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Dialogue Book

1. A dialogue between two friends about the benefit of early rising.

1 Myself Hello, Hassan, how are you?
2 Hassan Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I am also fine.
4 Hassan Well, I want some help from you/ I need a favor from you.
5 Myself Sure, how can I help you?
6 Hassan My school has given me an assignment on early rising. Do you think that you can give me some
ideas on it?
7 Myself Sure, early rising is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound. We cannot think of a
sound mind without a sound health. Therefore, it is very necessary for us.
8 Hassan Can you tell me more?
9 Myself Yes, it also gives strength to our brain and improves our power of digestion and blood
10 Hassan Anything else?
11 Myself If you get up early in the morning, you will get much time to learn your lessons, have
breakfast, complete your homework, have bath, meal, and then start for school and reach
ahead of time. Early rising can make a man happy and successful in life. It requires
massive perseverance and patience. So in order to make life successful and fruitful one
should cultivate this good habit from early life.
12 Hassan Thank you very much. You were a great help. I really appreciate your suggestion.
13 Myself You are welcome. Anyway, I have to go now. It is getting late for class. Aren’t you coming?
14 Hassan Sure, you go ahead, I will catch up with you soon. I have some work I need to finish.
15 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
16 Hassan Bye and thank you again.
17 Myself You are most welcome.

2. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of physical

1 Myself Hello, Hassan, how are you?
2 Hassan Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I am also fine.
4 Hassan Well, I want some help from you/ I need a favor from you.
5 Myself Sure, how can I help you?
6 Hassan My school has given me an assignment on physical exercise. Do you think that you can give me
some ideas on it?
7 Myself Sure, physical exercise is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound. We cannot think
of a sound mind without a sound health. Therefore, it is very necessary for us.
8 Hassan Can you tell me more?
9 Myself Yes, it also gives strength to our brain and improves our power of digestion and blood
circulation. People who take physical exercise regularly are free from various diseases.
10 Hassan Anything else?
11 Myself There are different kinds of physical exercise likes running, walking, swimming, cycling
etc. Walking and swimming are the best kind of physical exercise, which are helpful for
people of all ages. Physical exercise can make a man happy and successful in life. It
requires massive perseverance and patience. So in order to make life successful and
fruitful one should cultivate this good habit from early life.
12 Hassan Thank you very much. You were a great help. I really appreciate your suggestion.
13 Myself You are welcome. Anyway, I have to go now. It is getting late for class. Aren’t you coming?
14 Hassan Sure, you go ahead, I will catch up with you soon. I have some work I need to finish.
15 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
16 Hassan Bye and thank you again.
17 Myself You are most welcome.

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

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3. A dialogue between two friends about the good effects of morning walk.
1 Myself Hello, Hassan, how are you?
2 Hassan Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I am also fine.
4 Hassan Well, I want some help from you/ I need a favor from you.
5 Myself Sure, how can I help you?
6 Hassan My school has given me an assignment on physical exercise. Do you think that you can give me
some ideas on it?
7 Myself Sure, morning walk is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound. We cannot think of
a sound mind without a sound health. Therefore, it is very necessary for us.
8 Hassan Can you tell me more?
9 Myself Yes, it also gives strength to our brain and improves our power of digestion and blood
circulation. People who take morning walk regularly are free from various diseases.
10 Hassan Anything else?
11 Myself Morning air is fresh and full of oxygen and this air refreshes our body and mind. One who
walks in the morning can enjoy the beauty of nature, the smell of flowers and the chirping
sound of birds. Morning walk can make a man happy and successful in life. It requires
massive perseverance and patience. So in order to make life successful and fruitful one
should cultivate this good habit from early life.
12 Hassan Thank you very much. You were a great help. I really appreciate your suggestion.
13 Myself You are welcome. Anyway, I have to go now. It is getting late for class. Aren’t you coming?
14 Hassan Sure, you go ahead, I will catch up with you soon. I have some work I need to finish.
15 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
16 Hassan Bye and thank you again.
17 Myself You are most welcome.

