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Q1 - LESSON 8 Student’s name: …………………………

Class: 8A… Corrector’s name: ………………………

Questions 1 – 5: Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER
for each answer.

Questions 6 – 10: Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

I. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. The architect expects ………………………………………….. the building in April. (complete)
2. I really didn’t mean ………………………………………….. you. (offend)
3. Zac gave up ………………………………………….. several years ago. (smoke)
4. We managed to avoid ………………………………………….. an accident. (have)


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 1
5. Have you finished ………………………………………….. your essay yet? (write)
6. I chose ………………………………………….. German rather than French. (learn)
7. Young children enjoy ………………………………………….. round the house. (help)
8. Geraldine is hoping ………………………………………….. law at Cambridge. (study)
9. My new job will mean ………………………………………….. all over the world. (travel)
10. Dmitri and Ursula have postponed ………………………………… married for a few months. (get)
11. Magnus refused ……………………………………… any money for the work he’d done. (accept)

II. Underline the correct answer.

12. A: I’d like to go / I like going on holiday to a different place every summer.
B: I’d like to go / I like going somewhere different this summer. Any ideas?
13. A: I regret to tell / telling you that your contract will not be renewed.
B: I regret to tell / telling you about it because it upset you.
14. A: He stopped to have / having coffee because it kept him awake at night.
B: He stopped to have / having a coffee and then he went back to work.
15. A: I know you’re tired but please try to concentrate / concentrating for a few more minutes.
B: I’m going to try to drink / drinking warm milk before I go to bed; it might help me sleep better.
16. A: Alice went on to act / acting until she was forced to retire because of her health.
B: Although Alice started out in television, she went on to act / acting on the stage.
17. A: He remembered to close / closing the windows so the rain didn’t get in.
B: He remembered to close / closing the windows so he was surprised to find them open when he got home.

III. Underline the correct answer.

18. They wouldn’t allow / forbid / let him go out with his friends.
19. Leslie assisted / helped / taught me set up the new computer.
20. Their parents make them staying / to stay / stay home on weekdays.
21. They wouldn’t allow / let / make us to go into the building.
22. What caused / forced / made you change your mind?
23. The factory lets / makes / allows eating in the canteen only.
24. Bad health forced / let / made him to leave his job.
25. She likes / expects / imagines to finish the project by January.
26. I was shocked to see her going / to go / go through my bag.

IV. Complete the extract from a story. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes more than one
form is possible.
She invited me (0) ….. to sit ….. (sit) down and then she excused herself from the room. I heard her (27)
…………………………..… (make) the tea in the kitchen and listened as she set out the cups and saucers. The room
had begun (28) …………………………..… (feel) a little odd and I regretted (29) …………………………..… (take)
off my jacket. I noticed the fire (30) …………………………..… (begin) to die down in the grate, watched second hand
(31) …………………………..… (move) slowly round the clock face and wondered how long it would be before she
would allow me (32) …………………………..… (leave).
A few minutes later I heard the tea trolley (33) …………………………..… (roll) on its wheels through the kitchen
and then into the sitting room, where I was waiting. I started (34) …………………………..… (drink) the tea she had
poured for me and she let me (35) …………………………..… (continue) in silence. I felt her (36)
…………………………..… (watch) me and looked up quickly, hoping to catch her (37) …………………………..…
(stare) at me, but she was looking instead at the cup of tea in my hand. Nervously, I sipped some more. It tasted slightly
of bitter almonds but I carried on (38) …………………………..… (drink) it to be polite. At last I finished the unpleasant
brew and set my cup down in the saucer.
‘Would you like me (39) …………………………..… (pour) you another cup?’ she asked.
‘No thank you,’ I said, reaching unsteadily for my briefcase. ‘I must be going if I expect (40)
…………………………..… (be) home in time for dinner.’


