317 3 11.41106 1.76903 0.155666 2.666574
Barriers for IT Within Groups 941.7668 146 6.450458
Total 976 149

Remarks: From given data – Perform Data Analysis - ANOVA: Single Factor - Input Range
(Age Group: grouped under 4 categories) done for each factor of Role Description.

Table 2: ANOVA for significant difference among Age Group with respect to Factors of
Role Description of Employees

NOTE: 1. The values within the bracket refers to Standard Deviation.

Factors of Role
Description Age F-value P-value
Up to 30 31-40 41-50 Above 50
19.192307 19.666666 19.39130 0.32397
7 19.25 7 4 4 0.81-
Enablers for IT
1.8508192 2.2180036 2.255642
1.9394686 6 6 4

26.769230 25.708333 26.65217

8 3 26.8 4 1.76903 0.16-
Barriers for IT
2.4051227 2.4316908 2.7088615 2.609532
4 9 8 9


 Notation: ‘ - ‘ (Accept the Null Hypothesis at 5% level)

Since P value is between 0.051 - 1, Accept the Null Hypothesis at 5% level of

significance regarding to factors of Enablers and barriers for IT adoption.
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Hence, There is no significant difference among Age group with respect to

Factors of Role Description.

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