Atelier Clandestin Castle Generator

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PL ACES Generator
- Places -
Structure 3) Defense
A castle has 1d4 defensive features.
1) General condition
Roll on the following table, rerolling
1 Perfect any duplicate, to determine what they
2-3 Worn are:
4-5 Aged
6 Crumbling
1-3 Stone walls & towers
4 Moat
2) Keep 5
Wooden palisade
1-3 Square/Rectangle
4-5 Round If there are no stone walls and towers,
6 Shell skip steps ii-iv. If there is no moat, skip
step v.
It has 1d3+1 levels.

i. Garrison
Roll 1d12 to determine a defensive
feature of the keep:
3d6 x 10 fighters are here to protect the
castle from monsters and rival lords.
1-6 None
7 Boiling oil They are distributed as follows:
8 Ballista
9 Catapult Heavy horse, plate & shield, 10%
10 Hoarding sword
11 Iron spikes Medium horse, plate & shield, 10%
12 Piles of rocks spear
Medium horse, chainmail, 10%
short bow
Roll 1d12 to determine a non-defensive Chainmail & shield, sword 40%
feature of the keep: Chainmail, polearm 10%
Chainmail, crossbow 10%
1-6 None Chainmail, longbow 10%
7 Banners/Flags
8 Gargoyles The lord is always at least a 9th level
9 Heads/Bodies fighter. Add a level per 60 fighters they
10 Overgrown
11 Religious symbols command. They also have six
12 Secret exit/entrance bodyguards 3 levels under theirs and a
lieutenant 2 levels under theirs.
ii. Towers v. Moat encounters
1-3 Square Roll 1d6 to determine what is crawling
4-5 Round
in the moat:
6 Polygonal (3, 6 or 8 sides)

1-4 None
They have 1d3+1 levels. 5 Crocodiles
6 Electric eels
iii. Walls 7 Leeches
8 Piranha

Roll 1d8 to determine the shape of the

enclosure wall and the number of
towers it has:

Shape # of towers
1 Square/Rectangle 4
2 Trapezium 4
3 Pentagon 5
4 Hexagon 6
5 Octogon 8
6 Star 10
7 Cross 12
8 Circle 1d3+3

Then, roll on the two tables about the

keep (defensive and non-defensive
features) on the previous page, for the
walls this time.

iv. Gatehouse

The main entrance is guarded by 2

more towers and can be closed with the
help of:

1-3 Portcullis/Wooden door

4-5 Drawbridge
6 Both

Domain 2) Relationships
Roll 1d6 to determine what the main Roll 1d6 on the following table each
resource/source of income of the time you want to determine what kind
domain is: of relationship the domain has with one
of its neighbors:
1 Game
2 Fish
1 War
3 Ore
2-3 Peace
4 Pastures
4-5 Trade
5 Soil
6 Alliance
6 Timber

1) Villages 3) Troubles
There are 2d4 villages of 1d4 x 100 Roll 1d3 for a small trouble and 1d6 for
inhabitants each that can be found a possibly bigger one.
scattered on the domain.
1 Small HD monsters
establishing a lair
(Optional) roll 1d6 to determine the 2 Big HD monster roaming
walking time between the castle and 3 Rival lord scouting
each of the villages: 4 Resources/Gold dwindling
5 Epidemic
6 Invading troops
1-3 4h
4-5 8h (= 1 day of walking)
6 2 days

Then roll 1d8 to determine the

direction of each village:

1 North
2 North-East
3 East
4 South-East
5 South
6 South-West
7 West
8 North-West

Name 2) Second part
1 Bane
This stronghold is known as "Castle …". 2 Bridge
3 Fall/fell
4 Fang
1) First part 5
7 Herd
1 Apple 8 Hold
2 Battle 9 Hook
3 Black 10 Keep
4 Bleak 11 Maw
5 Blood(y) 12 Mist
6 Bright 13 Moor
7 Broken 14 Peak
8 Cloud 15 Rock
9 Dark 16 Shield
10 Dawn 17 Skull
11 Dragon 18 Song
12 Dusk 19 Soul
13 Fire 20 Storm
14 Gold(en) 21 Thorn
15 Hammer 22 Vale
16 Hawk 23 Way
17 Horse 24 Wood
18 Ice
19 Light
20 Lion
21 Moon
22 Oak
23 Raven
24 Red
25 River
26 Rose
27 Silver
28 Star
29 Stone
30 Wind(y)

1) Jails & Stocks
The jails of the prison contain 2d6
commoners and 1d3 nobles.

There is enough food and water to

resist a siege of 2d6 months.

2) Treasure
The value of the treasure contained in
the vaults of the castle can be
determined this way:

 50% chance of 1d4 x 10000 gp,

 50% chance of 1d6 x 5000 gp,
 25% chance of 3d6 gems,
 25% chance of 1d10 pieces of
 15% chance of 4 magic items +
1d6 scrolls.

Cover image
Ink Splats designed by kjpargeter / Freepik.
Scratch vector textures designed by Graphics Fuel.

Edition (all caps version) designed by Mike Diehl & Paul Volk / Dafont.
Highway Gothic Wide designed by Tom Oetken / Dafont.

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