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USAID received numerous questions requesting clarification on similar issues (i.e.

countries, availability of funding per country, eligibility by approach). To reduce redundancy,
USAID consolidated numerous questions and provides answers to all submitted questions as


Question 1: ​Are we required to submit any form of budget alongside the concept paper?
USAID Response: ​No​, ​the Concept Paper should specify the total program amount and the total
amount of funding requested from USAID in accordance with Annex A of the Addendum.

Question 2: ​Can you give further guidance on the indicative amount for funding?
USAID Response: ​USAID anticipates making multiple awards, which will not exceed a
cumulative ceiling of $100,000,000.00.

Question 3​: Are there limit amounts (minimum and maximum) for each proposal or type of
USAID Response: ​No.

Question 4: ​There appears to be a total of $100 million for 17 priority countries, meaning a
rough estimate of $5.88 million per country? How many awards will USAID award overall and
how many per country and at what budget range?
USAID Response: ​USAID does not have an anticipated number of awards, nor does USAID
have an anticipated award ceiling per award/country/result/partnership approach at this time.
Applicants should provide the anticipated ​total program amount​ and ​total amount of funding
requested from USAID​ from lines 10 and 11 (in Annex A of the Addendum), and in
consideration of partnership approach. Applicants should propose amounts based on historical
costs, their understanding of the financial requirements for the program’s size, complexity and
on design.

Question 5​: Given the fact that 16 countries are eligible to apply under this Addendum, would
the funding envelope of $100m be split proportionately across the 16 countries in this funding
USAID Response: ​Please see response to question #4.

Question 6​: Can USAID please provide additional guidance, at the Concept Paper stage, re:
anticipated budget range envisioned for Round 3 awards? General guidance on budget range
would inform technical approach design.
USAID Response: ​ Please see response to question #4.

Question 7: ​Page 16, Section II: Award Information - A. Funding, USAID states that anticipates
making multiple awards. Could USAID share the estimated ceiling for individual awards?
USAID Response: ​Please see response to question #4.

Question 8: ​Page 16, Section II: Award Information - A. Funding, could USAID clarify if there
is a pre-determined percentage of the total $100M funding that is going towards Result 1 vs.
Results 2-4 and what that percentage breakdown is?
USAID Response: ​Please see response to question #4.

Question 9​: Is there any upper limit in the awarded amount for a single country proposal?
USAID Response: ​Please see response to question #4.

Question 10: ​What is the budget ceiling if an applicant is covering two countries?
USAID Response: ​Please see response to question #4.

Question 11: ​In Annex A, USAID requests information from respondents on “Total Amount of
Funding Requested from USAID,” although the solicitation includes no other budget- related
information. Can USAID please confirm whether (1) respondents should provide illustrative
budgets with their concept papers at this stage to respond to points 10 and 11 in Annex A, or else
(2) budget information can be developed and discussed during co-creation and full application,
so these items need not be completed at this stage?
USAID Response: ​The concept paper stage only requires an estimated funding request level
and not a full budget. If an applicant passes the concept paper stage and is invited to submit a full
Request for Application (RFA) a full budget will be required as part of that process. Also please
see response to question #1.

Question 12: ​Page 16 of the addendum states, “awards in smaller value(s) are preferred, but not
required.” Since the term “smaller value” is subjective would USAID be willing to provide more
clarity on the dollar size amount it prefers for these awards?
USAID Response: ​Applicants should propose amounts based on historical costs, their
understanding of the financial requirements for the proposed program’s size, complexity and on

Question 13​: Are reimbursements foreseen? That is, can investments be made prior to the
delivery of funds and these then reimbursed? Is there a starting term limit for this?
USAID Response: ​Pre-award costs, as defined in 2 CFR §200.458, require prior approval.
USAID is unable to make a determination of reasonability at this time.

Question 14​: How does USAID anticipate structuring the funding for this opportunity with
regards core and field buy-ins?
USAID Response: ​The structure of the funding is flexible between core and field buy-ins and is
not predetermined​.

Question 15​: If partners chose to go with Partnership Approach # 3 and bring 50% match
funding to the table, how prescriptive would the reporting on this funding need to be? Would it
be enough to show a commitment from a donor to co-fund this work, or would USAID require
detailed line-by-line budget reports against the co-funded component as well?
USAID Response: ​USAID has not made a determination at this time. Additional guidance will
be provided to organizations that are invited to submit a Full Application.

Question 16​: For the partnership approach #3, can we leverage resources with existing program
resources, or does it have to be cash alone?
USAID Response: ​For USAID, leverage is defined as significant resources mobilized from
non-U.S. Government sources. USAID seeks the mobilization of resources of other actors on a
1:2 or greater basis (i.e., 50 percent of the proposed value of the award). Under partnership
approach #3, contributions from the awardee must be at least 50 percent of the value of the
award from USAID and must be cash funding; in-kind resources generally do not count.

Question 17:​ Is there any cost-share/match funding requirement?

USAID Response: ​At this time there is no requirement for cost-share. Partnership Approach 3
requires leveraged funds. However, USAID reserves the right to request a cost-share at the
Request for Full Application (RFA) phase of the selected applicants.

Question 18​: Are the grants subject to percentage amounts of co-financing by the implementing
USAID Response: ​Only Partnership Approach 3 requires co-funding. “Contributions from the
awardee must be at least 50 percent of the value of the award from USAID and must be cash
funding…” (pg. 19)​.

Question 19​: Regarding the partnership approach 3: How much does the counterpart get for
every USAID dollar?
USAID Response: ​For USAID, leverage is defined as significant resources mobilized from
non-U.S. Government sources. USAID seeks the mobilization of resources of other actors on a
1:2 or greater basis (i.e., 50 percent of the proposed value of the award).

Question 20​: It is feasible that for every USAID dollar 0.5 dollar will be mobilized from the
private sector.
USAID Response: ​Yes


Question 21​: Are there any geographic code restrictions on this programming? Will countries
beyond the target countries be considered? Would USAID consider adding more countries to the
target geographies?
USAID Response​: The priority countries listed on page 16 are current priority countries
however, USAID reserves the right to add other countries as the evolving health situation
necessitates changes to the country-list.