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 2
V. Join the sentences. Use the “to-infinitive”
41. We’re going to do our best. We’re ready.
We .......................................................................................................................................................................
42. He’s going to move to Italy next year. He’s keen.
He ........................................................................................................................................................................
43. Don’t interrupt people all the time. It’s rude.
It’s .......................................................................................................................................................................
44. She’s starting up her own business. That’s her intention.
Her .......................................................................................................................................................................
45. I want to take part in the Olympic Games one day. That’s my ambition.
It’s ........................................................................................................................................................................
46. He bought a DVD. He’ll watch it this evening.
He bought ............................................................................................................................................................
47. I disagreed with him. I was the only person.
I was ....................................................................................................................................................................

VI. Complete the e-mail. Use the correct form of the words in the box.
aim / save complicated / work out easy / work great / have
someone / replace place / stay time / apply important / get
sure / be welcome / share wonderful / hear
Hi Tasha,
Thanks for your letter. It was (0) …..wonderful to hear….. from you. Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while - the new
job is keeping me busy. I thought it would be (48) …………………………………..………… as a hotel receptionist
but the job is more demanding than I expected. Some of the bills are quite (49) …………………………………..………
and of course it’s (50) …………………………..………… for me …………………………..………… them right.
Having said that, it’s (51) …………………………………..………… a job. My (52) …………………………..…… is
…………………………..…… £500 by the end of the holidays - that will go a long way towards paying my tuition fees
next year.
What are your plans? Why don’t you come here to work? It’s a good (53) …………………………………..…………
for work in the restaurant. One of the waitresses left last week and they’re looking for (54) ………………………………
……………………………… her. Don’t worry about finding a(n) (55) ……………………………… - you’re (56)
…………………………………..………… my flat with me. They keep you busy here but there’s (57)
…………………………………..………… time for us to enjoy ourselves too. Think about it.

VII. Re-write the sentences. Use the to-infinitive.

58. Nobody left the party before him.
He was the first person ...................................................................................................................................
59. I received your letter and I was delighted.
I was delighted ...............................................................................................................................................
60. Heating this house is very expensive.
It’s very expensive .........................................................................................................................................
61. Having interests outside work is important.
It’s important ..................................................................................................................................................
62. That child learns very quickly.
That child is ....................................................................................................................................................
63. How do you think I should cook this fish?
What’s the best way ........................................................................................................................................ ?
64. There was nobody who saw him after we did.
We were the last people ..................................................................................................................................


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 3
Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.
We can save money on all aspects of our holiday, from where and when to go to how to get to and from the airport;
here are some (65) ……………. on how to get the most for your money when (66) …………… a holiday.
For the best deals (67) …………… your holiday between the high and low seasons; you could save up to 70% on
some holiday (68) …………… while still enjoying good weather and other high season (69) …………… and there will
be fewer crowds.
You can also save money by going somewhere where living costs are (70) …………… It might cost more to get
there but once you are there you will spend less on eating out and getting around as food and transport will be (71)
…………… cheaper.
And start saving before you even leave the country by choosing the most cost effective way to the airport. There
are many bus services from (72) …………… cities to airports which are cheaper than trains. If you go by train book
well in (73) …………… to get cheaper tickets and if you do decide to go by car, book your carparking as soon as
possible; some airports offer up to 50% (74) …………… for early bookings.
Finally, make sure you research all the available options on-line. Signing up to email (75) …………… can be a
good idea as then you will be the first to know about cheap offers. The earlier you book the better the bargains are likely
to be.

