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A Qualitative Research Paper

Presented to
Andres Bonifacio Integrated School
Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements or Practical Research I
Grade 11

Kissie Rodolfo Laviste
Roselyn Casipong Calipusan

March 2022
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Title Page
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgment iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents viii
List of Tables x
List of Figures xii
List of Appendices xiii


Introduction 5
Conceptual Framework 6
Statement of the Problem 8
Significance of the Study 9
Operational Definition of Terms 10
Scope and Delimitation 11
Page |2


Review of Related Literatures and Studies 12


Method Used 15
Sample of the Study 15
Sampling Procedure 16
Instrument of the Study 16
Data Gathering Procedure 16


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 17


Summary of Findings 21
Conclusions 22
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Recommendations 23


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This research sought to develop a deeper understanding and find information about the

transportable influence of biking to grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong City, to

identify the common factors of influence and satisfaction that students get when using bike as

their means of transportation. Purposive Sampling was used in this research in terms of gathering

data and which includes fifteen (15) boy public students and fifteen (15) girl public students

from Mandaluyong City as participants. This research utilized a qualitative research design

through surveys, specifically, phenomenological, through the use of validated survey

questionnaires. The data obtained came from different reliable online websites and others were

gathered from student surveyees. It was found out that the experiences of students surely affect

the influence of using bike in transportation. In addition, results showed that bikes have

transportable influences and impacts on mobility, saving money, improving physical ability,

freedom, and absence of pollution.

Page |5


               The transportable influence of biking is very relevant in the Philippines especially

during the time of pandemic. Subsequently, more researchers conducted their study in regards to

the transportable influence of biking to grade 11 public school students within the city of

Mandaluyong. In accordance with Caitlin Geng, writer of Medical News Today in the year 2021,

“Performing regular physical activity, such as cycling, is one of the most important things that

people can do for their well-being.”

            Taking into consideration of the transportable influence of biking, another study by

Drews (2017), as explained by The National Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics,

“Bicycles, in challenging social justice, can help to overcome barriers to transportation, while

providing exercise to youth.” Previous studies consider the factors that lead or encourage youth

to use bicycles as a means of transportation or exercise. As stressed from the statement above, it

encourages some youth or students to use bike as their means of transport as it also serves as an

exercise for them. It shows essentiality and influence to keep the body healthy. While it is

important to use it for transport, biking for a healthy lifestyle cannot be undervalue. 

            As further said of The Lancet (2018), despite the different types of exercise, duration,

intensity and transport, biking is one of the top activities that help reduce mental health burden of

study participants. With the added pressure of the COVID-19 outbreak, grade 11 public school

students from Mandaluyong City find their ways and outlet to move their bodies and set their

minds to something positive. A quick take of ride can help reset and continue the day with a
Page |6

fresh eye. Late former American president, John F. Kennedy said that nothing compares to the


pleasure of a bike rides. It is important in each biking journey to have not just a healthy body but

also a healthy mentality. The Lancet also added that students who get physical activity daily have

better grades, test scores and ability to focus more in class. Other research also indicates that the

use of bike reduces emissions of noise, air pollutants and greenhouse gases that are good for the

environment. Because of that, it influences more students to use bike as their means of transport. 



 Experiences of 1. Data gathering  Consistent influence
grade 11 public through: and motivation upon
school students in - Questionnaires using bike as an
biking. - Surveys active transport to
 Reasons for 2. Presentation of grade 11 public
biking’s data. school students.
transportable 3. Interpretation  Valid/acceptable
influence to grade and analysis of reasons why grade
11 public school gathered data. 11 public school
students are
 Encouragement
influenced to use
for grade 11
public school bike as their means
students of of transport.
Mandaluyong City  Effectivity of using
to use bike as their bike among grade
means of 11 public school
transportation. students.
Page |7



Different Influence of Biking as an Active Transportation

The framework illustrates the input-process-output (IPO) model of the study entitled Active

Transportation: Different Influence of Biking as a Means of Transport to Grade 11 Student


       As shown in Figure 1, First is the inputs which includes the experiences of grade 11 public

school students in biking, reasons for biking’s transportable influence, and the encouragement to

use bikes as a means of transport. Researchers highlighted the influence of biking to the said

students wherein it is the most essential thing to begin the operation.  Second, the process which

includes data gathering through questionnaires and surveys, presentation of data, and

interpretation and analysis of gathered data; those are the methods that the researchers used to

finally attain the output. Lastly, the output that includes the consistent influence and motivation

upon using bikes as a means of transportation, valid or acceptable reasons why the influence of

using bikes occurred, and the effectiveness it gives to the grade 11 public school students of

Mandaluyong City.