4. A dialogue between two friends about Eradication of Illiteracy

1 Myself Hello, Hassan, how are you?
2 Hassan Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I am also fine.
4 Hassan Well, I want some help from you/ I need a favor from you.
5 Myself Sure, how can I help you?
6 Hassan My school has given me an assignment on illiteracy and how we can eradicate it. Do you think
that you can give me some ideas on it?
7 Myself Sure, Illiteracy is the state of being unable to read and write which stands on the way of
differentiating between right and wrong. The illiterate people cannot contribute to the
welfare and prosperity of the community, let alone the country. It is a major cause of the
prevailing poverty and ignorance among a large section of our community. It is compared
to darkness. It is an obstacle to personal and national development and a social curse.
8 Hassan Can you tell me more?
9 Myself Poverty is the root cause of illiteracy. Majority of our people live below the poverty line.
They do not manage two square meals a day. As a result, they cannot send their children
to schools. Lack of social awareness is another cause of illiteracy. No development efforts
can succeed unless illiteracy is eradicated.
10 Hassan Anything else? Our girls and women are the worst sufferers from illiteracy. But how can we get
rid of this problem?
11 Myself Developing awareness in all classes of people and proper implementation of plan can solve
this problem. Everybody should come forward to make possible contribution to solve this
problem. The government should make education free up to graduate level and help the
poor students financially.
12 Hassan You are right. If we develop mass awareness among the guardians, they will be aware of the
importance of education. Students like us also can encourage the illiterate guardians for sending
their children to school.

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

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Myself Exactly. If we all are sincere in words and deeds, eradicating illiteracy from our country is not
Hassan Thank you very much. You were a great help. I really appreciate your suggestion.
13 Myself You are welcome. Anyway, I have to go now. It is getting late for class. Aren’t you coming?
14 Hassan Sure, you go ahead, I will catch up with you soon. I have some work I need to finish.
15 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
16 Hassan Bye and thank you again.
17 Myself You are most welcome.

5. A dialogue between two friends about Mobile Phone

1 Myself Hello, Hassan, how are you?
2 Hassan Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I am also fine.
4 Hassan Well, I want some help from you/ I need a favor from you.
5 Myself Sure, how can I help you?
6 Hassan My school has given me an assignment on mobile phone. Do you think that you can give me
some ideas on it?
7 Myself Science has made our life easier and more comfortable. The wonder of science has made
us surprised. Mobile phone is one of them. Mobile phone is a great success of science. It
has made our lives easy and enjoyable. It has added a new dimension on our life.
8 Hassan Can you tell me more?
9 Myself It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Through a mobile phone, we can
send messages to distant places, play games and sports, know about time, solve the work
of calculation, and be aware of different kinds of news and view. At present, the popularity
of the mobile phone is increasing.
10 Hassan Anything else?
11 Myself However, it is unfortunate that it has some negative aspects too. Criminals use it for their
activities. It causes some health hazard. Scientists believe that it causes brain tumors.
Nevertheless, the whole world is dependent on it now. Besides, it has turned the whole
world into a global village. Without it, we cannot think of our modern life. We cannot
move even an inch without it.
12 Hassan Thank you very much. You were a great help. I really appreciate your suggestion.
13 Myself You are welcome. Anyway, I have to go now. It is getting late for class. Aren’t you coming?
14 Hassan Sure, you go ahead, I will catch up with you soon. I have some work I need to finish.
15 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
16 Hassan Bye and thank you again.
17 Myself You are most welcome.

6. A dialogue between you and your friend about your aims in life.
1 Myself Where are you going, Shanto?
2 Shanto To my free literacy center. Don’t you know I have opened a free school for the poor children?
3 Myself Oh, yes. I have heard but I wonder how you have started serving people at this young age?
4 Shanto Yes, I know but it is not very difficult at all. All you need is patience. After all what may be
better work than serving people?
5 Myself What is your aim in life?
6 Shanto To become an Army officer. I think there is hardly any profession like it to sacrifice one for the
cause of motherland.
7 Myself Right Shanto. I agree with you. I also want to spend my life for the betterment of the poor, sick
and distressed people.
8 Shanto Then, what is your aim in life?
9 Myself I want to become a doctor. For this purpose, I am in the way of preparing myself for the future.
10 Shanto It is really a noble profession. However, it would be nobler if you give free treatment to them.
“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”
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11 Myself Of course. Serving by giving free treatment to the poor people is my dream. Pray for me to Allah
for my success.
12 Shanto Why not? Pray for me too.
13 Myself Ok, bye for now. See you.
14 Shanto Bye, see you.

