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BEING BEAUTIFUL A NOTE TO THE PARENTS Every parent and child's different. Even the most confident, happy and healthy families may strgle with body image issues. Body image that is one’s perception of how he/she looks isa big part of your child's self-esteem. These days there is tremendous pressure (on young students to “look right” If children don't like the way they look or are dissatisfied with their bodies, their seitesteer will sutfer. How they see themselves is influenced by many factors Their home environment, other kids at school, and commercials and ‘media all influence them, How they see themselves can affect every aspect oftheir lives — either negatively or positively. Iafects their choices, It can impact their ability to meet people and make friends. It can prevent them from wanting to try new things or even seek ‘out higher education. In extreme cases students may even develop anxiety and depression, PARENTS CAN PLAY A CRUCIAL ROLE IN ENCOURAGING A SENSE OF GOOD BODY IMAGE IN KIDS. 1. Watch your words: avoid saying things like, "I look so fat in this,” or “I don’t look in these cloths” Your child is listening and learning from you. Show confi- o° dence in your body as well as about yourself. Mothers need to model, to some degree, body comfort, acceptance, and a preciation for what their bodies allow them to do 2. Focusing on substance not on external: while discussing about someone itis better we focus on that person's contribution in other life or qualities one pos: e sess rather than his/her body appearance ° 3. Help child understand the wrong defin Talk about gender and body stereotypes in ads and media, View content with your child and when you see commercials or TV shows or movies that feature women in skimpy costumes or make unhealthy foods look tempting, talk about what's wrong with these images. 4. Talking with student: Another important aspect is communication. Talking to your children - even relatively young children about issues around body image. in fan age appropriate way can help. It is important for young people to know that their parents care about how they feel. Even if you strongly disagree with their Views or think their concerns are unreasonable, parents should be careful not to invalidate their young person's feelings. Ch rer re ee ne ern ister onc i pwn eta Boorse Ws esemar a aos ats tara SII nee cuhien were rat worth woryingand hoy everzome the Shaving personal strcs ates help.oe to ope phar ond hare Races cee ery eet ere! SD ne at raett oeata a eco etc ccs Pea nentemtnmanctcem eters eta 2 ee eee ere ne eee ee ene oe

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