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THE TEN COMMANDMENTS communicating with others, of feeling, of expressing

and of living human love. Therefore, it is an integral part

 A Traditional Catechetical Formula of a Catholic
of the development of the personality.”
 A large condition of his or her progress toward maturity
1. I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange and insertion into society.
Gods before me.
2. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE
 The Christian view of sexuality and marriage is
3. Remember to keep holy the LORD'S Day.
supported and developed by the Biblical narrative of
4. Honor your father and your mother.
God’s relationship with Israel, His chosen People,
5. You shall not kill.
through salvation history.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
 First there was the simple innocence of original
7. You shall not steal.
creation when “the man and his wife were both naked,
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
yet they felt no shame” (Gen 2:25)
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
 But sin entered and brought disorder into the couple’s
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
relationship with God and with each other.
RESPECTING HUMAN SEXUALITY  In the New Testament Jesus bypassed all the detailed
prescriptions and prohibitions of the Torah regarding
 The Sixth commandment
sexuality and marriage.
 Christian view of Human Sexuality
 He focused rather on their essential dignity and value
 Biblical perspective
as created by God.
 Human sexuality is God’s gift to us. We are created
 Recall how the Pharisees and scribes tried to trap Jesus
according to God’s image precisely as “male or female.”
into rejecting the Mosaic law which commanded the
It is not in lonely solitude but rather in relating to others
stoning of an adulteress. But Jesus broke through their
through our sexual natures that we share in God’s life of
hypocritical moralistic legalism.
love and creativity
 “A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined
 Despites all misuses and misunderstanding, our human
to his wife, and the two shall become as one” (Gen2:24)
sexuality is something good! It is a God-given power for
 St. Paul used this same text (Gen2:24) to teach that
love and generativity that we must learn to gradually
Christian marriage Takes on a new meaning.
integrate ever more fully within our total selves.
 It symbolizes the ultimate love relationship between
THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT Christ and the Church. “Husbands, love your wives,
even as Christ loved the Church and handed himself
 “You shall not commit adultery” (Ex 20: 14; Dt 5: 17) over for her., that refers to Christ and the Church.”
 It forbids persons from entering into a sexual union with  Each one should love his wife as himself, and the wife
 someone other than their spouse. should respect her husband”
 For the ancient Israelites, these commandments had
 more social significance than sexual. Its aim is to protect THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT
 the family, the absolutely necessary creation narratives.  St. Paul Image of Christian Marriage rests firmly on
 God created male and female so that man would not be the conviction that our bodies are members of
alone (Gen 2:18), and to multiply and fill the earth (Gen Christ.
1:27)  “Whoever is joined of the Lord becomes one spirit
 Sexuality, therefore, is for both human completeness with him.
and procreation. Focusing on the specific relationship of  Do you not know that your body is a temple of the
marriage. Holy Spirit within you-the Spirit you have received
CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN SEXUALITY from God? You are not your own. You have been
purchased at a price.
 The first thing to be made clear to every Christian  Therefore, glorify God in your body”
Filipino is the difference between sexuality in general,
and the sex act.
 “Sexuality is today understood in a more complete and
integral sense than in the past when the focus was
almost completely on the sex act.”
 Today sexuality signifies an essential dimension of the
whole person, by which he/she enters into relationship
with others thru the sacrament of marriage.
 “Sexuality is a fundamental component of personality,
one of its modes of being, of manifestation, of

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