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n a dimly lit laboratory in London, a brown
mouse explores a circular tabletop, sniff-
ing as it ambles about. Suddenly, silently,
a shadow appears.

In a split second, the mouse’s brain
whirs with activity. Neurons in its mid-
brain start to fire, sensing the threat of
a potential predator, and a cascade of
activity in an adjacent region orders its body
to choose a response — freeze to the spot in the
hope of going undetected, or run for shelter,
in this case a red acetate box stationed nearby.
From the mouse’s perspective, this is life or
death. But the shadow wasn’t cast by a preda-
Armed with technologies to track a tor. Instead, it is the work of neuroscientists in
Tiago Branco’s lab, who have rigged up a plastic
creature’s every move, researchers are disc on a lever to provoke, and thereby study,

gaining insights into animal — and

the mouse’s escape behaviour. This is a rapid
decision-making process that draws on sensory

human — behaviour. By Kerri Smith

information, previous experience and instinct.
Branco, a neuroscientist at the Sainsbury
Wellcome Centre at University College Lon-
don, has wondered about installing a taxider-
mied owl on a zip wire to create a more realistic
experience. And his colleagues have more
ideas — cutting the disc into a wingspan shape,
for instance. “Having drones — that would

448 | Nature | Vol 618 | 15 June 2023

also be very nice,” says Dario Campagner, a CATALOGUING BEHAVIOURS
researcher in Branco’s lab. Using cameras that track movement in three
The set-up is part of a growing movement to dimensions, scientists have catalogued dozens of
spontaneous mouse behaviours, or ‘syllables’,
step away from some of the lab experiments and the sequences in which they typically occur.
that neuroscientists have used for decades Behaviours such as rearing, diving and moving
around can then be matched to brain activity in
to understand the brain and behaviour. Such some experimental set-ups.
exercises — training an animal to use a lever Behavioural ‘syllables’
or joystick to get a reward, for example, or
Depth sensor
watching it swim through a water maze —
have established important principles of brain Brain-activity
activity and organization. But they take days recorder
to months of training an animal to complete
specific, idiosyncratic tasks. The end result,
Branco says, is like studying a “professional
athlete”; the brain might work differently in

the messy, unpredictable real world.