Question 22: ​Could USAID clarify any preferences for the geographic target? Should applicants
aim to propose a minimum number of countries?
USAID Response: ​Among the countries listed on page 16, there are no preferences. There is not
a minimum number of countries that applicants should aim for.

Question 23​: ​I understood from the Addendum that this round is targeted [to] specific countries
and Jordan is not one of them. On the other hand, Afghanistan is one of them. Now, can we

partner with one of the local institutions in Afghanistan to apply for this round? If yes, which is
the entity that is responsible to submit the concept paper, their institution or ourselves?
USAID Response​: Yes, you can partner with a local institution in Afghanistan to apply for this
round. Any entity that meets the eligibility criteria on page 18 may submit a concept paper.
Please note that applicants “must identify under which of the three (3) types of partnerships they
are presenting their Concept Paper…” (page 18). These are listed on pages 19-20 of the

Question 24:​ In each country, is USAID expecting applicants to cover the whole country with
their interventions or to selection parts of the country and what selection criteria would be
acceptable to USAID?
USAID Response: ​Applicants are not required to cover the whole country. Applicants should
choose their targeted geography based on factors that increase the likelihood of successful
implementation of the proposed approach and ability to deliver positive results.

Question 25​: Does USAID NPI require service providers to cover all districts/countries in a
country, or to specifically cover districts/counties with higher Covid-19 rates currently, or is the
preference to leverage existing networks/footprints where service providers have a presence,
with the assumption that Covid-19 will likely spread everywhere?
USAID Response​: Applicants should consider the epidemiologic and programming context and
choose their targeted geography based on factors that increase the likelihood of successful
implementation of the proposed approach and ability to deliver positive results.

Question 26​: How many awards will USAID make?

USAID Response: ​USAID does not have an anticipated number of awards at this time.

Question 27: ​ Is USAID expecting to make country-specific awards or would multi-country

proposals be preferred over single country ones?
USAID Response: ​USAID has no preference.

Question 28​: Would multiple awards be awarded per country?

USAID Response:​ USAID does not have an anticipated number of awards at this time.

Question 29: ​Is there a maximum number of countries one applicant can work in?
USAID Response: ​There is no limit on the number of countries an applicant can work in.

Question 30: ​Do the USAID missions in the target countries have specific COVID19 strategies
or implementation plans that could be shared?
USAID Response: ​Please review ​​ and​ for more information on the Agency’s COVID-19
response priorities.


Question 31:​Our organization submitted a concept paper on Aug 24​th​, as we thought that this
was the due date. Now that we understand that the due date has been extended to Sept 14​th​, is
there a way for us to withdraw the initial concept paper and submit another by Sept 14​th​?
USAID Response: ​Applicants that submitted a Concept Paper prior to the initial August 24th
deadline may withdraw that Concept Paper and submit another prior to the September 21, 2020
deadline. Applicants should indicate in their submission that they wish to withdraw their initial
Concept Paper when submitting a new Concept Paper.

Question 32​: How should a respondent submit a concept paper to be considered for this grant
USAID Response​: Concept papers should be submitted to ​​ by
September 21, 2020, 12:00 PM EDT with the file name saved as “Communities Leading
COVID-19 Response and Oxygen Ecosystem - Concept Paper - Respondent’s Institution Name.”

Question 33: ​ Is there any concept paper format which I can follow to aggregate my project
USAID Response: ​Respondents are asked to provide their Concept Paper using the template
(Annex A) attached to the Addendum.

Question 34 ​Annex A provides a template for concept paper submission. Are applicants allowed
to modify the template (for example, to add the applicant organization’s logo and color design
USAID Response: ​All Concept Papers must be prepared and submitted in English using the
provided Concept Paper Template (Annex A). The template should not be modified.

Question 35​: On Page 20 the concept paper mentions that: “Evergreening: If USAID identifies
opportunities to strengthen or fund a Concept Paper or Application by connecting it with other
USAID mechanisms, other potential funders, and/or external partners, USAID may make that
Concept Paper or Application available, internally or externally, for appropriate consideration.”
Can USAID share who they reference as external partners?
USAID Response: ​In this case, “external partners” refers to entities with which USAID does not
have a current legal or contractual relationship.

Question 36: ​Please specify what is required for the reference material in annex under
partnership approach 2?
USAID Response: ​The only document that may be submitted as Reference Material is the
Certificate or Articles of Incorporation, or Registration, or Formation, or any formal document
with the Government that establishes the organization's existence in the country. Any additional
Reference Material pages will be removed prior to evaluation.

Question 37​: On pg. 20 it states “The only document that may be submitted as Reference
Material is the Certificate or Articles of Incorporation, or Registration, or Formation, or any
formal document with the government that establishes the organization’s existence in the

country. Any additional Reference Material pages will be removed prior to evaluation.” Can you
please confirm that the document can be multiple pages if the formal document establishing
existence is multiple pages?
USAID Response: ​USAID will not remove any formal document establishing an organization's
existence regardless of the number of pages prior to evaluation.

Question 38: ​Can USAID confirm that the Concept Paper Cover Page included in the template
(Annex A) does not count towards the five page limit?
USAID Response: ​The Concept Paper Cover Page is not included in the five (5) page limit.

Question 39​: Can we include references as endnotes? Would USAID consider not to include
endnotes in the page count?
USAID Response: ​Endnotes will be included in the page count. Content beyond five (5) pages
will not be reviewed.

Question 40: ​Would USAID allow inclusion of references in a separate, uncounted page,
included as an Annex, to avoid footnotes and allow more space for the technical section?
USAID Response: ​References will count toward the five (5) page limit.

Question 41: ​Are addendums allowed and part of the five page limit?
USAID Response: ​Addendums will count towards the five (5) page limit.

Question 42​: Are we allowed to submit annexes, such as project summaries?

USAID Response:​ Annexes will count towards the five (5) page limit.

Question 43: ​Could USAID clarify if applicants are allowed to include a page on
acronyms/abbreviations that doesn’t count toward the five-page maximum?
USAID Response: ​An acronym page will count towards the five (5) page limit.

