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Activity #1. Enumerate and answer what is asked in the following questions:

1. Name the parts of the Volleyball Court: 15 pts.

a. backline

b. centre line

c. front zone

d. back zone

e. sideline

f. service area

B. Voleyball can be played by:

a. men

b. women

C. Equipment and Facilities in Volleyball:

a. court

b. net

c. ball

D. Standard height of the net in Men and Women.

a. The standard height used for men over the age of 15 is 2.43 meters measured from the
lowest point of the net to the court floor.

b. For women over the age of 13, the standard measurement is 2.24 meters.

E. Standard measurement of the Volleyball Net.

a. The net extends to each of the sidelines on the court and should be the same height at both
sidelines. The net itself is 1 meter wide. At either end of the net, an antenna is attached that is 10 mm in
diameter and extends 1.8 meters above the net. These antennae are considered part of the net and are
used to delineate the vertical crossing space
Activity #2. Draw and label its parts and the dimensions of the following equipment and facilities of
Volleybal: 10 pts. each.

1. Court.

2. Net.
3. Ball.

TO DO: (Enrichment)
Make a photo or send pictures of yours which describes, and identifying the equipment and facilities
used in playing Volleyball. (Court, Net and Ball.)


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