         The conceptual framework shows the flow of the study. The researchers conducted data

gathering through distribution of questionnaires and surveys, followed by analysis and

interpretation of data gathered to further deepen the understanding of the study and determine the

influence of biking to student bicyclists. 

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              This research encloses the transportable influence of biking to grade 11 public school

students in Mandaluyong City.

 These are the valuable questions that aim to be answered at the end part of this study:

        1. What are the experiences of grade 11 public school students in biking?

      2. What makes the grade 11 public school students involved in biking as a means of


        3. How is biking becoming a transportable influence to Grade 11 Public School Students in

Mandaluyong City?

       Biking has been influential to grade 11 public school students and helped them in different

ways that other students should also consider to try.

Page |9


          The purpose of this research is to determine how influential biking is to the grade 11

public school students in Mandaluyong City. Biking is an important companion in the lives of

students in its different aspects. It provides certain feelings and reasons why using bicycles is


           These days, bicycles become popular and well-known, especially to students coming from

Mandaluyong City. Uses for transport whether it's going to school or to travel. Bicycle is the best

option when going to different places without the need of gasoline, as it also gives a good

stamina for the body.

            To the environment, use of bike gives a big contribution to a healthy environment as it

lessens the emissions of noise and smokes coming from different types of vehicles.

           To the community, the famous traffic jam in Mandaluyong is preventable if use becomes

more influential. Communities should make sure that the use of bicycles is promoted to youth

very well. 

             To grade 11 public school students, walking and commuting is no longer an option when

going to school. This study might give future researchers an idea regarding the reasons behind
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the growing influence and benefits of biking among the grade 11 public school students in

Mandaluyong City.


                 Biking’s transportable influence to grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong

City is visible and evident on the streets. The following are the words used by the researchers

within their study.

Bicycles. It is a vehicle with two wheels mounted one behind the other in a frame, driven by

pedals and guided by handlebars attached to the front wheel. In this research, it is the object that

is being used in order to do biking in going to or leaving school.

Biking. It is to go somewhere by bicycle. In this research, this is the act of riding a bike for

transportation that is being done by grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong City.

Influence. It is the ability to influence someone's or something's character, growth, or conduct,

or the effect itself. In the paper, it refers to the power which cause an effect why students decided

to ride a bike rather than riding vehicles or commuting.

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Stamina. It is the ability to maintain a high level of physical or mental exertion for an extended

period of time. In this research, it refers on how biking improves one’s own physical capacity or


Transportable. It is a word which means it can be transported from one location to another. In

this research, it pertains how good and influential biking is as a means of transport for students.


               Chosen grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong City, specifically Andres

Bonifacio Integrated School (ABIS), Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales (MPNAG),

Highway Hills Integrated School (HHIS), City of Mandaluyong Science High School (CMSHS),

and Mandaluyong High School (MHS) are the participants of this study. The participants are

only limited to 30 students: 15 bicyclist boys and 15 bicyclist girls from different public schools

in Mandaluyong City. The researchers selected them as the participants because they believe that

they are capable of answering the surveys/questionnaires constructively.

                This study will not address the broader issues of students who do not use or ride

bicycles; instead, it will concentrate on the specific topic. Researchers hope to characterize the

transportable influence of biking by administering the same questionnaires to a group of

students/respondents who will serve as the primary source of data. This study's findings will only

apply to students who desire to learn the transportable influence of biking.

P a g e | 12

                 The study duration starts from February, 2022 to June, 2022. This study covered the

transportable influence of biking to grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong City. The

data gathered and collected by the researchers are possible with the support of the survey or



       The present study scrutinizes the transportable influence, as well as the benefits or effects —

health and social of biking to grade 11 public school students coming from Mandaluyong City.

In addition, the importance of using bicycles is examined as well. One of the purposes of this

study is to understand how influential biking is as a means of transport to grade 11 public school

students in Mandaluyong City.