Question 44: ​Please advise if applicants can include a table of contents and acronym list and if
so, the table of contents and acronym list will not count towards the page limit?
USAID Response: ​A table of contents and acronym list will count towards the five (5) page

Question 45​: Would USAID please permit applicants to use 10-point font in text boxes,
graphics, and tables?
USAID Response: ​Yes, 10-point font is permitted for text boxes, graphics and tables.

Question 46​: ​Is it acceptable to use size 10 font for text boxes, footers, and/or footnotes?
USAID Response: ​Text boxes,​ ​footnotes and/or endnotes can be in 10-point Times New Roman.

Question 47: ​Given the page limit of the concept paper (5 pages), may applicants reference
figures, graphics, tables, etc. in the Technical Section and include the actual figures, graphics,
etc. in the Annexes and Reference Materials section? If this is not acceptable, might applicants
use 9-point font size in graphics, figures, and tables if needed?

USAID Response: ​ ​Footnotes and/or endnotes can be in 10-point Times New Roman.

Question 48: ​Will USAID allow a font other than 12-point Times New Roman for all text in
graphics, text boxes and/or tables as long as the applicant ensures readability?
USAID Response: ​ ​Footnotes and/or endnotes can be in 10-point Times New Roman.

Question 49: ​The concept paper template indicates approximately 1 page for the introduction,
2.5 pages for the technical approach and 1.5 pages for applicant roles and capacity, which adds
up to five. However, the breakdown under the technical only adds up to 2 pages, not 2.5 pages
(approximately ½ page for beneficiaries and linkages with the local health system and 1.5 pages
for interventions). Please clarify the expected page limits for each section of the concept paper.
USAID Response: The estimated page limits listed under technical approach have been

Question 50: ​The page limits in the Concept Paper template add up to 5.5 pages, half a page
longer than the 5 page limit. Is that intentional, as page limits are only a rough guide? Or would
USAID like to adjust the page limits so they add up to exactly 5 pages?
USAID Response: ​The Concept Paper template provides approximately one (1) page for the
concept introduction, approximately two and a half (2 ½) pages for the technical approach, and
approximately one and a half (1 ½) pages for the applicant roles & capacity. While these page
estimates are only a rough guide, they must add up to five (5) pages. However, as noted in the
response to question #49, the estimated page limits listed under technical approach have been

Question 51​: USAID’s outline suggests providing 1.5 pages to detail “Applicant Roles &
Capacity.” Should this section be devoted solely to the Applicant’s (prime) capacity, or also
devote space to the capacity and roles of any proposed subgrantees or partners?
USAID Response: ​How an applicant responds to “Applicant Roles & Capacity” will depend on
the Partnership Approach.

Question 52: ​On page 21 of the Addendum, under section A. Co-Creation Process, USAID
describes the planned Co-creation format. Can USAID confirm that Co-creation will be
one-on-one between USAID and the Applicant, not a broader meeting that will include multiple
USAID Response:​ If there is a co-creation opportunity for this Round, USAID will notify
selected applicants as to the format, time and location.

Question 53: ​Page 21, Section IV: Concept Paper Submission Information – A. Co-Creation
Process, could USAID clarify the expectations on engagement of country missions in the review
of submitted concept papers and co-creation process?
USAID Response:​ If there is a co-creation opportunity for this Round, USAID will notify
selected applicants as to the format, time and location.

Question 54​: Given the different levels of development of the pandemic in different countries, is
it possible to estimate when the award would be?

USAID Response: ​There is not currently an estimated date for making awards. USAID
anticipates making an award as soon as possible.

Question 55​: Do you have more or less foreseen the deadlines for the process and start the
implementation operations?
USAID Response: ​Please see response to question #54.

Question 56: ​Can USAID provide an estimated date by which it will make award(s)?
USAID Response: ​Please see response to question #54.

Question 57​: Would USAID clarify how many cycles will be released under this round. There is
mention of cycle 1 awards. If yes, when would those be?
USAID Response: ​USAID may or may not conduct additional cycles. There is no established

Question 58​: The grant can be a maximum of 1 year or it is feasible to submit a proposal for a
grant of a maximum of 18 months.
USAID Response: ​USAID does not have a preference for length of project. The period of
performance should be appropriate to the size and complexity of the proposed concept. The
COVID-19 Round has been amended to remove reference to a specified period of performance.

Question 59​: How long can these projects be? We note that looking at the sections of the call
for CNs copied below, section C on pg 16 notes that projects should have an expected duration
of “at least one year” but that on pg 25 (CN Cover pages) it notes that “start date and end date”
should “not…exceed one year.” Please clarify for us what is the recommended length of time
for these projects.
USAID Response: ​USAID does not have a preference for length of project. The period of
performance should be appropriate to the size and complexity of the proposed concept. The
COVID-19 Round has been amended to remove the references cited.

Question 60​: Page 16 of the Addendum states: “the anticipated start date for the first cycle of
award(s) as soon as possible with an expected award duration of at least one year. The Agency
may renew these awards provided funds are available.” Further, on the Concept Note Cover
Page, it is stated that the start date and end date may not exceed one year. Would USAID please
confirm that applicant’s projected program amounts should reflect only one year of
USAID Response​: Please see response to question #59.

Question 61​: On page 25 (Annex A), USAID requests the applicant to list the period of
performance which includes “i.e. start date and end date not to exceed one year”. Can USAID
please clarify the anticipated release date for the full RFA for selected applicants? Additionally,
can USAID please clarify the anticipated date of when awards will be granted because this will
influence the period of performance?
USAID Response: ​The period of performance should be appropriate to the size and complexity
of the proposed concept. The COVID-19 Round has been amended to remove a specified period
of performance. There is not currently an anticipated release date for the full RFA for selected

organizations. Subject to the availability of funds, USAID’s Bureau of Global Health may invite
a subset of the most highly-qualified Concept Paper Applicants to engage in a round of
co-creation with USAID prior to submission of Full Applications. Any co-creation opportunity
would have to take place after the initial review of the Concept Papers that are due on September
21, 2020.