Mice didn’t evolve to operate a joystick. Paused rear Dive Movement
Meanwhile, many behaviours that come natu-
rally — such as escaping a predator, or finding Dutch biologist Niko Tinbergen, considered Institute of Technology in Lausanne debuted
scarce food or a receptive mate — are extremely one of the founders of ethology, would spend an open-source, motion-tracking software
important for the animal, says Ann Kennedy, hours sitting on sand dunes on the North package called DeepLabCut2 in 2018, which
a theoretical neuroscientist at Northwestern Sea coast jotting down descriptions of gull has been installed 500,000 times. And other,
University in Chicago, Illinois. They are “critical behaviour. (He won the 1973 Nobel Prize in similar packages have emerged.
to survival, and under selective pressure”, she Physiology or Medicine for his contributions “We have the tools to answer these big ques-
says. By studying these natural actions, scien- to ethology, alongside two other scientists.) tions about what gives rise to behaviour, which
tists are hoping to glean lessons about the brain These biologists studied natural behaviour is so fundamental to who we are,” says Mathis.
and behaviour that are more holistic and more in some depth, but “they never got to the brain, “I don’t see a limit.”
relevant to everyday activity than ever before. because they couldn’t”, says Branco. By con- Already, the young field is producing a slew
As neuroscientists continue to hone their trast, scientists who have been able to explore of insights into the diversity of animal behav-
naturalistic set-ups using the latest technolo- the brain have a limited palette of behaviours iour and how the brain creates it.
gies for brain imaging and behaviour tracking, that are accessible for study.
they are finding better, more nuanced ways to Some teams, such as Branco’s, are studying Act natural
use animals to study pain responses and con- specific behaviours while recording brain Some discoveries question long-held ideas
ditions such as Down’s syndrome and autism. activity using electrodes mounted on animals’ about why animals behave the way they do.
Others are rethinking popular theories about heads. Downstairs from his team’s fake-pred- For instance, researchers have often suggested
aggression and fear. And some are looking for ator experiments, for instance, researchers at that the behaviour of female animals is made
ways in which these methods could enable the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre are tracking more variable by hormones that govern the
richer studies of human behaviour, says Sarah animals as they seek food. The team has built menstrual cycle, such as oestrogen. But when
Lisanby, a psychiatrist who directs the Division an arena with little wheels embedded in the Datta’s team left mice to explore an environ-
of Translational Research at the US National floor. When a mouse digs at the wheels, cereal ment, the team found that, overall, female
Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, pellets pop out at a rate chosen by the scien- behaviour was less variable than that of males,
Maryland. That could be a game-changer for tists. The goal is to reproduce the variability and that oestrogen levels had little effect on
research into some psychiatric conditions. of food sources in the wild. behaviour3.
“Until we understand the brain basis of what Other labs let the mice mind their own Studying mice fighting each other led Ken-
goes on for individuals when they are experi- business, and catalogue what they do from nedy and her colleagues — who at the time were
encing symptoms, we’ll continue to not effec- moment to moment. Even seemingly simple members of neurobiologist David Anderson’s
tively serve them,” says Lisanby, who in the past behaviour has a complexity that is interest- lab at the California Institute of Technology in
year helped to launch more than US$25 million ing to neuroscientists, says Datta. “Running Pasadena — to rehabilitate a classic ethological
in funding for research to quantify natural in an empty bucket in the dark represents a theory that had fallen out of favour. The idea,
behaviours in humans and other animals. significant cognitive challenge to the animal,” from Austrian ethologist Konrad Lorenz, who
Researchers in the field acknowledge that he says. Using 3D imaging, Datta and his col- shared the 1973 Nobel prize with Tinbergen,
there is a lot to learn about their new set-ups, leagues have catalogued a ‘grammar’ of mouse was that an internal signal of aggression builds
and the utility of the approach is an open ques- body language, broken into simple modular up until it tips the animal into action. Some
tion. “Do we really learn more by letting ani- actions or ‘syllables’ such as rearing up on the critics thought the model was overly simplis-
mals do what they want?” asks Sandeep Robert hind legs or bobbing the head1. They have used tic, lacked a neurobiological basis and didn’t
Datta, a neuroscientist at Harvard Medical it to look at how different stimuli or genetic account for learning.
School in Boston, Massachusetts, who studies manipulations might change the patterns of Kennedy and her colleagues, however,
naturalistic mouse behaviour. “Collectively actions (see ‘Cataloguing behaviours’). found evidence for the process in mice4. When
we’re just getting started.” The computing power and analytical a mouse interacted with another, a group
techniques needed to record, automatically of neurons in the hypothalamus gradually
Back to the wild track and catalogue hours of behaviour ramped up activity to a level that correlated
The approach takes cues from early etholo- have become available only in the past five with what the mouse did. At low levels, the ani-
gists, who studied natural behaviour through years — aided by machine learning. This has mal might freeze or ignore the other mouse.
detailed diary entries and long-running activ- set the field in motion. For example, neurosci- But as levels built up over tens of seconds,
ity logs of their favourite birds or insects. entist Mackenzie Mathis at the Swiss Federal it might show signs of aggression, such as

