Group5 - Hexamine - Special Topic - Piping Slugging and Piping Pigging

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Piping Slugging

and Piping Pigging

Presented by Group 5 Hexamine
Slugging Liquids and gases group together
to form slugs

Cause of slug flow in pipeline

• Liquid overflow in the separator
• Liquid trapped in the pipeline at low
• A flow rate change.

Effect of slug flow in pipeline

• Induce structural vibration
• Damage to facilities
• High Back Pressure
• Increased Corrosion
Slug Flow In Pipes: What, Types, Different Pipes - (

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Slugging Examples of slug flow

Thermal power plant : Boiling and condensing of liquid vapor systems.

In chemical reactors : Transfer heat and mass between gas and liquid.

• Vacuum Transfer Lines
• Condenser Outlet Lines
• Re-boiler Return Lines
• Fired Heater outlets
• Boiler Blow down lines
(PDF) Gas to liquid mass transfer in rheologically complex fluids (
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Slugging Types of slugging

The change flowing
in the faster than
elevations liquid
throughout causing
a pipeline wave effect

Taylor Forge | What is a Slug? Why do we Need Slug Catchers? (

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Slugging Slug Prevention Methods

§ Slug catcher

Slug catcher - Forain

3-Phase Free Water Knockout Drum

สํานักงานกลางชัง* ตวงวัด (

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Pigging Pipelines Pigging

Pipeline Integrity Gauges or “PIGs” for

the routine cleaning, maintenance, and
inspection of pipelines.

Pigging in Oil and Gas Pipelines

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Pigging Types of Pipeline Integrity Gauges

Utility PIGs Intelligent PIGs

• Mechanical PIGs are used for pipeline • Smart PIGs sensors to collect and record information
cleaning and gauging about the internal physical characteristics of a pipeline

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Pigging Used • Pipelines cleaning

- Pre-commissioning cleaning
- Removal of debris left over from construction
- Removal of hard scale wax, dust, and rust

• Pipeline inspection and integrity

- PIGs fitted with onboard sensors are used to gather information
on the internal and external condition of the pipe wall

• Maintenance and repair

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There are many types of PIG or bobbin inspection inside this pipe depending
on the purpose of use, such as

• Foam PIG
• Cup PIG
• Cleaning PIG
• Gauging PIG
• Geometry PIG

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