Question 62​: Do concept papers require partnership/consortium at submission, or can it be

formed/continue forming post-concept paper submission and at the co-creation stage?
USAID Response: ​There is no preference that consortiums be firmed up or a preference that
primes and subs firm up before or during the co-creation phase, if conducted.

Question 63​: On pg. 4 it states “…Applicants that fall under any one of the Partnership
Approaches located in Section III: Eligibility Information, and that have existing and ongoing
capacity to work in the host country(ies) where they plan to work. Award recipients must
demonstrate that they have an existing presence within the local community…” Can you please
clarify if a Prime, who falls under one of the Partnership Approaches, may apply if a Sub can
demonstrate the existing presence?
USAID Response: U​SAID will not make this determination for applicants prior to receiving
Concept Papers. Applicants are encouraged to review the three partnership approaches listed in
Section III: Eligibility Information and ensure compliance and alignment with the selected

Question 64: ​Can an applicant propose to work in a target country where it does not have
presence, but plans to engage a sub-partner’s presence?
Example: If an applicant is eligible under Partnership Approach 2, but does not have
existing country presence in a target country, can they submit a concept based on a
potential sub-partners’ existing presence/relationships in the target country?
USAID Response: ​USAID will not make this determination for applicants prior to receiving
Concept Papers. Applicants are encouraged to review the three partnership approaches listed in
Section III: Eligibility Information and ensure compliance and alignment with the selected

Question 65​: For Association 1: Can a national NGO that works locally with sub-national
indigenous organizations qualify? If so, is there any requirement to present previously signed
agreements between the parties?
USAID Response:​ ​ USAID will not make this determination for applicants prior to receiving
Concept Papers. Applicants are encouraged to review the three partnership approaches listed in
Section III: Eligibility Information and ensure compliance and alignment with the selected

Question 66​: If an applicant is submitting a concept paper for multiple countries, does the prime
need to have a strong relationship and presence in all countries? Or is it acceptable to have a sub
in the consortium with a strong relationship and presence in that country?

USAID Response: ​ Applicants are encouraged to review the three partnership approaches listed
in ​ Section III: Eligibility Information and ensure compliance and alignment with the selected

Question 67​: For organizations who wish to submit a concept paper under Partnership Approach
2, can you confirm that we do not have to meet the qualification criteria listed under Partnership
1 (namely: Organizations that are new and have received no funding, or less than $25 million in
direct or indirect awards from USAID over the past five years.)?
USAID Response: ​Organizations that wish to submit a Concept Paper under Partnership
Approach 2 are required to sub-award more than 50 percent of the total award value to New and
Underutilized Partners that are Local Entities and Locally Established Partners.

Question 68​: On page 18, USAID indicates that government entities are not eligible as Local
Entities under Partnership Approach 1. Are government entities eligible to receive funding as
subrecipients under Partnership Approach 2?
USAID Response: ​Government entities are ineligible to be primes but may be subs under this

Question 69​: Are local hospitals and clinics considered local entities so they could be included
as partners in the concept paper even if they are not NGOs?
USAID Response: ​Yes, local hospitals and clinics are considered local entities if they meet the
definition on page 18, they do not need to be NGOs.

Question 70​: Can the Ministry of Health be included as a partner in the concept paper?
USAID Response: ​Please see response to Question # 68.

Question 71​: Being that [International organization XYZ] is the prime recipient, can we have a
US organization as a sub-partner to provide technical assistance?
USAID Response: ​Yes.

Question 72​: Under this solicitation, can [International organization XYZ] award grants to local
NGOs and local municipalities?
USAID Response: ​Yes.

Question 73​: Are we allowed to prime and sub in two different concept papers for the same
USAID Response: ​Yes.

Question 74​: Does USAID anticipate that awards made under this Round will reflect a balance
of the three Partnership Approaches? Or does USAID have any preference regarding the three
Partnership Approaches?
USAID Response: ​USAID has no preference regarding the three (3) Partnership Approaches.

Question 75​: For Partnership Approach 1(a), please confirm that “have received less than $25
million in direct or indirect awards from USAID over the past five years” indicates funding
obligated directly or indirectly within the five calendar years prior to submission date of August

USAID Response: ​Per the definition of a new or underutilized partner, an eligible organization
must have received less than $25 million cumulatively in USAID funding over the previous five
(5) years to date. “Received” refers to funds that were obligated to (received by) the

Question 76: ​For Partnership Approach 1(a)(ii), does the Locally Established Partner (LEP)
status need to be held directly by the prime applicant in all proposed countries? Or is it
acceptable for a prime applicant to hold LEP status in a majority of proposed countries, and
partner with a sub applicant that maintains LEP or Local Entity status in other proposed
USAID Response: ​Locally Established Partners (LEP) must meet the definition provided in the
addendum.​ ​Office registration(s) should align with the selected Partnership Approach and must
comply with requirements listed in Section III: Eligibility Information.

Question 77: ​For Partnership Approaches 2 and 3, please clarify whether eligibility restrictions
apply with regard to (1) prior USAID funding, or (2) place or nature of registration (local entity,
locally established partner, non-local organizations). Would a New and Underutilized Partner
applying under Partnership Approaches 2 or 3 be welcomed?
USAID Response: ​Yes, a New and Underutilized Partner submitting a Concept Paper utilizing
Partnership Approach(es) 2 and/or 3 is welcomed. Please see the response to question #98
regarding concepts under hybrid approaches.

Question 78: ​Does a sub-recipient need to be eligible under the same Partnership Approach as
its prime applicant?
USAID Response: ​No.

Question 79​: Is there a limit to the number of New and Underutilized Partners that an applicant
can propose to work with on this opportunity?
USAID Response: ​There is no limit.

Question 80​: Should the applicant name a local partner in the concept paper, does it designate an
approval authorization for a subcontract?
USAID Response: ​No.

Question 81​: Can USAID please clarify if a Locally Established Partner can submit its own
application? Particularly if it has its own DUNS number.
USAID Response: ​A Locally Established Partner may submit a Concept Paper utilizing
Partnership Approach 1.

