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1I.Mark the stress on the words. Then say the words aloud.

1. housework 2. farmer 3. standard 4. object 5. busy

6. homework 7. father 8. mountains 9. project 10. pretty

II.Circle one odd word A, B, C, or D. Then read them aloud.

A. apartment B. house C. cottage D. factory
A. and B. in C. on D. at
A. kitchen B. window C. bedroom D. living room
A. computer B. dishwasher C. housework D. washing machine
A. city B. building C. village D. countryside

III.Complete the sentences using the words in II. The f irst letter of the
word is provided for you.

1. We live in an a in the centre of Ha Noi.

2. There is a beautiful picture o the wall of my room.

3. They cook and eat meals in their small k

4. I have a c to surf the internet.

5. My uncle lives in a cottage in the v
IV.Complete the dialogues with will or won’t.
1. A: What would you like to drink?

B: I have a lemonade, please.

A: I’m afraid Linda can’t see you until 4 o’clock.
B: Oh, in that case I_________ wait.
3. A: I’m very worried about my examination next week.
B: Don’t worry. You pass.
4.A: Look at that dog. It’s dangerous.
B: Don’t worry. It hurt you.
5.A: It’s cold in this room.
B: Is it? I__________ turn on the heater.
v.Choose the correct option in brackets to complete each sentence.

1. Linh (might/ must) be there on time, I guess.

2. I (might not/ cannot) attend our English contest next Saturday, but I’ll try my best.

3. He practises running every morning. I think he (has to/ might) become a professional runner one
4. Her family (should/ might) move to the city, but I’m still not sure.

5. We (might/ must) find aliens on Earth one day, but I’m sure they will not speak our language.

VI. Underline the correct answer.

1. Don’t leave your keys on the table. You will / won’t forget it.
2. Susan will / won’t be very happy if she passes the exam.
3. I am afraid I will / won’t be able to come tomorrow.
4. I’m told you are ill. I hope you will / won’t feel better again.
5. I’m sure you will / won’tlike that film. It’s very frightening. Let’s choose another one.
6. Turn on your laptop tonight We will / won’tchat a little bit.
7. You needn’t wear your cap. It will / won’tbe cold today.
8. I am really tired. I will / won’thave a rest.
VII. Complete the sentences with might or might not.
1. The sky looks cloudy. ~ It ______________ rain.
2. I ______________ watch the football game on Sunday; I am too busy.
3. You should ask him. He ______________ know Susan’s telephone number.
4. Jenny ______________ be in the office - I can’t reach her at home.
5. I have a lot of homework to do, so I ______________ go to her party this weekend.
6. Where will you travel next year? ~ We ______________ go to Egypt, but we’re not sure yet.
7. Don’t go any closer - it ______________ be safe.
8. You should introduce yourself; he ______________ remember you.
9. We ______________ visit my cousin in Australia next month but we don’t know yet.
10. She ______________ be on time for work because of the public transport strike.
VIII.Choose the correct form.
1. Our dog is amazing - it __________ sing!
a. should b. must c. can d. might
2. Bring your umbrella - it __________ rain later.
a. can b. might c. must d. should
3. All students __________ wear their uniforms to school.
a. should b. will c. may d. must
4. We __________ wash our hands before we have our meals.
a. could b. can c. should d. might
5. __________ we go to the beach today? ~ Great!
a. Shall b. Will c. Might d. Should
6. Students __________ use a dictionary during the test. It’s forbidden.
a. can’t b. mustn’t c. might not d. won’t
7. I __________ go to the football match but I don’t know yet.
a. can’t b. shouldn’t c. might not d. mustn’t
8. Ingrid __________ play the violin when she was six.
a. can’t b. could c. might d. shouldn’t
9. __________ you like something to drink?
a. Could b. Should c. Will d. Would
10. I’m afraid of water because I __________ swim.
a. can’t b. may c. couldn’t d. must
IX. Make future simple questions.
1. ______________________ (people/ live) on the Moon someday?
2. What ______________________ (the cars/ look) like in 20 years?
3. ______________________ (robots/ replace) humans?
4. Where ______________________ (you/ be) in 2040?
5. When __Will ____________________ (humans/live) on other planets?
6. ______________________ (houses/ be) more environmentally friendly in the future?
7. ______________________ (computers/ take) over the world?
8. How ______________________ (fashion/ change)?
X.Complete the sentences with the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. My cousin ____________ (be) in Canada two years ago.
2. They ____________ (be) to London last year.
3. Tomorrow we ____________ (cycle) around to discover the city.
4. At the moment I ____________ (stay) at a very nice hotel in the south of France.
5. When I was younger, we ____________ (not do) much sport at school.
6. Mrs. Hudson is my maths teacher. She ____________ (teach) me now
7. Last year I ____________ (go) on a school trip to Scotland. We ____________ (have)a very
interesting time.
8. Could you meet me at the bus station? My bus ____________ (arrive) at six tonight.
XI. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. wireless b. fridge c. hi-tech d. appliance
2. a. UFO b. future c. pollute d. student
3. a. space b. draw c. automatic d. more
4. a. machine b. hi-tech c. locate d. cable
5. a. watched b. dropped c. washed d. traveled
XII.Circle the odd one out.
1. houseboat UFO palace skyscraper
2. might will must have
3. wireless modern fridge hi-tech
4. solar coal wind wave
5. helicopter dishwasher washing machine refrigerator
XIII. Complete the sentences with a suitable word. The first letter is given.
1. A s____________ is a very tall building in a city.
2. In the future r____________ will take care of children, and do housework.
3. U____________ are believed to be spacecrafts from another planet.
4. A w____________ TV won’t need any wires or cables.
5. S____________ energy is power or heat that comes from the sun.
6. My future house will be on the o___________. It will be surrounded by islands and blue sea.
7. In the future, there will be more s___________ travel to send people to Mars or to the Moon.
8. You can s____________ the Internet on a smart TV.
XIV. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.
1. Many people are interested in living ________ the planet Mars.
a. in b. on c. at d. by
2. Will robots look ________ the elderly and children?
a. for b. at c. into d. after
3. In the future, we’ll live in a hi-tech house on ________.
a. moon b. a moon c. an moon d. the moon
4. There will be a helicopter on the roof ________ I can fly to school.
a. so that b. although c. because d. in order
5. A smart ________ will keep track of your food stocks and suggest recipes based on food items you
already have.
a. television b.fridge c. dishwasher d. clock

