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D100 Things Overheard In A Tavern

1. Dragon? What Dragon? 10. Nah it's just a myth that most
2. That lady over there, I wouldn’t cemeteries are haunted. You know
talk to her, one time she turned me what is really haunted? My love
into a rabbit. life!
3. Honestly I saw this strange ghost, 11. Normally I wouldn’t tell you this,
nearly crapped my pants! but you seem like decent folk.
4. Yes everyone knows about that old 12. There was a thief hanging around
hermit, he lives by himself. Oh? the market lately, I was the one
You’ve never heard of him, let me who found him out. Caught him
tell yah. red handed, and told him to give
5. The ground shook last night! I me half, I did!
thought for a heartbeat it might 13. One time I danced with a sprite, at
have been something I ate! least I thought it was a
6. One time this bloke strolls up and sprite…. They are pretty big aren’t
tells me that he was marooned on they?
an island! And that he rode some 14. I swear to the gods! There was a
sea turtles or something, I figured little leprechaun behind the tavern
he’d had a few too many. having himself a piss. I said “Hey
7. Weirdest thing, the lights in the Buddy!”
night sky. For the most part they 15. That old horse of mine, she’s been
look like a beautiful reflection, around for years, my grandfather
something the gods dreamed up, gave it to me, it was his horse! Can
but the other night I swear I saw you believe that?
something moving up there. 16. I never gamble. Although…..
8. The barley soup at the local tavern 17. Saw some giant tracks the other
will cure just about any ailment, I day, right outside of my house!
had a wart on my foot the size of 18. Keep an eye out for those town
my big toe! It was gone the day guards, they’ll shake you down!
after yesterday. 19. Caught the biggest fish the other
9. That old priestess I’ve see her day, no word of a lie, it was this……
walking at night, talking to herself. big!

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20. I said “you know what, I don’t 33. Why is it that princess’s always get
believe your prophecies!” And all kidnapped and dragged off? How
they did was dismiss me, and come you never hear of some fancy
walked away. Can you believe pants prince getting
that? kidnapped? You know if I was apt
21. I wouldn’t let anyone down, I’ve to it, I might try that. Rewrite a bit
spent my life keeping people alive. o’ history.
22. We are always looking for 34. I heard about this old book, well
farmhands, all we ever get is my neighbour was talking about
henchmen around here, what is up this old book. Sounded kind of
with that? interesting, but I can’t read. Weird
23. I could do with a few less runes in it.
adventurer’s in this town, they 35. There was never anything to
come in and drink all the good ale! worry about, they made this big
24. That blacksmith is making a suit of deal about what went down.
gold armour! Well at least I think it 36. Maybe we ought to think this thru,
was gold anyways, it was really you’re telling me that you saw a
shiney! bunch of werewolves the other
25. You know what is weird, it's like night, and the guard doesn’t want
there’s a sense of something else to do anything about it. And now
going on, like we are all in the you're saying you want to go out
imagination of some mad genius, is and kill them?
it just me? 37. I’d like a snack, something cheezie.
26. Never seen a mermaid, I saw a goat 38. I’ve got to get up early tomorrow,
swim once though. lots to do. Digging ditches, and
27. Are you so sure about everyone in graves.
your group? 39. I tend to wonder if all these
28. Honestly this town needs an shadowy guilds really
enema, or something like that, Is exist. You’ve heard of the
there a potion that we can get for assassins & the thieves guilds, are
those stuffy political types? they really that organized?
29. The only way to earn your keep 40. WHAT HO! That’s what this guy
around here is to get down to always says every time he walks
work, traipsing all over the in, I don’t even know what that
countryside adventuring, that’s not means? Do you?
work! Plowing fields is work. 41. It seems like there is always
30. I don’t have any silly superstitions someone begging the local priest
about my gambling dice. to get healed. What are these
31. I was out hunting the other day, people doing all the time?
came across a bunch of deer south 42. You ever notice that one in every
of the town. two pirates you meet has a peg leg
32. Saw a bloke on the road, he was or arm? That’s odd isn’t it?
trying to sell me a bag of beans, 43. It’s really about the details, and the
told him to go the other way, i raspberry jam.
don’t need any beans! I’ve got a 44. That old myth about trolls turning
whole field full of em. into stone from the sunshine is
45. I kid you not, she had a head full of

