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It makes dynamic presentation as it makes illusion of motion and change.

a. Animation b. Hyperlink c. Entrance d. Exit

What principles of graphics and layout that uses several designs to draw a viewer attention?
a. proportion b. movement c. variety d. balance
What operating system for blackberry phones?
a. Symbian b. Blackberry OS c. Windows Mobile d. iOS
Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or external material in line
with the text, treating the image just like how a text is treated?
a. in line with text b. square c. through d. tight
Under what ribbon group does “ Insert Smart Art “ fall?
a. apps b. media c. illustrations d. pages
What program designed to create spreadsheets which can later be used to analyzed statistical
a. Microsoft Excel b. Microsoft Word c. Microsoft Publisher d. Microsoft OneNote
Which function that adds a range of cells?
a. ADD b. PLUS c. SUM d. TOTAL
What tab in the Format Cells dialog box where you can change the orientation of a text?
a. alignment b. orientation c. file d. views
Which function that gets the average of a range of cells?
Which function used to count the number of cells that contains something in them if the criteria
are met
Allow you to create not only personal accounts but also pages and groups where you can share
a. Social Media Platforms c. Theme
b. Blogging Platforms d. Content Management System
What editor that allows you to create and design web pages without any coding knowledge.
Which among the following helps you block inappropriate or explicit images from your Google
Search Result?
a. Safe Search b. Advance Search c. Online Search d. Search Engine
Why does variety use several design elements?
a. To draw viewer’s attention c. to outstand viewers
b. To express art d. to display their skills in art
How PowerPoint works?
a. To convey a message or a story, you break it down into slides. Think of each slide as a
blank canvas for the pictures and words that help you tell your story.
b. To read and it is a process of interpretation and translation of coded information into a
comprehensible form.
c. It is the medium, mean, manner or method through which a message is sent to its
intended receiver.
d. It is defined as the response given by the receiver to the sender.
Which of the following refers to the method that involves the gathering of information from the
a. Research b. Google Search c. Online Research d. Advance Search
It is used to easily jump to another slide in the current presentation.
a. Animation b. Hyperlink c. Entrance d. Exit
Text hyperlinks are usually in color ______ and underlined.
a. blue b. Red c. yellow d. Green
Which type of balance has two sides that are balanced but different?
a. symmetrical b. radial c. asymmetrical d. centered
What type of image manipulation technique is used if you want to remove unnecessary parts of a
a. brightness and contrast b. color balance c. cropping d. removing colors
What type of image manipulation technique is used if you change the color tone of a picture?
Which of the following manipulation techniques improves photo sharpness?
a. brightness and contrast b. color balance c. cropping d. removing colors
What operating system is used for Apple devices?
a. Symbian b. Blackberry OS c. Windows Mobile d. iOS
This is a technology trend that is known for its superiority in image and speech recognition,
navigation apps, smartphone personal assistants, ride-sharing apps.
a. Blockchain b. Virtual Reality c. 5G d. Artificial Intelligence
This is a technology trend that immerses the user in an environment. It is primarily been used for
a. Blockchain b. Virtual Reality c. 5G d. Artificial Intelligence

What does “spam” mean?

a. Dripping raw meat juice on the keyboard.
b. Emailing or posting advertisements online to a bunch of people.
c. Emailing a chain letter to a bunch of people.
d. Failing to send an email.
It is a component under Assistive technology (AT), which is a generic term used to refer to a
group of software or hardware devices by which people with disabilities can access
a. assistive media c. convergent technologies
b. collaborative platform d. information and communications technology
Which of the following is NOT a type of social media?
a. social networks b. bookmarking sites c. social news d. internet
This refers to “media devices such as mobile phones and PDA’s were the primary source of
portable media from which we could obtain information and communicate with one
a. Web 2.0 b. mobile media c. social media d. online systems
Which of the following is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users to
create, co-create, discuss, modify and exchange user-generated content.
a. social media b. social networks c. convergence d. bookmarking sites
What you must avoid publishing on your social network profile?
a. your interests c. your favorite movies and tv shows
b. your nickname d. your name, age, phone and address
It is a category of business software that adds broad social networking capabilities to work
a. assistive media c. convergent technologies
b. collaborative platform d. information and communications technology
What do you call an unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers?
a. pharming b. spam c. trojan d. key loggers
When you can identify that a particular program is spyware?
a. When a program is designed to send advertisements.
b. When it is a malicious program that transfer from one computer to another by any
c. When it is a program that runs in the background without you knowing it.
d. When a program is designed as a useful installer.
It is an extension of the term convergence, which means a “coming together of two or more
disparate disciplines or technologies
a. assistive media c. convergent technologies
b. collaborative platform d. information and communications technology
Make copies of files in case of loss
a. backup b. rename c. subfolder d. copy
What feature where users are able to categorize and locate information through tagging.
a. hashtags b. folksonomy c. taxonomy d. rich user experience
The act of saying mean things online, usually in ALL CAPS, and often in a public forum with the
intention to humiliate
a. bullying b. flaming c. freaking d. greeting
What type of social media website focuses on short updates posted by the user?
a. microblogging b. blogging c. social media d. hashtagging

What is a search engine?

a. searches the internet and identifies items that match the characters and keywords
entered by a user
b. a library online catalog
c. a collection of full text articles used for research projects
d. a paid library websites that gives reliable information
What external material allows you to insert organizational or structural templates like
organizational charts on your document?
a. chart b. pictures c. screenshot d. smart art
What image compression/ file type is capable of displaying simple animation?
a. .bmp b. .jpg c. .png d. .gif
How to save shortcut?
a. Ctrl+S b. Ctrl+shift+S c. Crtl+1 d. Ctrl + F
What do you mean of WYSIWYG?
a. Where you see is where you go c. When you saw is when you got
b. What you see is what you get d. What you saw is where you get

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