6. We ________ have flying cars in 2050, so there will probably be fewer cars on our roads.
a. can b.should c. must d. might
7. A trip to Mars sounds amazing, ________ I would not like to live there!
a. but c. and d. because
8. People ________ on Mars someday, but it is too expensive to travel there now.
a. live b.are living c. will live d. have lived
9. ________ will your future house be? - I’m not sure. It might be in the mountains.
a. What type b.What c. Where d. How far
10. ‘The car of the future will probably run on water.’ ‘________’
a. Good job! b.How fantastic! c. Good idea! d. Well done!
XV. Complete the sentences with the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. I think people _______________ (live) on Mars someday.
2. _______________ (you/ live) in a smart house NOW?
3. I _______________ (show) you the garden when it stops raining.
4. Phong _______________ (draw) his future house at the moment.
5. People in the future _______________ (not drive) normal cars. They _______________
(have) flying cars.
6. Would you like _______________ (live) on the Moon?
7. You never know what might _______________ (happen) in the future.
8. Robots will do work around the house such as _______________ (cook) meals and
_______________ (clean) the floors.
XVI.Complete the paragraph with the appropriate words in the box.

have contact enjoy won’t four

I have a dream of having my own flat. It’ll be in the centre of the city. There will be

rooms in it – a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

I’ll (2) a big TV and a DVD player in my bedroom. They’ll help me

to relax and (3) life. I’ll have a laptop to (4) with my friends.

My flat will be on the top floor and there (5) be any neighbours, so it’ll
be OK to play loud music.
*Write the answers to the questions.

1. What type of house will it be?

2. Where will it be?
3. How many rooms will the flat have?

4. What will there be in the bedroom?

5. Why will it be OK to play loud music?
XVIIRead the passage and choose the option (A, B, C, or D) that is NOT TRUE.
In the future, we will live in amazing new houses. Our houses will use the sun or the wind to make
electricity. We won’t use cookers, dishwashers or washing machines because robots will help us.
We will have robots to cook our dinner and wash our clothes. We will have robots to look after our
children. We won’t use computers. We will have special remote control units. We can surf the
internet, send and receive emails and order food from the markets without getting out of bed.
We won’t have TVs or CD players because we will have watches that play music, take pictures and
tell the time. Our cars won’t use gas. They will use energy from air, water and plants. In the future
the air won’t be polluted. Our world will be a great place to live in.
1. We won’t have_________________ .
A.Cookersr B.Robots C.TVs D.computers

