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词根词缀 词根含义 词根中文含义 来源

ced-, cess- go 走 Latin

ven-, van-, vent- come 来,往,走 Latin

fer- carry, bear, bring 拿,带来,负担,生 Latin

turn 旋转,转动 Latin

cern-,crim-,cert-,cris-,cr separate,distinguis
搞清;区别,分开 Latin
it-,cree,,cret h

pend-, pens-,spon- hang, weigh, pay 悬挂;称重;支付 Latin

fin-, end 结束,界限 Latin

pon-, posit-, pos-, post- put, set, place 放置 Latin

val-, -vail- worth, strong 强壮;价值 Latin

fort-,forc- strength,force 力量,实力 Latin

trib-,tribu- give 给 Latin

plic-, plicat-, -plex, -ply fold,use 折叠,使用 Latin

flect-, flex- bend 弯曲,曲折 Latin
词源 同源词
cedere, cessus procession, recede, secede

venire (-ventus, pp. of -

advent, convention
venire) "come"

ferre reference, transfer

vertere (pp. versus) (freq.

versare) "turn," from PIE
*wert- "turn, wind," from convert, inversion, invert,
root *wer- "turn, bend" (cf. vertical
OE -weard "toward,"
originally "turned toward")

cernere discern, secern,crisis, critic

pendere (past participle

pensus) "hang, weigh, pay"

finis define, finish

ponere, positus; Old
French poser from positus;
compose, position, postpone
*postus contracted from

avail, valor, valiant,

fortis force,comfort

tribus  attribute, contribution

plicare (past participle

plicatus) "fold"; -ply, from
Old French -plier, from
Latin -plicare, from Latin - duplication, replicate
plex (genitive -plicis)
"fold"; from PIE root
*plek- "plait, twist, fold"
flexible, flexile, flexor,
flectere, flexus
词根词缀 词根含义 词根中文含义 来源
mot-,mat-,mob-,mig-,m move, motion 移动 Latin

al-, ali-, ol-, el-, alm- nourish, feed, grow 滋养;喂养;成长 Latin

al-,ali-,alter other  外,其他的 Latin

alt-, alti- high 高,长高 Latin

tang-, -ting-, tact-, tag- touch 接触 Latin

tegr- touch 接触 Latin

tain- hold 持有,维持,保留 Latin

-vac-, -vacu-, -van-, -void- empty 空 Latin

fac, fact, fec, fect, fic,

make, do, perform 做,作 Latin
fict(feas, feit, feat, fit)

man-, mani-,men- hand 手 Latin

scrib-, script- write 写;写作 Latin

act- act, do, 做 Greek or Latin

race, kind; birth,
gen-, gene- produce, beget; 出生,产生 Greek or Latin
descent, origin

nasc-, naiss-, nat-, gnat-,

born, be born 出生 Latin

her-, hes- cling 粘着,粘附 Latin

leg-, legi-, legis-, legitim- law 法(规); Latin

-lect-, -lig-, -leg- read 采集;诵读 Latin

a speaking, discourse,
treatise, doctrine,
-logy,ology 理论 Greek
theory, science;
词源 同源词
mobile, momentum, motor,
movere, motus

alere; almus, from alumnus, aliment,

alere; from PIE root adolescent, atheling, Alma
*al- "grow, nourish" Mater

abbreviation of Latin
et alii (masc.), et aliæ
(fem.), or et alia alien,allegory
(neuter), in any case
meaning "and others."

altus "high," literally

"grown tall", cognate
with alere, from PIE altar, altimeter, alto
root *al- "grow,

tangere, tactus contact, tactile, tangent

tegr integral

teneo, tenere, sustain,retain,continue

vac.o, vac.are, vac.avi, vac. avoid,vain

defect, factory,
facere, factus

manual, manuscript,
scribere (pp. scriptus)
inscribe, scripture

act, adage, agent, agile,

agere, actus, agein
variegate, navigate
γένος (genos); genus
(genitive generis), eugenics, genocide

natus, past participle

of nasci "be born" (Old
Latin gnasci); gnatus,
past participle of nascent, native
gnasci, older form of
nasci; gn- is the root of
gnasci "be born"

haerere, haesus adhesive, coherent

lex (genitive legis)

"law," possibly related
to legere "gather," on legal, legislative
notion of "a collection
of rules"

ego, legere, legi, lectus dialect,collet

-logia (often via

French -logie), from
entomology, technology
root of legein "speak;
词根词缀 词根含义 词根中文含义 来源
magn-, maj, max,maggreat, large 大 Latin

min-,mini- less, smaller 更少,更小 Latin

dic-, dict-,doc-,dit say, assert, allot 说 Greek

jus-, jud- law, right, justice; swear 法律,公正 Latin

take, buy, gain, obtain,

em-, empt- 拿,买 Latin

spec-, -spic-, spect- look 看 Latin

look at, examine, view,

scopy - 调查;观察 Greek
observe, see, watch

cal- heat, warm, be hot 暖的,热的 Latin

clam-, - cry out, shout, call,

叫喊 Latin
claim,cla-,clar- proclaim
duc-, duct- lead, bring 引导 Latin

viv- live 活 Latin

bio-, -bi- life 生命,生物 Greek

zo- animal, living being 生命;动物 Greek

quick- alive 活的,生气勃勃的 Old English cwic

词源 同源词
magnanimous, magnificent,
minority, minuscule,
minor, minus

deiktos "shown," verbal

adjective from apodictic, deictic, paradigm
deiknynai "show"