Question 82​: Can USAID please clarify whether all subs need to qualify as an underutilized
USAID Response: ​Sub-partners requirements vary based on the Partnership Approach.

Question 83​: The Concept Paper template, Annex A, requires submission of Reference Material
regarding type of organization. Can USAID please list what kind of Reference Material should
be provided? Can USAID please confirm those materials will not count against the page limit?
USAID Response: ​The only document that may be submitted as Reference Material is the
Certificate or Articles of Incorporation, or Registration, or Formation, or any formal document
with the Government that establishes the organization's existence in the country, regardless of
the number of pages. Any additional Reference Material pages will be removed prior to

Question 84​: Do concept papers require partnership/consortium at submission, or can it be

formed/continue forming post-concept paper submission and at the co-creation stage?
USAID Response: ​Consortiums can be formed at any time during the process. A consortium
may submit a Concept Paper provided it meets the eligibility criteria listed in Section III of the

Question 85​: Could agencies that are not eligible to apply directly under the NPI serve as subs in
consortia, which are led by eligible organisations under this Addendum to the APS?
USAID Response​: Yes.

Question 86:​ Are concept papers from only single organizations acceptable or may a consortium
submit a concept paper? If consortiums are acceptable as applicants:
1. It is not obvious that there is a partnership approach that would encompass an
application from a consortium that includes both NUPs and non-NUPs. What is
recommended in this case?
2. Should a consortium application provide information on all organizations in the
consortium for Section C “Applicant Roles and Capacity?”
USAID Response: ​Yes, a consortium can submit a concept paper as long as the consortium
meets the eligibility criteria in the approach(es) listed in Section III. The applicant is responsible
to detail interventions that align with the proposed partnership approach cited in Section III.
Section C should address the applicant’s role(s) and capacity for the proposed concept, with
supplemental substantiation for proposed consortium members.

Question 87: ​If an entity is not yet registered with .gov and SAM can it still apply for the
concept stage and initiate registration once its concept has been approved to move to full
proposal stage?
USAID Response: ​Entities are not required to be registered at the time of Concept Paper
submission. Note that page 21 of the umbrella APS No. 7200AA19APS00013 states that
applicants are required to be registered in SAM (System for Award Management) before
submitting its application. USAID will not make a Federal award to an applicant until the
applicant has complied with all applicable DUNS and SAM requirements and, if an applicant has
not fully complied with the requirements by the time USAID is ready to make an award, USAID
may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive a Federal award and use that
determination as a basis for making a Federal award to another applicant.

Question 88​: Do locally registered subsidiary businesses qualify for the NPI, and specifically
this health care initiative?
USAID Response​: Please see Section III: Eligibility Information.

Question 89​: Our company is a medical diagnostic company based in Lagos, Nigeria. In terms
of eligibility, can we participate in writing the concept Paper? Is it open to non U.S companies?
USAID Response: ​Please see Section III: Eligibility Information.

Question 90:​ Is it open to only NGOs or both NGOs and for-profit firms?
USAID Response: ​Both NGOs and for-profit firms may participate. Please note that while
for-profit firms may participate, pursuant to 2 CFR 200.400(g), it is USAID’s policy
not to award profit to prime recipients and subrecipients under assistance instruments.

Question 91: ​My organization is an underutilized institution, but is not registered in a foreign
country. Are we eligible to participate as a partner to a prime applicant that is registered?
USAID Response​: Please see Section III: Eligibility Information.

Question 92: ​Are all partners, including sub-partners, listed in the concept paper required to be
registered in-country before submission of the application?
USAID Response​: Office registration(s) should align with the selected Partnership Approach
and must comply with requirements listed in Section III: Eligibility Information at the time
concept paper(s) are submitted.

Question 93: ​Page 18, Section III Eligibility Information, how would USAID categorize local
NGOs that exceed the threshold to qualify as new or underutilized? Would they be considered in
the same category as international NGOs? Are they ineligible to receive funds under this award?
USAID Response: ​Local NGOs that exceed the threshold to qualify as new or underutilized may
still receive funding under Partnership Approach 2 or 3.

Question 94: ​Is special consideration provided to companies that import goods from the U.S.?
USAID Response​: USAID does not currently anticipate providing special consideration to
companies that import goods from the U.S.

Question 95: ​Do applicants need a letter of interest/recommendation from another organization
such as local NGOs?
USAID Response​: Under Partnership Approach 1, a letter of support from a local organization is
required for Locally Established Partners.

Question 96: ​Under LEP, does the letter of support need to be submitted with the Concept
USAID Response: ​No, the letter of support does not need to be submitted with the Concept
Paper, however it will be required if/when responding to USAID’s Request for Full Application.

Question 97​: With regards to concept paper submission, will USAID accept letters of support
from New and Underutilized Partners in addition to documentation that demonstrates that the
applicant is legally registered in the target country?
USAID Response: ​Please see Partnership Approach 1.

Question 98: ​Can concept papers be submitted under two or more partnership approaches? For
example, in Country A we would utilize Partnership Approach 2 and issue a mentoring sub
award to a New/ Underutilized Local Entity (LE, such as a local NGO), but in Country B, we
would utilize Partnership Approach 1 and directly implement as a Locally Established Partner. In
both cases, we as the prime recipient using both Partnership Approaches 1 and 2 are a New/
Underutilized Partner given that our organization has received less than $25m in USAID awards
over the last 5 years.
USAID Response:​ Each approach requires differing eligibility requirements that will impact
project design and implementation. While a hybrid partnership approach is not prohibited, the
Applicant must consider and address the complication(s) of managing all aspects of the
Partnership Approach(es) selected in the Concept Paper.

Question 99: ​Under Partnership Approach 1, do we need to specify i, ii, or iii?

USAID Response: ​Yes, Applicants must identify under which of the three (3) partnerships they
are presenting their Concept Paper template in Annex A, line item number 3. In Section C of the
Concept Paper Template applicants are asked to describe and define the role of locally
established entities. A Concept Paper that does not meet the type(s) of Partnerships allowed
under COVID-19 Round, will be determined to be ineligible and not be evaluated.

