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1. In alkaline water flooding the pH of injected water is increased by adding alkaline agents
towards improving
A. Oil Recovery
B. Gas recovery
C. Water recovery
D. Alkaline Recovery
2. Alkaline materials used in recent flooding are
A. Sodiumk Hydroxide
B. Sodium orthosilicate
C. Sodium metasilicate
D. All of the above
3. Which factor determine the entrapment and release of rock material from a rock matrix
A. Geometry
B. Phase behaviour
C. Wettability
D. All of the above
4. Water flooding represents stage of production
A. Secondary
B. Primary
C. Tertiary
D. None of the above
5. Water flooding improves recovery by providing
A. Temperature
B. Water
C. Pressure energy
D. None
6. Alkaline flooding enhances the recovery of oils
A. Black
B. Volatile
C. Acidic
D. Non-Volatile
7. The first stage of alkaline flooding involves
A. Absorption
B. Adsorption
C. Separation
D. Mobilization
8. The overall recovery efficiency may be increased in second stage by improving
A. Mobility Ratio
B. Displacement Efficiency
C. Oil formation factor
D. Wettability
9. Mechanisms involve alkaline flooding
A. Emulsification
B. Entrainment
C. Entrapment
D. All of the above
10. Conventional water floods operate generally at or near a capillary number of
A. 10-3
B. 10-2
C. 10-6
D. 103
11. The capillary number can be defined as
A. 𝑁 = 𝜎⁄𝜇𝜗
B. 𝑁 = ⁄𝜎
C. 𝑁 = 𝜗𝜎⁄𝜇
D. 𝑁 = ⁄𝜗
12. There was the reduction in during displacement tests of oil-in-water
A. Water solubility
B. Oil Solubility
C. Water mobility
D. Oil mobility
13. Process results in reduction in mobility of aqueous phase, increase in
displacement efficiency and reduction in amount of viscous fingering
A. Emulsification and entrainment
B. Emulsification and entrapment
C. Emulsification
D. Entrapment
14. A minimum acid number needed for successful alkaline flooding is
A. 0.001
B. 0.05
C. 0.5
D. 0.1
15. The presence of sodium chloride the bulk alkaline concentration required to
achieve low IFT.
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Releases
D. None of the above
16. Sodium chloride can be used to promote ultra-low of crude oil
A. Mobility
B. Interfacial Tension
C. Wettability
D. Surface tension
17. In an alkaline slug, The presence of effect the oil recovery efficiency in reservoir
A. Bivalent cat ions
B. Divalent cat ions
C. Multivalent Cat ions
D. Trivalent cat ions
18. Divalent ion effect depends upon
A. The ion exchange isotherm
B. Injection pH and Salinity
C. Alkalinity
D. Both A & B
19. Highly compressible oils are more suitable for flooding
A. Water flooding
B. Alkaline flooding
C. Miscible flooding
D. Polymer flooding
20. IFT is strongly dependant on the of aqueous phase
A. Solubility
B. Volatility
C. Mobility
D. Salinity
21. The surfactant concentration in the oil phase with increasing salt
concentration in the aqueous phase
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains constant
D. None
22. At low/high concentrations of salt the surfactant in aqueous phase
A. Dissolves, evaporates
B. Stays, dissolves
C. Stays, evaporates
D. Evaporates, dissolves
23. The surfactant polymer interactions strikingly influences the phase formed at salinity
A. Low
B. High
C. Equal
D. Zero
24. Surfactant injection depends on the of surfactants during flooding
A. Degree of resistance
B. Degree of concentration
C. Degree of retention
D. All of the above
25. In surfactant flooding process the slug comes into contact with reservoir rock and brine,
there would be a loss of surfactant due to at solid liquid interface
A. Separatio0n
B. Absorption
C. Adsorption
D. All of the above
26. If the interfacial tension is sufficiently high, trapping occurs in porous media
A. Two phase
B. Oil phase
C. Water phase
D. Three phase
27. Surfactant injection accounts for approximately % at the enhanced oil recovery in
the US
A. 5
B. 15
C. 1
D. 10
28. Surfactant as well as foam flooding processes, have a high potential for receiving oil from
A. Water flooded
B. Chemical flooded
C. Surfactant flooded
D. Polymer flooded
29. Fluid displacement efficiency in sand packs was higher as compared to cores
A. Green sand
B. Barea
C. Dry sand
D. None
30. A steep increase in fluid recovery was observed in the temperature range of C
A. 20-40
B. 80-100
C. 30-60
D. 40-80

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