ius, iuris, iurare jury, justice, abjure

emere; -emere (past

participle -emptus);
(sumere (sum-, sumpt-) exemption, preempt,
"take," from sub redeem
"under" + emere

conspicuous, inspection,

σκέπτομαι, σκοπός horoscope, kaleidoscope,

(skopos), skeptesthai stethoscope

calor (genitive caloris)

"heat"; calidus "warm," calorie, scald
calere "be hot"

clamare "cry out, shout,

proclaim" (cognate
with Latin calare
"announce solemnly,
call out" and Greek
kalein "call"), from PIE clamor, acclaim
base *kla-, variant of
root *kal- "shout",
perhaps from imitative
origin (compare word
abduction, conductor,
dux, ducis, ducere,
introduction, production,
reduction, deduction

vivere "live", cognate

revive, survive, vivid
with vita "life"

biography, biologist,
βίος (bios) "life"
biology, biosphere

ζῷον (zōion) protozoa, zoo, zoology

 cwic quick
词根词缀 词根含义 词根中文含义 来源
fore-, pro-, forth before 先,前 Old English
-es,sent to be 存在 Proto-Indo-Eurpoean
pre-, fore before 之前的;先前的 Latin
hap- luck 运气;机会 Old Norwegian
-noc,nek-,nox-,nic- harmful 有害的 Latin
fore-,prime-,proto- first, original 前;第一;原 Greek
ev- age, an age, lifetime 年龄 Latin
prov-,prob- to test , to try, to examine 验证,试验;证实 Latin
peri- to test, to try 试验,尝试 Latin
fear,panic ,peril to test 由尝试引申词义风险(因尝 Latin
port gate 港口;门;运输 Latin
port carry 携带 Latin
fare to go, passage,journey 走;通路;旅行 Old English
press press, push 按;压 Latin
print to strike,to press 按,压,后引申为刊登,印 Proto-Indo-Eurpoean

count,calc-,-ckon to count 计算 Latin

counter against, in opposition 反对,相反 Latin

-qual- quality  性质,特征 Latin

-quant- quantity  量,数量 Latin

cut, prune; reckon, think, 切口;削减;估计;思考, Latin

count, consider 考虑

qu- to ask 疑问 Latin

-ject cast, throw 投,射 Latin
-fus;-gheu      pour, melt 流;泻;倾倒;融合;浇铸 Latin

just, upright, equitable 法律,公正 Latin
-opt,op- choose 选择 Latin
cover cover 覆盖 Latin
cure to take care of 关心,照顾;医疗 Latin
cau- to take care of 小心 Latin

secure,firm,reliable,sa 确定的,肯定的,可靠的,
-sur- Latin
fe 安全的

two, twice, double, doubly,

bi-,be- 两,二 Latin
once every two
coc-,coct to cook, to mature 烹调;成熟 Latin

di-,dia-,duo-,du- two,double,twice 两个 Latin

revolve,move,around, 旋转,循环,四处运动,居
cycle,pole Proto-Indo-Eurpoean
dwell 住
circ-,ring to turn, to bend 圆,圈,转圈,循环 Proto-Indo-Eurpoean

wave, flow in waves, rise in

-und 流动;在波浪中上涨 Latin

hydr-,hydro- water 水 Greek

lu-,lav- wash 洗 Latin

cult-,col- dwell in,to cultivate 耕种,居住 Latin

range,rank arrange,rank 排列;等级 Old French
fund,found bottom, foundation, base 底部,基础 Latin
funct work,to perform 活动;起作用,有功效 Latin
-stant,-stat,-stet,-sti,-stem,-sstand 站, 立 Latin

sit-,sid-,set-,-sess- to sit 坐 Proto-Indo-Eurpoean

myst- secret,mystery 秘密,神秘 Latin
myth story 故事,神话 Greek
-long long 长 Latin

one's own, individual;

priv- 私人;私下 Latin
separate, deprive, privation

-proper-,-propri- proper 适当的,本身所有的 Latin

preci-,praise-,priz- price 价值;价格 Latin
per-,pre- to hand over,to sell 交换;做……交易;买卖 Proto-Indo-Eurpoean
liter- letter 文字,字母 Latin