Question 100: ​Under LEP, re: " Maintenance of a dedicated local office;" - does this have to be
a physical space or can the employee work from home?
USAID Response: ​USAID is seeking only those entities that meet the requirements of a locally
established partner, which includes maintenance of the dedicated local office.

Question 101: ​Partnership Approach 2 emphasizes prime awardees providing mentoring,

capacity strengthening, and compliance support to new and underutilized partners. However,
achieving measurable technical and organizational capacity strengthening results will be
challenging within a 12-month period of performance. Would a focus on basic capacity
strengthening activities be acceptable in Year 1, with more advanced support included should an
award extend beyond 12 months?
USAID Response: ​The period of performance proposed by the applicant should be appropriate
to the size and complexity of the proposed concept. The COVID-19 Round has been amended to
remove references to a specific period of performance.

Question 102: ​If a local organization is a ​s​ub under a prime submitting a Concept Paper for
Partnership Approach 2, can that same local organization also submit a Concept Paper as prime
under Partnership Approach 1?
USAID Response: ​Yes.

Question 103: ​We are a locally registered and managed organization. Can we be included as a
sub recipient on a Concept Paper submitted under Partnership Approach 1, as well as a sub on a

Concept Paper submitted on Partnership Approach 2?
USAID Response:​ Yes.

Question 104: ​Can USAID please clarify whether all subs need to qualify as an underutilized
USAID Response: ​This is dependent on the Partnership Approach.

Question 105: ​If an applicant is submitting a concept paper for multiple countries, does the
prime need to have a strong relationship and presence in all countries? Or is it acceptable to
have a sub in the consortium with a strong relationship and presence in that country?
USAID Response: ​This is dependent on the Partnership Approach.

Question 106: ​We are seeking clarification regarding the definitions of locally established
partner. [XYZ organization] would be the main applicant for this opportunity as an international
organization (not an NUP). However, [XYZ organizations] local offices in Malawi and South
Africa appear to meet the criteria of LEP, having received less than $25 million from USAID
and having all the local operations and leadership requirements in the definition. Would it be
possible for [XYZ organization] to sub-grant to [XYZ organization] Malawi and [XYZ
organization] South Africa as part of Partnership Approach 2?
USAID Response: ​Yes.

Question 107:​ If an NUP (LE, LEP or NLO) plans to prime, do all of the subs need to be NPI
eligible (i.e., do they need to also be an LE, LEP or NLO)?
USAID Response: ​This is dependent on the Partnership Approach. Under Partnership Approach
1, the subs do not need to be NPI eligible. Under Partnership Approach 2, more than 50% of the
total award value must go to NPI eligible subs. Partnership Approach 3 prioritizes local capacity
building and sub-awards, there is no requirement that any subs be NPI eligible.

Question 108:​ Can an organization submit a prime application under one partnership approach
(as outlined on pages 18-19) and also join a consortium to be included as a subrecipient on
another prime’s application under the same and/or different partnership approach?
USAID Response: ​Yes. While there is a limit to the number of Concept Papers an organization
may submit as a prime, there is no limit to the number of Concept Papers an organization may be
a sub-partner on.

Question 109: ​I​s ​sub-contracting allowed in this bid?

USAID Response: ​It is up to the prime to determine the type of subaward it issues.


Question 110​: Section I. Funding Opportunity Description

The sub-results listed on pages 13-15 at times do not seem to correspond with their result or the
description of the expect content of the Results outlined on pages 7-11. For example, the sample
Activities under Result 2 on page 8 addresses the community health workforce; and on page 9

addresses social and behavior change, including “promote positive behaviors such as
handwashing, respiratory hygiene, physical distancing and other alternatives to physical
distancing”; however, the corresponding sub-results appears to be listed under Result 3 –
“Community-based workforce/CHWs and community groups…. Mobilized trained and
supported to address COVID-19…” (p. 14) and “Households increase healthy behaviors” (p. 15).
- Please confirm that applicants should align proposed activities to the Results level, and may
reference sub-results listed elsewhere.
USAID Response: ​Yes, applicants should align proposed activities to the Results level, and may
reference sub-results relevant to their proposed interventions but listed under a different result.

Question 111​: In the Technical Focus of the document it states, "This could include innovative
approaches and technologies aimed at increasing the supply and distribution of oxygen;
increasing the availability of pulse oximetry, positive pressure helmet ventilation devices,
high-flow nasal cannula devices.” However, the results section does not elaborate on whether
this round will be able to include increasing much-needed oxygen supply through improving
infrastructure for facility-based oxygen plants (part of a journey to self-reliance) and the
short-term acquisition of portable oxygen concentrators (a rapidly implementable solution). Can
you clarify whether Oxygen plants and portable concentrators can be funded in this round?
USAID Response: ​Awards made through this solicitation are not intended for infrastructure
projects or procurement. Please see page 22: “In addition to the language in the NPI GH APS, it
is important to note that the purpose of this COVID-19 Round is not to invest in major health
infrastructure projects, or major equipment procurements.”

Question 112​: Would USAID allow applicants to include minimal provision, and training on
use, of oxygen under Result 4 without competing for Result 1?
USAID Response: ​Yes.

Question 113​: Based on Section I.D.i. Expected Results (pages 13-15), could USAID please
confirm that activities under Result 1: ​Health workers have the resources and training needed to
safely and appropriately use oxygen ​could also be implemented under Result 4: ​Innovative
approaches and partnerships across local health system providers (public, private, civil society
and faith-based groups) and between health system levels to enhance community COVID-19
preparedness and response, including clinical care?
USAID Response: ​Yes, activities may contribute to more than one Result.

Question 114​: We note that under “Sample Activities” for Result 3: Effective Linkages are
established between communities and health systems, it states under Availability of Essential
Commodities (p 9-10) that “non-invasive and invasive respiratory support” can be one of the
essential commodities purchased under this category. Please confirm, does this mean that
Respirators could be purchased for a hospital system and training provided for the staff to use
them, as a small part of larger activities under a “Health Ecosystem” concept paper that focuses
on Results 2-4? Or can respirators only be purchased under an Oxygen Ecosystem Concept Note
that focuses on Result 1.
USAID Response: ​Yes, respirators can be purchased to contribute to Results 2 through 4.