     Use of bikes for students going to school has been part of the culture and everyday

transportation on the road. Interest in active modes of students such as biking

increased significantly over the past decades. The choice for biking is affected by different
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determinants and to a different extent (Ton et al., 2019) that’s why the population of students

using bikes as their means of transport still varies. Students' chance of utilizing active

transportation, such as biking, versus inactive travel, such as driving to and from school, was

evaluated using multilevel logistic models across distance and school-level income categories.

(Ross & Curka, 2021). 


       Schools have a crucial role in promoting bicycle use through collaboration when designing

public policies that consider access to bike lane networks (Estevan et al., 2018). Compared to car

commuters, people who walk or bike for transportation have better health, subjective well-being,

and longevity (Dinu et al., 2019). It also reduces traffic, decreases noise, and reduces pollution

(Gössling et al., 2019) which is beneficial for the social growth of a community with students.

Biking is also a great form of physical activity because of its versatility in intensity and type

which enhances cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular fitness, body composition, and prevention

of cognitive decline (Bopp et al., 2018). Therefore, it is important to quantify the numerous

benefits of using bicycles to improve biking rates to students.


        Data from National Household Travel Survey (NHTS, 2021) indicates that rates of biking

among youths have remained stable as decades go by. In Spite of that, biking has been associated
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with certain risks related to the safety of students as it sometimes leads to injuries, fatalities and

exposure to environmental pollution. It is essential to note that data from the Center for Disease

Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that since 1977, biking fatalities among youth have been

reduced by about 90%. Practice of regular activity that mainly includes biking into the lives of

students can also create lifelong habits. It is recommended for students to use bikes as a means of

transport as it is a simple way to achieve aerobic activity without the need of planning, as it will

be done through the use of bikes in transportation (Bopp et al., 2018).

Biking’s potential to improve the rates of active transportation and result in all health and

social benefits are visible. It has been recognized as an important means in also promoting public

health for students. Biking is not only used for transportation, but can also be used for different

aspects of living as a student such as the process and lifestyle they possess. The benefits of using

a bike for students in transport can serve as a possible change to the present era where cars are

timely used and commuting is the only option for transport, to some. In general, biking as a

means of transport produces a great influence to grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong

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  This chapter represents the method used, sample of the study, sampling procedure, research

instrument, and data gathering.

Method Used
This research is all about the Transportable Influence of Biking to Grade 11 Public

School Students in Mandaluyong City. The researchers used in this study is Phenomenology as it

embodies their intention to know the different ways on how biking influences the grade 11

public school students in Mandaluyong City as their means of transportation. According to this

method, Liamputtong (2014) defines phenomenology as searching for a variety of meanings

attributed to a phenomenon that provides a comprehensive description instead of an explanation.

In addition, it commonly focuses on how people give meaning to their specific experience in

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Sample of The Study

The researchers chose thirty (30) within Grade 11 public school students for their

research; fifteen (15) girls and fifteen (15) boys. They were chosen by the researchers because

they are the ones that commonly ride bikes for transportation and who can respond to the

survey/questionnaire constructively.

Sampling Procedure
Purposive Sampling was used in this research in terms of gathering data and information

about the transportable influence of biking to grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong

City. In accordance with this method, which is an example of non-probability sampling, it

identifies and selects individuals or groups of individuals that are especially knowledgeable

about or experienced with a phenomenon of interest (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011).

Instrument of The Study

The researchers created fifteen (15) questions/statements in order to respond to the

survey/questionnaire on Grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong City who were

influenced to use bikes as their means of transportation. The researchers used the internet to

obtain data and information relevant to their research. With regards to the contents of survey

questionnaires, researchers prepared 10 dichotomous questions/statements for which the

respondents will choose for every two options. They also prepared a five item likert scale
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statements about the factors of Influence that are answerable by Extremely Influential,

Influential, Somewhat Influential, Not so Influential, and Not Influential at all.

Data Gathering Procedure

For this study, each selected respondent received an individualized survey-questionnaire.

The respondents were asked to fill out the survey questionnaire using google form and have it

collected by the researchers once they were finished. After that, the survey-questionnaire was

given and collected.


              This part comprises all necessary tables, interpretations, data, and researches related to the

result of the research. 

Table 1

 Total frequency distribution of Grade 11 public school students and their experiences in riding a bike.

