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10. The adjusted value of an observed quantity may contain
1. Accuracy is a term which indicates the degree of (a) small gross errors.
conformity of a measurement to its (b) small systematic errors.
(a) most probable value. (c) small random errors.
(b) mean value. (d) all the above.
(c) true value.
(d) standard error. 11. One of the characteristics of random errors is that
(a) small errors occur as frequently as the large errors.
2. Precision is a term which indicates the degree of (b) plus errors occur more frequently than the negative
conformity of errors.
(a) measured value to its true value. (c) small errors occur more frequently than the large
(b) measured value to its mean value. errors.
(c) measured value to its weighted mean value. (d) large errors may occur more frequently.
(d) repeated measurements of the same quantity to each
other. 12. If the standard error of each tape length used to measure
a length is ± 0.01 m. the standard error
3. Theory of probability is applied to in 4 tape lengths will be
(a) gross errors. (a) 0.01 m.
(b) systematic errors. (b) 0.02 m.
(c) random errors. (c) 0.04 m.
(d) all the above. (d) 0.16 m.

4. Residual of a measured quantity is the LESSON 2 – DISTANCE MEASUREMENT

(a) difference of the observed value from its most 1. A metallic tape is
probable value. (a) a tape made of any metal.
(b) value obtained by adding the most probable value to its (b) another name of a steel tape.
true value. (c) another name of an invar tape.
(c) remainder of the division of the true value by its most (d) is a tape of water proof fabric into which metal wires
probable value. are woven.
(d) product of the most probable value and the observed
2. Spring balance in linear measurements is used
(a) to know the weight of the tape
5. If the standard deviation of a quantity is ± 1″, the (b) to apply the desired pull.
maximum error would be (c) to know the standard pull at the time of measurement.
(a) 2.39″. (b) 3.29″. (d) none of the above.
(c) 2.93″. (d) 9.23″.
3. Ranging in distance measurements is
6. If the standard deviation of an observation is ± 10 m, the (a) another name of taping.
most probable error would be (b) a process of establishing intermediate points on a line.
(a) 6.745 m. (c) putting the ranging rod on the hill top for reciprocal
(b) 20 m. ranging.
(c) 10 m. (d) a process of determining the intersection of two straight
(d) 0.6745 m. lines.

7. The systematic errors 4. Reciprocal ranging is employed when

(a) are always positive. (a) the two ends of a line are not intervisible.
(b) are always negative. (b) one end of a line is inaccessible.
(c) may be positive or negative. (c) both the ends are inaccessible.
(d) have same sign as the gross errors. (d) the ends of the line are not visible even from
intermediate points.
8. Variance of a quantity is an indicator of
(a) precision. 5. The following expression gives the relative accuracy in
(b) accuracy. linear measurements when the slope angle
(c) randomness. is .
(d) regular nature.

