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1. This theory of language marks the very beginning of human word comprehension.

a. Pooh-pooh Theory

b. Gestural Theory

c. Ta-ta Theory

d. Mama Theory

2. Language is considered as principal method of this human activity.

a. Sharing

b. Speech

c. Communication

d. Interaction

3. Language domains are also referred to as.

a. Macro Skills

b. Acquisition Domains

c. Language Skills

d. Language Domains

4. This is the overarching purpose of language.

a. Directive

b. Survival

c. Expressive

d. Informative

5. This theory is true and testable

a. Fact-Based

b. Independent

c. Proven
d. Scientific

6. In learning, this is being acquired.

a. Perception

b. Experience

c. Skill

d. Awareness

7 Language changes and dies are emphasized in its characteristic which is this.

a. Non-Instinctive

b. Symbolic

c. Social Phenomenon

d. Arbitrary

8. Language acquisition is of this process.

a. Meaningful

b. Developmental

c. Dynamic

d. Stage

9. These are the hardest languages except this

a. Japanese

b. English

c. Chinese

d. Korean

10. One of the Principles for language learning encourages the contact between them.

a. Students and Stakeholders

b. Students and Classmates

c. Students and Teachers

d. Students and Significant Others

11. Reading books and telling stories are good for this development.

a. Language

b. Communicative

c. Learning

d. Cognitive

12. Any generation can make language evolve thus make it.

a. Useful

b. Phenomenon

c. Static

d. Dynamic

13. Paget and Darwin believed that this preceded language.

a. Sound

b. Body Movements

c. Need

d. Emotion

14. The following are not examples of phatic purpose of language except this.

a. It's fine with us!

b. Good Morning!

c. It's a Beautiful Day!

d. Music brings joy

15. This refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, information, skills, values, etc.

a. Schooling

b. Studying

c. Learning
d. Researching

16, Words for this kind of things and events are learned by children,

a. Interesting

b. Beautiful

c. Fascinating

d. Meaningful

17. Darwin and Jespersen thought that this inspired music and believed that it could have been the
original language.

a. Need

b. Emotion

c. Sound

d. Experience

18. Language is vocal that with the help these, man can convey a message,

a. Brain

b. Speech Mechanisms

c. Mouth

d. Senses

19. This refers to the arrangement of words and phrases to create a well-constructed sentence

a. Syntax

b. Pragmatics

c. Semantics

d. Morphology

20. Tracing the origin of a language can leau a linguist know its ancestral or parent language which is

a. Auto Language

b. Proto-Language

c. Primitive Language
d. Oldest Language

21. This is the first developmental stage of language acquisition.

a. Two-word Stage

b. Babbling

c. One-word Stage

d. Telegraphic Stage

22. He/She has to develop reciprocity and cooperation among learners.

a. Adviser

b. Teacher

c. Classmate

d. Parent

23. This can influence attitudes and behavior.

a. Environment

b. Culture

C. Person

d. Language

24. When someone uses language for a command or request, this shows this purpose of language.

a. Phatic

b. Directive

c. Expressive

d. informative

25. As infants, children learn by this activity.

a. Seeing

b. Touching

c. Listening
d. Tasting

1. The brain is "previewed" for learning this.


2. Stephen Krashen formulated this theory.

Theory of language acquisition

3. This starts with sound and gestures.

Development of language/ Language Development

4. This kind of students' talents and learning styles have to be respected based on the principle of
language learning.

Diverse Talent

5. Language function is shown when one writes a love letter.


6. The natural correspondence or similarities between objects of sense of perception and the vocal
noises were pointed out in this theory.

Ding dong theory

7. This is the study of implied meaning in language.


8. Darwin and Otto Jespersen thought that this inspired music.


9. He proposed the Pooh-pooh Theory.

Friedrich Max Muller

10. Morpheme that can stand alone and has meaning.

Free morpheme

11. The common ancestor of this is seldom known directly since most of the language have short
recorded history.

Language Family

12. This is seldom known directly since most languages have short recorded history.
Origin of language

14. This theory explains that language was borne human need to express music, poetry and love.

Lala theory

15. This kind of development refers to a higher level cognitive skill for it involves listening and speaking

Language Decvelopment

17. This is Mother of all language


18. This is the proto-language of English.


19. He was able to recover many features of a proto-language by applying a reconstructive procedure.

August Schleicher

20. This theory explains that speech from people developed thought imitating the sounds that animals

Bo-wow theory

21. Echoic – repetition of what have discussed.

Verbal operant act

22. The use of common nouns calls for them to be written in capital letters.


23. Verbal operant refers to reading without any implication that readers understand what is being read.


24. Which among the common noun

People speaks properly

25. Words to names


26. Consists of writing and spelling


27. Verbal operant how speakers differently response to the verbal behavior


28. Common noun as its object


29. No independent substantial existence because it exist in man.


30. Basic unit of language


31. The simplest form of sentence

Kernel sentence

32. Sending and receiving information


33. According to Watson, this is not new learning but acquired behavior


34. Focuses not only on child’s understanding knowledge how children acquired.


35. A sentence can be compound

2 independent clause

36. It is a social symantec to accomplices their systemic by expressing meanings.


37. Has exclamatory sentence

Extremely surprise

38. Possibility of reducing accuracy in communication that can’t be control

39. Should not be given by the teacher

Negative reinforcement

40. Kind of interaction within family and the members of family


41. Coordinating

42. Systemic functional linguistics function of this…


43. He gave me truck of roses


44. Piaget suggest than this of children as they grow


45. He emphasis the cultural and social

Lev Vygotsky

46. Shapes by teaching


47.Simple and compound are


48. He developed systemic functional linguistic


49. Receives the message


50. Interrogative and declarative

Function or use

51. This reflects the attitudes and opinion ideology

52. Overarching purpose of language


53. Principles of language learning

Student and teacher

57. Arrangement of sentence


58. First developmental language acquisition


59. Command


60. Children learned by this activity


61. Theory if language Acq, by Krashen a kinds of students talents and learning style


62. Gestures and sounds

Language development

63. Provided by teacher to self learning

Learning activities

64. Can lead to activities discovery learning to discuss something


65. Types of reinforcement highly recommended

Positive reinforcement

66. kinds of behavior

Positive behavior

67. Focus of Chomsky theory


68. Meets the needs of learners


69. Learning trough association


70. to assist learners


71. Achievable


72. Kinds of words in objectives

Action verbs

73. Summary

General idea

74. Any methods are best

75. Any stimulus that maintain


76. Completion of words (objectives)


77. Laws of principle learning


78. Among learners class


79. Methods that used long ago

Time tested

80. This kind of words are avoided


81. Constructivism – to make leaner independent

82. Help children learn language


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