Question 115​: Could USAID provide more guidance on expectations around Monitoring,
Evaluation & Learning (MEL) for this NOFO?
USAID Response: ​No additional guidance on expectations around Monitoring, Evaluation &
Learning (MEL) will be given at this point. If a full application is requested, additional guidance
may be given at that point.

Question 116​: Under each of the results areas, a number of sample activities are listed. Can the
applicant select activities as relevant?
USAID Response: ​Yes, applicants can select activities relevant to the Result they are

Question 117​: Does USAID anticipate PSM providing consumables like tubing, nasal cannulas
etc. or should the project expect to procure such items?
USAID Response: ​There is currently no expectation that PSM will provide consumables.

Question 118​: The addendum says sub-results are not expected to be covered by all Concept
Papers, but Applicants should identify the sub-results that are most relevant to their proposed
interventions. The addendum does not provide sub results. Could USAID please clarify what it
means by Sub- results here?
USAID Response: ​The items in the bulleted lists under the title of each Result (pages 14-15) are
illustrative sub-results.

Question 119​: Result 1: Would the grant allow creating oxygen plant at the main referral
hospital? We would like to be able to provide smaller oxygen canisters to Health Workers so that
they can deliver needed services right in the communities.
USAID Response: ​Please see response to question #111.

Question 120​: USAID indicates it will not consider papers for new digital technology or
proprietary digital solutions. Also, the addendum indicates preference is for proven approaches
than pilots. Will USAID consider ideas on new innovations under development for testing?
USAID Response: ​USAID may consider innovations supported by a strong evidence base.

Question 121: ​Page 13 of the Addendum, under Expected Results, states, “Sub-results are not
expected to be covered by all Concept Papers, but Applicants should identify the sub-results that
are most relevant to their proposed intervention(s),” followed by bulleted lists under each
expected Result (pages 13-15). Should applicants consider each bullet to be a Sub-result?
USAID Response: ​Yes, the bullets are illustrative sub-results.

Question 122:​ My company focus[es] on Solar Energy and Solar Irrigation. [Does] that comply
with your requirements?
USAID Response​: Please review the Addendum for the Strategic Objective/Results to determine
how solar energy integrates into the COVID-19 response.

Question 123:​ On Pg. 13, Expected Results for Result 1, it lists “PPE is made more widely
available to health workers and community members.” However, PPE is not mentioned in any

other section related to Result 1. Can USAID please clarify if PPE is meant to be part of Result
USAID Response: ​PPE may, but is not required to, be a part of activities responding to Result 1.

Question 124: ​Are there any regulations regarding procurement of PPE or other commodities?
Supporting local partners to implement our COVID-19 response will require frontline workers to
have access to PPE, as such, procurement of PPE would need to be part of either their sub-award
or the prime’s award. We are aware that other USG awards have included guidelines regarding
PPE and we are wondering if you can clarify guidelines for this award.
USAID Response: ​Regulations regarding PPE will continue to be aligned with the FEMA rules:
-of-certain-scarce-and-critical-health-and-medical-resources-for​. Please also see the response to
Question 111.

Question 125: ​On page. 22 of the solicitation, USAID notes the following: “In addition to the
language in the NPI GH APS, it is important to note that the purpose of this COVID-19 Round is
not to invest in major health infrastructure projects, or major equipment procurements.”
However, in the description of sub-results for Result 1, illustrative activities include “delivery
mechanisms and procurement of a range of equipment, consumables, pharmaceuticals, and
diagnostics (e.g., pulse oximeters, EKG machines, arterial blood gas kits, other items) related to
oxygen ecosystems.” In addition, sub-result 1.1 under Result 1 focuses on expanding the
availability of PPE. Could USAID offer additional clarification as to the parameters of what
applicants may offer in terms of procurement support related to this Activity? Does USAID
envision selected the applicant(s) for Result 1 procuring PPE and oxygen-related equipment and
USAID Response: ​Limited procurement of consumables and equipment may be an appropriate
element of a broader activity that contributes to one of the listed Results, for example, in support
of staff training. Regular procurement and/or provision of PPE and oxygen-related consumables,
for the purpose of supplying facilities, is not envisioned or encouraged.

Question 126: ​Is purchase of equipment, gears, disinfectants, oxygen equipment, etc allowed in
this bid and can this be done both nationally and internationally?
USAID Response: ​Final award documents will indicate the relevant geographic code(s)
applicable to medical consumables procurement. Please also see the response to Question 111.

Question 127: ​On page 6 of the Global Health New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) COVID-19
Round Addendum, USAID states that applicants should consider scaling or deploying open
sources and common digital programs – would USAID also accept the use of proprietary digital
solutions that have already been scaled and deployed in one of the USAID target countries and
proven effective in response to COVID-19? Or does USAID’s statement preclude the use of
proprietary digital solutions in this project?
USAID Response: ​USAID’s statement indicates a strong preference but does not preclude the
use of proprietary digital solutions.

Question 128: ​Page 10, Bullet “Targeting Resources and Support to Vulnerable Families and
Communities,” could USAID clarify collaboration and deliverables for livelihoods? Can the
applicant include livelihood activities in its response?
USAID Response:​ ​Livelihood activities (including food assistance), with a purpose of poverty
alleviation and income generation or job creation, would not be an appropriate focal area under
this addendum. Limited activities that support livelihoods of vulnerable members of the
community may be an appropriate element of a broader activity that contributes to one of the
listed Results.

Question 129:​Could you clarify how USAID is defining "proprietary digital or data information
systems?" We're aware that USAID would like applicants to explore alternative digital systems
and want to ensure that the identified platforms are in compliance with USAID.
USAID Response: ​In this case, “proprietary digital or data information systems” refers to those
systems whose private ownership interferes with the goals of sustainability and re-use, does not
allow for interoperability and customization, or allows vendor lock-in.