9. In the case of a function y = f(x1,x2), the error in y is

computed as
15. If the vertical angle from one station to another 100 m
6. If the slope angle 64°08’07” is measured to an accuracy apart, is 60°, the staff intercept for a tacheometer with k =
of 10” the expected relative accuracy in 100 and c = 0, would be
the linear measurements is (a) 1.
(a) 1/10. (b) 4.
(b) 1/100. (c) 5.
(c) 1/1000. (d) 0.1.
(d) 1/10000.
16. Electronic distance measurement instruments use
7. The temperature correction and pull correction (a) X-rays.
(a) may have same sign. (b) Sound waves.
(b) always have same sign. (c) Light waves.
(c) always have opposite signs. (d) Magnetic flux.
(d) always have positive sign.
17. Modern EDM instruments work on the principle of
8. The sag corrections on hills measuring
(a) is positive. (a) the reflected energy generated by electromagnetic waves.
(b) is negative. (b) total time taken by electromagnetic wave in travelling
(c) may be either positive or negative. the distance.
(d) is zero (c) the change in frequency of the electromagnetic waves.
(d) the phase difference between the transmitted and the
9. The correction for reduced length on the mean sea level is reflected electromagnetic waves.
proportional to
(a) H. (b) H2. 18. The range of infrared EDM instrument is generally
(c) 1/H. (d) 1/2H. limited to measuring the distances
where H is the mean elevation of the line. (a) 2 to 3 km.
(b) 20 to 30 km.
10. If the difference in the levels of the two ends of a 50 m (c) 200 to 300 km.
long line is 1 m and its ends are out of alignment by 5 m (d) more than 300 km.
then the corrections for slope (cs) and alignment (cm) are
related to each other as 19. Electromagnetic waves are unaffected by
(a) cs = 4cm. (b) cs = 0.4cm. (a) air temperature.
(c) cs = 0.04cm. (d) cs = 0.004cm. (b) atmospheric pressure.
(c) vapour pressure.
11. Stadia is a form of tacheometric measurements that (d) wind speed.
relies on
(a) fixed intercept. LESSON 3 – LEVELLING
(b) fixed angle intercept 1. A datum surface in levelling is a
(c) varying angle intercept (a) horizontal surface.
(d) none of the above. (b) vertical surface.
(c) level surface.
12. The tacheometric method of surveying is generally (d) non of the above.
preferred for
(a) providing primary control. 2. Reduced level of a point is its height or depth above or
(b) large scale survey. below
(c) fixing points with highest precision. (a) the ground surface.
(d) difficult terrain. (b) the assumed datum.
(c) assumed horizontal surface.
13. If two points A and B 125 m apart, have difference in (d) the line of collimation.
elevation of 0.5 m, the slope correction to
the measured length is 3. The correction for the atmospheric refraction is equal to
(a) + 0.001 m. (a) + 1/7 of the correction for curvature of the earth.
(b) 0.001 m. (b) 1/7 of the correction for curvature of the earth.
(c) + 0.0125 m. (c) + 6/7 of the correction for curvature of the earth.
(d) 0.001 m. (d) 6/7 of the correction for curvature of the earth.