2. Robots will help us to______________ .

A.cook our dinner the internet. C.wash our clothes D.look after our children

3. We will have special remote control units to________________ . the internet. B.send and receive emails
C.order food from the markets D.look after our children

4. Our watches will____________________ .

A.make electricity music C.take pictures D.tell the time

5. Cars will use energy from______________ .

A.water B.air C.wind D.plants
XVIII. Read the text, then do the tasks.
The home of the future
When you’re out of the house, is the fridge on the phone to the supermarket? Is the heating
system having a word with the bath? And when you get back home, does the doorknob recognise
you and say hello? Probably not, but in the house of the future all this - and more - is possible.
Researchers say that technology will transform your home in ways you can only dream about.
Nanotechnology will play an important role. It will clean your windows. Intelligent spoons will
check how hot or cold your soup is and the walls will sense if anyone is in your garden.
The next generation of fridges will use the Internet to make sure your food stays fresh and
they’ll get in touch with the supermarket to order some more and you’ll never run out of milk
When you are on the way home and feel like a warm bath, all you have to do is sending a text
message to the heating system. The heating system warms the water and even runs the bath so
that as soon as you walk through the front door, you can jump in and relax.
Welcome to the smart home of the future!
- nanotechnology (n): côngnghệnano(côngnghệchếtạovàsửdụngnhữngthiếtbịcựcnhỏ)
A. Match the words with their meaning.
1. heating system (n) ____ a. communicate with
2. doorknob (n) ____ b. discover or find out
3. transform (v) ____ c. a system for making a building warm
4. sense (v) ____ d. use up or finish all of something
5. get in touch with (idm) ____ e. a round handle that you turn to open a door
6. run out of (phr.v) ____ f. change completely
B. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. Houses in the future will be smarter than today’s houses.
2. Nanotechnology will help protect your house.
3. The fridge will remind you when to go to the supermarket.
4. You can control your heating system by using text messages.
5. Researchers say a smart house is just a dream.
XIX. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.
Are you tired (1)_______ the colour or pattern of your walls? In a smart home, you won’t have
to (2)______ them. The walls will actually be digital screens, like computer or TV screens.
A computer network will link these walls with (3)________ else in your house. Called “ambient
intelligence,” this computer “brain” will control your entire house. It will also adapt to your
(4)________. Your house will learn about your likes and dislikes. It will then use that knowledge to
control the environment. For example, it will set the heat in the house to your (5)________
temperature. It will turn on the shower at the right temperature. It will also darken the windows
at night and lighten them when it’s (6)________ to wake up.
1. a. with b. of c. in d. by
2. a. build b. cover c. pull d. repaint
3. a. thing b. everything c. anything d. nothing
4. a. prefering b. preferable c. preferably d. preferences
5. a. favourite b. terrible c. high d. clearly
6. a. occasion b. way c. time d. order
I. Điền mạo từ ‘a’, ‘an’ hoặc 0 vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp.
1. She asked me for ___ information about the meeting.
2. They will move to ___ mansion next month.
3. I’d like ___ grapefruit and ___ orange juice.
4. ___award was given to Jim yesterday.
5. We read ___ books and play ___ games when we have free time.
6. Jim doesn’t want to borrow ___ money from anyone.
7. My friend and I threw ___ party last week.
8. It was ___ honor to be invited here today.
9. I’ve bought ___ umbrella for my sister.
10. My family often have____ eggs for breakfast.
11. Would you like______cup of tea?
12. My brother doesn’t like ______ cats.
13. Is there __________post office here?
14. I spend _________hours on my DIY project.
15. Mr. Peter used to be ___________famous vet.
II.Điền mạo từ “a”, “an” hoặc “the” vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1. We have __ cat and ____ dog, _____ cat doesn’t get on well with ___ dog.
2. You can see ____ moon clearly in the Mid-Autumn festival.
3. He is ____famous actor.
4. My brother doesn’t like ____ present I gave him.
5. Where is ____ book I lent you last week?
6. My father works as ___ electrician.
7. Have you ever heard about ____ River Thames?
8. I want to travel around _____ world when I grow up.
9. Yesterday my mother had ______terrible headache.
10. Where are ____kids? They are playing outside.
11. Peter is ______most hard-working student I’ve ever known.
12. It is cold because_______heating systems is broken.

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