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Elements to be observed in Planting and Propagating Trees and Fruit Bearing trees.

Planting trees requires careful study of various factors to ensure its

proper adaptability and growth. Important factors in planting trees and
fruit-bearing trees are to be considered to achieve success in this
1. Climate
Climate is the most important factor affecting the growth of trees. It
has been observed that different varieties of trees grow best in certain
climatic conditions. Climate includes temperature, sunlight and
a. Temperature. Temperature refers to the degree of coldness and
hotness of the atmosphere at a certain period of time.
b. Sunlight. As the main energy provider in the process of food
manufacture in the plant kingdom, sunlight influences the growth of
trees through its effect on photosynthesis, transpiration, flowering
rate of water absorption, among others.
c. Rainfall. Rain is very important in the growth of all trees.

2. Soil
Trees like other plants are also dependent on the nutrients that the
soil provides. As a primary growing medium for plants, the soil
contains mineral elements necessary for normal plant growth and
development of the trees. Nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium,
phosphorous, and others are being absorbed by the roots of the tree for
the plant to grow.
There are two basic types of soil: mineral soil and organic soil.
Mineral soil is composed of organic substances with varying amounts
of decaying organic matter. On other hand, organic soil is formed from
partly decayed plant materials. The best soil for growing trees is dry,
warm, porous, loamy and sandy.
3. Water

Trees cannot survive without water for its part of every plant cells and tissues. Trees are
very dependent on water because it serves as a solvent for the nutrients from the soil.
With unique characteristics of having a high specific heat, high water content in trees, and
plant tissues allow them to be resistant to rapid changes in temperature. However, water
supply should be available especially during dry season.

4. Fertilizer
Fertilizer are added to soil to increase its productivity. The two types
of fertilizers are organic and inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers
come from compost of decayed fruit and vegetables peelings, animal
manures, food wasting while inorganic fertilizers are made up of
synthetic materials.

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