can-, -cin-, cant-, cent-, cha sing, chant 歌唱 Latin

son- sound 声音 Latin

person human being 人 Latin
dwell live 栖息,居住 Proto-Indo-Eurpoean
proxim- nearest 接近 Latin
around, round about, about,
peri- 周围,近 Greek
beside, alongside, near;
para-, par- beyond; contrary, against; 侧面;超越;保护,防 Greek
irregular, abnormal
-fil-,-file thread 线条 Latin
test- witness 证据,验证 Latin
词源 同源词
fore before, forebode
esse present,absent
prae previous
happ happen,mishap
noxa noxious
πρῶτος (prōtos) protoplasm
aevum coeval, medieval, primeval
probo, probare, probavi,
improbable, probability,
experiri experience, experienced, experiment
per fearful,perilous,panicky
porta portal
portare, portatus export, transportation, portable
faram airfare,farewell,welfare
premere, pressus pressure, compress
per imprint,footprint

putare(计算)组成的复 computation, compute, computer

contra; In French, it
became contre- and
contradiction, contrast, contraception
passed into English as
的),及由此派生的拉丁 qualification, qualified, qualify
quantify, quantitative

putare "reckon, think,

count, consider,"
literally "cut, prune"; 引 compute, putative
申义: 快刀斩乱麻,理
quaere query,who,request
iacere, iectus ejaculate, eject, reject, interject, trajectory
fundere (pp. fusus)
"pour, melt," from root
*gheu- "pour" (cf. Greek
diffusion, effusion
khein "pour," khymos
"juice"; Old English
geotan "pour")
iustus just, justice, justify
optare adopt, optional
cooperire coverage,discover
cura secure,curator
cau caution
bis, "twice"; bini, "in
binary, binoculars, bigamy, biscotti
cocus concoct,concoction
di-,dia, a word
element for the number diploma,double,duo

kwel bicycle,cycling
ker encircle,ring

undare "flow in waves,

rise in waves," from
unda "wave", from PIE
root *wed-/*wod-/*ud-
abundant, undulate
"water, wave, wet" (cf.
Greek hydor (see root
hydr- / hydro-), Russian
voda / vodka).

hydraulics, hydrology, hydrolysis,

ὕδωρ (hudōr), hydro-,
hydrophily, hydrophobia, hydroponic,
lavare (pp. lavatus)
"wash", cognate with lavatory
Latin luere "wash"
colo, colere, colui,
agricultural, agriculture, agriculturist
ranc ranking,arrange
fundus fundamentalism, profundity
fungi, functus function, fungibility
stare (past participle
status) "stand"; stinare,
related to stare "stand"; stable, station
from PIE root *sta-
sed saddle,president
mysticus/mythos mystagogic, mystagogue, mystagogy
μῦθος (muthos) mythic, mythology
longus elongate, longitude
privare "separate,
deprive", from privus deprivation, privilege
"one's own, individual"
proprius, propria,
improper, proper, property
pretium prize,appraise,depreciate
per- interpret,pornography
alliteration, illiterate, literacy, literal,
canere "sing"; cantus,
pp. of canere; cantare, cantata, canto, cantor
frequ. of canere
sonus sonic ,consonant 
originally, character in a
drama, mask
dheu dwelling,dweller
proximus, proximare approximate, proximity
περί (peri) perimeter, peripheral, periscope

παρά (para) parallel, parameter

filum filament
testis testament, testimony
词根词缀 词根含义
clude-,close- to close,to shut
-trude to thrust, to push, to shove
sper- hope
-spir to breathe
-opt,-ops,oc-,oci-,ocul eye,to see
vid-,vis-,-view to see,to know
-wit,-wis to see,to know;way,manner;
-nounc,-nunci to speak,untter
-voc voice
-termin boundary, limit, end

-temp time,earthly
-temper moderate, mix, strecth
-tem,-tom,tomy to cut
-sec,-secu,-seq,-sequ,-sic follow

-sue,-suit follow
-soci companion, associate,follow
-ves trace,mark,sign
-bran burn
-carv cut
-sec,sect,seg- to cut
to cut
scind,shed,crac-,shak-,shiv- cut, split, divide
-tract drag, draw, pull
-dem,-dom house,household,property,estate
domin- to rule,to control,to govern
-men,-min,-mon,-mount to hang, to project

-men- to lead,to conduct

-auth,-aug,-aux,- to increase,to grow

-crea,-cre,crui-,crese- to grow, to increase
-full,-fill,-ply,-plet,-ple,-pli- to fill, full
-plus,-plur,-plet,-poly more, many
-pun,-punc to prick
-pla,fla-,pele- flat
pos-,pot- power,ability
terr- earth,land
spond-,spons- make answer,give a reply in words
fla-,bla- move air,produce a current of air
-struct,-stru-,-tect,-stry to make up, build
strat-,strato- to spread out
-cap,-capt,-cep,-ceiv,-cept,-cip,-cop,-cup to take, to seize

cas- to fall,to take,hold

-ceiv,cept- to take, to seize

-hend,-pris,pre- to take, to seize,to grasp

-serv save, protect, serve

词根中文含义 来源
关闭 Latin
推动,按压,刺 Latin
希望 Latin
呼吸 Latin
灵魂,精神,心灵,生命,理解力 Latin

眼睛,看见 Greek
看见,知道 Latin
看,智慧,机智;方向,方式 Latin
呼喊,说,讲话,表达 Latin
声音,叫喊 Latin
结束,末端,界线,边界线 Latin