7. A dialogue between two friends about Tree Plantation.

1 Myself Hello, Hassan, how are you?
2 Hassan Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I am also fine.
4 Hassan Well, I want some help from you/ I need a favor from you.
5 Myself Sure, how can I help you?
6 Hassan My school has given me an assignment on tree plantation. Do you think that you can give me
some ideas on it?
7 Myself Sure, trees play an important role in our life and economy. Planting trees is a noble work
as trees and plants supply oxygen, the most vital thing for our survival. Besides, they are
a great source of food and vitamins.
8 Hassan Can you tell me more?
9 Myself Trees also provide us with fruits, flowers and timber for furniture. They give shade and
shelter to many people. They make the land fertile and save land from erosion. They
attract rains, prevent drought, control flood and maintain ecological balance. All these
things will be hampered, if there is lack of sufficient trees.
10 Hassan How can we prevent it then?
11 Myself Plenty of seedlings and saplings need to be planted on both sides of roads and in the unused
barren lands around our houses. It is impossible to describe the importance and uses of
trees in words. They are a part and parcel of our day to day life. In fact, tree plantation is
necessary for the maintenance of ecological balance.
12 Hassan Thank you very much. You were a great help. I really appreciate your suggestion.
13 Myself You are welcome. Anyway, I have to go now. It is getting late for class. Aren’t you coming?
14 Hassan Sure, you go ahead, I will catch up with you soon. I have some work I need to finish.
15 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
16 Hassan Bye and thank you again.
17 Myself You are most welcome.

8. A dialogue between two friends about the preparation for the exam / on
coming / ensuing examination / progress of studies.
1 Myself Hello, Hassan, how are you?
2 Hassan Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I am fine but feeling a little bit nervous. What about you?
4 Hassan I am also fine. Why do you feel nervous?
5 Myself I am afraid of the examination.
6 Hassan Haven’t you completed your studies?
7 Myself I have finished all the subjects but my preparation in English is not so well.
8 Hassan Do not worry. I am sure you will be able to cover up. How is your preparation in Mathematics?
9 Myself I am afraid I may not do well in Math also.
10 Hassan Actually, Math is difficult to all. You have sharp memory and I am sure you will do well. What
about other subjects?
11 Myself I have finished most of the subjects. All they need is just revision.
12 Hassan Do you make your hand notes for all the subjects?
13 Myself No, I do not get much time for making hand notes but I have tried my best.
14 Hassan Do you collect any hand notes from your teachers and friends?

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

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15 Myself Yes, I have collected most of the hand notes from my class teachers and my friends also helped
me with their notes.
16 Hassan Really, then do not worry you will get good marks in the exam.
17 Myself Thank you friend for your inspiration.
18 Hassan It is my pleasure.

9. A dialogue between you and a doctor on your illness.

1 Myself May I come in, Sir?
2 Doctor Yes, come in. Please have your seat and let me know your problem.
3 Myself Thank you sir. I’ve been suffering from fever for a week. I need an immediate cure as my exam
is near at hand.
4 Doctor Do not get worried. Everything will be all right. Let me check you up thoroughly.
5 Myself I have cough also along with my fever.
6 Doctor Okay, I see. When do you feel high temperature?
7 Myself It's usually at around 5 pm to 10 pm.
8 Doctor Do you feel any shivering sensation then?
9 Myself Yes, I do.
10 Doctor Do you get thirst then?
11 Myself Yes, It feels like I could drink very cold water.
12 Doctor Did you take any sort of treatment previously?
13 Myself Yes, I was under the treatment of a village doctor.
14 Doctor Please, show me the prescription.
15 Myself Here it is, Sir.
16 Doctor Oh, I see. You are suffering from malaria. He has prescribed you some medicines but you need
a higher dose.
17 Myself What can I do now, Doctor?
18 Doctor There is nothing to worry. Here is your new prescription. Have these medicines and hopefully
you will feel well pretty soon.
19 Myself Thank you, Sir.

