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Maritime Management Systems

Maritime Management Systems

You will be familiar with…

… applicable management systems in shipping industry
… interrelations between the standards
… general functioning of company„s organzation
… potential of management system„s integration

Learning Objectives
Definition from Wikipedia

A management system is the framework of

 policies,
 processes
 procedures
used by an organization to ensure that it can
fulfill all the tasks required to achieve its
Every organization has management systems

But Management systems are depending on company‟s organization:

Hero Department Process

Management systems in shipping
ISM Code
Mandatory Standards:
International Safety Management

International Ship and Port Facility Security

MLC 2006
Maritime Labour Convention

Voluntary Standards: ISO 9001:2015

Quality Management

ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management

ISO 50001:2011
Energy Management

ISO 45001:2018
NEW Occupational Health & Safety Management
Management systems in shipping
9001 14001 50001 45001
Management Codes Management Systems
System (but containing elements of
Management Systems)
Mandatory Voluntary
Safety and Security Labour Quality Environment Energy Occupational
Environment Ship & Ports rights Health &
al protection Safety

Avoidance of Protection of Protecting Meeting of Legal Improvement Prevention of

damage to the ship, seafarers„ requirements compliance of Energy work-related
• Human persons, rights of interested Performance injury and ill
• Environm cargo, cargo • fair terms parties Reduction of incl. energy health to
ent transport of employ- environment- efficiency workers
• Property units, ship„s ment Customer tal impact and
stores • decent satisfaction consumption Provide safe
living and health and
working healthy
Continual workplaces
• health improvement

⚫ Objective: improvement of safety and environmental

protection by means of a management system
⚫ Inclusion of a new chapter IX into SOLAS
⚫ Ratification by Flag states
⚫ Implementation into Flag state legislation
⚫ Enforcement / control by Flag state (own vessels) and
Port state (all SOLAS vessels calling ports)
⚫ Applies for Office & Ships
⚫ Amendments to the ISM Code came into force on 1st
July 2010 by Resolution MSC.273 (85) and by
MSC.353 (92) on 1st January 2015
 Entry into force: 1998/2002
 Valid for all SOLAS ships
 Certificate(s): SMC/DOC

⚫ Objective: detect security threats and take preventive

measures against security incidents affecting ships or
port facilities used in international trade
⚫ Inclusion of a new chapter V, chapter XI-1 & XI-2 in
SOLAS - Amendments to SOLAS came into force by
Diplomatic Conference 9 - 13 December 2002
⚫ Ratification by Flag states (vessels), Port states
(ports) and Coastal states (territorial waters)
⚫ Implementation into Flag, Port & Coastal state
⚫ Enforcement / control by Flag state (own vessels) and
Port state (all SOLAS vessels calling ports)
⚫ Applies for Ships only  Entry into force: 2004
 Valid for all SOLAS ships
 Certificate(s): ISSC
MLC 2006

⚫ Objective: to establish decent working and living

conditions for all seafarers worldwide
⚫ Addresses maritime labour issues (people) as well as
hardware issues
⚫ Convention established 2006 but entered into force on
20th of August 2013, one year after registering 30
ratifications of countries representing over 33% of the
world gross tonnage of ships
⚫ Ratification by Flag states
⚫ Implementation into Flag state legislation
⚫ Enforcement / control by Flag state (own  Entry into force: 2013-08-20
vessels) and Port state (vessels calling ports)  Application for all seafarers
⚫ Applies for Ships only serving on commercial
vessels over 500 GT
 Certificate(s): DMLC I + II,
MLC Certificate
ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management

⚫ Objective: achieving a not decreasing level of customer

satisfaction by meeting customer needs and
expectations within an organizational environment
which is committed to continual improvement
⚫ Developed & published by the “International
Organization for Standardization” (ISO)

⚫ New revision entered into force: 15th of September 2015

⚫ Not product or service standard - can be used by all kinds of
product manufacturers and service providers
⚫ Voluntary implementation by the Company
⚫ Application for entire Company (office & ships) as management system
⚫ Neither regulation nor legislation – not subject of control by Port state / Flag state
⚫ Certificate(s): ISO 9001:2015 Certificate for entire Company issued by
certification body (e.g. class) after verification (audit)
ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management

⚫ Objective: Legal compliance and reduction of

environmental impact
⚫ Developed & published by the ISO

⚫ New revision entered into force: 15th of September 2015

⚫ Voluntary implementation by Company
⚫ Not product or service standard - can be used by all kinds of
product manufacturers and service providers
⚫ Application for entire Company (office & ships) as
management system standard
⚫ Neither regulation nor legislation – not subject of control by Port
state / Flag state
⚫ Certificate(s): ISO 14001:2015 Certificate for entire Company
issued by certification body (e.g. class)after verification (audit)
ISO 50001:2011 – Energy Management

⚫ Objective: to support organizations in all sectors to use energy

more efficiently
⚫ Developed & published by the ISO
⚫ Last issue 2011 - currently under revision
⚫ Application for entire Company (office & ships) as management
system standard
⚫ Voluntary implementation by Company
⚫ Addresses energy use and consumption, including measurement, documentation
and reporting, design and procurement practices
⚫ ISO 50001 is data driven and focuses on energy performance improvement - ISO
14001 provides more qualitative look at all significant environmental impacts
⚫ ISO 50002:2014 - energy audit in relation to energy performance
⚫ Neither regulation nor legislation – not subject of control by Port state / Flag state
⚫ Certificate: ISO 50001:2011 Certificate for entire Company issued by
certification body (e.g. class) after verification (audit)
ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health and Safety

⚫ Objective: Prevention of work-related injury and ill health to

workers; provide safe health and healthy workplaces
⚫ Based on British Standard BS OHSAS 18001 (OHSAS = Occupational
Health and Safety Assessment Scheme
⚫ Published by the ISO 12th of March 2018 as OH&S management
system (OH&S = Occupational Health and Safety)

⚫ Voluntary standard - helps organizations to control and improve OH&S risk by

implementation of management process
⚫ Addresses conditions and factors that affect the well-being of all workers related to
the organization‟s operations - can be used by all kinds of product manufacturers
and service providers.
⚫ Application for entire Company (office & ships) as management system standard
⚫ Neither regulation nor legislation – not subject of control by Port state / Flag state
⚫ Certificate(s): ISO 45001:2018 Certificate for entire Company issued by
certification body (e.g. class)after verification (audit)
Integrated Management System

Management System
ISO 45 001

I SO 9001

ISO 14001
ISO 50001
How to integrate Management systems?

Maritime Academy Course:


Module 2 – What have we learned?

Applicable management systems in shipping


Interrelations between the standards

General functioning of company„s organization

Potential of integrated management system

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