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trying to mount the other mouse. At high lev- which are both considering adopting natural- and 2025, as part of its BRAIN Initiative, for
els, mice began to attack others outright. The istic assays in drug discovery. Other groups are researchers who wish to develop systems that
neurons seem to function like a volume dial for also working on naturalistic models of pain. track behaviour and brain activity in humans.
aggression — and what’s more, the levels vary “There is a lack of access to what the brain is
between mice, with some creatures almost Better science doing when people engage in complex behav-
never attacking and some quick to do so4. Studying natural behaviour has produced iour,” says Lisanby, who helped to develop this
Other experiments refine previous theories some interesting findings — but it could also and other funding opportunities to support
of how the brain controls the body. Decades of improve neuroscience more broadly. naturalistic neuroscience.
studies had suggested that a region called the At the NIMH, neuroscientist Yogita Chu- Human psychiatric conditions such as obses-
amygdala governs fear, “and that everything dasama directs the Rodent Behavioural Core, sive compulsive disorder, can manifest in the
that deals with defensive response has to a centralized facility that helps researchers lab and be studied in a scanner. But most epi-
involve the amygdala”, says Branco. When his across the National Institutes of Health (NIH) sodes occur at home, where it is a huge chal-
team looked at mice escaping from a predator, to characterize rat and mouse behaviour. Her lenge to monitor brain activity while people
they found a circuit that acts as a shortcut from unit is setting up equipment that will allow are mobile. Lisanby hopes that the NIH fund will
a mouse’s eyes to the back of its brain, where researchers to collect data on spontaneous help researchers to develop tools for measuring
it can initiate the movement for escape5. Later behaviours over long time periods to decrease the brain and behaviour outside the lab. This
on, the mouse’s amygdala might help it to learn variability in experiments and make the find- might include sensors that people can wear at
from the experience — but the mouse doesn’t ings more reliable. In a typical experiment, home, and mobile brain-recording devices that
need this region in the moment. an animal might be lifted from its home cage are better than those currently available.
and taken somewhere else to be observed. In such a new field, there are plenty of teeth-
Pause over pain But this new environment could affect how it ing problems. Abdus-Saboor says that it can
Some research into natural behaviours might behaves. Longer-term observation flattens out be hard to find researchers who have the mix
already have clinical implications. Ishmail variables that might be affecting the animal. of skills required. “Most experimentalists are
Abdus-Saboor at Columbia University in New Furthermore, an environment with less human not trained in mathematics, computation,
York City and his colleagues use naturally interference will allow the rodent to behave computer science and coding. So we do find
behaving mice to study pain, hoping to build a more naturally than it would in a constrained a disconnect,” he says. Last year, he and oth-
better picture of its causes and potential treat- setting. The next step would be to integrate ers started a course for graduate students and
ments than standard models allow. “If you see brain-activity recording. postdoctoral researchers at The Jackson Lab
the doctor for pain, it’s not because you sat at Some researchers using the core facility on quantifying behaviour.
home and someone poked you in a constrained are monitoring animals for the long term, to Many scientists have ambitious plans for
area,” he says. It’s because walking hurts or compare those in which a particular gene has the young field. A lot of teams, including
lying in bed gives you back pain. “We haven’t Branco’s, have dreams of tracking more than
been measuring that in animal models.” “There is a lack of access one animal, and over timescales of weeks to
In 2021, a team led by Abdus-Saboor and months. They hope to understand how the
Victoria Abraira, a neuroscientist at Rutgers
to what the brain is doing brain chooses between behaviours, to mon-
University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, pub- when people engage in itor the social dynamics of groups and even
lished a preprint showing that a commonly complex behaviour.” to study how brains lay down memories or
used anti-inflammatory painkiller called plan for the future. To track multiple animals,
meloxicam seemed to work fine when tested neural recording would need to be wireless to
in a standard pain assay, but not when the mice either been left intact or mutated in a way that prevent cables from getting tangled and use
were behaving spontaneously. This suggested disrupts its function. Some of the changes that advanced algorithms to track movements.
that the animals were still in pain but that con- result can be subtle. “We believe that by look- Existing systems can have trouble distinguish-
ventional tests were missing something6. ing over long timescales, we will see nuances ing between animals when they interact and
In both set-ups, mice were given an injection of behavioural impairments,” says Chudasama. overlap, especially if they are similar sizes and
in their paw that causes inflammation, and then Vivek Kumar, a neurogeneticist at The Jack- colours. Mathis wants to catalogue mouse
received the painkiller. In the standard test for son Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, is also behaviour over an animal’s lifetime, and use
sensitivity to pain, the scientists subjected the looking for ways to improve animal models. He the information to create ‘digital twin’ mouse
paw to heat and saw that the mice had a minimal has been studying behaviour in animal models models to be used as a reference.
response, suggesting the drug was working. of Down’s syndrome and autism — conditions Researchers acknowledge that conventional
But when the team observed mice behav- that come with cognitive changes that are approaches are not going away. Although they
ing spontaneously, they noticed that certain hard to reproduce in animals. But by looking are excited by the new wave of technologies,
actions, such as rearing onto the hind legs, per- instead at movement, which is much simpler they are realistic about how much the latest
sisted — the mice were still showing symptoms to do, Kumar has found that animals with gene methods can achieve. “These tools aren’t
of pain. “This was quite provocative and a little variants related to these conditions display dif- magic. They’re just a pair of glasses,” says
shocking and alarming,” says Abdus-Saboor. ferences in gait7. If these differences are caused Datta. “They help us look.”
Spontaneous behaviours revealed a more by the same genes or circuits as the cognitive
complex side of the pain response, such as changes, says Kumar, then an intervention for Kerri Smith is a features editor for Nature in
the way an injured foot can change the way a one could influence the other. The team hopes London.
person walks. Perhaps animal models are not to use tests of motor behaviours to screen hun-
capturing the full experience of pain, says dreds of compounds for their effects on gait. 1. Wiltschko, A. B. et al. Neuron 88, 1121–1135 (2015).
2. Mathis, A. et al. Nature Neurosci. 21, 1281–1289 (2018).
Abdus-Saboor — which could explain why 3. Levy, D. R. et al. Curr. Biol. 33, 1358–1364 (2023).
painkillers that seem to work in rodents have Cash injection 4. Remedios, R. et al. Nature 550, 388–392 (2017).
often failed in human trials. The interest in natural behaviour is spread- 5. Evans, D. A. et al. Nature 558, 590–594 (2018).
6. Bohic, M. et al. Preprint at bioRxiv https://doi.
Abdus-Saboor consults for the US pharma- ing from animals to humans, and with it lots of org/10.1101/2021.06.16.448689 (2021).
ceutical companies Eli Lilly and Doloromics, cash. The NIH will dish out $20 million in 2024 7. Sheppard, K. et al. Cell Rep. 38, 110231 (2022).

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