65. A. information B. advice C. tips D. clues

66. A. deciding B. choosing C. agreeing D. electing
67. A. book B. ask for C. order D. buy
68. A. places B. sites C. situations D. resorts
69. A. pros B. advantages C. favors D. drawbacks
70. A. lower B. smaller C. poorer D. greater
71. A. largely B. obviously C. quite D. significantly
72. A. main B. important C. great D. major
73. A. ahead B. before C. advance D. early
74. A. under B. below C. off D. over
75. A. alarms B. warnings C. news D. alert


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 4
Q1 - LESSON 8 Student’s name: …………………………

Class: 8A… Corrector’s name: ………………………

I. Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box.
agreed asked chose decided hate
hopes like refused seems want

1. Greg often ……………………………………….. to be worried.

2. I ……………………………………….. to tell you this, but we’ve lost all our money.
3. Do you……………………………………….. to go for a walk this afternoon?
4. I……………………………………….. Ann to wait for me, but she didn’t.
5. Katrina ……………………………………….. to become a champion skater.
6. The police officer ……………………………………….. to listen to my explanation.
7. Peter ……………………………………….. to work on Saturday instead of on Friday.
8. I’d ……………………………………….. to see you again some time.
9. After a lot of thought, Jim finally ……………………………………….. to spend his holiday in Peru.
10. I asked my teacher for help, and she …………………………………….. to give me extra lessons.

II. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

11. Tom suddenly realized he’d forgotten to lock / locking his door.
12. On the way back we stopped to have / having some tea.
13. Could you stop to talk / talking, please.
14. Learning a language means to be / being interested in another culture.
15. Ann tried to open / opening the window, but it was too high to reach.
16. Please remember to take / taking the dog for a walk.
17. Cathy says she’ll never forget to sky-dive / sky-diving for the first time.

III. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line
Smoothies are cold drinks made from blended fruit and vegetables to which crushed
ice, milk, honey or (18) ……………………………………. yoghurt is also often added. FREEZE
This gives them a thicker milkshake-like consistency. They have long been a popular (19)
……………………………………. to fizzy drinks and are marketed as a healthy option. ALTERNATE
For many years now they have been (20) ……………………………………. available in WIDE
high street coffee shops and supermarkets. They are packed with fruit and vegetables, but
are smoothies really good for us?
One popular brand (21) ……………………………………. that their drinks contained ADVERT
two of the suggested five portions of fresh fruit or vegetables which we should consume
every day. This claim resulted in an investigation into just how healthy these drinks really
are. The results were good news for all smoothie lovers. The research found that the brand's
250ml non-dairy drinks did in fact contain sufficient pulped fruit and fruit juice to count for
two of the recommended daily portions of fruit and vegetables. As a result, health officials
have agreed that smoothies are good for us. However, not all smoothies are the same.


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 1
There is a great diversity of ingredients and (25) ……………………………………. CONSUME
are advised to check the contents (26) ……………………………………. Some may CARE
contain as much as a quarter of your recommended daily (27) ……………………………. ALLOW
of saturated fat and up to 40g of sugar.
In conclusion, it seems that although smoothies are a good source of the vitamins and
minerals found in fruit and vegetables there are also a lot of (28) …………………………. HEALTH

Questions 11 – 14. Complete the sentences below.

11. Every year more than ………………………………………………. people try to climb Mont Blanc.
12. Approximately ………………………………………. reach the top every day in the summer months.
13. In July 2007 there were 30 fatalities, chiefly due to ……………………………………………….
14. One danger is ………………………………………………. caused by other climbers.

Questions 15 – 17. Choose the correct answer A, B or C

15. How did Katherine do her most recent climb?
A. in a group
B. with a guide
C. on her own

16. Why did Katherine find her first climb of Mont Blanc difficult?
A. because of poor weather conditions
B. because of the time she was climbing
C. because the route was crowded

17. What did Katherine do on her second climb that made it easier?
A. She spent a few days in Chamonix beforehand.
B. She did the climb over two days.
C. She climbed smaller peaks for training.

Questions 18 – 20. Choose three letters A – F.

What has experience taught Katherine about climbing Mont Blanc?
A. Be in good physical condition. D. Protect yourself from the sun.
B. Have the right climbing equipment. E. Climb with others.
C. Wear several layers of clothing. F. Acclimatize yourself to the altitude first.


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 2

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