20 Doctor You are most welcome.

10. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of learning

1 Myself Hello, Hassan, how are you?
2 Hassan Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I am also fine. What are you doing?
4 Hassan I am reading an article about the importance of learning English.
5 Myself Nice! Actually, English is essential in our every walk of life.
6 Hassan Of course. It is an international language. In this age of globalization, it plays an important role
for communication.
7 Myself However, it is unfortunate that we are far away from it.
8 Hassan Oh! It is disgraceful. We must change this situation if we want to keep pace with the modern
9 Myself Right. Our international relations and trade will be affected much if we do not learn English
10 Hassan Without efficiency in English, none can expect to receive higher studies as all the books on
higher studies are written in English.
11 Myself Yes, it is only English that can help us to enter the storehouse of knowledge.
12 Hassan Absolutely.
13 Myself A sound command over English is a prerequisite for good job and good salary.

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

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14 Hassan You are right.
15 Myself In fact, the importance of learning this language cannot be described in words. We must study
and practice English seriously. Anyway, I have to go now. It is getting late for class. Aren’t you
16 Hassan Sure, you go ahead, I will catch up with you soon. I have some work I need to finish.
17 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
18 Hassan Bye.

11. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of reading

1 Myself Hello, Hassan, how are you?
2 Hassan Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I am also fine. Where are you going?
4 Hassan I am going to buy a newspaper.
5 Myself Do you read newspaper regularly?
6 Hassan Yes, it is an indispensable part of my daily life. Newspaper is a mirror of the world.
7 Myself Of course, We get various types of news in a newspaper such as current affairs, trade and
commerce, literature, games and sports, etc.
8 Hassan You are right. That is why newspaper is called the storehouse of knowledge. Without reading
it, we cannot keep pace with the modern world.
9 Myself Absolutely. Those who do not read newspaper remain frogs of the well.
10 Hassan Right you are. At the same time, newspapers are very helpful for our studies. Mere bookish
knowledge is not sufficient.
11 Myself However, you should keep in mind that sometimes false news leads to many mishaps.
12 Hassan Of course. But, there is nothing unmixed blessing in this world. We cannot deny the importance
of reading newspaper in any way.
13 Myself I support you. Which section of a newspaper do you like most?
14 Hassan I like the general knowledge section and literary articles. Which section do you like most?
15 Myself I like the study page and editorial column most. Anyway, I have to go now. It is getting late for
class. Aren’t you coming?
16 Hassan Sure, you go ahead, I will catch up with you soon. I have some work I need to finish.
17 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
18 Hassan Bye.

12. A dialogue on merits and demerits of city life and country/village/rural

1 Myself Hello, Shova! How’re you?
2 Shova Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I’m not so fine. I am fed up with my city life, so I’m going to my village home today.
4 Shova What do you mean? I can understand nothing. Please let me know in detail.
5 Myself Life in the city seems to me very artificial. I’m bored of this city life.
6 Shova What are the troubles you face?
7 Myself Noise, crowd, dirt, smoke, bad smell and what not?
8 Shova It means you prefer a dull, sluggish life among a set of illiterate people. There is no charm, no
entertainment, no cinema, no theatre, and not even a good road.
9 Myself But you’ve forgotten to mention the green fields and the streams, the smile of flowers in village.
Though people are illiterate there, they are simple, innocent and sympathetic.
10 Shova It is poet's dream!
11 Myself But there is beauty of nature, peace and sacred happiness everywhere.
12 Shova You must know that beauty does not help one in practical life. There are no doctor, no hospital,
no good school in villages.
13 Myself But you can have fresh food, milk, fish, and vegetables in villages.