(一段)时间;世俗的(在一定时间范 Latin
节制, 调整, 混合;使温和,性情,脾气 Latin
切,划分 Greek
跟随 Latin

跟随 Latin
同伴, 结交, 联合;跟随 Latin
踪迹,痕迹 Latin
火烧,烙印;给......打记号 North Germanic
切,割 Greek
切 Latin
切,割 Proto-Germanic
切开,裂开 Latin
拖,拉 Latin
家,家庭,财产,住宅, Latin
统治,控制,支配 Latin
突出,冒出 Latin

引导,行为,举止 Latin

增长,增加 Latin
生长 Latin
满的,完成 Latin
多的 Latin
扎,戳,刺 Latin
平的 Latin
力量,能力 Latin
土壤,土地 Latin
回应,回答 Latin
吹,移动空气,制造一股气流 Latin
建造 Latin
铺开 Latin
拿,抓;掌控,理解 Latin

持有,拥有,掌握,承担;降落;情况 Latin

抓住,拿到 Latin

抓住 Latin

保存,保护; Latin
claudere (pp. clausus; -clusus, pp. of -cludere) "close, shut"
trudere; -trusus, pp. of -trudere
sper.o, sper.are, sper.avi, sper.atus
spiro, spirare, spiravi, spiratus
optos "seen, visible," from ops (genitive opos) "eye" from PIE
*okw- "see"
video, videre, vidi, visus
woid-, weid-, wid-
nuntius,nunti.o, nunti.are, nunti.avi, nunti.atus
vox, vocis, voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus
terminus, termini,termino, terminare, terminavi

tempus, temporis
sequor, sequi, secutus, sum

sequor, sequi, secutus, sum

socio, sociare, sociavi, sociatus
seco, secare, secui, sectus
scindere (*scissus, *scissa)
trahere, tractus
mener "lead, direct, drive," from Latin minare "threaten," in Late
Latin "drive (animals) with shouts," variant of minari "threaten,
jut, project," related to montem (nominative mons) "mountain,"
from PIE root *men- "jut, stand out, project".

augeo, augere, auxi, auctus

creo, creare, creavi, creates
plere "fill"; -ply, from Old French -plier, from -plere (past
participle -pletus)
pungere, punctus
spondeo, spondere, spopondi, sponsus
flo, flare, flavi, flatus
struere, structus
sternere, stratus
capere, captus "take or hold" (vowel changes from a to i in
capere, captus "take or hold" (vowel changes from a to i in
prehendo, prehendere, prehendi, prehensus

clause, exclusion, include
extrusion, intrude
despair, desperado, desperate, desperation, prosper
aspirant, aspiration, aspire, conspiracy, conspirator
allopsyche, allopsychic, allopsychosis

envy, evidence, evident, evidently, improvident
announcement, denounce, enunciate, enunciation
provocative, vocal, vocation
term, determination, determine, exterminate, terminable

intemperate, temperament
consequence, consequent, consequently, pursue, pursuit
consecutive, consecutively, consecutiveness,
associate, associated, association, sociability
brandy, burn, broil
skin, insect, insecticide, intersection,section
rescind, scissors
subtrahend, tractor
astrodome, domain, dome, domestic,
dominance, dominant, dominate, domination

amenable, demeanor, promenade

augment, augmentation, augmentative, August,

create, creation, creative, creator, creature
complement, suppletion
puncture, pungent
explanation, planar, plane
terramycin, terraqueous
correspond, correspondence, correspondent,
corresponding, respond
deflation, inflation
construction, construe
capture, captive, conception, recipient, occupy

accident, cadence, case

capture, captive, conception, recipient, occupy
apprehend, comprehend, entrepreneur, misapprehend,
conservation, conservative, conserve, deserve,
词根词缀 词根含义
serere, a string, a thread; a row, succession, sequence; to join
together, to connect, to combine
save,sol- sun
firm firm, strong
-mis,-mit to release,let go;send,throw

mun-,mon- common

mut- to change
mad mad
mis- not
part- to part
par-,pair-,para-,pire equal
equal equal
pag- fasten

mens-,meter- measure
mod-,med- take appropriate measures
mid-,med- middle
to blow,swell
bhel- to blow,swell
-fluent flow, flowing;well up,overflow
blood to blow,swell
-gn to know
know to know
curs-,course,cour-,cours-,corr-to run
cur-,curr- to run ,flow;come,appear,happen
car-,carr-,char- cur,to run
horse cur,to run
focus pay close attention to
ten ten

hundred,cent- hundred

new,neo-,nov- new
form form,to form
shape form
figure form
morph- form,shape,figure
nui- one,unique
sens- sense
light light
lun- moon
lus-,lust- light

lumin- light,shine

light light in weight

-lev,-lief,-lieve light,to lift up,lighten

less,lesser,lessen less,lesser,lessen
loose to loosen

solv-,solut-,-lyz,-lysis,-lytic to loose

-lyz,-lyst,-lysis,-lytic to loose,untie,a loosening

-lyze,-lax loose
sleep sleep
-lush lush
publ- public
custom custom
real real
rule rule

reg- move in stright line

reg- to rule

rog- move in stright line;to ask,question

rect- right

surg- to rise,arise,attack

isol- isle
-cide,-cise cut
li-,lig- tie,bind
chall- call
-scend to climb
merg-,mers- to dip,sink,plunge
dec- to be fitting or suitable
dec- ornament

dign- worth,worthy,proper,fitting

dain- dignity

doc- to teach

dog- to teach

dox- to teach

-ger- hand
-urg(y) work
im- to copy
celer- quicken,swift ,go faster
celeber- famous,make widely known,praise,glorify
词根中文含义 来源 词源 同源词
排列;排成行;加入; serere, satus assert, asserted
Latin sol, solis circumsolar