14. The branch of surveying in which an optical instrument 4. If the back sight reading at point A is greater than the fore
is used too determine both horizontal sight reading at point B then
and vertical positions, is known as (a) A is higher than B.
(a) Tachemetry. (b) B is higher than A.
(b) Tachometry. (c) height of the instrument is required to know which point
(c) Tacheometry. is higher.
(d) Telemetry. (d) instrument position is required to know which point is
2. The error in the horizontal circle readings, is due to
5. Change points in levelling are (a) the late axis bubble not being parallel to the line of
(a) the instrument stations that are changed from one collimation.
position to another. (b) the line of sight not being parallel to the telescope axis.
(b) the staff stations that are changed from point to point to (c) the line of collimation not being perpendicular to the
obtain the reduced levels of the points. trunion axis.
(c) the staff stations of known elevations. (d) none of the above.
(d) the staff stations where back sight and fore sight
readings are taken. 3. The error in the horizontal circle readings due the line of
collimation not being perpendicular to
6. Balancing of sights mean the trunion axis is eliminated by
(a) making fore sight reading equal to back sight reading. (a) taking readings on the different parts of the horizontal
(b) making the line of collimation horizontal. circle.
(c) making the distance of fore sight station equal to that (b) taking readings on both the faces.
of the back sight station from the instrument station. (c) removing the parallax.
(d) taking fore sight and back sight readings at the same (d) transiting the telescope.
4. Quadrantal bearing is always measured from
7. The height of instrument method of reducing levels is (a) the north end of the magnetic meridian only.
preferred when (b) the south end of the magnetic meridian only.
(a) there are large numbers of intermediate sights. (c) the north end or the south end of the magnetic meridian.
(b) there are no intermediate sights. (d) either the north end or the south end of the magnetic
(c) there are large numbers of fore sights. meridian as the case may be.
(d) there are no fore sights.
5. If the departure and latitude of a line are + 78.0 m and –
8. Sensitivity of a bubble tube depends on 135.1 m, respectively, the whole circle
(a) the radius of curvature. bearing of the line is
(b) the length of the vapour bubble. (a) 150°.
(c) the smoothness of the inner surface of the buble tube. (b) 30°.
(d) all the above. (c) 60°.
(d) 120°.
9. Reciprocal levelling is employed to determine the
accurate difference in level of two points which 6. If the departure and latitude of a line are + 78.0 m and –
(a) are quite apart and where it is not possible to set up 135.1 m, respectively, the length of the
the instrument midway between the points. line is
(b) are quite close and where it is not possible to set up the (a) 213.1 m.
instrument midway between the points. (b) 57.1 m.
(c) have very large difference in level and two instrument (c) 156.0 m.
settings are required to determine the difference in level. (d) non of the above.
(d) are at almost same elevation.
7. Transit rule of balancing a traverse is applied when
10. When a level is in adjustment, the line of sight of the (a) the linear and angular measurements are of same
instrument is precision.
(a) perpendicular to the vertical axis of the instrument (b) the linear measurements are more precise than the
and parallel to the bubble tube axis. angular measurements.
(b) perpendicular to the vertical axis of the instrument and (c) the angular measurements are more precise than the
bubble level axis. linear measurements.
(c) perpendicular to the bubble tube axis and parallel to the (d) the linear measurements are proportional to l and the
vertical axis. angular measurements are proportional to (1/l) where l is the
(d) none of the above. length of the line.
11. A Dumpy level is preferred to determine the elevations
of points 8. The error due to the non-verticality of the vertical axis of
(a) lying on hills. a theodolite
(b) lying on a line. (a) is eliminated in the method of repetition only.
(c) lying in moderately flat terrain. (b) is eliminated in the method of reiteration only.
(d) on a contour gradient. (c) is eliminated in the method of repetition as well as in
LESSON 4 – THEODOLITE AND TRAVERSE (d) cannot be eliminated by any method.
9. Random method of running a line between two points A
1. A theodolite can measure and B is employed when
(a) difference in level. (a) A and B are not intervisible even from an
(b) bearing of a line. intermediate point.
(c) zenith angle. (b) A and B are only intervisible from an intermediate point.
(d) all the above. (c) the difference of level between the points is large.
(d) it is not a method at all for running a line. (d) 5.
10. The error in the horizontal circle reading of 8. The spherical excess for a triangle of area 200 sq km is
41°59’13.96” and vertical circle reading of + 36°52’11.63” approximately
for any pointing due to the trunion axis not being (a) 0.5”
perpendicular to the vertical axis by (b) 1.0”
(90° – i) where i is 20”, is (c) 1.5”
(a) + 15” (d) 2.0”
(b) + 18”
(c) – 15” 9. Correlate is the unknown multiplier used to determine the
(d) – 18” most probable values by multiplying it with
(a) normal equation.
(b) observation equation.
1. Theory of errors is applied to minimize (c) condition equation.
(a) the gross errors. (d) condition imposed by the least squares theory .
(b) the systematic errors.
(c) the random errors. 10. Station adjustment of observation means
(d) all the above. (a) making sum of the angles observed around a station
equal to 360°.
2. Most probable value of a quantity is equal to (b) checking the permanent adjustment of the instrument at
(a) observed value + correction. every station.
(b) the observed value – correction. (c) adjusting the instrument so that it is exactly over the
(c) the true value + correction. station.
(d) the true value – correction. (d) shifting the station location to make it intervisible from
other stations.
3. The method of least squares of determining the most LESSON 6 – TRIANGULATION AND
probable value of a quantity is based upon
the criterion that
1. Control for survey can be provided by
(a) Triangulation.
(b) Trilateration.
(c) Traversing.