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

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14 Shova Okay, live in your village and leave me for the city.
15 Myself Certainly! However, I would appreciate if you visit my village. Thank you.
16 Shova You’re most welcome.
17 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
18 Shova Bye.

13. A dialogue between two friends about importance of acquiring computer

1 Myself Hi, Shova! How’re you?
2 Shova Hello. I am fine. What about you?
3 Myself I’m also fine. Now tell me how was your introductory class on computer today?
4 Shova It was very good. I have learnt many things about computer and its usefulness.
5 Myself Can you tell me the usefulness of a computer?
6 Shova Sure. Nowadays it has become very essential everywhere. In fact, modern life cannot be
imagined without the uses of computer.
7 Myself Do you think it can calculate faster than a trained mathematician can?
8 Shova Of course. It can do calculation faster than human beings can. It also helps us to store data
process and recall them in time of need. In fact, life is very easy with computer.
9 Myself What other things a computer can do besides calculations?
10 Shova It can run internet, play chess, compose music, and many other things. It is also being used
vastly in educational institutions, banks, offices, railway stations, medical profession, space
centers and everywhere else.
11 Myself You really have known much about the importance of computer. Do you have any intention to
acquire computer knowledge?
12 Shova Yes, as it has become a part and parcel of our modern life I must learn it at any cost.
13 Myself Bye then. See you soon.
14 Shova Bye.

14. Make a dialogue between two friends about frequent road accidents.
1 Myself Hi, how're you?
2 Friend Not well, I'm really sad.
3 Myself What's the problem? You look too pale!
4 Friend I witnessed a road accident yesterday. It was too frightening. I cannot forget it.
5 Myself How did it occur?
6 Friend The passerby was crossing the road and the bus hit the man. The man died on the spot. The road
became wet by his blood.
7 Myself I witnessed the incident also.
8 Friend Was the driver arrested by the police?
9 Myself No, he ran away but people broke and burned the bus. They also broke some other buses there.
10 Friend Oh, it is really unexpected!
11 Myself Can you imagine how pathetic it is!
12 Friend But this type of accident occurs daily. How can it be solved?
13 Myself The accident could have been avoided. The passerby should have used the over-bridge.
14 Friend Well, but the driver was insincere.
15 Myself I think, public awareness can minimize the problem. People should use over-bridge or Zebra-
crossing to cross the road.
16 Friend Strict punishment against the drivers can be helpful. If anybody violates traffic rules, he should
be strictly punished.
17 Myself Thank you for your logical argument.
18 Friend You're welcome.

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

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15. A dialogue between myself and my friend about Dengue fever.
1 Myself Hi, You look very pensive today. What happened?
2 Friend Actually, I am a little bit tensed about Dengue fever. Nowadays, many people are being attacked
by Dengue.
3 Myself Really, that's a matter of concern. Yesterday, I came to know that three people died of dengue
in our city.
4 Friend What causes dengue?
5 Myself The main reason of Dengue is female aedes mosquitos. They bear the viruses of Dengue fever.
The usually bit people in the morning and evening.
6 Friend What is the best solution of Dengue?
7 Myself Well. You might have heard that prevention is better than cure. Aedes mosquitoes lay their egg
on stagnant water that is more than 3 days. Therefore, we should make our surrounding neat
and clean.
8 Friend Thanks for giving me this information. Could you tell me about symptoms?
9 Myself Suffering from severe headache, having pain behind the eyes, experiencing nausea and fatigue,
experiencing severe joint and muscle pain, skin rash, which may appear two to five days after
the onset of fever. You will get sever fever. There may be bleeding in your eyes, teeth or lips.
10 Friend What to do if anyone gets affected with dengue?
11 Myself One should immediately consult a doctor. After proper treatment, dengue can be cured.
12 Friend You're right. At the same time, government should make people aware about the symptoms of
dengue and how to tackle it.
13 Myself Yep. We should use mosquito-curtain when we sleep for our safety.
14 Friend Nice to have a healthy discussion about Dengue. Thank you very much.
15 Myself Thank you too. Bye.

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

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