巩固,确定 Latin firmus, firmare affirm
送,派 Latin emit

munus (plural munia), munus

公共的;共同的 Latin common
(genitive muneris), munis

改变 Latin mutare mutation

疯狂的;神经错乱的; νομάς, νομάδος (nomas,
原始日耳曼语 madden
丧失理智的 nomados)
表否定含义 古法语mes- μῖσος (misos), misein mistake
partire, partere, from pars
分开;部分 Latin apart
(genitive partis)
平等的 Latin per pair
相等的;平等的 Latin aequus, aequi- equally
pangere, pactus, PIE root
固定 Greek pay
mensis "month", -mestris [-
测量 Greek centimeter
me(n)s-tris] "of month"
采取合适的措施 Latin modus "manner, measure" mode
中间的 Greek amid
吹,鼓胀;鼓起 Greek bhel- football
吹,鼓胀;鼓起 Greek bhel- belly
流出;用处;溢出;漫 Latin fluency

流出,涌出 原始日耳曼语 bloody
知道 Latin cognize
知道 Latin -gn;-no note
跑 Latin curs- course
跑,流,到来,发生, Latin currere (pp. cursus) "run" occur
车;负载 Latin cart
马 Latin horseback
关注,聚焦,焦点 Latin focal
十 来自古英语 ten tenth
canere "sing"; cantus, pp. of
百 来源于拉丁语名词centum
canere; cantare, frequ. of century
新的 Latin novem novel
形状,形式,形成 Latin forma formal
形状 Latin shaped
形状;模糊的影子 Latin  figuration
形状 Latin μορφή (morphē) morph
一个;唯一的;独特的 Latin unify
感觉;含义;智慧;理 Latin sentire, sensus sensor
光 来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语 lighted
月亮 Latin luna lunar
光 Latin luster
lumen (genitive luminis)
光;发亮;照射 Latin "light," related to lucere illumination
轻的;轻松的 Latin lightness
levare "raise," from levis
"light" in weight, from PIE
举起,使减轻 Latin relief
root *legwh- "light, having
little weight; easy, agile"
较少的,较轻的,减少 Latin less
宽松的,不牢固的 Latin loosen
 lyein [LYOO ayn], "to
松开,使放松,分开, Latin loosen"; loosening, dissolving, solve
解开,松开,放松 Latin analyze
松开,解开 Latin relax
睡觉,睡眠 Latin sleepy
丰富,豪华,奢侈 Latin loose plush
公开的;公众的 Latin public
风俗;习惯;海关;定 Latin customer
真实的,真的 Latin reality
统治,支配;规则;常 Latin ruler

regere; -rectus, past participle

of -rigere or -regere; (compare
以直线移动,横着走 Latin Old English rice "kingdom," - region
ric "king," rice "rich,
powerful," riht "correct")

rex (genitive regis) "a king, a

leader," cognate with regere;
管理;监管;支配;控 (compare Old English rice
Latin regulate
制 "kingdom," -ric "king," rice
"rich, powerful," riht
rogare "ask, ask for, request,
横着走;询问,请求 Latin interrogation
regere; -rectus, past participle
of -rigere or -regere; (compare
矫正;正确的,合适的 Latin Old English rice "kingdom," - correct
ric "king," rice "rich,
powerful," riht "correct")

surgere "rise," contraction of

surrigere "rise," from sub "up
上升,升起;攻击 Latin surge
from below" + regere "keep
straight, guide"
岛屿 Latin isolate
切割 Latin concise
ligare (past participle ligatus)
系,捆,绑 Latin ally
"bind, tie"
呼喊;叫嚣;挑衅 Latin challenge
爬;攀登 Latin scandere ascend
浸,蘸,下沉;投入水 mergere; -mergere (past
Latin emerge, emergency, merge
中;俯冲;突然陷入 participle -mersus)
合适的,得体的 Latin δέκα deka, ten  decor, decent
装饰 Latin decor,decorate
dignus (for *dec-nos), (lit.
值得尊敬的;有价值的 'decorated, splendid'); from
;值得……的;恰当的 Latin PIE base *dek-, *dok- "take, dignity,indignant
;得体的 receive, accept; acceptable,
suitable, fitting, proper"
尊贵;漂亮,文雅 Latin dainty

docere, doctor; docere 'teach'