Question 130: ​Would USAID allow applicants to include minimal provision, and training on
use, of oxygen under Result 4 without competing for Result 1?
USAID Response: ​Yes.

Question 131:​Would USAID be able to provide any information on anticipated key personnel
positions at this stage? This would help applicants plan in the event they are selected to move to
the next phase of the process.
USAID Response: ​Information on anticipated key personnel positions will not be provided at
this stage.

Question 132: ​Is there any prioritization and/or ranking in terms of USAID priorities among the
4 results areas?
USAID Response: ​There is no prioritization or ranking of the 4 Results.

Question 133:
○ Please clarify the number of submissions that a prime applicant might submit.
○ With regard to the limitation to one submission, please clarify: is an applicant permitted to be
a subrecipient or named partner on multiple concepts?
USAID Response:
○ A total of two (2) concept papers may be submitted, one for Result 1, and one for Results 2
through 4.
○ Yes, an applicant can be named as a sub-recipient on numerous concept papers, but can only
be the prime on up to 2 concept papers.

Question 134​: Would USAID consider a second concept paper addressing results (2- 4) tailored
with a different approach tailored to selected country from the target geographic areas?
USAID Response: ​No, a total of two (2) concept papers may be submitted, one for Result 1, and
one for Results 2 through 4.

Question 135: ​Is results area 1 mandatory for all applicants?
USAID Response: ​No. Concept Papers should address either Result 1, or Results 2 through 4.

Question 136​: In Section D of the solicitation, page 13, USAID states “The COVID-19 Round
award(s) will contribute to either Result 1 or the three other overarching results below (Results 2
- 4). Concept Paper(s) will be considered acceptable so long as they discuss Result 1 OR Results
2 - 4. Applicant(s) may submit two Concept Paper(s)provided that one addresses Result 1 and
one addresses Results 2-4.” Can USAID please clarify, if applicants choose to respond to Results
2-4, are we required to respond to Result 2 and Result 3 and Result 4, or are applicants allowed
to select just one or two Results for their response?
USAID Response: ​The concept paper must respond to Result 2 and Result 3 and Result 4.

Question 137​: Please confirm that concept papers addressing Results 2-4 must address at least
one sub-result under each Result.
USAID Response: ​Applicants should, but are not required to, identify the sub-results that are
most relevant to their proposed intervention(s).


Question 138: ​Under Partnership Approach 1, Direct Awards to New and Underutilized
Partners (NUPs), Non-Local Organizations (NLOs) are at a disadvantage compared to local
entities (LEs) and locally established partners (LEPs), because - by definition - NLOs are less
likely to have existing and ongoing capacity to work in the target countries.

Considering the Merit Review Elements - NLOs (as new partners and non-local) will be
limited in their ability to rank highly on the following criteria:
- Concept Introduction - “The extent to which the applicant demonstrates
ongoing relationships and presences within the community… ​ ”
- Applicant Roles & Capacity - “The degree to which the applicant
demonstrates an​ ​existing presence​ ​within the community, capacity to work in
COVID-19 response programmatic areas, and ​existing relationships​ ​and capacity
to work with governments, civil society organizations, community groups and/or
private sector health care at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels ​within their
geographic areas of focus.”
Acknowledging this disadvantage and that NLOs are the only ​non-local​ NUPs under
Partnership Approach 1, will USAID evaluate NLO applications separately from or with
different criteria than those submitted by LEs and LEPs?
USAID Response: ​ All Concept Papers for this Round will be evaluated based on the merit
review criteria stated in Section V. Each Concept Paper is evaluated on its own, and is
determined to be successful if it receives a PASS overall based on the criteria. Please note that
the criteria are for the Concept Paper only. Additional criteria will be circulated to organizations
that are invited to submit a Full Application.

Question 139: ​On page 23, under Section V: COVID-19 Round Merit Review Criteria, USAID
states that one of the evaluation criteria under the Technical Approach will be the "extent to

which the proposed approach demonstrates partner's capacity to coordinate and collaborate with
other key stakeholders, including those that represent vulnerable groups, to complement,
influence and enhance both COVID-19 response, provision of essential health care at a
reasonable scale, including as appropriate the oxygen ecosystem." Can USAID please clarify
what "reasonable scale" means?
USAID Response: ​In this case, “reasonable scale” means a scale significant enough to have an
impact on the target population.

Question 140: ​On page 23, under Section V: COVID-19 Round Merit Review Criteria, USAID
states that one of the evaluation criteria under Applicant Roles & Capacity is the "degree to
which the applicant demonstrates an existing presence within the community..." Can USAID
please clarify what "existing presence" means?
USAID Response: ​In this case, “existing presence” means that an entity is active in the
community and has a current relationship with the community.

Question 141​: Under Section 4. COVID-19 Round Merit Review Criteria, could USAID please
clarify how the criteria under Element B.2 differs from Element C?
USAID Response: ​Merit Review Element B2 focuses on the technical approach, specifically
how it demonstrates partner’s capacity to coordinate and collaborate, and to address both the
COVID-19 response and essential health care. Merit Review Element C also addresses capacity
regarding COVID-19 response programmatic areas and working with other organizations. In
addition, it addresses existing presence and relationships with relevant stakeholders, experience
in capacity strengthening of organizations, and demonstrated commitment to supporting local
and community leadership.

Question 142:​ Result 1: does the definition of Health worker also include community health
volunteers? This would mean training would also include the community volunteers and the
community members in the community health structures. Would those activities be allowed?
USAID Response: ​Activities, such as training, that include community volunteers and
community members are allowed.

Question 143​: Per Annex A, the concept paper template, Section C. Applicant Roles & Capacity
requests a list of countries in which we have a presence and years of experience in those
identified countries. Can USAID please confirm if they are requesting a full list of current
countries in which we currently work and years of experience in each of those countries or if
USAID is asking us to confirm that we have experience in the proposed country(s) for this
opportunity and years of experience in the proposed countries? If the former, could USAID
please allow us to submit the list as an annex that does not count against the five-page limit?
USAID Response: ​Please confirm current presence and years of experience in the proposed
countries only.


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