               The tables show the responses of male and female grade 11 students in Mandaluyong City

about their experiences of riding a bike whenever they're going to school.

Table 1.1



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1. Are bikes good for transportations? 28 2 30

2. Is using a bike the easiest way for a student like you to go to school? 25 5 30

3. Do you feel safe when you are using or riding a bike? 17 13 30

4. Do you agree that the government should endorse the use of bikes more 29 1 30
seriously, especially to students?

        In Table 1.1, under the YES column, it shows that question number 4, "Are bikes good for

transportation?" has the highest response. Out of 30 respondents, there are twenty-nine (29) votes who

agreed that bikes are good in terms of transportation.

Table 1. 2




5. What do you think is more convenient that will help you save 27 3 30
more time and money?

6. Which means of transportation do you prefer to use? 17 13 30

            In Table 1.2, under the BIKING column, question number 1, "What do you think is more

convenient that will help you save more time and money?" has the highest response. Out of 30

respondents, there are twenty-seven (27) votes who say that biking can save you money and time.

Table 1.3



7. Bike lanes can help you go to your destinations safely and fast, it is 29 1 30
convenient for students.
P a g e | 19

8. Riding a bike improves your stamina, flexibility, and makes it better 30 0 30


9. My family and friends influence me to ride a bike, especially in going to 16 14 30

school or in nearby places.

10. Biking allows me to meet new sets of friends and companions. 19 11 30

                 In Table 1.3, under the TRUE column, question number 2, "Riding a bike improves your

stamina, flexibility, and makes it better overall." has the highest response of thirty (30), so technically

they'll agree that riding a bike can make you healthy physically.

Table 2
Total Frequency Distribution of Grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong City and their
responses about the factors of influence when riding a bike. 


5 4 3 2 1 W.M D.E

Biking helps me to exercise whenever I ride on it. 14 9 5 2 0 4.17 Extremely

(70 (36) (15) (4 (0) Influential 
) )

I usually ride a bike with my friends. 5 10 9 0 6 3.27 Somewhat

(25 (40) (27) (0 (6) Influential
) )

Riding a bike is the easiest way for me to save 15 7 6 2 0 4.17 Extremely

money. (75 (28) (18) (4 (0) Influential
) )

It’s more comfortable to ride a bike rather than 8 8 10 4 0 3.67 Influential

commuting. (40 (32) (30) (8 (0)
) )

I feel safe whenever I'm riding a bike. 2 9 14 3 2 3.20 Not so Influential

(10 (36) (42) (6 (2)
) )

3.70 Influential 
P a g e | 20

         Table 2 reveals the factors of influence for grade 11 public school students when riding a bike

with their corresponding degree or level of influence. Out of 5 listed factors of influence, only 2

resulted in a descriptive equation (D.E) of “Extremely Influential” while the other 3 resulted in

different results; “Somewhat Influential”, “Influential”, and “Not so Influential”. 

           The “Extremely Influential” factors of influence with their respective number of weighted

mean were factors of influence # 1 - Biking helps me to exercise whenever I ride on it, 4.17; and # 3 -

I usually ride a bike with my friends, 4.17. This just proves the research of Furzer et al. (2021) that

activities (e.g. biking) can be enjoyed outside of a formal setting, and may enhance health outcomes

across the lifespan. In terms of the 3 remaining columns, “Influential” is factor of influence #4 - It’s

more comfortable to ride a bike rather than commuting, 3.67; “Somewhat Influential” is factor of


# 2 - I usually ride a bike with my friends, 3.27; and “Not so Influential” is factor of influence  # 5 - I

feel safe whenever I'm riding a bike. 

             Lastly, the overall weighted mean of 5 factors of influence is 3.70 which only means that it

has a descriptive equation of “Influential”. All factors have not resulted in a “Not Influential at All”

descriptive response. 
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             The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of bicycles on grade 11 students

in Mandaluyong City. In order to gather information or data, a survey-questionnaire is used by

the researchers. The researchers used a Google form to administer a survey to grade 11 pupils to

determine how the bike influenced them. The survey contains questions and statements with

regards to biking using a checklist. In addition, the second part of the survey has statements

about the factors of influence that were also given for the respondents to answer and for the

respondents to have wider insight. The researchers posed a question to the responders, asking if

using bikes is beneficial to them. The researchers kept the results of the grade 11 students google

form survey-questionnaire unpublished. 