(orig. 'cause somebody to
receive something'); from PIE
教,教授 Latin doctor,doctoral
base *dek-, *dok- "take,
receive, accept; acceptable,
suitable, fitting, proper"

教,教导 Latin dogma

doxa, from dokein "appear,
seem, think, seem good,
教 Latin paradox,orthodox
believe"; from PIE base *dek-,
手 Latin surgery
制作 Greek surgeon,cheirurgy
像;模仿;仿造;临摹 古印地欧语 aim- image
加快;快速的 Latin celer, celerare accelerate, acceleration, accelerator
著名的;赞美 Latin celebrate,celebrity
gency, merge

celeration, accelerator
词根词缀 词根含义 词根中文含义
char- care,love 爱;关心;关爱
milit- soldier 兵
hum- earth, ground, soil 泥土,土地

grat- thank, please 喜爱,恩惠,满意;感谢

run/riv- to flow/run 流动;跑

dwell, live; have, hold,

possess; that which may
hab-, -hib-,habit-,hibit, be easily handled, 居住
suitable, fit, proper;
clothe, dress, clothing

rad-,radi- ray, beam 光线, 辐射

glom- a ball,ball-shaped mass 球;球状的团

grav- heavy 重;压迫;重要;挖,刻

-pul,pel,puls-,-pet- to drive 推,强迫

-peal to push,drive 推动
-suad urge 力劝;建议;劝告

tend-, tens-, tent- stretch, strain, extend 伸展

ten-, -tin- hold, keep, maintain 握,持有

lud-, lus- play 游戏, 扮演

choke, squeeze, throttle;

ang- 焦虑的
torment, cause distress

miser- unhappy,wretched,distress 不快乐的,痛苦的

-srtophe,streb- to wind,turn 弯,转,翻转,缠绕
star or celestial body;
astr-, astro-,stella,ster- 星
outer space

down, downward;
intensive prefix,
cata-, cate-, cath- 下去;彻底
completely, entirely;
against, wrongly
nuetral- neither of two,neither one n中
nucle- kernel 核
vag-, vaga- wander, roam 流浪;漂泊
sum- summit,total 最高的,总数
gorg- throat 喉
gob- mouth 嘴

vel-,vul-, vuls- pluck, pull, tear, twitch 摘;采;拉

fend-, fens- strike 打击

nutri-,nurs-,nour-,nutr- nourish 滋养
ton- thunder 雷

mort-, mortu- death 死

vir- man 人类,男人

来源 词源 同源词
Latin wagon, cart; wheeled vehicle
Latin miles, militis military, militia
Latin humus, humare exhumation, inhume, humus

Latin gratus gratitude, ingrate, grace

Latin  rivus arrive,rivulet,derive

habitus, habitare, habile, habilis,

habere "to have, hold, possess;
consider, think, reason; manage,
Latin habit, prohibition, able, ability
keep," from PIE root *ghabh- "to
seize, take, hold, have, give,
receive" (see give, (h)able).

Latin radix /radius/radiare radiant,radar

Latin globus agglomerate,aglobulia

Latin gravis aggravation, grave, gravity

Latin pellere dispel,impel,expulsion

Latin pellere impel,repellent,appeal
Latin suadere, suasus persuasion

tendere (past participle tensus); -

Latin tendere (past participle -tentus); extend, extension, tensile
from PIE root *ten- "stretch"

tenere, -tinere (past participle -

tentus), -tinuus, from PIE root *ten-
continent, detention, tenacious,
Latin "stretch"; Connection notion
between "stretch" and "hold" is
"cause to maintain".

Latin ludere, lusus allude, illusion

anger, angry, anguish, anxious,

Latin angere, anguere, anxius

Latin miser commiserate

greek anastrophe
astro-, stem and comb. form of
astron "star," related to aster "star";
Greek In ancient Greek, aster typically asterisk, astrology, astronomy
was "a star" and astron mostly in
plural, "the stars".

catabolic, catalyst, catastrophe,

Greek κατά (katá) "down" catatonia, cathode, cation, catapult,

Latin neuter,neutral
Latin  nuculeus/nucleus nucleic,nucleus
Latin vagus, vagare vagabond, vague
Latin supmus,summus wummary,consummate
Latin gurgus gorgon
Greek gobe gobbet

vellere (-vulsus, pp. of -vellere)

Latin convulsion
"pluck, pull, tear, twitch"

Latin fendere, -fensus defend, offense

Latin nutrire nutrient
Latin tonare astonish, detonation

mors (genitive mortis) "death";

mortuus "dead", past participle of
Latin mori "die"; from PIE root *mer- immortal, mortality, mortuary
"die, wither, quench, extinguish;
wear away, rub away, harm"