4. If the observations of a quantity contains systematic and (d) All of the above.
random errors, the most probable value
of the quantity is obtained by 2. The distance of visible horizon for a point having an
(a) removing the systematic and random errors from the elevation of 637.5 m is
observations. (a) 6.735 km.
(b) removing the systematic errors and minimizing the (b) 67.35 km.
residuals from the observations. (c) 10 km.
(c) removing the random errors and minimizing the (d) 100 km.
systematic errors from the observations.
(d) minimizing the systematic and random errors from the 3. A strongest route in a triangulation net has
observations. (a) minimum value of R.
(b) maximum value of R.
5. The most probable value of a quantity is the quantity (c) minimum value of R.
which is nearest to (d) maximum value of R.
(a) the true value of the quantity.
(b) the true value of the quantity ± standard deviation.
(c) the true value of the quantity ± probable error.
(d) the observed value of the quantity ± weight of the
4. In a braced quadrilateral, the position of unknown corner
points can be determined by
(a) a single route only.
6. The theory of least squares is used in (b) two alternative routes only.
(a) the method of differences. (c) three alternative routes only.
(b) in the normal equation method. (d) four alternative routes only.
(c) the method of correlates.
(d) all the above.
5. Phase correction is required when the observations are
made on
7. In a braced quadrilateral the number of conditions (a) Pole signals.
required to be satisfied for adjustment (b) Cylindrical signals.
excluding the condition imposed by least squares theory, is (c) Pole and brush signals.
(a) 2. (d) Beacons.
(b) 3.
(c) 4.
6. The errors in horizontal angle measurements due to 3. A reverse curve consists of
eccentricity of signal, is eliminated completely by (a) two circular arcs of different radii with their centers of
(a) the method of repetition. curvature on the same side of the common tangent only.
(b) the method of reiteration. (b) two circular arcs of same radius with their centers of
(c) both the above method. curvature on the same side of the common tangent only.
(d) none of the above. (c) two circular arcs of different radii with their centers of
curvature on the opposite side of the common tangent only.
7. The problem of reduction to center is solved by (d) two circular arcs of same or different radii with their
(a) taking a long base line. centers of curvature on the opposite side of the common
(b) removing the error due to phase. tangent.
(c) taking a satellite station.
(d) taking well-conditioned triangles. 4. A transition curve is a special type of curve which
satisfies the condition that
8. A satellite station is a station (a) at the junction with the circular curve, the angle between
(a) close to the main triangulation station that cannot be the tangents to the transition curve and circular curve should
occupied for making observations. be 90°.
(b) also known as an intersected point. (b) at the junction with the circular curve, the angle
(c) also known as a resected point. between the tangents to the transition curve and circular
(d) which falls on the circumference of the circle passing curve should be zero.
through three main triangulation stations. (c) its curvature at its end should be infinity .
(d) its curvature at its end should be infinity.
9. The horizontal refraction is minimum between
(a) 6 AM to 9 AM. 5. The most widely used transition curve for small deviation
(b) 10 AM to 2 PM. angles for simplicity in setting out is
(c) 8 AM to 12 Noon. (a) cubic parabola.
(d) 2 PM to 4 PM. (b) cubic spiral.
(c) lemniscate curve.
10. The vertical refraction is minimum between (d) hyperbola.
(a) 6 AM to 9 AM.
(b) 10 AM to 2 PM. 6. The following curve has the property that the rate of
(c) 8 AM to 12 Noon. change of curvature is same as the rate
(d) 2 PM to 4 PM. of change of increase of superelevation:
(a) Reverse curve.
11. A grazing line of sight is that line which (b) Compound curve.
(a) joins two stations which are not intervisible. (c) Transition curve.
(b) is at least 3 m above the intervening ground between two (d) Vertical curve.
(c) touches the intervening ground between two stations. 7. A parabola is used for
(d) joins the signals at two stations kept on towers. (a) summit curves alone.
(b) sag curves alone.
12. Sum of the three angles of spherical triangle (c) both summit and sag curves.
(a) is always less than 180°. (d) none of the above.
(b) is always more than 180°.
(c) is less or more than 180° depending the location of the 8. A parabola is preferred for vertical curves because it has
triangle on spheroid. the following property:
(d) is equal to 180°. (a) The slope is constant throughout.
(b) The rate of change of slope is constant throughout.
LESSON 7 – CURVE RANGING (c) The rate of change of radial acceleration is constant
1. A circular curve is most suited for connecting (d) None of the above.
(a) two straights in horizontal plane only.
(b) two straights in vertical plane only.
9. The shortest distance between the point of
(c) two straights, one in horizontal plane and the second in
commencement and the point of tangency of a
vertical plane.
circular curve is known as
(d) two straights in horizontal plane or vertical plane.
(a) Long chord.
(b) Normal chord.
2. A compound curve consists of (c) Sub-chord.
(a) two circular arcs of same radius only. (d) Half-chord.
(b) two circular arcs of different radii only.
(c) two circular arcs of different radii with their centers of
10. The long chord of a circular curve of radius R with
curvature on the same side of the common tangent only.
deflection angle is given by
(d) two or more circular arcs of different radii with their
centers of curvature on the same side of the common
(d) 3.0 m/ s²/sec.
11. The lengths of long chord and tangent of a circular curve 20. The curve preferred for vertical curves is a
are equal for the deflection angle of (a) circular arc.
(a) 30°. (b) spiral.
(b) 60°. (c) parabola.
(c) 90°. (d) hyperbola.
(d) 120°.
21. If an upgrade of 2% is followed by a downgrade of 2%,
12. The degree of a circular curve of radius 1719 m is and the rate of change of grade is 0.4% per 100 m, the
approximately equal to length of the vertical curve will be
(a) 1°. (a) 200 m.
(b) 10°. (b) 400 m.
(c) 100°. (c) 600 m.
(d) None of the above. (d) 1000 m.