The research revealed the following findings: 

1. What are the experiences of grade 11 public school students in biking?

       The experiences of grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong City when riding a

bike are the safety of biking, improvement of stamina, bonding with friends, saving a lot of

money or savings, comfortability compared in commuting or riding cars, and having fun

which is good for every transportation.  

2. What makes the grade 11 public school students involved in biking as a means of

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          Some of the grade 11 students here in Mandaluyong City mostly use bikes to go to

school since it is the easiest way to save their money and also good for the environment

because it is one of the eco-friendliest as it produces zero pollution. Another reason is

because of how influential it becomes especially when they are with friends wherein they can

create more genuine memories as time passes by when going to or leaving school. 

3. How is biking becoming a transportable influence to Grade 11 Public School Students in

Mandaluyong City?

           Grade 11 students are "EXTREMELY INFLUENCED" in terms of "Riding a bike is

the easiest way for me to save money" and "Biking helps me to exercise whenever I ride on

it". In terms of "I usually ride a bike with my friends," it is influential, the student says.

Lastly, in "It's more comfortable to ride a bike rather than commute," the student’s response

was not so influential.


                The researchers supported the following conclusions: In consideration of biking’s

influence in transportation within this research, bikes have a transportable influence and impact

on mobility; particularly for grade 11 students in Mandaluyong City. There are thirty (30) grade

11 students who say that riding bikes have benefits in transportation. The grade 11 students

(male and female) in Mandaluyong City use bikes when they are heading to or leaving school.

They even find it as the simplest means of transport when saving money, and it has many

benefits, including the opportunity to improve physical ability, the freedom to travel anywhere

you like, the absence of pollution, and the lack of need for concern while riding a bike now that

bike lanes are available. These are the advantages why biking has its transportable influence to

grade 11 public school students in Mandaluyong City. 

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The researchers provided the following recommendations:

1. Riding a bike should be considered for all students as their means of transport as it will be

easier and less-hassle for them to go to school. For example, in Japan, most of the students in this

country use bikes for their transportation especially when going to and leaving school.

2. Public/private school students should always think of "safety first" in order to avoid accidents.

They should apply it whenever they are riding a bike for them to keep away from danger and

create a less-worry environment and safer transportation.

3. Stakeholders (government, teachers, parents, and school administrators) should support the

use of bikes for students to be more influenced by using it. They can create different facilities

like bike lanes and parking for bikes in every school.

4. The government should hold seminars or programs about the importance of bicycles and their

benefits so that a large number of students can be educated on how to ride a bicycle.

5. Mayors in every city and province should also provide free bikes to public schools for those

students who can't afford to buy them and make a place where the beginners can practice so they

can freely ride a bike and avoid the dangers on the road.
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Bopp, M., Sims, D., & Piatkowski, D. (2018). Bicycling for Transportation: An Evidence-Base for

Communities. In Google Books. Elsevier.





Estevan, I., Queralt, A., & Molina-García, J. (2018). Biking to School: The Role of Bicycle-Sharing

Programs in Adolescents. Journal of School Health, 88(12), 871–876.

Furzer, B., Rebar, A., Dimmock, J. A., More, A., Thornton, A. L., Wright, K., Colthart, A., & Jackson,

B. (2021). Exercise is medicine… when you enjoy it: Exercise enjoyment, relapse prevention

efficacy, and health outcomes for youth within a drug and alcohol treatment service. Psychology

of Sport and Exercise, 52, 101800.

Gössling, S., Choi, A., Dekker, K., & Metzler, D. (2019). The Social Cost of Automobility, Cycling and

Walking in the European Union. Ecological Economics, 158, 65–74.
P a g e | 25

National Household Travel Survey Compendium of Uses. (2021). Compedium of uses, PDF.

Stroope, J. (2021). Active transportation and social capital: The association between walking or biking

for transportation and community participation. Preventive Medicine, 150, 106666.

Ton, D., Duives, D. C., Cats, O., Hoogendoorn-Lanser, S., & Hoogendoorn, S. P. (2019).

Cycling or walking? Determinants of mode choice in the Netherlands. Transportation Research

Part A: Policy and Practice, 123, 7–23.
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