Latin vir virility

词根词缀 词根含义 词根中文含义
paint,pict-,pig- paint 绘画
(s)pen,(s)pin to draw,stretch,spin 画;拉直,伸长;使快速旋转
pend,pond,liber- weigh 称重
tuit-,tut- teach 教学,指导
-ode to sing,a poem to be sung 唱歌,唱诗
brev- short 短的
cred- to believe,trust 相信;信任
cardi,cardio- heart 心;心脏
cord- heart 心;心脏
cour- heart 心;心脏
-gage,wed to promise,to pledge 承诺,保证
stick,stig-,stinct- pierce,prick,be sharp 刺破;戳;扎;锐利
-sting stick 刺,戳
do- to give 给予
par-,phen-,phas-,fan-,pon- appear 出现
col,cel,helm-,hall-,hol-,hel-,cealto cover,conceal,save 覆盖,隐藏,保护
scu- to cover,conceal 覆盖,隐藏
viol-,frag-,frac-,fract-,fring- to break 打破,违反
bhreue- to heat,boil,bubble 加热,烧开,冒泡
gl- smooth 滑的
sl- to slide,slip 滑;滑行
laps- slip 滑落
mem-,memo-,memor-,mnem-,mn to remember 记住;记忆
mil-,mel- soft,tender 柔软的;温和的
ann- year 年
mix-,mixt-,-misc- to mix 混合
-mong to mingle 混合
patri- father 父亲,爸爸,祖先
mater-,matr- mather 母亲,妈妈
ord-,ordn-,ordi-,ordin- row,order 排,列,行;顺序
art skill, art 技巧;技能;技艺
art joint, trick 关节, 诡计
arm weapon 武器

aristo best of its kind 最好的

graph, graphy a writing, recording, or description 书写,记录或描述

gram to write 写,画

par- bring forth, give birth to, produce 产生;生育;生产

par- make ready 准备好

nect, net, nex-, nod link 连接

join to join, to bind 连接,加入

chron time 时间

merc,merch to trade, reward 贸易,报酬

sode a coming in, entrance 进入;入口

fid to trust, confide, persuade 信任;吐露;说服

head head 头;头部;首领

cab-, cap-, cep-, cip- head 头
fem, femin feme 妇女

fil fillet 线

fil children, son 子女,儿女

fil thread, to spin, foul 线;纺织;脏

mus muse 来自希腊神话“缪斯”女神, 是文艺音乐女神, 所以有

da- to divide 分开
tim fear 害怕

bust, -ust, -bur; bust-, bur-, ur- to hide, protect 隐藏;掩盖;遮住;保护

it to go 行,走

trans across, through, over, beyond, 转变,转换;横过,越过

sam-, sim-, sem-, sembl-, -

same, like, equal 一;与…一样;一致;相同的
simul- , -simil-, sin

ident same 相同,同一

oriri-, orir-, ori-, or- to rise, arising 起源;开端

pet seek 追寻, 寻求

cuss to strike, to shake 摇动

cert- sure 确实, 确信

fall, fals to err, to deceive 犯错误, 欺骗

cid, -cas, -cad to fall 落下,降临,发生

op to work, riches 工作

pass  to feel,to suffer 感受,受苦的

pass step, stepping 走

sorb-, -sorpt-, -sorbe- to suck in, to swallow; to take in 吸收

vela-, vel-, veal- covering 盖上

aud to hear 听

labor to work 工作

onym, -onymy, -onymic, -

onymically, -onymous, - name; word 名字
onymously, -nym
来源 词源 同源词
latin peig picture,pigment,file
latin spen-wo-, suffixed form of root
latin ponder,pound,pounding
latin * ste, * sta, tuition,tutoring
Greek e-weid- comedy,humor
latin bracelet
latin *kerd- credit,crediable
Greek *kerd- cardiac,core
latin *kerd- according,accordance
latin *kerd- courage,encourage
latin wadh- wedding,wedlock,unwed,engagement
latin steig-  stuck,yardstick
latin stingan stingy
latin data,date
latin aparoir, aperer appear,apparent
latin *(s)keu- color,clored
latin *(s)keu- scum
Proto-Indo-Eurpoean *bhreg- break
Proto-Indo-Eurpoean bhreue- breed
Proto-Indo-Eurpoean glide
Old Engilsh slide
Greek lapse
latin (s)mer- remember
latin mel- mild,mildly
latin annual
Proto-Indo-Eurpoean meik- mix,mixture
latin mag- among
latin peter- father,stepfather
Proto-Indo-Eurpoean mater mather,grandmother
Proto-Indo-Eurpoean ar- coordinate
Latin 来源于拉丁语ars,, f(技巧)和关节,肢);
art, artful, article,可追溯至原始印欧语ar-(组装,连接,配合)。
articulate, artificial
Greek 来源于希腊语 arthron 关节,arthr,arthro 为 art 的变体,后者用于辅音前,而其它两个则用于元
Latin 来源于拉丁语名词arm.a(武器,工具)或动词arm.are(武装)。可追溯至原始印欧语ar-(组装,连接,配合
alarm, arm, armada, armament, armed
aristarchy, aristocracy, aristocrat,
Greek aristocratic, aristocratical,
cryptogram, diagram,
Greek grammatike,进入拉丁语为
electrocardiogram, epigram, gram

parare, paravi, paratus(安排,准备 parent ,primiparous.multiparous,unip
)、动词pario, parere, peperi, arous
partus(生育)、动词pareo, parere,
parui, paritus(出现,显露)等

parare, paravi, paratus(安排,准备
Latin parade,prepare ,repair ,apparatus 
)、动词pario, parere, peperi,
partus(生育)、动词pareo, parere,
parui, paritus(出现,显露)等