13. If the chainage of point of commencement of a circular 22. For a vertical curve if x is the distance from the point of
curve for a normal chord of 20 m is 2002.48 m, the length of tangency, the tangent correction is given
the first sub-chord will be by
(a) 2.48 m. (a) Cx. (b) Cx²
(b) 17.52 m. (c) Cx³ (d) Cx⁴
(c) 20 m.

1. If area calculated by end - areas rule and prismoidal rule

14. If the chainage of point of tangency of a circular curve are Ae and Ap. respectively, then (Ae - Ap)
for a normal chord of 20 m is 2303.39 m, the length of the (a) is always positive.
last sub-chord will be (b) is always negative.
(a) 3.39 m. (c) may be positive or negative.
(b) 16.61 m. (d) is equal to zero.
(c) 23.39 m.
(d) none of the above.
2. Prismoidal correction is required to correct the volume
15. For an ideal transition curve, the relation between the (a) using contours.
radius r and the distance l measured from the beginning of (b) using spot heights.
the transition curve, is expressed as (c) for a curved section.
(d) by end-areas rule.

3. Curvature correction to the computed volume is applied

16. For a transition curve, the shift S of a circular curve is
(a) the formation levels at the cross-sections are at different
given by
(b) the successive cross-sections are not parallel to each
(c) the distance between the successive cross-sections is
quite large.
(d) none of the above.

17. 4. Free-haul distance is

(a) the length of a balancing line.
(b) the distance between two balancing lines.
(c) the distance between two successive points where the mass-
haul diagram intersects the line of zero ordinate.
(d) the distance up to which carting of excavated material is
18. To avoid inconvenience to passengers on highways, the done without extra payment.
recommended value of the centrifugal ratio is
(a) 1. 5.A mass-haul diagram indicates cutting if the curve
(b) 1/2. (a) rises.
(c) 1/4. (b) falls.
(d) 1/8. (c) becomes horizontal.
(d) none of the above.
19. The following value of the change in radial acceleration
passes unnoticed by the passengers: 6. A mass-haul diagram indicates fill if the curve
(a) 0.003 m/s²/sec. (a) rises.
(b) 0.03 m/ s² /sec. (b) falls.
(c) 0.3 m/ s² /sec. (c) becomes horizontal.
(d) none of the above.

7. Maximum ordinate on a mass-haul diagram occurs

(a) at the end of a cut.
(b) at the end of an embankment.
(c) where cut and fill are balanced.
(d) none of the above.

8. A minimum ordinate on a mass-haul diagram occurs

(a) at the end of a cut.
(b) at the end of an embankment.
(c) where cut and fill are balanced.
(d) none of the above.


1. A third point C cannot be located using two points A and

B of known locations by measuring
(a) all the sides of the triangle ABC.
(b) two angles A and B and the length AB.
(c) all the angles of the triangle ABC.
(d) the angle A, and the lengths AB and BC.

2. Location of a point P by resection is done by observing

(a) one control point from P.
(b) two control points from P.
(c) three control points from P.
(d) P from three control points.

3. Co-planing is a process of
(a) bringing points in same horizontal plane.
(b) establishing points in a vertical plane at different levels.
(c) centering the instrument over the ground station mark.
(d) transferring the surface alignment underground
through a narrow shaft.

4. Accurate surface alignment down a vertical shaft using

two plumb wires is achieved by
(a) Weisbach triangle method
(b) reducing the size of triangle of error to zero.
(c) by adjusting the closing error.
(d) none of the above.

5. Sight rails are used for setting out

(a) large buildings
(b) bridges.
(c) the gradient of canal bed.
(d) the gradient of trench of bottom or pipe invert.

6. Weisbach triangle method is a method

(a) of locating the plane table position on paper by
minimizing the size of triangle of error.
(b) used in transferring the ground surface alignment
down the shaft using plumb wires.
(c) of determining spherical excess in spherical triangles.
(d) none of the above.

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