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46. You ever lit oil on fire and thrown 61. Pardon me? Yes do you know if
it? It’s hilarious! there’s any grey mustard at this
47. No I haven’t seen your kids, you tavern?
should really go out and find 62. Why do all wizards have beards
them. That’s not the best anyways? Is that some kind of
parenting. ritualistic club thing that I don’t
48. And I said “yeah it's one of a know about? And why the moldy
kind”, hahahah. towers in the middle of nowhere?
49. So there I was mind my own 63. Sure you saw a vampire, sure.
business and all of a sudden this 64. I think that guy over there has a
strange cat shows up in a tree. tunic that says NPC, I’d talk to him.
50. Never underestimate a pissed off 65. Don’t you find it odd that there’s
barbarian, or my wife for that always a gent sitting in the corner
matter! with his hood up trying to not
51. You should probably spend some attract any attention to himself?
time fixing up your armour, it’s 66. You’re going to have to speak up,
barely holding together. that damn bard was playing
52. There is this river, that runs down bagpipes again!
from the mountains, amazing 67. I think you're mistaking me for
tasting water, but it’s green. Like someone who cares.
lime green! 68. It was an incredibly uplifting
53. Nope I’ve never heard of that god, religious experience!
are you sure you have the spelling 69. Why are you hopping on one foot?
right? Or never mind, I think I’ve had too
54. Everything is possible within much to drink. What can I do for
reason, it honestly depends on you?
your outlook. Oh and what time it 70. You couldn’t pay me enough to go
is. into that cave, smelled like bad
55. You should have seen his face cheese!
when I told him he was 71. My uncle hugged a bugbear once.
invisible. That mad hatter ran 72. That lady serving the drinks,
across the street to steal tomatoes. whatever you do don’t call her by
56. I’ve never met a goblin with a her first name. It’s Shirley, don’t
sense of humour. do it though.
57. I swear every time I meet an 73. That is the absolute last time I
adventurer, they tell me about drink in this establishment!
falling into pit traps, who designed 74. Hey you big lug, wanna arm
all these things? Why do you keep wrestle?
falling into them? You would think 75. Hold my beer while I kiss your elf.
once is enough right? 76. Everyone knows there’s no such
58. Nope never mind… I think I just thing as lizard men, old ladies
saw an illusion. Wait a second…. made that up to scare their
59. You know what’s really grandkids.
stupid? Trying to sleep out in the 77. I’m not saying that I’m the king, I’m
wilderness. just saying have you ever seen us
60. That was the worst case of both in a room at the same time?
bedbugs I’ve ever had! 78. I hear that Orc’s dance when they
beat up adventurers, is that true?

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79. So there we were sitting in the 91. Remember to always have
“Green Dragon”, our feet up on a someone like an elf or a dwarf in
stool, listening to some good your party, those types can see in
music, and in walks this great big the dark!
guy who’s quite grumbly! 92. There’s a local farmer, sells some
80. Most of the stories you will hear in pretty good rations, if you’re going
here are unlikely and in some out on a hike.
cases lies. 93. Best sleep ever! No it wasn’t in
81. If you’re ever on fire, stop, drop this Inn, I’m just saying I slept
and roll. Well that is unless its really well last night.
magical fire, then I have no idea. 94. I’ve heard that some merchants
82. The god’s must seriously be crazy! will pay good gold for Minotaur
83. I like knitting, do you? horns.
84. Ever drank whiskey with a dwarf? 95. <The patron is deaf> he signs
I have! And I still have a hangover. something to you.
85. There’s this long story about a 96. HICUP! Well that was well brought
sword and a stone, I don’t really up.
want to get into it. 97. Pretend I’ve never met you
86. Some days you’re the knight, some before. Alright now go away.
days you’re the dragon. 98. I was thinking about having a look
87. Never once did I say that. I did around some old ruins. What do
say… you say, want to come along?
88. Alright we’ve all heard the story 99. If you ever find one of those bags
about “breeyark”, if you don’t of holding, don’t ever put another
know what it means by now, bag of holding into it. Bad idea.
you’re an idgit. 100. SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
89. But of course there’s a merchant !!!!! AHHHHHHK! “Can someone
looking for a caravan guard, why get this arrow out of my
do you ask? shoulder???
90. See this here scar? I got that when
I was running from direwolf. Good
thing there was a tree I could up!

If you liked these, you can grab the other 2 random tables I created below:

d100 things found in pockets d100 mildly plausible background

stories for Old School Characters

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