来源于拉丁语动词necto, connect, connection, interconnect,

nectere, nexi, nexus(连接) annex, nexus
jungere, junxi,连接);- adjunct, adjunction, conjunct,
join-/-joint-来源于jungere在古法 conjunction, disjunction
来源于希腊语khronos(时间)和 chronic, chronicle, chronograph,
kronikos(时间的) chronological, chronology

commerce,commercial ,mercenary,m
Latin 来自拉丁语的merc意为to trade

Latin: glasswort, saltwort; hence,

sodium carbonate [which may be monosodium, prosodiac, sodium,
derived from the ashes of burned stomatodysodia
glasswort or saltwort]

来源于拉丁语名词fides, fidei,
confidant, confide, confidence,
Latin f(信任)或动词fido, fidere, fisus,
confident, confidential

来源于拉丁语名词caput, capitis, capital, capitalism, capitalist,

n (头) capitalize, captain
来源于拉丁语 femina 女
性,fem 为  femin 的变体,
Latin female,feme, feminine
来源于拉丁语名词, fili,
Latin fillet, profile
来源于拉丁语filius 意思是son,
Latin 同形异义词根:fil 这个词根的 affiliate,filial, filicide, filiate,unfilial 
来源于拉丁语的filum(=thread,to defile,filament,filature, file,filth, unif
spin) ilar

musomania, musophile, musophilia,

Greek Greek: mouse, mice
musophobia, musophobiac

tim-来源于拉丁语动词timeo, intimidate, intimidation, intimidator,

timere, timui, -(害怕) timid, timidity

Latin: burere, "to burn up"; from

urere, with an inserted or faulty
separation of b in amburere, "to
burn around"; which stands for
amb-urere, "to burn around", but
adust, adustion, adustness, biomass
Latin it was misdivided into am-burere
combustion, combure, comburence
and because of this misdivision,
the new verb burere was formed
with the past participle bustum;
so, it really came from urere, "to
burn, to singe

来源于拉丁语动词eo, ire, ivi(ii), ambition, ambitious, circuit,

Latin行,走) circuitous, exit
Latin: across, through, over,
词根sem来源于拉丁语的 acetyltransferase,allogenic
Latin beyond, on the far side of; most
semol,词根sembl是sem的变 transformation
often used as a prefix
Latin 变成了simul。以上所有词根及  assimilate, dissimulate, simulate, fa
其变体都有“same(相 csimile
来源于拉丁语中idem(相同)派生 identical, identification, identify,
Latin equ,par,ident等和来源于希腊语 identity
Latin: to rise, arising, to be born,
source, original; the rising sun, aboriginal, aboriginally, aboriginary,
east; to ascend, to spring up, to aborigine
become visible, to appear

来源于拉丁语动词pet.o, -ere, - appetite, compete, competence,

ivi, -itus(追求,力争) competent, competition
来自拉丁语的cuss 意为to
strike,to shake。同义词根有来
concuss, concussion, concussion of
Latin the brain, concussive, discuss,
nce,fest),lid /
来源于拉丁语 certus 确定,拉 discusser
丁文 certus 是由词汇 cernere
Latin 词根含有“确定的”的含义; certify,certifier,certified,certificate 
同形义异词根:-cert- 分离,它
来自拉丁语的op 意为to / -sur-
Latin 正确 /
来自拉丁语的fall 意为to err  infallible ,fallible,fallacy, false
语的labor。由于发生了p—f 音
来源于拉丁语动词cado, cadere,
词根。 decadence, decay, accident,
Latin cecidi, casus(落下), 落下意味着
accidental, accidentally
降临, 降临意味着意外发生
词根oper 源自拉丁文opera,受
普斯(Ops)是农神Staurn 的妻子 opulent,opera,operatic, operetta ,opu
Latin ,就相当于希腊神话中克洛诺
来源于拉丁语动词patior, pati,
passus, sum(忍受); -path-来源于 compatibility, compatible, impatient,
Latin 根关系密切。歌剧产生于16世
希腊语path.os(忍受,疾病) → 爱 incompatible, patience
纪末的佛罗伦萨,opera 在意大
”,但其根源来自拉丁词根 apace, astrocompass, compass,
Latin Latin: step, stepping
oper,表示“工作,作品” compasses, electronic pacemaker,
absorb, absorbability, absorbable
Latin: to suck in, to swallow; to dusting powder, absorbable gelatin
take in film, absorbable gelatin sponge,
absorbable ligature
Latin: covering, velare, "to reveal, revealability, revealable,
cover"; a veil revealableness, revealed, revealer
来源于拉丁语动词audio, audire, audible, audit, audition, auditor,
audivi, auditus(听) auditorium
belabor, collaborate, collaboration,
Latin laborare, laboravi, laboratus(工作
elaborate, elaboration
Latin acronym, allonym

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