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Sensations of the heartP a g e | 1

Who could have imagined that a mother could send her 8 year old son to jail .Just to cover up her crimes she
did such an awful thing.That is Park Fernandez story of his childhood.He was a very rude person with a very
arrogant attitude until he met an outgoing girl Veronica, she was beautiful rich and attitude like girl and she
was the only one to put Park into his place. The moment Veronica entered Parks life ,it changed forever,he
began to experience feelings of pain,romance ,love and happiness.Just like all the other love stories they too
hated each other first .Their hatred brought them closer to each other without them noticing .Will this two
ever find their hearts to love or will it remain lost forever?


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BRIGHT SPARK COLLEGE 1435hrs class 3456
It was a study time so every one was to sit in their classroom and read.In class 3456 everybody was reading but
disturbed by a phone which was playing music in a loud volume, the phone belonged to Park Fernandez who
was singing along with the song.
Lovely:Park you are disturbing us please switch off your phone we want to read
Park :am I holding your books? No right? So if you are so desperate to read then get your fucking book and
read in that damn library……..Bitch
Lovely :never call me a bitch you imbicile boy, God knows why you are like this
Park:stop mumbling ugly fellow
Lovely :I promise if you don”t switch off your phone I will report you now
Park:[he stood up]look bby girl you can report me I don’t care for now excuse me I don’t like talking to fools[he
increased the volume]nobody shall touch my phone[then he left]
After a few minutes a pretty girl with light skin and sexy ball eyes came in .She was wearing a blue short dress
with glitters on top and matching high heels.When she got inside the classroom she took off her sunglasses
and cracked a smile.
Veronica:excuse me
Veronica:is this class 3456
Lovely :yah……but who are you
Veronica:never mind ……..but……am your new classmate[then she went and sat in the corner besidesPark’s
Then everyone continued reading ignoringPark’s music while Veronica was annoyed
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Veronica:excuse me ,who is this stupid fool who left his phone playing music
Kevin:its…its….we are afraid of him
Veronica:why? is he some kind of a monster
Veronica:no need to tell me,let me deal with him.If he is a moster then am a demon[she stood up and took
Park’s phone.she threw it towards the door and went to her chair]
The phone fell right on Park’s leg who was entering the classroom
Park:who dared to throw my phone like this ,who the heck is that!!!!!👺👺👺👺
Precious:[whispering]now there is gonna be war😏😏😏
Lovely:may the lord save the innocent girl😥😥😥😥😥😥
Park:I said tell me damn it!who did this?who the fuck….😣😣😣😣
Veronica😫😫wait,wait,wait,wait a minute before you say anything[she stood up and confronted him]u want
to know who threw your phone…… you go….[she slapped him] I did …..what now
Park:how dare you!😣😣
Veronica: I can dare anything😂😂😂😂
Park: you have the audacity to stand in front of me and slap me after you broke my phone
Veronica:do you think you are the only one who has this phone over here☹☹☹☹
Park:yes nobody else can have a similar phone like Park Fernandez cause its expensive,you can’t afford it
Veronica: am sorry but it seems like I also have a similar phone[she showed her phone and kept it ontop of the
table]so you think you can disturb us with your fucken music and I will keep quiet
Park: who are you to say that…… is my personal phone and persona music so its none of your business
Veronica: oh really but seems like you forgot this isn’t your personal bedroom but a professional place
Park: oh really
Precious:seems like this one is fire and the other one is fuel[whispering]
Lovely:shush! enjoy the scene
Park: I don’t like talking to fools
Veronica: neither do I so please kindly stop with this arrogance of yours and please don’t show me your
attitude .it doesn’t make you a hero
Park:don’t you even dare
Veronica:may you please go to your chair……….seems like you are disturbing the class [then she took his
broken phone and put it on his hand]
Park:whatever[he threw the phone away and went to his chair]
Veronica:Oops![then she also went to her chair besides Park]
Park :nxla [ he looked away]
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